Rochefort & Milady

Rochefort & Milady

214 16 4

1621. Le jeune Jean de Batz, fâché à mort avec sa famille, quitte son château de Gascogne et décide de parcourir le royaume de France à la recherche de celui qui pourra faire de lui le héros qu'il aspire à être. Ses prouesses à l'épée, mais aussi sa félonie, le font repérer par le cardinal de Richelieu, qui assure alors les affaires courantes du royaume pour le compte du jeune roi Louis XIII. Ce dernier le charge d'une mission : traquer et démasquer Milady de Winter, une mystérieuse intrigante qui semble agir pour le compte d'un ennemi de la couronne et qui opère sous différentes identités.Commence alors un jeu de dupes, d'influences et de duels entre les deux espions, qui se transforme vite en une danse amoureuse... et mortelle.Jean de Batz, qui n'est autre que l'un des 2 grands frères du célèbre D'Artagnan, était parti de chez lui pour se faire un nom. Il finira par y perdre le sien pour devenir Rochefort, l'âme damnée du cardinal de Richelieu.…

middle easy from here wrought

middle easy from here wrought

2 0 1

Middle east from here wroughtBy james a. galganoReplete in the soiled armor of unholy nightOffering but little reprieve distressful frightRaining down upon the innocent in hailstorm unabatedRacing for cover unfound from the horror relatedChemicals leave their indelible mark upon memory unforgottenUpon the hearts and minds victims of calculated misbegottenFrom the factional forces vying for territory sought by ungodly planTurning once peaceful existence into valley of the now damnedLike lamb drawn and slaughtered by multiple powers that beThe meek shall inherit this plight for an unseemly eternityWhere hopes fall to the wayside sewn into soil blood drenched defiledThere nothing but hatred will grow within every crevice un-reconciledBy now impossible dreams now without hope long overdue impoliteWithout sanguine prospects such dim prospects will ever see the lightOf a distant time from whence all these horrors now so effortlessly embedDisplacing every religious conjecture that offers salvation from such dreadFrom this region where every faith was given birth with invariable liesOffering redemption for faithful belief dressed in sorrowful disguiseMemories given birth by such plague of intense dismay profoundWill never soon provide peaceful respite from such unforgettable sound…

Demônios Viajam Sozinhos

Demônios Viajam Sozinhos

66 0 7

Há sete anos eu conheci um homem chamado João. Todos da cidade o chamavam de João Louco, porque ele vivia rolando pedras na estrada de Itapacerica da Serra pra Embu-Guaçu, mas eu mesmo nunca conheci ninguém mais são. Certa vez ele me disse que havia uma lenda sussurrada por entre os indígenas, há mais de trezentos anos, que se conhecia por toda a serra paulista, dos Tupiniquins da atual Bertioga, passando pelos Tamoios do litoral norte, até os tupinambás a norte da costa do Rio de Janeiro. Dizia-se, sempre com cuidado, com o zelo das superstições antigas, que Jurupari, o antigo demônio dos sonhos, que invadia os campos oníricos dos índios levando-os pesadelos e presságios de perigos, viajava sozinho por entre as estradas do império português. "Por isso ninguém confia em viajantes solitários, rapaz", dizia ele, de pé com suas sandálias gastas que se arrastaram por boa parte do continente sul-americano.…

Ce qu'il y a derrière les mots

Ce qu'il y a derrière les mots

53 1 2

''Burk, Guiasnovoure, Algata, terres ancestrales où se sont développées des générations de vikings, bourrus mais valeureux combattants. Combattants, car leur quotidien n'eut jamais vraiment laissé de place à des activités simplement paisibles, sans obligation de s'armer d'une hache ou deux pour se défendre face au plus terribles créatures qui soient.... Les dragons.Les siècles se sont écoulés, le contact entre les différentes civilisations humaines s'est fait petit à petit, les technologies ont évoluées, les capacités de la science les accompagnant, mais malgré les légendes idéalistes de mythique paix ou départ des dragons en des temps anciens, le présent nous démontre que les dragons sont encore et toujours présents, et particulièrement dangereux.Les mers, les terres et les cieux sont occupés de ces monstres et de leur règne.Malgré tous les efforts humains, les lances ou les armes à feu ne peuvent percer la carapaces d'écailles de ces bêtes ailées et dotées de pouvoirs en tous genres qui jamais n'ont cessé de semer terreur et désolation à travers la planète. Il n'y a pas une seule terre au monde qui soit délaissée des dragons, il n'y a pas un seul refuge pour le genre humain. Ce dernier et simplement condamné à poursuivre ce combat en vain.Les dragons sont les ennemis naturels de l'homme et leur éradication est la seule solution envisageable.''…

The Orinity Guard

The Orinity Guard

67 0 2

NOTE: This is set to be a series, and I will post new chapters every week. I will also sift through and update chapters.The premise of the first book centers around Bikrom Frost, an Arcan(an alien species), who is struggling with coming to terms and grasping the reality of the situation, that he was going to be spending the entirety/rest of his life in his dirt-poor, poverty stricken country, and working as a farmer to assist his family, who are going through a crucial time. He is then pulled into the tangled politics of his village, and convicted of a crime he didn't commit. Disowned by his family and sentenced to execution by his village, he flees, and secretly boards a trading vessel, and manages to escape. He then learns of a contest conducted by the Orinity, who are powerful celestial beings that rule the mortal universe through their dimension. A contest was hosted to choose the new "Orinity Guard", a champion of the Orinity, whose objective is to maintain control of the universe for the Orinity, and making sure it rests in their hands. Bikrom, in hopes of garnering respect and getting a new life, competes in the tournament, where only the winner of all the duels will be chosen to be the new guard. Bikrom, despite getting selected to the semifinals, faces a humiliating defeat, ruining all his prospects. However, a major turn of events causes the tournament to come to an abrupt halt immediately. The sacred dimension warper, which was a gateway to both worlds, was stolen from the Holy Orinity Temple, on an auspicious day dedicated to worshiping them. The device is extremely dangerous, and in the wrong hands, could cause untold destruction. The Orinity, in a desperate bid to retrieve it, announced that whoever brings it back, will become The Orinity Guard. Will Bikrom manage to retrieve it back safely, or will he fail, or die trying in the process? In the quest to locate it, he realizes something is amiss, and that the Orinity are not what they seem to be...…

رومانسية البقاء على قيد الحياة في لعبة الواقع الافتراضي

رومانسية البقاء على قيد الحياة في لعبة الواقع الافتراضي

12 0 6

Anya, a struggling artist, had stumbled upon the advertisement for "Virtuos," a new virtual reality game promising a staggering cash prize. Desperate for a financial lifeline, she signed up without hesitation. As she donned the headset, the world around her dissolved, replaced by a lush, digital landscape.The game was everything she had hoped for, a fantastical realm filled with towering trees and sparkling rivers. But the initial thrill soon faded when she realized the game's sinister undertones. The friendly NPCs she'd encountered turned hostile, their once welcoming smiles replaced by menacing grins. Anya found herself fighting for her life in a digital world that was rapidly becoming her prison.As she fled from the relentless onslaught, she stumbled upon a secluded clearing. To her surprise, she wasn't alone. A young man, his face obscured by a dark hood, was tending to a small campfire. Despite her initial wariness, she approached him, recognizing the desperation in his eyes.His name was Kai, a seasoned gamer who had been trapped in Virtuos for weeks. Together, they formed an unlikely alliance, their survival depending on their ability to trust and cooperate. Anya discovered that Kai possessed a wealth of knowledge about the game's mechanics and hidden secrets. With his guidance, she learned to navigate the treacherous terrain and outwit her digital adversaries.As they ventured deeper into the game, their bond grew stronger. They shared stories of their lives outside the virtual world, their fears and hopes. Anya found herself drawn to Kai, his quiet strength and unwavering loyalty. In the face of overwhelming danger, their love blossomed, a beacon of hope in the darkness.Their journey was fraught with peril, but their determination never wavered. They faced monstrous creatures, solved intricate puzzles, and outlasted countless other players. With each obstacle they overcame, their bond grew stronger, their love deepening.…

ask fnaf and 2!

ask fnaf and 2!

1,406 3 183

all in the title and they are also human...also this was all on quotev i made it a long time ago its some weird but whatever screw it!…

Ensayo sobre el deporte en Europa

Ensayo sobre el deporte en Europa

4 0 1

Europa, un continente de rica historia y diversidad cultural, alberga un paisaje deportivo vibrante y multifacético que refleja la pasión y el compromiso de sus habitantes hacia diversas disciplinas atléticas. Desde las majestuosas montañas de los Alpes hasta las extensas llanuras de Europa del Este, el deporte se entrelaza con la identidad de cada nación, tejiendo una red de tradiciónEn Europa, el deporte se manifiesta en una amplia gama de formas y expresiones. El rugido de las multitudes en los estadios de fútbol, donde los equipos luchan con ferocidad por la gloria en la cancha, es emblemático de la pasión inigualable que despierta este deporte en el continente. Las calles adoquinadas de ciudades como París, Londres o Roma son testigos del flujo constanteLas aguas cristalinas del Mediterráneo y del Atlántico acogen a navegantes y surfistas que desafían las olas en busca de adrenalina y libertad. Los verdesLa historia deportiva de Europa está impregnada de momentos legendarios que han dejado una huella imborrable en la memoria colectiva. Desde las hazañas olímpicas de atletas como Jesse Owens y Emil Zátopek hasta las épicas batallas en los campos de cricket y rugby, el continente ha sido escenario de gestas deportivas que han inspirado y emocionado a millones en todo el mundo.Sin embargo, más allá de la competencia y el espectáculo, el deporte en Europa desempeña un papel crucial en la cohesión social y el bienestar de sus ciudadanos. Clubes deportivos locales y asociaciones comunitarias proporcionan un espacio para la inclusión y el compañerismo, fomentando la participación de personas de todas las edades y habilidades en actividades físicas y recreativas.…

The Spectre: I will be there for you

The Spectre: I will be there for you

94 6 2

One little mistake becomes the linchpin of destruction and civil war. But unbeknownst to most of our species, there grows hope embodying a singular soul, an average normal person who decides to forsake his past and in the midst of this chaos refuses to give up, rather choosing to instill in the people a will to fight; who - for better or for worse, will change the lives of the survivors forever.The entire area spanning miles across the county of Aldrien has turned into the land of the dead and countless undead. Moreover, the conditions of unrest before the incident were border-lining on an all out civil war between the factions controlling the region. The present situation is unclear to the world due to lack of contact from inside of the quarantined region.Whispers that the dead man now walk in the deserted streets of New Aldrien have been heard around the world inciting mass hysteria. Some people talk about prophecies that predicted the end of the world the way ancient Mesopotamian archives mention of thousands of years ago, they say humanity has been condemned to wither out as it reaches its pinnacle. UNDAC is countering this surging wave of panic around the world by publicly disclosing that they have managed to contain this strange phenomenon by imposing a rigorous quarantine. A research team hastily assembled from member nations to study the epidemic has begun showing positive results. They are confident that they can trace back the steps to the outburst and find its source, which hopefully will go a long way to achieve the much needed breakthrough in the ultimate goal of finding a cure.You are the protagonist of this story who has risen again after losing everything that was loved and held dear in your heart. This journey captures you traversing the world of the fallen in hopes to survive as you struggle to find food, shelter and perhaps the absolution of mankind itself.Best of Luck Redeemer!Copyright © 2014 cordeva, All Rights Reserved.…