DANDELION || Nikolai Lantsov

DANDELION || Nikolai Lantsov

38,699 1,971 68

Summery is in the intro to not spoil the plot for people who haven't read the books yet.❪ Fem OC x Nikolai Lantsov; book based ❫© 2023…

Rule of Saints {The Red Ribbon Sequel}

Rule of Saints {The Red Ribbon Sequel}

6,507 192 10

{Kaz Brekker X Reader}~Sequel to The Red Ribbon~In Ravka, it is said that Saints live forever. By sleepy lullabies or grand cathedrals, their names are continuously spoken. Their lives and accomplishments are eternally celebrated. They are never truly gone. The Crows are scattered to the winds, their days of mad heists and security breaches are over. But when a threat from the past arrives on Ravka's doorstep once again, it is up to the former theives to face a new kind of monster, and answer a question as old as time:What truly makes a person a Saint?…

DAWN, nikolai lantsov

DAWN, nikolai lantsov

165,988 8,569 26

lies catch up to you only if you let them-𝗼𝗰𝗲𝗮𝗻𝗻𝗲𝘆𝗲𝘀©(nikolai lantsov x femOC)(shadow and bone; s2-?)(saints & dawn universe)…



148,040 5,003 46

❝The Sinners are waiting.❞❝Let's pray to the Saints you don't believe in that they'll keep us alive.❞❪ Fem OC x Nikolai Lantsov ❫❪ book based ❫© 2022…

air to the throne

air to the throne

1,791 13 8

the king and queen of ravka are the definition of a power couple,and when zoya falls pregnant,they become closer to a power family.…

The Assassin Queen

The Assassin Queen

11,537 1,205 53

Hundreds of years ago the Kingdom of Shabina was once home to the most powerful Shifters in the world, Along with the Kingdom of Ravkah who had powerful Elementals.When a great evil arose, the two kingdoms decided for an alliance.A Ravkah Prince would wed a Shabina Princess, and so was born a new breed of magic: The Wielders; able to Shift and have control over an Element.The alliance would hold as long as the two nations always married their first heirs to each other.All was well, until recently, when a great tragedy leaves the kingdom of Shabina without it's King, Queen, and heir.As well as leaving the Ravkah Kingdom furious, after the disappearance of the Ravkah Prince.Time is running out, the missing Ravkah Prince and Shabina Princess must be found before that ancient evil strikes when at their weakest.And before Ravkah itself declares war on Shabina. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■Snippet #1General Lewis remained on the ground, his eyes were deeply knitted together and his mouth slightly ajar in his agony as he trembled slightly. "General tell me what is wrong, what can I do" Cole had implored while kneeling beside Lewis."I-I... I failed " the General wailed, tears of pain and regret flooding his blue eyes "My Queen is...dead" •Snippet #2It was then that Lewis remembered someone, " Dahlia!" He Shrieked, his voice cracking as he desperately searched the single room cottage."Dahlia!" He searched feverishly for the seven year old heir "Dasha it's uncle Lewis!" He continued to search the surrounding area, calling her by her pet name.He finally returned one last time to search for her in cottage but to no avail she was gone.Who would have supposed that in the space of one fateful night the ruin and fall of Shabina would begin.…

Dark Nights

Dark Nights

49,429 1,394 27

The Darkling X OCMeira Socorro has been friends with Alina and Mal since childhood, raised on the Keremzin soil. When they join the first army and are sent to defend their home the three are sent across the fold. When they are attacked on the Sandskiff their entire lives are turned upside down as the girls find out they are rare Grisha meant to save or doom Ravka. Season one: completeSeason two: completeOc Info-Moon summoner -cocky-sarcastic-acquaintances to Lovers to Enemies to Complicated to secret lovers.…

The Bond Left Unspoken (The Bond Of A Brother And Sister) ✔️

The Bond Left Unspoken (The Bond Of A Brother And Sister) ✔️

4,390 238 3

|_____________________________|Sequel 1Brother and sister! A beautiful bond given by the Almighty! What if a bond of brother and sister left unspoken? What if their relationship is hidden in the pages of history? Subhadra: The Yadavkanya and the pride of Dwarka! There are no words to describe the Dwarkaratna!Karna: The immortal warrior and Suryaputra (son of Lord Surya). No words to write about the great warrior Karna!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Characters are given! Now to think, what to write about them!Well what's the relationship between Karna and Subhadra? Did anyone know? Or ever tried to find out?We all know that Pandavas, Krishna and Balaram were the brothers of Subhadra. But what about Karna? What about the relationship of Suryaputra and Yadavkanya? Weren't they brothers and sisters? Didn't they need justification?The bond of a brother and sister...The bond of Suryaputra and Yadavkanya...The bond of Radheya and Rohinisuta ...The bond of Karna and Subhadra...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The bond that left unidentified! The bond that left unspoken! The bond that left unexplored!~ The Bond of A Brother and Sister~______________________________Cover credits : @Pagal_number_1 by me😎Plz don't copy this piece of work of mine under the name of inspiration!All copyrights reserved © Pagal_number_1 ®Cover credits goes to own me @Pagal_number_1 😎______________________________Jump in to know more 😎✨______________________________…

The daugther of Médusa

The daugther of Médusa

901 13 7

And if Medusa has a daughter, what will happen? Short story. Photos taken from Pinterest.…

For Grisha, for Ravka (a Darkling prequel)

For Grisha, for Ravka (a Darkling prequel)

7,213 257 19

"Go. Flee. Go west.Wait for the King to die.Then return with a new name.A nobleman's name.Bide your time until there's a problem only Grisha can solve.Then the King must embrace us" Aleksander had been in exile for too long, following his mother's advice, after creating the Fold.When he comes back to his shattered country alone, he portrays a new character named Captain Kiril, aiming for a different kind of power: a political one, a title. This is the story of how he chose a nobleman's name, long time before the birth of Alina Starkov. "We need to safeguard all Grisha.We need to teach them how to fight" ~Aleksander…



133,631 4,043 39

Nesta Marooz had many secrets. None which she was willing to share. But secrets have a way of worming their way out of staying secrets.Kaz Brekker also had secrets and he was certain that no one would ever find out what they were. But he hadn't counted on the presence of a dark-haired Ravkan girl who would change his life.For better or for worse? That he didn't know.[Kaz Brekker x OC][pre Shadow and Bone - Season 1][spoilers to Shadow and Bone and Six of Crows]-I do not own any of the characters or the story, those belong to Leigh Bardugo. I only own Nesta Marooz, her storyline, a few minor characters and the changes I make to the story.-Started: 22/11/21Finished: 21/03/22-1 in #kazbrekker 02/03/22 (unbelievable!!!)1 in #inejghafa 18/01/221 in #jesperfahey 28/04/221 in #kerch 18/01/221 in #thecrows 02/02/221 in #crowclub 02/02/221 in #littlepalace 02/02/221 in #shadowandbonenetflix 04/02/221 in #dregs 04/02/221 in #alinastarkov 02/02/221 in #thefold 03/03/221 in #baghra 10/05/221 in #netflix 04/07/221 in #sunsummoner 26/07/221 in #sixofcrows 09/08/221 in #zoyanazyalensky 25/09/221 in #grisha 11/11/221 in #ketterdam 20/03/233 in #genyasafin 24/08/224 in #ravka 20/05/226 in #ninazenik 30/04/22…

zoyalai stuff

zoyalai stuff

6,708 100 9

Just some self indulgent zoyalai/king of scars fanfic. Some will be more canon compliant than others. (Cover and all the pictures I upload otherwise are my own art pls dont steal)…

My Name Is Adela Kirigan (A Shadow and Bone Season 1 Fanfiction)

My Name Is Adela Kirigan (A Shadow and Bone Season 1 Fanfiction)

24,356 498 40

We'd been waiting for the Sun Summoner our whole lives. We were told stories about that person that would destroy the swathe of blackness known as the Shadow Fold, the place called the Unsea, the place that divided all of Ravka. My twin brother, Aleksander Kirigan, known as General Kirigan to the Second Army of Grisha soldiers and the court of the Little Palace, as well as to all of Ravka, works tirelessly to maintain order in our corner of Ravka, lead the Second Grisha soldiers and find the Sun Summoner in order to destroy the Shadow Fold. Our father died when we were young, and our mother is well - cranky. Our mother, Baghra, lives in a little hut not too far from the Little Palace. She hates the door being left open to her hut because it steals the heat, and for some reason has a problem with my brother. She adores me, in her own special cranky way. I was born to be a princess, not a military leader like my brother. Marry well, do and say all the right things, I was told, and perhaps I could even rise to the throne of Ravka, perhaps alongside one of the King's sons as my husband. I had everything, but I didn't like my life. I wanted to be free, like my brother. The queen's attendant, Genya, called me a 'wild child.' She still does. I train regularly with the Grisha in the Second Army at the Little Palace, but I've rarely ever left the Little Palace. But when a girl named Alina Starkov arrived at the Little Palace, courtesy of my brother, everything began to change. Aleksander thought she was the Sun Summoner, the one to heal all of Ravka. And as time changed, a sinister plan began to take hold of the Little Palace, as well as all of the Grisha and the rest of the court. And Alina was getting caught in the middle of it. But so was I. I'm Adela Kirigan - but the legacy of my name, and what was taking hold, would soon become a great danger to all of Ravka.…

Beautiful and Broken

Beautiful and Broken

49,270 1,823 25

She goes into the Fold to find a way to destroy it. But what she finds there is a beautiful and broken man who will change her life, himself not remaining unchanged in the process.…

Demons and Butterflies (Book aspect)

Demons and Butterflies (Book aspect)

1,528 26 27

"No! Rose Come back." You are Inej's long lost sister. A Grisha, yet a witch even to the Ravkans. You were kidnapped by slavers when you were ten and sent to Ketterdam. Rose made the mistake of using her power and her first customer at the Margire, a Fjerdan. He had almost had her thrown in a slaving ship when she'd been rescued by none other than Kaz Brekker.P.S If Your confused your name for the story is Rose. You can replace it with your own if you wish…

The Sun Blade

The Sun Blade

3,998 105 15

Cresana is training to become a Blade, a group of highly trained assassins who protect Ravka's Grisha on the battlefield, until she attracts the attention of a particular Grisha with a special plan for her unique talents.*Set in Leigh Bardugo's 'Shadow and Bone' universe with canon-divergence.…

Not Always the Villain • Darklina One-Shots

Not Always the Villain • Darklina One-Shots

8,427 230 7

This is a collection of some darklina one-shots and short stories. It includes:-𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐀𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐧-𝐒𝐚𝐲 𝐌𝐲 𝐍𝐚𝐦𝐞-𝐀 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐁𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 Part I-𝐀 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐁𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 Part II𝐁𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐲𝐚𝐥 & 𝐁𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐝 ~Part 1 of 2𝐁𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐲𝐚𝐥 & 𝐁𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐝 ~Part 2 of 2𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮PREVIEW: "You have Ravka at your fingertips, yet you crave more?" I asked desperately. "Why? Why do you need me?" "Because without you, I have nothing!" he boomed.The truth of his words rang through my ears like a record player. He did have nothing. The Darkling could lead armies, rule over Ravka, have all the riches in the country, yet he was still alone. I struggled to find words. Then, finally I came to my senses. He deserves to be alone, I told myself. He has hurt people. Taken hundreds of lives... If that was all true, then why was there still a dagger twisting in my chest?Based on the books by Leigh Bardugo…

SAINTS, kaz brekker

SAINTS, kaz brekker

482,030 21,436 35

death is my acquaintance i hope life can be my friend-𝗼𝗰𝗲𝗮𝗻𝗻𝗲𝘆𝗲𝘀©(kaz brekker x femOC)(shadow and bone; s1-2)(saints & dawn universe)…

NFL imagines

NFL imagines

1,607 22 11

NFL player imaginesDONT be a silent reader. Give me new player and ideas and lmk if you like the book :)…



49,287 1,565 20

In a desperate attempt to save ravka Alina intends to time travel to before her power was revealed and kill the darkling the first chance she gets. Things go wrong and Alina accidentally travels hundreds of years back in time. When she is there she meets the darkling before he became the black heretic and before the fold was created.…