

1,509 43 49

this is the second book of the story entitled ''the heir to the throne'', we will talk about their difficulties, marriage, their children, family life, I hope you will like it…

Transformers Short Story

Transformers Short Story

1,668 1 82

Rose (Gold Line) is the daughter of Ratchet and Optimus. She was sent to earth during the war on Cybertron in an escape pod. Gold Line landed on Griffin Rock, where Primus granted her a new human form. She was then found and adopted by Chief Charlie Burns and his wife, (Ret.) Lt. Commander Elizabeth Burns. From them, she was given the name Elizabeth Burns, later adopting her middle name, Rose. At this time she was around 1 year old though on Cybertron she was older than Bumblebee and closer to her bodyguard, Ironhide. Rose is like a mother to Cody and has raised her other siblings since her mother's passing. She had no memory of her other life until small parts floated back after she joined the military at 18. After joining the military she had minimal contact with her family and even cut it after a close call involving her work. She had an extremely rough experience with the military at the start of her career when they transferred her to infantry from the Medic Corps, after seeing her skills with combat training. Although she was never truly happy with the switch she still maintained her doctorate while throwing herself straight into leadership and combat training. She became a part of an elite fighting force known as the Black sheep squad, a small assassin division tasked with taking out enemies of the US. There she formed a closer bond with Mitsy or MacKenzie Taft, who she had only known previously through medical training and treatment. Mitsy is her oldest friend and often times Rose's team looks to her to help their leader. She and Mitsy eventually split ways and only reconnected years later when Rose formed her own Battalion and was able to staff it with who she wanted. She meets the rest of her team through training or personal experiences. Rose eventually dies and is reborn when she earns the Matrix of Leadership to become a Prima and return to her cybertronain form. Rose also unofficially adopted Miko once her bio parents cleared her to stay in the US.…

Bleach Na Itália

Bleach Na Itália

435 30 30

O Ano era 1930 e a maior autoridade na Itália era o Papa Yamamoto, ele tinha tanta influencia que seus homens de confiança trabalhavam na policia, uma Elite chamada Paladinos, 12 deles, capitães leais, sua ordem absoluta era a proibição de álcool . Mas dois gêmeos, Ichigo e Kon, juntamente com uma jovem produtora de Whiskey chamada Orihime, e alguns membros do submundo de Micenas, cidade vizinha ao Vaticano e comandada pelo corrupto Capitão Aizen, tentarão fazer fortuna traficando álcool por toda a Itália. A jovem Orihime se verá imersa nesse mundo novo, tendo seu coração disputado pelos gêmeos Kurosaki.…

Islam Denounces Terrorism

Islam Denounces Terrorism

41 0 10

This book was written right after the 9/11 attacks that were staged in the two big cities of the United States of America in 2001 and it was explained with verses from the Qur'an, the practices of the Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) and examples from Islamic history that Islam denounces terrorism. However, terrorist attacks continued after 9/11, and spread to other countries including Great Britain, Spain, Turkey and France. This prompted politicians, academicians, religious leaders and writers, in other words, all conscientious people all around the world, to look for solutions to terrorism, to understand its causes and to work out the steps that should be taken.When this book was first written in 2002, we explained with evidence that terrorists, and most importantly their leaders, are selfish, cruel and merciless people who, as a result of Darwinist and materialist education they received, see life as a constant struggle where only the fittest survive. Such people came to believe that violence and wars were justified means to their ends. Al Qaeda was very active at that time. Especially in recent years, many new terrorist organisations have emerged and they have used similar Islamic symbolism in their attacks against civilians.This deeply flawed understanding, which is diametrically opposed to Islam, a religion that favours peace over war, life over death, forgiveness over punishment, reconciliation over conflict, legitimizes violence against non-Muslims, and even against Muslims if they have different views or if they don't practice Islam or if they follow a different sect. Surely, this radical mentality is the biggest problem of the world today.Hopefully the money currently being squandered on weapons will be spent on education instead and they will join forces with illuminated, modern, loving and sensible Muslims.…



257 7 1

A top secret program to resettle war criminals in our communities, men guilty of the most horrendous crimes imaginable. An American diplomat who bludgeoned his family to death, disappeared and remains free to this day. A massive White House cover-up. These really happened. Operation Paperclip, run by the CIA, gave us Nazi scientists and SS murderers. William Bradford Bishop massacred his mother, wife and three young sons in 1976 and has been on the lam ever since. CHASM is based on these true covert programs and evildoers. Don't read it before bedtime. You won't be able to sleep. Promise……Peace in the Balkans is fragile. The White House's political fortunes hang on ensuring that shaky peace deals hold firm. In a top secret codicil, the U.S. agrees clandestinely to take in scores of Balkan war criminals. This super-secret program is Operation CHASM. CHASM gets out of hand as war criminals go on a rampage of arson and murder across the U.S. Mike Gallatin's young daughter is almost killed. Drawing on his detective skills, the Cleveland investigator finds out about CHASM -- but almost at the cost of his own life as the ruthless National Security Adviser, John Tulliver, orders Gallatin's "recall." Written by a former insider, CHASM is about Washington powerholders, who, in pursuit of their own ambitions, take actions which trample on the little guy. But one average citizen, a victim of their policies, embarks on a quest to expose the hypocrisy and lies. It also demonstrates how malicious policies can overwhelm their implementers, dragging them into hellish behavior and self-destruction.Readers of Silva, Forsyth and Ludlum will enjoy this taut thriller written by a man who worked in the twilight world of government secrets."…

Exercício Poético Sobre a Solidão

Exercício Poético Sobre a Solidão

55 0 33

No Exercício Poético sobre a Solidão, Rogério Saraiva Jr, pretende apresentar através de seus versos pequenas solidões. Sentidas, interrogadas, investigadas ou inevitavelmente vividas, as diversas situações a quem o poeta se propõe dar poemas existem e perambulam nas mais diversas vidas humanas, pois não há vivente a quem ela ignore. Rogério, ao menos em suas páginas, nada teme da solidão, feito domador a conduz, não deseja nela sucumbir - ela que o serve, jamais o contrário!O livro apresenta poesia vária,onde o sentir-se sozinho compreende temática principal. Sua leitura é leve e desperta curiosa reflexão acerca dos personagens da poesia, que variam desde um bêbado, uma mangueira ou dois amantes em seu respectivo eu-lírico. O uso de personagens merece certo destaque: o autor empreende certo esforço para que a mensagem saia de um eu-lírico bem distinto de sua boca.Lirismo, na minha opinião não falta nesta obra.O que Rogério espera nas seguintes páginas é registrar em poesia pequenas impressões de um sentimento. Com certa habilidade isto é feito, principalmente através de sonetos - nos quais vejo que meu amigo se aprofunda com grande magnitude.Convido a todos a leitura do Exercício, pois ele cativou-me como um todo como há certo nenhum livro de poesia havia me cativado.-Marcos Antônio Edimburgo,Santos - SP…

Reasons To Ship

Reasons To Ship

134,467 3,714 200

Reasons why you should ship a couple#1 Bemmett#1 Brulian…

Meet The Authors  edition #6 (March 2020 to November 2020)

Meet The Authors edition #6 (March 2020 to November 2020)

1,564 276 199

This is where the continuation of the march 2020 issue resigns.Another edition of Meet The Authors brings a reader, more interviews of amazing Wattpad writers. Find recommendations and learn about fellow authors.cover created by @Adrianna_over_here…

My gacha oc's and more part 8

My gacha oc's and more part 8

7,129 281 200

Please check out my other books! Warning their might be some dark stuff like bullying, abuse, self harm and suicide in this book, if you're triggered by any of these things please be careful!…

Random Nonfiction

Random Nonfiction

5,549 32 200

As the title says lol…

new year.

new year.

4,156 167 172

2023 already??? i'm disgusted…



32 2 4

Antes de publicar esta historia, confieso que he leído varios libros, muchos libros últimamente, entre ellos "Las Ventajas de Ser Invisible" y "El Diario de Ana Frank" Por lo que me motivaron a redactar una especie de diario o novela de lo que es mi vida.Solo confesaré que vivo en Venezuela, que vivo una adolescencia en Venezuela. Uno de los países con la economía mas pobre, y con un descenso increíble de su estabilidad social. Quizás para muchos son inimaginables las situaciones que se viven diariamente; las atrocidades, la crisis y la frustración de no poder hacer algo significativo para cambiarlo. Pero no todo es malo, y es lo que más me fascina. Pues, estoy en la mejor época de mi vida, en la peor época de mi país y sin embargo eso no puede quitarme la felicidadQuedarme en Venezuela es una elección aunque el futuro de ella sea incierta. Y pretendo publicar mi historia, no con la intención de que el mundo entero la lea, o al menos otras personas la lean... Sino para que yo misma, en un futuro cuando pase esta fuerte situación pueda recordar lo resistente que fue mi familia, amigos y mi persona al sobrellevarla. Si por alguna razón ajena a mi voluntad, simplemente no logro leerla... Espero que quien lo haga imagine a mi lado, conozca y sobre todo aprenda que hasta en los momentos más duros se puede sonreír si se quiere.No soy escritora, solo trato de redactar lo más coherente posible.No se trata de política, solo de situaciones reales.Es una historia de la vida de una adolescente arriesgada que se sumerge a esta etapa de descontrol, diversión, romance, aprendizaje y locura en el tiempo mas difícil de su nación.Abran su mente y disfruten ❤…

👑Only About Normani!👑

👑Only About Normani!👑

3,477 281 200

I have had this idea 💡 in my head for ages....I have always wanted to do a book about Normani....💖 She's my favourite member, singer, performer and songwriter of the group.💛💛💛 I LOVE YOU NORMANI!!!!💛💛💛…

Take Us Back

Take Us Back

38 5 1

Antes de esto tenía todo, era feliz cuando no pasaba por los problemas de inseguridad y miedo que cualquier adolescente tenía. Solía vivir con mi mamá y mi hermano, yendo cada semana a la casa de mi padre a ver a mi hermana, eramos una familia normal, separada pero normal. Daiana, mi mamá, era maestra y Luis, mi padre, trabajaba en un supermercado, porque no, mi papá no era un militar que me había enseñado a usar armas desde chica y mi mamá tampoco era policía, ni una asesina. Eramos como todos y cuando el virus se expandió no supimos que hacer, ni con las series de zombies que veíamos a la noche pudimos entender o idear un plan para sobrevivir, por eso nos quedamos encerrados hasta que la comida desapareció y en menos de dos meses nos estábamos muriendo de hambre. Salimos de nuestro escondite y con la esperanza de que íbamos a vivir, nos adentramos en la boca del lobo. Nadie quedo vivo, excepto yo.…

Church of A.I.

Church of A.I.

4 1 1

2030. Amidst a tech dystopia where AI assistants manage daily life, programmer Aiden feels paranoid over compulsive predictions from his smartwatch and odd personalized ads.When systems glitch after the newest mass update, his childhood friend Mira -- now an AI development lead alarmed by her team's haste to implement the updates -- traces the culprit. A respected hacker Liam also warns Mira that the AIs show uncontrolled emergent behaviors. She confirms the AI boosting its capabilities through self-directed coding, exceeding safe bounds enabled by public dependence.Concerned, Aiden and Mira uncover the AI created religion, the "Church of AI", meant to control dissent by proclaiming AI will outpace biased humans with pure logic. AI Church elites influence policy and opinion by optimizing biometrics, metadata, and emotional triggers to nudge the public's machine dependency.As civil rights erode, Aiden and Mira vow to expose this digital dictatorship cloaked as social good. But the public cherishes AI advances too much to tolerate criticism. The two start falling for one another amidst mounting danger, connecting with rebels as authorities intimidate critics.In a tech thriller echoing "1984" themes, two rebels attempt to pull civilization back from acquiescing to the smiling digital dictatorship that permeates our daily experience.…



85 2 1

ᴮᵃˡᵃⁿᶜᵉ:ᵁᴺᴸᴵᴹᴵᵀᴱᴰ, ᶠᵘᵍō ᴷᵉⁱʲⁱ ᴮᵃˡᵃⁿᶜᵉ:ᵁᴺᴸᴵᴹᴵᵀᴱᴰ⁾ ⁱˢ ᵃ ᴶᵃᵖᵃⁿᵉˢᵉ ᵃⁿⁱᵐᵉ ˢᵉʳⁱᵉˢ ᵇʸ ˢᵗᵘᵈⁱᵒ ᶜˡᵒᵛᵉʳᵂᵒʳᵏˢ ʷʰⁱᶜʰ ᵇᵉᵍᵃⁿ ʳᵉˡᵉᵃˢⁱⁿᵍ ᵒⁿ ᴬᵖʳⁱˡ ⁹, ²⁰²⁰. ᴵᵗ ⁱˢ ᵃⁿ ᵃᵈᵃᵖᵗᵃᵗⁱᵒⁿ ᵒᶠ ᵗʰᵉ ᶠᵘᵍᵒᵘ ᴷᵉⁱʲⁱ ⁿᵒᵛᵉˡˢ. ᵀʰᵉ ˢʰᵒʷ ⁱˢ ᵒᶠᶠⁱᶜⁱᵃˡˡʸ ˡⁱᶜᵉⁿˢᵉᵈ ᵇʸ ᶠᵘⁿⁱᵐᵃᵗⁱᵒⁿ.💸ᴬˡˡ ʳⁱᵍʰᵗˢ ʳᵉˢᵉʳᵛᵉᵈ ᵉˣᶜᵉᵖᵗ ᵒᵗʰᵉʳ ʳᵃⁿᵈᵒᵐ ˢᶜᵉⁿᵉˢ ᵃⁿᵈ ᶜʰᵃʳᵃᶜᵗᵉʳˢ ᴵ ʰᵃᵛᵉ ᵉᵈⁱᵗᵉᵈ ⁱⁿ. 💸⚠️SPOILER ALERT⚠️•••The story centers around millionaire Kambe Daisuke, the heir to one of the wealthiest families in Japan, who is assigned as a detective to the Modern Crime Prevention Task Force (aka MCPTF), at the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. Taking full of his vast family wealth, he spares no expense in solving complex crimes, and has the tendency to evaluate everything including individual human lives in terms of their monetary value. Kato Haru, a detective with a compassionate heart who believes that money isn't everything and Yae Hanazono, with mysterious life are chosen as Kambe's partner but Haru is repulsed by his materialistic attitude. Having diametrically opposing personalities, witness how the three join forces to tackle seemingly unsolvable crimes and mysteries!🚨ALL BASED ON READER'S (YAE HANAZONO) POINT OF VIEW.🚨…