Shtëpia e Sekreteve✔

Shtëpia e Sekreteve✔

6,254 388 22

Gjithçka duket perfekte nga jashtë, por a është edhe aq perfekte nga brenda sa duket nga jashtë? Një vajzë... një shtëpi... e mbushur me sekrete të mëdha. Amelia Allen, shkoi në Krauford për të punuar, edhe pse jeta e saj ishte e vështirë. Ajo nuk e dinte që brenda asaj shtëpie do të zbulonte e do të shihnte sekrete që askush përveç saj dhe protagonistëve nuk i dinte. A është çdo gjë ashtu siç e shohim? A janë sekretet ato që na përpinë nga brenda? Një vajzë... Disa vrasje...Një dashuri...Por, asgjë nuk ishte ashtu siç dukeshin!? Kush e vrau Sara Uillsonin, atë natë në hotel?Po Marian?Po Luiza Emiltonin?Një mister për tu zgjidhur...Cilësuar:🏅 #2 albanian…

𝙋𝙚𝙧𝙛𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣||𝙔𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙚! 𝙉𝙞𝙣𝙟𝙖𝙜𝙤 𝙭 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧
 𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐖 ( Tom Kaulitz)

𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐖 ( Tom Kaulitz)

8,795 240 52

Er drückte mein Körper gegen die Wand.Seine Anwesenheit bringt mir GänsehautSein heißer Atem streift über mein Hals„ du gehörst mir" raunte er mir in mein OhrIch konnte nichts sagen, ich war zu überfordert „ Ja" brach ich nur heraus...…

Forever - Book 3 in The Perfect Partner Trilogy

Forever - Book 3 in The Perfect Partner Trilogy

7,830 557 25

Taehyung and Jenna have been through too much to let a little thing like meeting the parents, or military service, or a whole host of obstacles stop them from being together. But will they ever get to tie the knot?! Find out in the third, and final, installment of The Perfect Partner Trilogy!Other books in this trilogy: #1 - Serendipitous #2 - Seoulmates…

project 863 woodsxreader/ Complete

project 863 woodsxreader/ Complete

18,383 379 25

This won't be the exact same story line as the actull project 863 since stuff keeps happening Over 16k reads holy shit tyssssssssmAs y/n arrives at hi5 studios. Soon enough she gets sucked into a crazy world.She finds out stuff she wish she could forget.Will her love of life save her when she needs it.Will family really be as perfect as other family's.... noCOMPLETED…

Mine - f.s

Mine - f.s

64,559 1,984 31

Jag trodde aldrig att något gott skulle komma ur att jag råkade slå någon oskyldig kille i ansiktet, men nu vet jag inte vad som hänt om jag slagit med handen rakt ut i luften istället för att träffa det där perfekta ansiktet. Jag ångrar inte att jag slog Felix Sandman i ansiktet, för han gör mig så extremt lycklig och utan honom hade jag inte vetat vad riktig kärlek var. Och jag är evigt tacksam för det. Jag heter Bella och det här är min berättelse om hur jag föll för en kille som jag av misstag slog i ansiktet.…

Imperfectly PERFECT LOVE

Imperfectly PERFECT LOVE

35,543 2,285 11

'Relationships aren't perfect, but the people are, and if you and me are perfect for eo, there's no issue in anything'um...not every love story is PERFECT, but some like the filmy ones, are.But not every story is a filmy act, some are PERFECT, the way they are, even if IMPERFECTLY.......Presenting you, one of my writing..just like the story, I ain't a perfect writer as well.But hope you like it...…

Eine neue Gefahr - Zianourry (Fortsetzung F.o.r.B?)

Eine neue Gefahr - Zianourry (Fortsetzung F.o.r.B?)

7,781 443 10

Man könnte meinen das Leben wäre niemals perfekt. Immer hätte man etwas zu meckern, oder es würde nicht so laufen, wie man sich es vorstellt. Doch ich konnte mit stolz sagen, dass mein Leben absolut perfekt war. Ich hatte vier Freunde, die mich liebten. Ich konnte mein nie endendes Leben mit ihnen verbringen und konnte einfach glücklich sein. Die Entführung durch die vier Vampire, die ich nun meine Freunde nennen durfte, war absolut das Beste, was mir je passiert ist. Doch ich konnte zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch nicht ahnen, dass mein perfektes Leben schon nicht mehr so perfekt sein würde....…

Fathers Day.

Fathers Day.

519 23 2

It is Fathers Day at Berk and Hiccup use Gobbers help to make a perfekt gift.Hiccup-Gobber / Hiccup-Stoick moments.…

Where He Went

Where He Went

165,645 4,465 27

Stiles was living his best life in Lima Ohio. He gained himself two brothers, made new friends, joined the glee club and is dating someone that loves him and treats him like he's their entire world. It was perfect.Until Stiles, the new directions and the warblers get teleported into a movie theater to watch his life. As if things couldn't get any worse, the pack and coach Finnstock are also teleported into the movie theater.Stiles is certain that the universe hates him.…

Super Buu x perfect cell

Super Buu x perfect cell

1,209 18 7

This is an adorable love story about Majin Buu and Perfect Cell.…

A Eshte Dashuria Mbi Gjithcka ?

A Eshte Dashuria Mbi Gjithcka ?

18,312 1,214 40

Dea nje vajze qe e dashuron jeten nje vajze me synime te qarta ne jet por qe papritur njeh dashurin dhe endrra e saj me e madhe eshte te jet me njeriun e zemresDuke triumfuar ne dashurin e saj ajo shnderrohet ne nje grua dhe nje nene shembullore Ajo kishte nje familje perfekt ku mbizoteronte harmonia, lumturia dhe mbi te gjitha dashuria por jo gjithcka eshte sikur duket gjithmon eshte dicka e fshehur qe ti nuk e shikon papritur lumturia kthehet ne dhimbje e ndersa buzeqeshja ne lot nje tradheti e ben ate te kuptoj se disa gjera kishin qen thjesht fasada ajo tradheti e ben te dyshoj ne gjithcka madje dhe ne dashurin qe ata kishin A falet tradhetia? eshte kjo pyetja qe cdo njeri e mendon te pakten njeher ne jet dhe ne e kemi te qarte ate pergjigje tradhetia nuk falet sepse ai qe te tradheton nje here e ben perseri Kur e mendojm na duket e thjesht ajo gje por kur ndodhe te ben te mendohesh gjate per ate pergjigje Por si do te arrij ajo te vazhdoj perpara si nje nene beqare? A do te arrij te jet e zonja e vetes? Frika nga ndryshimi dhe nga ideja e te jetuarit pa te do ta bejn te stepetpor djali I saj do te jet ai qe do ti jap kurajon qe te vazhdoj perpara sepse ajo eshte e fort dhe nuk ka nevoj per askend qe te mbijetoj ne kete bote mizore por a do te arrij ajo ta ndaloj zemren qe te rrah perseri per ate njeri ? A do arrij dashuria e tyre te jet mbi gjithcka apo tradhetia do ta vras ate ?…

𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐋 𝐎𝐍 𝐌𝐘 𝐊𝐍𝐄𝐄𝐒 ( Tom Kaulitz)

𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐋 𝐎𝐍 𝐌𝐘 𝐊𝐍𝐄𝐄𝐒 ( Tom Kaulitz)

1,368 146 31

„ 𝐈'𝐦 𝐚𝐥𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐲 𝐢𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐥"Autorennen, Drogenhandel, Mafia.Das ist die dunkle Seite von Los Angeles. Bist du einmal drin, kommst du nie wieder raus.Lucia Santoro ist ein Teil davon. Mit ihren blauenAugen gibt sie den perfekten Kontrast zur Dunkelheit.Mit ihrer furchtlosen und heißen Art erregt sie jede Aufmerksamkeit der Männer, auch die von Tom Kaulitz.Der Mann der Unterwelt bekommt immer was er will.Er sah sie, er will sie, er wird sie bekommen.„ Du weißt gar nicht auf was du dich da einlässt Lucia"„ Dann zeig es mir"…

Der perfekte Plan
~My fate~  (Deku Angst) (Bkdk)

~My fate~ (Deku Angst) (Bkdk)

20,123 248 13

In this story Izuku Midoriya also known as "Deku" dose have a quirk which is fire breathing just like his father (Hizashi Midoriya) but he can also teleport it, just like his mothers quirk (Inko Midoriya) but in a stronger way.His family was perfekt unite one day, the day it changes his life completely.........I don't want to say too much soo if you like the beginning read the story😊 I hope you will enjoy:-)⚠️The characters don't belong to me ⚠️…

Perfekcyjny Scenariusz (7)

Perfekcyjny Scenariusz (7)

122 2 1

Perfekcyjny scenariusz świata według młodego ucznia który wie jak wszystko zrobić lepiej. lordorion256…

Perfekt?!(Apecrime ff)

Perfekt?!(Apecrime ff)

74,156 2,328 47

viel spaß beim lesen :)…

Lab partners ( jayvik)

Lab partners ( jayvik)

1,526 40 13

Jayce and Viktor are business partners , working on there hextech project. Who could've known Viktor is jealous of jayce perfekt life, wanting to be on his side as more then just a work partner…

Tragedy of Hünfek's love

Tragedy of Hünfek's love

3,916 245 15

This story will play in the 1970's years. The main characters are Hünkar Yaman and Ali Rahmet Fekeli. They are in love with each other from their youth ages but is it possible to come true this impossible love?…

Daddy? or lover? 𝐖𝐨𝐨𝐬𝐚𝐧 ∴⋆࿐

Daddy? or lover? 𝐖𝐨𝐨𝐬𝐚𝐧 ∴⋆࿐

106,213 3,899 65

San sucht einen neuen, perfekten babyboy.Wird dieser ausgenutzt oder wird er seine große Liebe werden? INHALT -90% real 10%texting-Woosan -Taekook (maybe)-Stray kids ships (nach Wunsch)-Smut-Fluff -littlespace-Daddy/babyboy-ab Kap. 32 nicht für schwache NervenDon't like it? Don't read it!Begin: 05.12.2020End: -…