Stories of prophets in islam

Stories of prophets in islam

6,078 180 25

You don't have to be a muslim to read the prophets stories. Maybe you are curious. I'm not the one writing the stories, i'm taking them from an app called "Stories of prophets". Each part (story) has one and really long chapter.…



11,364 920 13

story of the holy prophet, the most beloved creature of Allah, the most respected man on earth. 🙏🙏💗…



7,791 815 12

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم In the name of Allah most beneficent most merciful.This book is dedicated as a sadaqatul Jariya to my late Father .…

Straight Path

Straight Path

4,312 329 9

Words of our beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ…

❤️Sayings of Prophet Muhammad(S.A.W)❤️

❤️Sayings of Prophet Muhammad(S.A.W)❤️

572 45 6

Here are some sayings of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)❤️…

Everything Islam

Everything Islam

69 0 28

This book is all you need to know about Islam…

The Life Of Prophet Muhammed

The Life Of Prophet Muhammed

7,987 108 57

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Beyond a shadow of doubt, the biography of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) manifestedly represents an exhaustive embodiment of the sublime Divine Message that he communicated in order to deliver the human race from the swamp of darkness and polytheism to the paradise of light and monotheism. An image, authentic as well as comprehensive, of this Message is therefore only attainable through careful study and profound analysis of both backgrounds and issues of such a biography. >>>>>>>>>><<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<>Source: Tafsir Ibn Kathir. QURAN Commentary-app…



179 7 3

complete biography of prophet Muhammad ﷺ…

Where there is Love , there is Karbala .

Where there is Love , there is Karbala .

1,417 199 25

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم( In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.) لبيكَ ياحُسينIMAM HUSSAIN ( AS) stood alone , saying 'O ALLAH I have done my duty and exposed your enemies , so that mankind do not remain in dark a what is truth and evil . I have given all the sacrifice and now stand to give my life too.' The name of IMAM HUSSAIN (AS) is enough to bring tears to your eyes & enough to change your soul and the world !" The world is unable to present an example finer and brighter than the personality of IMAM HUSSAIN (A.S) . He was the embodiment of love , valor and personification of sacrifice and devotion . Every Human , in Particular, must learn a lesson from his life and should seek guidance from him " .In a few days , the story of eternal love will be retold , a story that has been told over and over , for more than a thousands years . And which should be stapled in our hearts , as long as every heart beats . LABBAIK YA HUSSAIN (A.S)…



2,318 103 7

(completed)✔️Allah azza wa jal says,إِنَّ اللَّهَ وَمَلَائِكَتَهُ يُصَلُّونَ عَلَى النَّبِيِّ يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا صَلُّوا عَلَيْهِ وَسَلِّمُوا تَسْلِيمًاAllah and His angels send blessings on the Prophet: O you that believe! Send your blessings on him, and salute him with all respect. (33:56)…



6,596 560 24

Assalamu Alaikum, Here I have some Hadiths and sayings of our beloved Prophet (SAW). Enjoy!!!…

Love in the Light of Faith: A Journey Through Islamic Love Stories

Love in the Light of Faith: A Journey Through Islamic Love Stories

46,010 1,075 8

Many of what we call "love stories" today are nothing more than stories of lust and desire, physical attraction disguised as love.Is love about dying for the one you love or living every breath with him/her?Swapping love notes... exchange , living happily ever after...Normally, we associate these ideas of love with couples who meet, date, and fall head over heels for each other. Very rarely do we relate these images to married couples.Moreover, we almost never connect this perception to Muslim couples, who marry according to purely Islamic customs. Although this link is quite rare, there actually exists an example in Islaam's own history, which not only depicts this kind of love but goes far beyond it.For ease of reading, I have not inserted "Peace be upon him" each time the name of the prophet SAW is mentioned in some stories, but please take it that the salutation apply to him peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him..The stories have been compiled from various sites/books/lectures/Articles....…

Stories of prophet Muhammad (SAW)

Stories of prophet Muhammad (SAW)

1,743 203 16

This book is created about Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and stories of the life of prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him). This book contains multiple stories of prophet Mohammad that will inspire you in multiple ways and allow you to become a better person. INSHALLAH ❤️…

Sayings Of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

Sayings Of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

2,112 211 97

Here are some sayings of Prophet Muhammad (SAW), which will be useful for us.…

Marriage life of Prophet pbuh -Justified!

Marriage life of Prophet pbuh -Justified!

11,084 738 18

Prophet [pbuh] is given (by Allâh) more freedom as regards the number of wives he can hold than other Muslims in order to achieve noble and honourable purposes.However, the treatment of the Messenger of Allâh [pbuh] to his wives was of honourable, noble, and superb nature!___\\\____\\\_____\\\Most of the people have a great misunderstanding towards the Polygamy in Islam! Plus most of us never really know the real purpose of why Prophet (sal) had eleven wives!These marriages were in fact motivated by aims and purposes much more glorious and greater than what normal marriages usually aim at!^^^This book consist of the real motives, aims and justifications of the marriage life of the holy prophet (sal)!^^^P.s: a small attempt to clarify the misconception about the holy Prophet!Source: Tafsir Ibn Kathir. QURAN Commentary-app…

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and Contemporary Rulers

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and Contemporary Rulers

48 0 10

A short book, written to document the interactions of the Prophet ﷺ with the various rulers (i.e. Kings and Princes) who lived at the same time as Him. Included within this book are the stories of some kings who converted to Islam or accepted the fact that Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was a true Prophet.…



3,675 253 23

Assalaamu Allaikum, Hope you are all doing well I just wanted to say this book is simply a little reminder to all of us (myself included) sometimes I will post and inspirational quote, facts, or story's about some of the companions of the prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) and in-sha-Allah more. Also please I am a human being so I'm bound to make mistakes , so please if you see a mistake don't judge me and just talk to me privately .Jazakallah Khairan for taking your time to read and I hope we all benefit from this. May Allah help us each and every single day of lives not only in this world but the hereafter as well (Ameen)And last but not least I know I'm rambling (sorry) but if you could do me a favour and like, vote and share this because if you have knowledge and share it with other you well get a reward from Allah (SWT) in return.…

Allah's Plan For You & Me

Allah's Plan For You & Me

64,611 6,146 194

This book is about Islamic teachings and other topics.Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) said, "Seeking knowledge is an obligation on every Muslim. Indeed, Allah loves those who strive in their quest for knowledge."…



242 40 15

In this book you can read about life of our beloved Prophet Muhammad saw (pbuh)…

Islamic Quotes

Islamic Quotes

10,038 757 33

Assalamu Alaikum everyone!This book is filled with Motivational, inspiration and beautiful Islamic Quotes to start your day. Enjoy!!!…