Donna Pericolosa

Donna Pericolosa

4,214 496 43

Donna Pericolosa, which means dangerous woman, Donna is indeed a dangerous woman. After the death of her mother, she was trained to hold guns and kill people. She was heartless and reckless. Her only goal in life was to find the syndicates who murdered her mother. Not until Cailie Roswell Vozostrous came into her life. He was the kindest, most patient person she has ever met; he always makes her show her good side, which somehow scared her. She was blinded by his love and care, but she never knew who he really was. Will she still love him even after knowing everything?…

Echipa Pericol

Echipa Pericol

501 7 47

După ce Bose,Mika,Chapa și Miles au devenit adulți Ray a decis să facă încă o noua generație de super eroi care au primit puteri din cauza lui Ray când se lupta cu Ticălosul Timpului. Acum Ray are o nouă echipă și împreună cu Shoawz îi ajută pe Amy,Sarah,Mati și Berry să ajungă eroi.…

Amore Pericoloso

Amore Pericoloso

2,524 108 20

Amore Pericoloso - Dangerous Love Amara Sol,Her Family Gets Ripped from her within Minutes. She's Lost But Hiding a Secret That she kept from Everyone from years.Enzo Rossi, A Vampire. That's all you'll get.Continue reading to Watch how their life escalates.Is it For the better or worse ?----------------------SHORT-ish STORY ?Not Edited ❌COMPLETED…

Pericoloso (Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood Fanfiction)

Pericoloso (Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood Fanfiction)

81,236 3,425 32

Ezio Auditore da Firenze; a Florentine Nobleman turned assassin after the death of his father and two brothers. A seducer of women, playful, possessing acrobatic skills far above his peers, and fiercely loyal to his family, Ezio is an assassin you don't want to get on the bad side of.Speranza Chilometri; a mysterious assassin on a quest for revenge. She's cunning, quick, and much stronger than she looks. With a dark past and maybe a dark future, she's distant, and no one save for few even know of her existence.She's dangerous, but that's why Ezio is so intrigued by her. "When you feel that special connection with someone, it's near impossible to resist."*Doesn't follow exact game story lines, although some scenarios may be mentioned*(All rights go to Ubisoft except for Speranza)…

PERICOLOSI (In Progress)

PERICOLOSI (In Progress)

63,614 2,743 16

"Ever since I was a child, there was only one thing that kept me here. 'Kill them before they kill me', and that's the thing that will forever keep me here until I decide it's time to go." •°•°•°• Running from your past can only get you so far. Eventually, it eats at your thoughts, trying to catch up to you. And by the time it does, you can either face it or keep running.…

Videogames life 5 (Videogiochi in pericolo)

Videogames life 5 (Videogiochi in pericolo)

490 23 12

Donald Trump vuole proibire i videogiochi in tutto il mondo, i nostri amici prederanno una strada diverso visto che i videogiochi stanno scomparendo incontreranno uno Youtuber famoso, che li aiuterà, secondo voi come finirà ? Lo scoprirete solo leggendo…

Amore pericoloso

Amore pericoloso

424 44 1

Este oneshot pertenece al concurso del grupo "Emilxmickey" en Facebook.¡Visítenlo!…



131 10 8

Cinder lived an ordinary college life, she kept a job at a coffee shop and made memories with her best friend and coworker, worked hard to accomplish her dream of saving people by being healing them, and spent her free time reading romance novels, learning new recipes, and volunteering. But when a mysterious guy who she is immediately attracted to walks into the coffee shop and takes her by surprise, little did she know that's when her life would change in so many ways and there was no looking back.…



53 4 10

Pericolosa meaning 'Dangerous' is what can be described of Alessia Riley. Alessia, a CI has been promoted to the spy league against her will. Her mission being to turn the son of a powerful mafia into clay for the U.S government. Even though she isn't happy with the situation and is surrounded by egoistic men who don't believe that a woman can ever be as good at the job as they are, Alessia sets out to prove all of them wrong. And maybe even herself.…



108 9 7

In a world where werewolves ruled the humans were prayed upon. Treated as second class citizens yet unable to do anything about it. The tyrant Prince Lucas was the one leading the anti human campaign what happens if his mate happens to be a human ? Especially the one sent to kill him."We are fated to be together my love you can't stop that " Lucas answered while smirking at Sophia ."No you are fated to die by my hands and you can't stop that " Sophia answered while glaring daggers at him. In the end It was a single women who brought down the end of a mighty empire.…

Loving you Pericolóso

Loving you Pericolóso

27 2 2

What would you do for love? Love is a sacrifice and once you enter that world, there's no way you can escape. They say love is dangerous. You fall, you chase, you will also feel the pain of loving someone.Even if the Earth is full of crimes, murders, scumbags, jerks and hearthless people, these two is meant for each other despite of this pericolóso world.Achilles & Ivory…

Amore pericoloso

Amore pericoloso

155 21 4

Ciao a tutti questa è una storia su the vampire diaries ma parlerà del amore tra kai e una ragazza che è nata a Mystic sono molti colpi di scena ecc. Buona lettura…

Sălbatic și atrăgător  [II volum din seria Lumi date naibii]

Sălbatic și atrăgător [II volum din seria Lumi date naibii]

514 84 14

❝ Extremele se atrag într-un mod mult prea periculos. Eden Galvez e o roșcată fără reguli,e o avalanșă de emoții și plină de probleme. Tatum Lane e polițistul erou pentru toți copii din cartier,e sălbatic de atrăgător și blestemat până la moarte. El o cunoaște de mică și a îndrăznit să pună ochii pe ea încă de atunci știind că mica roșcată va fi femeia care îl va nenoroci de zile. Ea în schimb îl ura pe prietenul tatălui ei,nu îi dorea grija ce i-o purta și nici într-un caz atracția ispititoare ce mocnea în ea. Când se întâlnesc se lasă cu scântei,lacrimi și nervi.Nu se pot accepta unul pe altul deși asta își doresc cel mai mult. Roșcata și Sălbaticul atrăgător fiind sortiți unei iubiri mult prea distrugătoare ❞…

r o s e m a r y. ➳ ; eric coulter

r o s e m a r y. ➳ ; eric coulter

308,476 5,106 18

"Even a person as cold as Eric needs someone to love." All he ever needed was someone like Rosemary to prove that. An Amity girl And a Dauntless leader.- sorry this story sucks lol -…

Break your wall

Break your wall

193,803 3,434 34

Eric, the leader of dauntless. Handsome and cold, a good combination according to others like Nicole. When she first met Eric she thought he was an asshole. He was cold, but it wasn't the piercings he had in his face or his big arms. It was the way he looked at her. But when she get closer to him, she finally understands why he is cold. Read the exciting story about Nicole and the handsome dauntless leader Eric.…

Operation: Style (COMPLETED)(South Park) {StanxKyle}

Operation: Style (COMPLETED)(South Park) {StanxKyle}

244,796 8,542 28

"Wendy. Eric." After saying their names, Principle Victoria looked to both teens respectably. "I hope you understand what I'm trusting you with.""Yes Principle Victoria. 'Operation: Style' is a go!" Wendy exclaimed, probably too excited for the given task. "Dude.. gay." Cartman's nose scrunched up just thinking of his 'friends' jerking each other off, but he couldn't deny he wasn't interested. Together, the two left the office, ready to start the planing of 'Operation: Style'. BONUS - Operation: Candy…

Trans Will (Solangelo Love Story) (COMPLETED)

Trans Will (Solangelo Love Story) (COMPLETED)

39,229 837 20

William Solace, Son of Apollo. Always smiling sunshine doctor who is also stubborn as ever. Kindest person ever. Seems like the perfect guy. Little does the camp know. He is hiding a secret. What happens when a certain Son of Hades breaks down the walls. (I write a lot of Trans Nico Books. I want to do Trans Will for once. Be patient with me. I am use to Nico as my main go to so I am changing it up for once it will be different for me lol)…

PJO Mortals Meet the Demigods With No Mist

PJO Mortals Meet the Demigods With No Mist

317,355 3,269 35

DON'T JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS VIEWS. I promise this is a somehow good/bad story. What will happen when the demigods go to hell...jk...they've been there already. But what will happen when they roam around the city just to blend in because of a certain goddess who went on vacation and will never return in a long long time.…

Mortals meet Demigods

Mortals meet Demigods

704,377 8,952 42

The Gods are cruel and decided to send their children to- wait for it- mortal school. There, they will be faced with jealous, deceitful, and imbecilic mortals. Suggestions are now closed!All rights go to Rick Riordan!! I do not own anything![CURRENTLY EDITING]…