Forbidden Friends (Scourge x Ashfur)

Forbidden Friends (Scourge x Ashfur)

28,427 1,163 14

(CONTAINS YAOI BOY X BOY)This is an AU of if Ashfur left the clans behind because he was so angry at Squirrelflight that she chose Brambleclaw over him. He just felt like he needed to run from everything, from Squirrelflight from Brambleclaw, and from the entirety of Thunderclan. Ashfur wanted a fresh slate. He didn't feel like he belonged, and continued to run until he couldn't see anymore trees, but an urban town where he accidentally crosses BloodClan's borders and meets someone unexpected. An: Characters do not belong to me, but Erin Hunter.…

Maybe We Weren't Meant To Be

Maybe We Weren't Meant To Be

84 0 9

Starting the school year is awesome especially when you know there's going to be a new class member. Join Mandy as she goes through her school year with her best friend Ashley and her newfound classmates or should I say boy-friends…

Bouquets of You

Bouquets of You

44 8 4

bouquet[bōˈkā, bo͞oˈkā]NOUNan attractively arranged bunch of flowers, especially one presented as a gift or carried at a ceremony.synonyms:bunch of flowers · posy · nosegay · spray · sprig · wreath · garland · chaplet · corsage · buttonhole · boutonnière · tussie-mussie~Avery Charles is a business man who lives with his daughter, Ivymai. After his wife passed, he only found love from his daughter, she resembled her so much. Her beautiful brown skin, black hair, and shiny brown eyes all made him only think of his wife. While he admired his daughter dearly, he needed a new kind of love. Marc Cunningham was a business man too. But not in the 'work in your office and look at a computer type of guy'. He sold flowers. He loves flowers. They made him smile, their calming scents and vivid colors made him feel wonderful on the inside.Working with his adopted daughter, Jasmine, they sold flowers to everyone of New York City. Will Avery accept Marc's bouquet of love?…