Notte di speranza a seoul

Notte di speranza a seoul

1 0 1

J-Hope, uno dei membri della famosa boy band sudcoreana BTS, aveva conquistato i cuori di milioni di fan in tutto il mondo con la sua energia contagiosa e il suo sorriso luminoso. Tuttavia, dietro quella maschera di felicità, c'era un vuoto che sentiva sempre più forte. Nonostante il successo, J-Hope cercava ancora l'amore vero.La storia si svolge nella vibrante metropoli di Seoul, dove J-Hope si ritrova spesso immerso negli orari frenetici delle prove, delle registrazioni e delle esibizioni. Ma in mezzo al trambusto della città, un incontro casuale cambierà la sua vita.Una sera, mentre camminava per le strade illuminate di neon di Gangnam, J-Hope incrociò lo sguardo di una giovane donna di nome Soo-Min. I loro occhi si incontrarono per un istante, ma quel breve momento scatenò un turbinio di emozioni in entrambi. J-Hope si sentiva attratto da Soo-Min in modo che non aveva mai provato prima.Con il cuore in tumulto, J-Hope decise di seguirlo e, dopo un breve scambio di parole, scoprì che Soo-Min era una talentuosa ballerina di danza contemporanea.Tuttavia, la strada dell'amore non sarebbe stata facile. J-Hope doveva bilanciare il suo impegno con la band e la sua crescente affinità con Soo-Min. La loro relazione fiorì tra le luci scintillanti di Seoul, con i due innamorati che esploravano la città insieme, condividendo momenti romantici in luoghi iconici come il Namsan Tower e il Bukchon Hanok Village.Ma la fama e l'attenzione mediatica iniziarono a mettere a dura prova la loro relazione. J-Hope e Soo-Min dovettero affrontare sfide, gelosie e compromessi per trovare un equilibrio tra la loro vita privata e la carriera di J-Hope."Note di Speranza a Seoul" è una storia appassionante che esplora il viaggio di J-Hope verso la ricerca dell'amore e la sua lotta per mantenere vivo quel sentimento nella frenetica città di Seoul. Tra alti e bassi, la storia dimostra che, anche nell'occhio del ciclone della celebrità, è possibile trovare un amore since…

La prigione che respira

La prigione che respira

5 2 1

Se dovessi semplicemente spiegare cosa è una prigione che respira, non saprei farlo. Preferisco piuttosto raccontarvi un po della mia storia, cercando così di farvelo capire e di mostrarvi in che modo sto per uscirne. Sono un uomo solo, o meglio, da un po di tempo a questa parte, ho capito di essere destinato a vivere da solo. Ad essere sincero nel mio appartamento vive un uomo, 32 anni, è il mio maggiordomo, lavora per me da circa sei anni. Sono il proprietario di un'azienda di prodotti per la pulizia delle automobili, con circa 150 dipendenti. Dopo l'ennesimo licenziamento, ho assuto una una stagista di 26 anni, ha detto di chiamarsi Silvia e ha superato brillantemente il test del caffè, requisito per i miei standard più che sufficente. Non mi importa delle vite dei miei dipendenti, non mi porta di quanti membri è composta la loro famiglia, ma mi importa del loro rendimento, per questo quando qualcuno comincia a rallentare, viene subito tagliato fuori per evitare che l'azienda ne possa risentire, e oltretutto in questo periodo ci sono migliaia di persone fuori dalla porta pronte a dare la vita pur di avere un lavoro, facilitandomi la vita. Ogni giorno ripeto sempre gli stessi gesti, la mia vita è scandita regolarmente da azioni puntuali che non tardano mai. Era un lunedì di settembre il primo giorno di lavoro di Silvia, e io come ogni giorno mi sono stato svegliato e vestito dal maggiordomo che puntalmente mi ha accompagnato al lavoro. Appena arrivato mi accorsi subito che nel silenzio di quella stanza c'era qualcosa di diverso, c'era una bellissima ragazza seduta accanto alla mia sedia, con una carpetta in mano che mi sorrideva. Le prime parole che le dissi furono:> lei mi sorrise e rispose >...Se vi piace la continuo :)…

hot fire - B.T.

hot fire - B.T.

122 4 1

Stiles younger sister (only by one and a half years) Maria was introduced to the supernatural world when she met Derek Hale. She also had a crush on him ever since. But she knows that they will never have a romantic relationship because of the age gap. One year later when Maria was a sophomore and Liam her best friend was a freshman (A/N: at the beginning of season 4) she was turned into a Heretic at around the same time Scott bit Liam and he turned into a Werewolf.Apparently Maria was a witch her whole life but she never knew. She always felt drawn to nature but she just thought that she liked nature and nothing more. Then Katherine Pierce came into the picture. She was the one who turned Maria. And she was the one who left her in the middle of the street after she turned her and said nothing except "If you wanna live you better get some human blood into your organism. Oh and.. you should work on your magic it sucks." and with that she vanished. Maria has no one of her kind in her city no one who could help her. All her friends were werewolves and not some blood suckers. The only one who could help a little was Deaton. He knew that I needed a daylight ring. Which she had to make herself with the help of an old grimmuar Deaton had from his old friend who died. In that grimmuar were stories about witches, hybrids, heretics all sorts of supernatural beings and a whole bunch of spells of course. With time she got better at being a vampire as well as a witch and controlling her emotions. Luckily she doesn't have any huge problems anymore which is good because she and her friends have other things, bigger things to worry about. The only thing she didn't know was the amount of lust she would feel whenever looking at or talking to Liams ex friend/enemy Brett Talbot which will become a huge problem because she didn't have to deal with her lust and horniness before since she wasn't attracted to anyone else the whole time she was a vampire.…

hot fire - Brett Talbot ff

hot fire - Brett Talbot ff

182 3 1

Stiles younger sister (only by one and a half years) Maria was introduced to the supernatural world when she met Derek Hale. She also had a crush on him ever since. But she knows that they will never have a romantic relationship because of the age gap. One year later when Maria was a sophomore and Liam her best friend was a freshman (A/N: at the beginning of season 4) she was turned into a Heretic at around the same time Scott bit Liam and he turned into a Werewolf.Apparently Maria was a witch her whole life but she never knew. She always felt drawn to nature but she just thought that she liked nature and nothing more. Then Katherine Pierce came into the picture. She was the one who turned Maria. And she was the one who left her in the middle of the street after she turned her and said nothing except "If you wanna live you better get some human blood into your organism. Oh and.. you should work on your magic it sucks." and with that she vanished. Maria has no one of her kind in her city no one who could help her. All her friends were werewolves and not some blood suckers. The only one who could help a little was Deaton. He knew that I needed a daylight ring. Which she had to make herself with the help of an old grimmuar Deaton had from his old friend who died. In that grimmuar were stories about witches, hybrids, heretics all sorts of supernatural beings and a whole bunch of spells of course. With time she got better at being a vampire as well as a witch and controlling her emotions. Luckily she doesn't have any huge problems anymore which is good because she and her friends have other things, bigger things to worry about. The only thing she didn't know was the amount of lust she would feel whenever looking at or talking to Liams ex friend/enemy Brett Talbot which will become a huge problem because she didn't have to deal with her lust and horniness before since she wasn't attracted to anyone else the whole time she was a vampire.*smut warning*…

Cos'è l'Aesthetic?

Cos'è l'Aesthetic?

384 9 1

La parola "Aesthetic" ha origine dal greco e vuol significare una sensazione o un assorbimento del mondo che ci circonda attraverso l'uso dei sensi. 
La nascita del termine in sé risale al 1750, quando con un trattato, Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten, precisò che l'aesthetic è la "scienza del bello, e delle arti liberali" dunque tutte le attività artistiche come la pittura, la danza, musica ecc.
Confermando ciò, egli diede un grande peso allo studio della percezione attraverso i sensi, che scindeva dalla percezione del mondo attraverso la mente.
Successivamente, con Denis Diderot, si abbandona ogni schema idealistico poiché egli considera che il senso del bello è unicamente racchiuso tra rapporto di oggetto-soggetto, e cioè che le emozioni e le sensazioni che si provano nel osservare qualcosa, sono intime, e dunque chiarisce il senso di"aesthetic": ciò che si riesce a percepire in base alla propria esperienza personale.
Ma in una generazione tecnologica, contaminata da stimoli sensoriali continui, cosa vuol dire veramente creare un "aesthetic"?
Nasce sui social questa forma di comunicazione che incentra la trasmissione di sensazioni e di emozioni in base a collegamenti di foto, brani da ascoltare e soprattutto la ricerca di determinate parole ed accostamenti eleganti che vadano a suscitare nel lettore una sensazione di appagamento, rabbia, libertà, occlusione, e tutto ciò che porta l'anima a purificarsi attraverso un moodboard (concept) studiato ad hoc. 
L'aesthetic non è solo un libro da leggere, ma da consultare quotidianamente, poiché esso ha la capacità di farci urlare, emozionare, piangere, ridere, e di poter azzerare quella sensazione di "sporco" che talvolta proviamo nell'anima.
In una generazione connessa, dunque, mi sento di dire che l' aesthetic è un meraviglioso backup dell'anima umana, un hard disk esterno che ci permette di mantenerci vivi senza mai dimenticare realmente chi siamo.…

  The 3 C.B.S

The 3 C.B.S

399 48 17

Deja vu! Or should I say a gilmpse of my memory ...I don't know.They say 'Forget it.Don't try to remember them.' But they don't know that the two c.b.s are not only my friends but also my whole world revolves around them.Then who am I to forget them? Are you freaking kidding with me?Some people also seem to ask me,"Do you love them?"oh dear , don't you love yourself or some parts of your body like heart or brain? Then you have my answer.Some people even don't try to hide their curiosity, "Are you depressed?"Yeah.I'm ..I'm floating on the sea of depression. ...I always feel like I'm hanging in the mid air.I can't fall down because I'm tied with shackle s. I can't fly away anymore cause they broke off my wings.I'm feeling suffocated.. The story is not about cilche romance.....It's about three friends who used to call themselves the three convincing bastards....who weren't meant to be together. ...If one is south pole ,the other is north pole and the another is the middle line who connected the other two.....One is silent ,serious & calculative convincing bastard, other is smiling & funny convincing bastard and the another is gentle & righteous convincing bastard. ..They seemed to be incompatible but the truth is opposite."I regret for falling in love with you.No,I don't regret for the wonderful time I have with you.But knowing everything I won't be able to trust you.Believe me,I want to lean on your shoulders,I want get married with you ,bear your children, then die in your arms and enter into Jannat holding your hands.But it won't be possible.We both know it.That's why it hurts more.It hurts like hell."P.s:The cover pic isn't mine ...It's collected from pininterest..My English isn't so good ...please read it on your own risk. .…



4,160 257 112


Pop Song

Pop Song

389 141 101

Some Pop Lyrics…

Say Something

Say Something

601 54 5

Rosalie Aphrodite Galloway, is mute. She 'lost' her voice three years ago when a tragic accident left her scarred and shut away. Don't get me wrong, she can talk. She just doesn't want to. Its her punishment to herself for what had happened. So now she's pretty much an exile, except for her only friend, Venus. Well that was until some certain new boys comes into the picture.Diego Roman Carter: cocky, irritating, playboy, smoking hot badass. When he transferred schools, to Bluewood highschool, he thought nothing of it. Well, that was until he met Rosalie, she is literally the only girl in the whole school that acts like he doesn't exist. Which leaves him intrigued.So now he's out to get the girl who won't give him a sideways glance. Its like no matter how much and hard Rose pushes, he just tries harder to get close and understand her.So will Rose let him in, or will he give up once he finds out more about her?------------------"You don't like me, do you?" Diego asked raising his eyebrows.'No, its not that. It's just that if you were to get hit by a bus right now, I would be the person driving.' I signed, turning to Venus, so she could tell him what I said.She smiled before turning to the annoying asshole, " Long story short, no, she doesn't like you."Diego looked back at me and squatted to look me straight in the eyes.'Well then I'm just gonna have to change your mind babydoll, because I'm not going anywhere anytime soon." He said smirking.I scoffed, before turning on my heels and walking away with Venus trailing behind me, leaving the insufferable prick and his brothers alone in the hallway. I didn't turn around at all but I could feel his eyes following my every move.-------------------warning~ this story contains 'naughty' language, so if you don't like it, don't read it.This story is copyrighted, so please don't 'borrow' anything from me without my consent. Thanks.…

ADAM WOODS: his first trip to a great place!

ADAM WOODS: his first trip to a great place!

9 3 1

Fantasy Novel English translation, from the original Italian version!-DescriptionADAM WOODS: his first trip to a great place!VOLUME I...A fantasy novel, which has as its protagonist a 19-year-old boy, Adam Woods, who undertakes extraordinary adventures.The story, as well as the journey, will be divided into several volumes, through which new sensations and experiences will be felt, capable of transporting readers into another dimension, which goes beyond the limits of space and time, in which we will all be an integral part of the story, and in which, through reading, you will have the role of accompanying the protagonist on his long journey, which in his imagination has lasted for a lifetime: but which only now becomes reality....The Fantasy Novel, dedicated to Adam Woods's travels, is aimed at an audience of young and old dreamers.This first volume is a book to be read in one go, capable of detaching readers from the frenetic rhythms of everyday life, thus being able to let themselves be carried away by the adventures that the main character of the novel will experience, which will be fascinating and unpredictable....Thanks to all readers and I am happily awaiting your impressions, aroused by the Novel.Thank you!Francesco Angotti....Plot: Adam, is a 19-year-old boy, passionate about nature and the environment and always accompanied by the feeling of being in a world that does not belong to him. One day, apparently like many others, he will go on a journey that ......"Ready to go? Open your book and let the journey begin!".Amazon and Amazon Kindle! ✨.#booktok #booktoker #booktokers #booktokerita #booktokeritaliani #fantasyromance #bookinfluenza #romanzofantasy #romance #epicfantasy #romancereads #romancebooks #fantasybooks #librifantasy…



1,643 52 42

Hanging around with your friends, going to school and doing pointless homework, getting into the occasional arguments with your parents, just doing the teenage things. Except they're not. Because everything, just like before, is burning out.…

Never In A Million Years

Never In A Million Years

58 23 13

(IMPORTANT: In progress of writing more chapters and setting up an updating schedule {edited 10/9/22} ~Jay <3)***There are definitely some plot holes, so read at your own risk lol. It's not the best since this is only my second story and it has a lot of events going on throughout the plot, but hopefully y'all like it nonetheless! I also have realized how severely cringy this story is soooo be prepared haha***Never in a million years did Kayla think she would have to go on a road trip across the country....with a stranger. After hearing her dad tell her that she needs to drive a boy, around her age, from Maine to California, Kayla flips out. Who wouldn't, right? But after a long talk with her father, Kayla reluctantly agrees to help. It shouldn't be too hard....right?Wrong.Apparently, it can be very hard. From flat tires, to getting lost, to car accidents, to being chased down by a gang of thieves, what should have been a simple road trip turns into something much more. During a chaotic week full of adventure, two strangers meet and bond in a totally unconventional way.~~~~~~~"Ok, up here take the next right. Wait, or is it left? Which road are we on again?" I sighed. These are going to be the longest two days of my life."We should be on 63.""No, we passed that road a while ago." I glared at Noah."Noah. Where are we?!"He hesitated, "I-I don't know.""You have got to be kidding me right now!"~~~~~~~Warning: will contain suggestive comments, but no swearing.…

Rescue me, please?

Rescue me, please?

149 5 1

I'm an outsider. Truth is, I've always been an outsider, and I always will. I mean, there's never been any crowd were I just fit in, I'm always different. And I'm not saying that different is bad, but I'm just too different for people to understand me. People who are trying to understand me are wrong anyways, I'm not one to be understood. I just want to be accepted, is that too much to ask for? Apparently it is. I've never mentioned to anyone that I don't feel like I belong here. I've never complained once about life, only to myself. I've always tried to put on my best smile for the world, making it look like it's okay, so that they won't worry about something they can never change. They can't change me. They can't change theirselves so that I can fit in with them. I'm just born to stand out. It is the way it is. Yes, it hurts me, all the time, but this is one of those problems nobody can really solve, so we shouldn't waste our energy on it. I just have to accept that I'll probably never be really happy in life.Unless I find other outsiders.Unless I find those other people, those people who belong nowhere, and thus belong together. Those people who share the feeling of being alone, the people who only fit in when they're around those who don't fit in. The outsiders. They're hard to find, always, but when you find one, you've probably found a whole bunch of them, because they attract each other. They do, because isn't life merely about surviving? Doesn't the human body always do the things that makes it easier to survive? If outsiders only really can survive with the company of outsiders, I think the human body has come up with some trick to find other outsiders. I've faith in the way humans work. I've faith in life. I only hope life won't let me down in this.…

Importance of Bronze Sculptures in Historical age

Importance of Bronze Sculptures in Historical age

3 0 1

Bronze statues played a significant role in the historical period. Kings make bronze statues of their lovely queen, Goddess of the fort or city, previous kings, own statues and many more. Hence, bronze statues were popular from older era. Till today, also it maintains consistency in its valuation, quality, lasting and attraction.The great Chola bronze of Queen Sembiyan Mahadevi is popular as the Goddess ParvatiDuring Mohenjodaro and Harappan civilization, the bronze was used very much for art and statues. The bronze statues of many lady dancers, couple dancers in various acts and many kings, queens, God and goddess were found during digging up the same area. The Greeks initiated first about discovering or digging up the old aged bronze statues and making of many attractive statues. Among them seawater-proof bronze 'Victorious Youth' is much popular and it was very much painful to bring it to the museum in Rome.Significance of Bronze statues in Chinese Dynastic cultureThe ancient Chinese citizen knew well about both section mould casting and lost-wax casting. The Shang Dynasty designed huge numbers of Chinese ritual bronzes and vessels covered with mesmerizing decoration, which were buried in to 200 pieces of sets in the tombs of royalty and the nobility. During Egyptian dynastic art period, small sized numerous lost-wax bronze figurines were designed and many of them have been conserved in museum collections. Every year huge numbers of visitors come over here to take a note on these bronze sculptures.Popularity of Bronze statues in Sri LankaThe great Buddhist Alakothiveshwara Tara Devi statue was made in Sinhalese Bronze in Sri Lanka and now it has been carefully conserved in England is one of the best wonderful models of Bronze statues. Between 9th to 13th centuries the Chola dynasty of Southern India was popular as the pinnacle of bronze casting in India. Hence, Bronze has been popular as the most significant component of building of statues in India.…

Journal of Rollo Lavius 2

Journal of Rollo Lavius 2

1,815 461 200

A continuation of a very long running D+D game.As told primarily through the writings of Rollo the Druid, but occasionally others. For more details than you could possibly imagine on the entire thing, go here:…

Going Pear Shaped. A tale of wizards, lizards and galvanised tubing salesmen.

Going Pear Shaped. A tale of wizards, lizards and galvanised tubing salesmen.

2,498 18 20

An unstoppable army of tribal lizard warriors, seething with vengeance and armed to the fangs with swords and axes, is poised to sweep across the lands of Pyrus, a place where both magic and psychic abilities have evolved as natural phenomena. The Brothers of the Paranormal, a sect of benevolent psionic monks, discover that the lizard's aim to have their revenge on the old city of Port Packham and resolve to try and use their abilities to prevent the onslaught.When Norris Bartlett, a struggling metal tubings salesman, is accidentally transported through an unreality hole from his own world into this alternative existence, he becomes the last hope for the Port's inhabitants - and he only went in the kitchen to put the kettle on! He finds that he has to travel across the bizarre, pear-shaped world of Pyrus to seek out a mystical artefact that might save them all - the legendary Lost Pearl of Wisdom. But the Pearl has been hidden by ancient priests and is guarded by an unspeakable horror - which is a pity since it remains Norris's only hope of ever returning to his own existence.He's accompanied on his quest by a novice from the Sisters of the Unexplained and an arrogant, irascible magician whose spellcasting ability is on par with a stuffed otter. Their guide is a desperately inexperienced treasure hunter ("Tombs Raided While U Wait") who couldn't find a brick in a bucket. Armed with ancient maps, magical scrolls and Cadmus's copy of "Amateur Spellcaster", the group set out to return with the Pearl before the invasion begins.In a spectacular and nail-biting climax, Norris discovers he's just a pawn in a plan so audacious that it puts every world in existence on the threshold of destruction – including his own.Norris discovers that he's even worse at preventing universal cataclysms than he ever was at selling Galvanised Tubing. So when things start to go pear shaped, Norris needs all the help he can get.…

Summertime Madness

Summertime Madness

281 32 4

Thalia Atwood is an exceptionally determined young woman who one day aspires to be a prestigious lawyer. Thalia works hard year round to get into her dream school... Oxford. She has spent every school year, summer, and holiday working her butt off to achieve her dreams, but this summer her mom has different plans for her. Thalia has to make the best of a situation she never dreamed of being in. Now the Atwood's are of the coast of Massachusetts, on the wealthy island, Martha's Vineyard, and Thalia finds herself losing her grip on life. The only question is, will someone be there to carry her through it? ~~~~"Why does is cost so much? Geez, am I buying the whole serf shack?" The sarcasm was not very appreciated, apparently. Sam went back to his dismal attitude. "Each board is fifty dollars to rent, the lessons are fifty dollars each, the adult shirt cost twenty, and the children's shirts cost fifteen each, making that a total of three hundred and fifty dollars." This was a bust, now I couldn't serf. I heard the bell at the back of the shack ring and footsteps draw closer. "I'm sorry I only have two hundred on me, I guess I'll come back some other day. Thanks anyways Sam." As I was putting the cash back into my wallet I heard a voice that sounded vaguely familiar. "I'll pay for you." I turned around and was met with those alluring blue eyes that I gazed into for the first time a few days ago. It was Dean.…

Log Date 5 3 1 -Randomness Book-

Log Date 5 3 1 -Randomness Book-

5,633 350 200


Random Craziness: Volume Two

Random Craziness: Volume Two

1,816 556 189

Stay safe, kids.…

His Sister, Their Manager (BTS x Reader)

His Sister, Their Manager (BTS x Reader)

257 2 8

(Note: Date set back in 2017, months after Hwarang: The Poet Warrior Youth was finished.)"Fat.""Worthless.""Ugly.""Stupid.""Fuck off.""Kill yourself!"These are only a few of the numerous, uncountable comments I've received my entire life. On every one of my social media posts: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat... you name it.Being overweight and... fat makes it harder to fit in and move around. I should know. I've been pushed around, slipping over my own two feet with no one bothering to help me up long enough to.By now, I should be used to all of these comments about my weight, even ones threatening me to "kill myself". However, what hurts the most... is that no one believes I am my brother's sibling."You're too fat and ugly to be Seo-joon oppa's sister!"Park Seo-joon. Famous South Korean actor best known for his roles in k-dramas such as She Was Pretty, Fight for My Way, Hwarang: The Poet Warrior Youth, and Kill Me, Heal Me. He's my oppa.Who am I?My name is Park (Name). Sister of Seo-joon, one unnamed older brother, and one unnamed younger brother. Everyone else in South Korea believes I'm not Seo-joon's sister... but I am.But really, in my---and everyone's---eyes, I'm just his shadow.Forever alone, unknown, unwanted, unable to make a name for myself.Maybe it's better... if I just... disappeared... ~~~[WARNING: Depression (?) (at beginning), Strong language (+sexual scenes and nudity if Author-nim intends to add any~ {most likely will be added later on in story}; will give warnings though)](UPDATES ARE WEEKLY!)…