One Step Closer to Perfect

One Step Closer to Perfect

54,971 1,155 44

A collection of snippets into the life of Beth and Vivianne during one of their most important journeys yet.…

Love Defined

Love Defined

336,578 15,544 26

To Piper Baker, love is a hoax simply created to brainwash us all into believing life isn't as bad as it seems. She knows better though. Piper knows not to trust in the unreliability of love but to rather focus on what she can control- the opening of her specialty bake store. But Piper is soon going to find that life is filled with surprises and when you have a mother like Anne Baker, not believing in love is not an option. When Piper's mother signs her up on a dating website, Piper is torn between sticking to her anti-love ways or embracing the possibility of a life companion. Add in the gorgeous landlord, Scott Daniels and suddenly Piper's structured life becomes all kinds of chaotic. But maybe somewhere along the line Piper may discover the true definition of love and maybe she might just become a believer in it too.[Cover made by the awesome @Enigmatic-11]Highest rating: #4 in sweet romance.…

I Ruined My Bestfriend's Relationship (A Pipabeth Story)

I Ruined My Bestfriend's Relationship (A Pipabeth Story)

4,859 70 19

One Fall After The Events of Heros of Olympus, Piper and Annabeth are at CHB. They have an argument, but they realize that it's because of an unspoken love between them. Almost All Characters and Places belong to Rick Riordan. Some characters later in the story are ones I made.…

Missing Moments

Missing Moments

44,525 1,334 48

"You bailed on Piper, and you weren't there for her. You know who was? Me." - Finn to Amy in 7x04 | All the times Finn was there for Piper (and the times he wasn't). Or, missing moments between Piper and Finn in seasons 6 and 7 of The Next Step.…

Piper and Jason real life HIGHSCHOOL

Piper and Jason real life HIGHSCHOOL

57,217 666 15

Piper is a new kid that wan't no attention and to have a little group of friends. Jason is a popular kid who has a secret. They both have secrets from almost everyone. Drama happens and somehow they become more than friends. (I don't own any of the characters, Rick Riordan does) BEEN EDITED!!!…

Daughter of Wine

Daughter of Wine

23,446 851 170

Callida Rivera, the most powerful child of Dionysus ever born, embarks on a quest with the Heroes of OlympusLeo Valdez x OC…

Percy Jackson: One Last Fight

Percy Jackson: One Last Fight

64,042 680 17

Percy Jackson gets betrayed along with Piper, they go on adventures forcing them to become closer. Then eventually the brother of Chaos, Order, decided it's a good idea to rise and take over universe. (DISCLAMIER ALL CHARACTERS ARE RICK RIORDONS I ONLY OWN THE PLOT) btw I'm 13 so sry if it's cringy also I just rushed the description bc the last one sucked so just try to give a chance ig, thanks…

Demigods become Gods

Demigods become Gods

16,448 224 12

Basically our favorite demigods becoming gods because the gods feel old. please use constructive criticism! Ps, cover art is mine. Comment pls…

Powerful Love

Powerful Love

14,099 427 12

So Alex and piper are in college and Alex finds a homeless girl will piper agree or not what will they do…

Daughter of a Pan

Daughter of a Pan

108,898 1,846 25

Piper Pan, the most troublesome kid at Auradon prep. Get's in trouble 24/7 but always have 2 trustworthy and loyal friends. Prince Ben, son of Queen Belle and King Beast, and Twinkle Bell, daughter of TinkerBell. Even though Piper always gets in trouble Ben is always there to bail her out, and Twinkle is usually the one that told her to not get in trouble. After Ben decides to let some kids from the Isle of Lost come to Auradon, Piper being the girl she is suggested her best friend from many years before Harry Hook to come (A forbidden friendship). Piper is greatly disappointed that Harry couldn't come but manages to be great friends with Mal and Evie, since she was angry at Auradon for not accepting her best friend to join her, she decided to help them steal the magic wand and take over Auradon to help Maleficent. Will Piper be evil for good, or can someone help her see the second star again?"All the world is made of faith, and trust, and pixie dust." "When the first baby laughed for the first time, its laugh broke into a thousand pieces, and they all went skipping about, and that was the beginning of fairies." "Second star to the right and straight on 'til morning. " "Every Time a child says 'I don't believe in fairies' there is a a little fairy somewhere that falls down dead." "Do you believe in fairies?" "You know that place between sleep and awake, that place where you still remember dreaming? That's where I'll always love you. That's where I'll be waiting."…

Baby Percy (Under Major Editing. MAJOR)

Baby Percy (Under Major Editing. MAJOR)

138,597 2,499 32

when big becomes little|| WRITTEN WHEN THE AUTHORS WERE INCREDIBLY YOUNG. BE WARNED ||Highest Ranking: #81 in Humor…

Demigods Go To Goode

Demigods Go To Goode

139,704 2,503 13

Percy goes back to Goode High School and faces his old friends questions of why he disappears last year. Piper gives high school another shot. Her dad chooses the school, Goode, but Piper is fine with it because she knows she has a friend there. There she faces guys who thinks she's hot, and mean girls. Together the two become closer than before, in a brotherly and sisterly way, of course. Dealing with school drama. Other demigods may appear. I don't know you'll have to check it out. [Updates irregularly.]…



29,205 1,212 105

The world is hardly ever what it seems.We have seen our heroes fight monsters, gods, titans, and even the very Earth itself.But, there were rules and procedures to be followed.There were prophecies that defined the path to victory.Now the enemy has no limits, no safeties, no restraints.OrMortals aren't as blind and powerless as the gods seem to think...This is a completed story in told alternating POVs with Percy, Nico, Jason, and Piper being the main focus. The first several chapters are a bit rough, but my writing improved as it progresses. I will edit the early chapters to better match the quality of the later chapters when I have some spare time.This is not a story you should approach lightly, as there are numerous triggers including, but not limited to: blood, torture, death, and attempted suicide.…

Saving the Beta's Daughter (Completed)

Saving the Beta's Daughter (Completed)

1,280,827 47,323 31

Piper was the Beta's daughter. She was gracious and well-behaved. Her pack loved her, until it started. In her pre-teen years, she was forced to endure torture that people wouldn't wish on their worst enemy. Her pack looked the other way and never dared to help her. She raised her brother all on her own; and when she leaves, Piper takes her brother with her. They become the youngest rogues alive as they run from their pack.But you can only run for so long, until your past catches up to you.HIGHEST RANKING: Werewolf #78 Rogues #1COVER BY: @FabulousFrenchfry…

Piper Mclean Commander of Chaos

Piper Mclean Commander of Chaos

6,913 108 23

After heartbreak, Piper is found in the woods by Lord Chaos; who helps her become stronger than ever. A Jason Grace x Piper Mclean fanfiction!…

We're Gods Now; We Don't Need the Blondes ---- (Percy Jackson fan fiction)

We're Gods Now; We Don't Need the Blondes ---- (Percy Jackson fan fiction)

635,718 11,854 32

PIPERCY!! THIS IS A PIPERCY STORY!!Percy Jackson, and Piper McLean both left Camp Half-Blood. A couple of months after Gaea was defeated, they caught Annabeth and Jason making out behind the horse stables. They chose to run away instead of stay in a place with so many broken hearts. The gods picked them up, and transformed them into immortal minor gods. Percy became the god of fresh water, and Piper became the goddess of broken hearts.Years later, when Dionysus retires from Camp Half-Blood, Percy and Piper return to take his place, and face their old home, friends, and ex's. This is a Percy/Piper romance. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Percabeth and Jiper (in fact, Jiper is my O.T.P.), but there aren't a lot of Percy/Piper fanfics.I DONT OWN THE CHARACTERS IN THIS BOOK!!! THEY BELONG TO RICK RIORDAN!!!!!…

When It Fades To Black: Percabeth AU

When It Fades To Black: Percabeth AU

30,338 396 28

All credits for the story line go to ChasingFreedoms.She looks like she is a nerd with a prefect life at home, but no one knows the truth. Annabeth Chase has been beaten for as long as she can remember. Her father became a drunk after her mother left. She hides the wounds and blames herself. No one knows. Annabeth is full of secrets. Just when it feels like it is all too much, even for her, a new boy shows up at Goode and becomes one of the few bright spots in Annabeth's life. The question is, will her friends be enough to save her from going over the edge?Disclaimer: Mature Content.Not my characters. All rights go to Uncle Rick because duh.…

Seeing you again...

Seeing you again...

199 1 5

Lev and Jentzen stopped hanging out over a year ago. What happens when Piper invites him over and they see each other again. Will they become friends again or will their hatred deepen.contextJentzen=17 years oldLev=18 years oldPiper=16 years oldElliana=16 years oldNoteThe new members will not be there because I don't know much about them and I don't want to start a debate no hate to them though. It will really be just Piper, Lev, and Jentzen talking because I don't know the other names.…

Dear Bella Love Mommy

Dear Bella Love Mommy

1,570 33 23

Piper Rockelle become a mom at the age of 13 follow her journey of being a mom at the age of 13.…

Save the World before you Save Yourself

Save the World before you Save Yourself

167,203 3,663 13

[UNDER EXTREME EDITING READ AT YOUR OWN RISK]There is no way that Percy Jackson is the same after going through Tartarus. He has to deal with the guilt, nightmares, and depression daily without showing weakness because he has to stay strong for the campers. After all, they look up to him. The greatest hero of the all. But after a particularly cruel nightmare, Percy finds that even the greatest heroes can afford to break down and let loose, because sometimes all you need is great friends to help.[UNDER EXTREEME EDITING]…