Mi Taxista (Mikenix)
Acenix, un joven de 21 años que para poder pagar su universidad debe ser taxista por las noches, en uno de sus viajes conoció a alguien que quizá le cambiará la vida…
Acenix, un joven de 21 años que para poder pagar su universidad debe ser taxista por las noches, en uno de sus viajes conoció a alguien que quizá le cambiará la vida…
Hellboy, the World's Greatest Paranormal Investigator, has seen everything. Nothing surprises him, and even less spooks him. Working for the Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense (B.P.R.D.) has desensitized him to all manner of horrors, and equipped him to deal with any kind of monster. Why they would send him of all people to investigate Freddy Fazbear's Pizza is beyond him. It's just a struggling chain of family restaurants, known less for the quality of their pizza than for their advanced (if not aged) animatronic entertainers. It's also known locally as the site of a violent haunting. Whether it's true or false, Hellboy intends to find out. If he can manage to get hired as the nighttime security guard-a position that just recently and suddenly became available-he'll have plenty of time in the night to investigate. After all, what are the chances of him actually catching anyone sneaking around such a run-down restaurant so late at night?Hellboy created by Mike Mignola. Five Nights at Freddy's created by Scott Cawthon.Credit to Toy Bon Bon Games for gameplay footage that inspired the story (https://youtube.com/@toybonbongames?si=IyLFwPRI9fRNoGlq).…
just read if you wanna btw its trash. 0-0…
Marshall e Skye estão namorando, onde sera que isso vai dar.…
In aceasta poveste este vorba de 2 tineri care se indragostesc unul de celalalt, dar dragostea lor este intrerupta de parintii baiatului.…
Andrew, un băiat simplu ce trăiește cu ambii săi părinți, într-un oraș uitat de lume...urmează să aibă cea mai mare aventură combinată cu coșmarul.…
A Man. A Child. and a Cat who wants its payment.A story in comic script format…
Trueth never meant to cross the Portal, yet when she thought she was stuck in the Past, she gets a chance to go back home.…
Once upon a time, he distributed soberness and drunkenness at whim. Now he’s the bartender at Camellia Hotel’s Lounge Bar.…
{Podestaria's 5k reads kirific}Finally, Detective Robert 'Bob' Bergman got the gut to ask the MILF-- ah-hem, lady out. Will he succeed in conquering her heart or will he stay a...... thirtirgin?No, wait. He's a thirtirgin?! NO WAY!…
Un grup de opt prieteni - Darius, Sara, Lexy, Denisa, Daria, Anghel, Centura și Pisi - decide să petreacă un weekend liniștit într-o cabană izolată în mijlocul pădurii. Ceea ce începe ca o reuniune veselă se transformă rapid într-un coșmar atunci când un ucigaș misterios începe să îi vâneze unul câte unul.După ce se confruntă cu dispariții și morți brutale, grupul descoperă indicii care sugerează că unul dintre ei ar putea fi complice sau chiar criminalul. Pe măsură ce tensiunea crește, alianțele se destramă, iar supraviețuirea devine o prioritate.…
He doesn’t have your family’s trademark weatherly eyes – not your Lady Aunt’s stormy or your own rainy-Spring-day grey, neither your father’s Mid¬summer-afternoon-bright-sky blue. He has his eyes, a blue so deep it almost looks purple, the colour of lapis lazuli or the indigo hue. And then you cannot avoid wondering… how much will he grow to look like him? Will he have his chestnut hair, so thick and soft it’s almost a crime? Will he stand like him, tall and proud and grave as a judge – a king – on the brink to sen¬tence a man to death? Will his stride scythe air and rain and fog like his? Will he have that switchblade smile of his, the smile you still fear and love and wish for you alone?{A Thalde ficlet, because Biagio's parents simply are *ç*}…
In a quaint café, two souls collide in a moment of unexpected magic. Emma and Noah's love blossoms against the backdrop of life's challenges, creating a beautiful tapestry of joy, dreams, and unbreakable bonds. As they navigate the highs of romance and the lows of separation, their commitment to each other deepens.But when tragedy strikes and Emma is diagnosed with a terminal illness, their love is put to the ultimate test. Together, they face heart-wrenching choices, unspoken fears, and the looming specter of loss. Can their love withstand the weight of sorrow? Will they find a way to cherish every fleeting moment, or will grief shatter their dreams?Join Emma and Noah on a poignant journey of love, resilience, and the heartbreaking beauty of saying goodbye. This is a story that will make you laugh, cry, and reflect on the profound connections that shape our lives.Prepare to embark on an emotional ride that explores the depths of love and the strength it takes to face life's most difficult moments. Are you ready to witness a love that transcends even the darkest of times?…
An anthology of short, claimless stories.…
The Bowers gang finds a new possession. A dark tale of abuse and mental issues.(⚠️TW: this read will include some dark themes and topics, read at your discretion- abuse, gore, harassment, violence, drugs, drinking, self harm, sexual themes and possibly smut)…
Multi spun ca razbunarea nu e calea.Ea crede ca numai aceasta ii mai poate aduce acum linistea.Dupa ce a pierdut totul.EaO tanara obisnuitaElInuman, lipsit de sentimente si scrupuleEaDominata de emotiiEl Rece ca varful unui aisbergCe se ascunde insa dedesubtul acestuia? Isi va afla razbunarea implinita, sau va pieri incercand sa o obtina?…
A collection of Paw Patrol stories that some wish could be on the show.Some stories are connected while others go down different paths.…
✞sᴏᴍᴇ ғɪᴄs ɪ ʀᴇᴄᴏᴍᴇɴᴅ/ɪ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ʟᴏᴠᴇᴅ✞…
Într-o noapte sumbră, un grup de prieteni ajunge să deschidă un pachet de tarot antic, fără să știe că aceasta va dezvălui o putere malefică străveche, legată de moarte și destin. Fiecare dintre ei este legat de acest blestem, iar moartea unuia dintre ei declanșează un lanț de evenimente care nu poate fi oprit. Pe măsură ce spiritele celor căzuți revin din întuneric pentru a-și cere răzbunarea, Daria, singura care a provocat blestemul, se află prinsă într-un joc din care nu mai există ieșire. Cu fiecare pas, înfruntă inevitabilitatea unei soarte cumplite, dar și sacrificiul final al unui destin care se repetă etern. Ciclul morții și răzbunării nu are sfârșit, iar blestemul tarotului continuă să bântuie fiecare suflet prins în vâltoarea lui.…