La pregunta | Jotaro × Kakyoin | One Shot

La pregunta | Jotaro × Kakyoin | One Shot

121 9 1

Kakyoin Noriaki sobrevive a su enfrentamiento contra DIO, es un estudiante normal con una pregunta para su mejor amigo Kujo Jotaro.--(Portada) Twitter: braudraws…

The Idiot Next Door

The Idiot Next Door

5,261 55 14

modern AU, not my cover but find out about this book by reading it.…



1,613,101 38,460 48

When young Diovanna is framed for something she didn't do and is sent off to a "boarding school" she feels abandoned and betrayed. But one thing was for sure, this boarding school was no ordinary school. One day when police roll in and search the place effectively shutting down the school, she is forced to go to the family that sent her away. The ones who abandoned her in her own personal hell.One thing is for sure, she is no longer happy and bubbly, she is silent and dangerous. What happens when she see the family who abandoned her all those years ago? What happens when she meets a cold hearted mafia don? 🫣~~~Ok yall idk abt the description but please give this book a chance!…

Fate: Totem

Fate: Totem

55,103 1,546 18

My name... is Peter Parker. I was bitten by a radioactive spider. And for 2 years I've been the world's one and only Spider-Man. I'm sure you know the rest. I fell in love and I saved everyone again, and again, and again, got attacked by a psycho guy with a cane, ran from the psycho guy with a cane, was saved by a girl who appeared in a flash of weird light- and.. well.. and then she said some words which made everything from then on completely unpredictable.."I ask of you once more.. properly this time... Are you my master?"…

AMENAZA OMNIVERSAL: Oscuridad, Pesadilla y el Odio de toda Existencia.

AMENAZA OMNIVERSAL: Oscuridad, Pesadilla y el Odio de toda Existencia.

5,313 217 9

Maverick el Dios de la Oscuridad, Guerra y Masacre, esta cansado de ver como todos los Guardianes y Dioses oscuros hablan de su ideal de Justicia de su personaje, mientras se burlan o insultan la existencia y el "Ideal de Justicia" de otros personajes o de los otros Guardianes.Cansandolo de la Hipocrecia de los Dioses Multiversales. Ignorando estos realmente el verdadero Ideal y sueños de sus personajes e incluso.. de que todos pueden tener el mismo ideal a pesar de usar metodos diferentes: Paz, libertad e Igualdad para todos.A la ves, podia al menor concordar en parte con algunos Dioses Oscuros sobre lo que ellos predicaban: Los Humanos, los Dioses y las Demas razas son hipocritas y siempre lo seran, pues pensaran siempre sobre su bienestar personal, por encima de las Masas.Por ello, ante este desenlace, decide hacer algo que ningun otro Dios ha hecho, ya que puede considerarse "Suicidio total", Amenazar a buena parte de los Guardianes y Dioses en donde mas duele en su existencia: Los personajes que admiranY que mejor modo de hacerlo que romperlos en la mas tetrica pesadilla, asi como la amenaza a borrarlos de la Existencia.Maverick Decidido.. hara gala de su Titulo.¡QUE LA GUERRA Y LA MASACRE COMIENCEN! ¡Y QUE EL TEMOR ACECHE ANTE LOS DIOSES!¡QUE PIENSEN ANTES DE ACTUAR HIPOCRITAMENTE! ¡PUES LA OSCURIDAD TIENE OIDOS, TIENE VOCES EN TODOS LADOS Y ACTUARA CRUELMENTE PARA DARLES UNA MALIGNA LECCION! ¡LA HIPOCRECIA SE PAGA CON DOLOR Y PESAR!Por otro lado, los Heroes y Villanos, idolos de muchos Dioses, ¿Lograran vencer ante las intenciones de este ser? ¿O caeran derrotado ante este ser y sus posibles intenciones, asi como dejando que su Universo desaparesca de la Faz de la EXISTENCIA?…

A force unknown

A force unknown

379 2 6

As the clone wars drags on according to Sidious plan, a strange report comes to the Jedi council. Anakin, Ashoka, and Obi-Wan are sent to investigate only to find more questions and mysteries. A new enemy? An ally? or something else entirely? I do not own Star Wars or any of the characters apart from those that i create.…

(BL)[MTL) This passer-by is also passing by the actor's studio today

(BL)[MTL) This passer-by is also passing by the actor's studio today

33,830 809 54 passer-by is also passing by the actor's studio today [Entertainment]Author: Su XingchuanCategory: BL doujinRelease time: 2022-12-29Latest: Chapter 179 Welcome to the Connected WorldBLfinished911,000read nowadd to bookshelfIn Huaguo, there is a bloody five-member boy group, namely ABCDE. Except for the protagonist E in this article who has no sense of existence, everyone else is equipped with jj male protagonists. A is a reborn person. He was wronged since he was a child. In his previous life, he was used as a stand-in by the CEO. His coordinates are bloody. The relationship between man and man in his body is extremely complicated, and he is caught in various Shura grounds and wife chasing crematoriums every day. B is a top scorer in the college entrance examination, but he is actually a big shot through the ages. He is good at all kinds of national quintessence paintings in daily life, and the paintings are known as national treasures. The coordinates are all in Shuangwen. C is a person with superpowers. Every night in his dream, he would fast-forward through various movies to be acted in, coordinating illusions, and is known as an experiential acting genius. D is an infinite stream player. He suddenly disappeared for ten minutes during daily activities and went to the dungeon for various reasons. Therefore, he is famous for his poor kidney function and haunted by supernatural events. He is famous in the circle for being good at extreme sports. Coordinate illusion. Only our protagonist E is the only person in this colorful boy group who has no superpowers and no bloody plots, but he is often forced to get involved in the colorful life of ABCD. For example, when a group of CEOs tried to go to the crematorium, E would occasionally pass by while playing on their mobile phones, and said, "Please wait in line today, too." (Summary continues in chqpter 1)…

Code Combination - C. Davenport

Code Combination - C. Davenport

58,359 2,397 39

"You're such a joy to be around."-"Well, you're a pain in the arse."Jordyn had no idea that befriending the lovely idiot who broke her locker would turn her life upside down. But here she was, amidst bionics, secrets and life-threatening dangers. Chase Davenport x fem!OC[Lab Rats season 3 - Lab Rats season 4]…

Death Stranding - A path to the end

Death Stranding - A path to the end

416 22 6

A mysterious order arrives to Bridges Company, a letter for Kojima. The only person who can read the body of letter and discover the destination is... Sam Porter Bridges. "Letter to Kojima; coordinates for the delivery in the body of the letter; Sam Porter Bridges only authorized to read..."…

Possibly Mine (New Possibilities sequel; Doctor Who)

Possibly Mine (New Possibilities sequel; Doctor Who)

69,596 1,550 20

Things are different, the Doctor's changed, and Lily hasn't decided if that's a good thing, yet.She fell in love with the Doctor, the ninth Doctor, the tortured solider. This new man, he's definitely not who she fell in love with, but can she love him too?And more importantly, does he love her back?(New Possibilities Sequel)…

── 𝘼𝙧𝙩𝙗𝙤𝙤𝙠.

── 𝘼𝙧𝙩𝙗𝙤𝙤𝙠.

7,747 590 21

Dibujos que hacía en 2020.…



45,669 1,608 51

FINISHED ! THE FIRST 3 CHAPTERS ARE SHIT BUT KEEP READING AND THEY GET BETTER I PROMISE! Life isn't easy for Atsushi even though all the people around him think he's ok he's secretly dying inside ⚠️Trigger warning⚠️ShEdPTSD SlursHomophobia…

Calamari Rooftile

Calamari Rooftile

198 2 5

Calamari Rooftile is just an ordinary girl in an ordinary world. She lives like any other 5 year old. She wakes up. Has her morning coffee and goes to school Monday through Friday. That is until one day, when her life is flipped upside down. Find out if Calamari takes a leap at her amazing opportunities, or if she soils herself and licks it.…

Una Segunda Oportunidad

Una Segunda Oportunidad

42,542 3,517 38

Hinata perdio la oportunidad del amor tiempo atras con Naruto, pero años despues luchara por tener una segunda oportunidad.…



118 8 6

Sentada al borde de caer pienso por todo lo que ha pasado, siento una profunda tristeza al saber que he perdido a la única familia que he tenido, mis labios no dejan de pedir que me perdones y lo único que puedo ver es su sonrisa pidiendo que vaya por él.…

disease someone called love- greenday one shots

disease someone called love- greenday one shots

2,370 41 17


Overlord Volumen 4

Overlord Volumen 4

2,047 64 10

Autor: Maruyama KuganeVolumen 4: Los Heroicos Hombres LagartosCabe resaltar que esta novela obviamente no es mía, solo la comparto.! xDSINOPSIS DE LA NOVELA:En el año 2138, los juegos de realidad virtual están en auge. YGGDRASIL, un juego en línea popular que está en declive decide cerrar sus servidores. Sin embargo, un jugador llamado Momonga decide no salir. A medida que el juego se cierra, Momonga se transforma en la imagen de un esqueleto como "el más poderoso hechizero en el mundo." Los personajes no jugadores (NPC) comenzando a sentir emociónes. Momonga decide sobre su curso de acción: Al no tener padres, amigos o un lugar en la sociedad, este joven ordinario Momonga decide conquistar el nuevo mundo al que fue arrastrado.SINOPSIS DEL VOLUMEN:El despiadado ejército de la muerte se acerca a la pacífica aldea de los Hombres Lagarto. Para proteger a su tribu y sobrevivir con sus seres queridos, los Hombres Lagarto se levantan en armas.Mientras tanto, el gran ejército de muertos vivientes va a la batalla como un "experimento" de Ainz. Su comandante es el quinto guardián piso, Cocytus, gobernante del glaciar helado.Sé testigo del mundo gobernado por la estricta ley de la jungla.…



197,776 10,636 24

❝Some people are meant to fall in love with each other but not meant to be together.❞ © tilmorning. Book 1.…

From Me To You (Beatles Fanfic)

From Me To You (Beatles Fanfic)

25,587 570 20

Lucy Jordyn is the most benign and average person in the entire world- at least she thought she was. Until one day she almost gets hit by a car and an inexplicable phenomenon saves her life. She gets transported back in time to 1964, crashing right into the Beatles recording studio. After a creative plan is devised Lucy finds herself living with the Beatles. Will she ever return back to where she once belonged?…