Star ruby
Star ruby is that one of kind gem which is not easy to find. It is highly lustrous; uncommon and is certainly an assortment of gems that shows asterism. It is a six rayed star that that gleams over the surface of the stone when it is moved. Star ruby is one of those amongst others which hold astounding properties, the properties and its highly startling color makes star ruby the most valuable and thus is treasured.Ruby has been a charm of enthusiasm, insurance and success. It symbolizes the sun, and its sparkling shade proposes an inextinguishable fire inside of the stone that legends case would radiate through even the thickest apparel and couldn't be covered up; if Ruby were cast into water it would make it bubble and if cut and squeezed into wax, it would soften the wax. It was worn as a special necklace or appeal to avert disease and plague, cautioned its wearer of approaching threat, kept the body safe, and exiled pity and absurd musings. It was presumed to bring its proprietor peace, head out horrible dreams, limit desire, and to determine debate. Burmese legend pronounces embedding a Ruby into the tissue would make one totally immune it promotes a clear mind, increased concentration and motivation, and brings a sense of power to the wearer, a self-confidence and determination that overcomes timidity and propels one toward prosperity and achievement.…