RaghVi - Love, Lust and in between

RaghVi - Love, Lust and in between

36,212 1,669 14

OS series on Raghav and Pallavi's journey as they navigate their relationship post marriage from hatred to love.The series is set post their wedding and captures their key moments as they struggle to understand each other and attempt to build a relationship. Will they succeed?Disclaimer: All characters, plot belong to the serial "Mehndi hai rachne wali"…

From Promise To Betrayal

From Promise To Betrayal

143,112 2,851 29

As the text message notification pinged on her phone, Maria's heart sank. She knew who it was from and what it meant. Her husband's infidelity had been an open secret for months, but seeing the evidence in black and white was a new level of pain. Maria felt like she was drowning in a sea of betrayal and heartbreak, and the idea of ever trusting again seemed impossible. She knew that the road ahead would be long and difficult, but one thing was clear - the wounds of infidelity cut deep, and time alone would not heal them.…

Paper crowns (James Marriott)

Paper crowns (James Marriott)

5,108 81 28

Rennie found herself in an impossible situation. A small hobby has taken a turn and her career is under threat. Only James understood the real reason why...Best Rankings: #1 eboys #100 secretrelationship#511 dreamsmp #577 relationships…

Big Reputation [An Iron Man FanFiction | Pepperony] - COMPLETED

Big Reputation [An Iron Man FanFiction | Pepperony] - COMPLETED

105,418 1,982 17

In the aftermath of the Hammeroid attack, how easily does Tony Stark adapt to having a relationship...and with Pepper Potts of all people. And as if that wasn't hard enough, how can he balance his life with her and the new threat of an impostor Iron Man? Pepperony!!! Set between IM2 and the first Avengers.…

Aradhya ||Indian historical fiction||

Aradhya ||Indian historical fiction||

311,927 13,696 45

||PART 1- REGAL DUOLOGY|| Aradhya, the firstborn of the king of Shiladhika...her life wasn't very pretty. Dispised for being a concubine's daughter insulted on a normal basis and treated inhumanely, Aradhya grew used to it. Stripped of all her powers as a princess, she just stayed in the palace, quietly, and soundly and she was unsung. Her world, quiet, peaceful world tips to a whole other side when a crusade strikes her kingdom while keeping her marriage at bay. . . . .Vihaan, the most prestigious ruler of a prominent empire, Ashokdhar. Respected everyone, arrogant, and yet applauded. Resentment raged in his heart since he was nineteen to have the head of the king who severed his father's head at his feet. All he needed was a little spark that would release his rage without suspicion and on cue, it does. . . . .Forced into marriage, Aradhya and Vihaan detest each other. Not being able to escape, Aradhya tries to find peace with the relationship, and will the peace turn into something more?•[Unedited]•Begin- November 2021End- November 2022Has things a debut book ought to have, a mediocre story line, dislikable characters and a very twisted ideology. Deal with it. ~Highest rankings~#1- conspiracy#1- disbelief#7- arguments#4- greed #2- King #1- India #50- romance (out of 1.4 Million tags)…

All Things Considered [🗸]

All Things Considered [🗸]

139,487 10,577 35

Three important facts about Dion Reyes and Paxton Irving: 1. Paxton Irving knows how to piss Dion Reyes the hell off.2. Dion Reyes has a strong hatred for Paxton Irving and the feeling is reciprocated (see number 1) 3. Dion Reyes needs an exit from the aftermath of a toxic relationship and Paxton Irving might be his way out.Paxton Irving and Dion Reyes have never been friends. Their relationship has primarily consisted of insults flying through the hallway at a hundred miles per hour and icy glares that can burn through flesh. But if Dion Reyes has to emotionally recover from his struggling relationship with Cayden McCarthy, then seeking help from the unapologetically salty Paxton Irving might be his get out of jail free card.However, fake dating and secrets always manage to entangle in a million different ways, and Dion Reyes might discover that there's so much more about Paxton Irving than he could ever fathom.You know, all things considered.…

My companion | میرےہمدم

My companion | میرےہمدم

1,448,985 75,691 65

#3 in Pakistan ( 4-1-2021) #1 in Pakistan (19-1-2021)What will happen when two opposite souls are betrothed to each other? *But both are stubborn in their own ways, one doesn't want to hold on, while the other doesn't want to walk away. Faryal Ismail Khan is 21 years old; a kind, pure, and bubbly girl. She believes in the power of good deeds that gives her the strength to turn the storms in her life into light. Zohaib Ahmed Durrani is a 28 years old doctor; the father of a baby named Zahra while his wife is dead. The trauma has turned him into a man, who is totally opposite from his past. A.N: The initial chapters are extremely short because at that time I had no idea about the ideal length of a chapter. Kindly bear with it.❤…

Cyber sex| Catradora Onlyfans AU

Cyber sex| Catradora Onlyfans AU

68,971 565 5

Catra is struggling with her OnlyFans, her audience says she's getting repetitive; to keep funds going, her friend suggests adding a new person to her streams. Will their work relationship turn into something more?-Also posted by me on Ao3 by Brubbs1…

Good Luck Charm (Completed)

Good Luck Charm (Completed)

575,913 17,798 53

"We're just friends."Seems to be like a motto for Vincent Chance and Soccer star Lucas Marshall. Whenever anybody asks about them all they say is 'we're just friends.' Everybody suspects they're more, Vincent's friends, Lucas' friends, the rest of the school, but they don't care what people think. It doesn't seem to matter to them that they really don't act like friends, because they're completely totally unequivocally just really very good friends. For the most part...Cover by: @enchantedpapers…

Alpha's Human Mate

Alpha's Human Mate

483,041 12,534 42

Amelia Evans moves to California with her dad to start a new life after the sudden death of her mother. They needed a change of scenery and distractions, California was the perfect pick. She must now navigate through her new life all while uncovering family secrets and discovering blooming friendships.Christian Black is becoming alpha of the Dawn Pride Pack, one of the most powerful packs in the Continent. What happens when Christian finds his mate and discovers she is human and knows nothing about the world she is destined to be in. Will their love conquer all? Or will revenge result in their destruction.PSA: The story is not in French! I just named the chapters in French since she is from France. The Alpha love interest is not a complete possessive jerk! As I do not wish to glorify such toxic relationships. Their relationship builds gradually compared to other mate stories as well!…

Do I love him? Do I need him?

Do I love him? Do I need him?

46,374 1,110 50

Kelly is stuck in a toxic relationship where her heart wants stay but her mind is telling her leave? Following along as her and her boyfriend Domo go through the ups and downs of a toxic relationship. Will she get the strength to leave? Will she stay? Will he change?…



29,250 1,148 31

one Day Joshua wakes up in a while new land, he've never heard of before, But shocked him the most was he had 12 Husbands?shipsJoshua×SeventeenJoshua and all memberstop all Seventeen membersbottomJoshuaDisclaimer:it is a purely work of fiction, it has nothing to do with idols real life or personality, It is boy×boy FF and It is polygamy relationship. mention of mental and physical Abuse, harassment, Rape. if any of this makes you uncomfortable so i would suggest you to not read it..it is my own story and plot, if you find anything similar to any other story, it is pure coincidence...thank you soo much, Hope so you like it...…

Kay and Ben: Behind the papers

Kay and Ben: Behind the papers

6,625 350 16

After the papers had been published, Kay is finding herself more confident, and Ben is left picking up the pieces of a messy divorce with Tony. Although they have always seen each other as colleagues, nothing more, the publishing of the papers made them feel closer. Kay and Ben find themselves entangled with one another, but what risks come along with it?---------This Fan-Fic is based of the movie "The Post" and the relationship Meryl Streep and Tom Hanks created through the movie. This does not reflect Katherine Graham and Ben Bradlee's real relationship.…

A Mistake

A Mistake

67,545 1,083 10

A story of love, sacrifice, and infidelity.My friend and I already posted this story years ago in a kpop fanfiction website so you might find this fanfic familiar. I almost forgot this fanfic but when I read ELLE BELLE's Her Only One, I got inspired to repost this story here. Thanks.…

Getting Over Matt

Getting Over Matt

6,164,147 190,495 37

Isobel's world is turned upside down when she meets a mysterious guy who reveals a devastating secret about her boyfriend. ***Isobel and Matt had been best friends for most of their school life when they decided to start dating. Comfortable around each other and knowing everything there was to know, a relationship seemed like a natural--and exciting--step for them. But with the novelty starting to wear off, Isobel struggles to accept that her loving boyfriend has changed, only remembering years of good memories with the guy she could talk to about anything. When Nathan arrives on the scene and secrets from the past become exposed, Isobel's world is set to change. Mysterious, dangerous and infuriatingly persistent, Nathan is the opposite of everything she's known. But maybe that's just what she needs to get over Matt.…



5,381 329 50

The six sticks (possibly in human form...idk at this point) -- Red, Second, Yellow, Blue, Green, and Purple -- go on an adventure in the stick world. They've not been active for quite some time, so it's now time to do something worthwhile!This is my first story on here. I have many different stories concerning AvM characters, but they're all quite.....yeah, we don't talk about it.I do ship some characters, although most of the time I think of them more like the best of friends than lovers. Here are my favorite ships/duos:- TSC + RED -- more platonic, honestly- GREEN + PURPLE -- platonic, but I can see how they're romantic to each other too, although a platonic relationship is much appreciated between these two- YELLOW + BLUE -- platonic because they seem like very close friends, like they're meant to be, so they could also be romantic, but like Green and Purple, a platonic relationship is also much appreciatedNow, this is too much for just one description, so...…



17,745 3,107 36

Anjola Adeite is an extremely logical person in all her dealings, even in matters notorious for emotional entanglement clauses. Although a bit of a wallflower on the relationship turf, she has a well defined criteria for choosing romantic partners with healthy traits-that wouldn't derail her rational path.Lekan Keye is the quintessential playboy. All about the sensual uncensored pleasures, never about the commitment and devotion. As an atheist of relationships, he believes the price of commitment is too costly and so indulges in temporal, sexual arrangements. After the planning of a crucial event, forced them into close proximity and triggers a forbidden attraction, they find themselves at an impasse. For Anjola, it's the fact that she's never had feelings for a wild person like Lekan-who on the other hand, seeks the reason why his pull to Anjola isn't singularly borne out of lust. When they conduct an experiment to test their compatibility however, they both rely on the proven principle that posits that-a change of character is possible for Lekan, as long as there is enough fuel driving driving him. Fuel they wrongly assume, to be love.…

Secret Boyfriend | Hyunsung (✓)

Secret Boyfriend | Hyunsung (✓)

55,202 2,061 34

🌼COMPLETED🌼Hyunjin has a boyfriend --> Jisung -- but only Felix, Chan and Changbin know about their relationship. This is because Hyunjin is not ready to reveal his sexuality. In contrast to Jisung who proudly calls himself gay. But Jisung's statement still makes him easy to be attracted to either boy or girl. At first, Hyunjin and Jisung's relationship was not having a problem until Hyunjin urged Jisung to move to his college."Okay, but with one condition..""Anything for you, baby.""I feel it would be better not to be your secret boyfriend anymore. You know what I mean.."Hyunjin was silent, hearing Jisung's request. Yes, Jisung is his secret boyfriend. Almost 2 years!"I'm not ready.""I see.""Anything Sungie, but not that one.."Jisung looked at his pretty boyfriend's face before he spoke."We go with another condition which is if you doubt about something, talk to me and please get along with my best friend,Felix.""Okay, deal!" Hyunjin agreed without thinking to long."Are you sure?""Hundred percent sure, baby!" Hyunjin said confidently."Well, we'll see .."🌼🌼🌼This is just fanfiction and the picture not belong to me. Sorry for grammar errors. English is not my first language. If you want something perfect, please go somewhere else. Positive vibes only 😘🌼🌼🌼❤️,Kay.…

The Prince's Fiancée | ✔

The Prince's Fiancée | ✔

1,379,463 69,252 63

*Book 2 in the Soulmates Series*After Malekh's startling revelation about the deal he'd made with Ashton, Elizabeth's blossoming relationship seems to be at a withering standstill. But with the declaration of war against The Kingdom of Crysauralia, it is a race against time to set things right. Now, they need all the help they can get, including that of their strongest allies, The Kingdom of Meryllia. To preserve the treaty, King Caden insists that Ashton must get engaged by the end of the year. But with their relationship still in shambles, the distance between Elizabeth and Ashton has only gotten greater. An arranged marriage now looms in the distance, and with it, a new stranger appears. Lies, secrets, love, deception... New allies and new enemies!Time is ticking and things are stirring up, as the existence of people only mentioned in legends threaten to tilt the order of everything. The fate of the kingdom hangs precariously in the balance. Emotions are running wild and love is simmering under the surface. Who knew that resisting the electrifying attraction between them would be so hard? Will they be able to protect the things most precious to them? Could Ashton and Elizabeth still have a chance at their happily ever after, or is their romance a thing of the past? For love or for the kingdom. Who will be the prince's fiancée?Started: April 1, 2021Completed: April 20, 2021-Cover by @xxsoteria…

Rage and Ruin | 2

Rage and Ruin | 2

582,463 39,624 82

"𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐓𝐇 𝐇𝐔𝐑𝐓𝐒 𝐁𝐔𝐓 𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐒 𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋" Deadly assassin Delphinium Tesla and her team are hopelessly outnumbered and outmatched. Imperium gets stronger as each day passes. However, the rest of the world won't do anything about it. Delphinium and the crew will have to face betrayals, new revelations about what lies before them, their own feelings, and most of all, the secrets they've been hiding since the very beginning. Friends will turn on each other, and relationships will be ripped apart. How long can a team that is being imploded from the inside attempt to stop Imperium from destroying everything they hold dear?𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐇𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐒𝐀𝐈𝐃:"Thank you so much for writing these books. They've become practically my whole life since I started reading them.""This book pulled me out of boredom and now I'm kinda obsessed. Can't wait until the next book.""This was very well-written, the gruesome details just add a whole other dimension to the story. I really do appreciate it. Well done.""So absolutely devastating yet extremely intriguing and I can't stop reading.""I love the way you executed this plot with such grace and finesse.""This is so, so intense. This is the best book ever!"…