Gen AI: Your Virtual Coding Assistant - Sachin Dev Duggal

Gen AI: Your Virtual Coding Assistant - Sachin Dev Duggal

3 1 1

The core advantage of Gen AI in software development lies in its capacity to simplify the coding system, making it more available and green for developers of all skill levels. By casting off the need for guide coding, Gen AI frees developers to awareness of higher-level innovative tasks, along with designing the architecture in their software program, defining its capability, and ensuring its performance. "In an era wherein turning into digitally local or undergoing an entire virtual transformation is not just a luxury but a necessity for groups, we're committed to revolutionising the software program development system," states Sachin Dev Duggal, Founder and Chief Wizard of This shift in awareness enables developers to pay attention to the essence of their software, in place of getting slowed down within the intricacies of coding.…

The two sides of the screen(BTS FICTION)

The two sides of the screen(BTS FICTION)

5 1 1

The history can talk about the famous webtoon company "THE SCREEN" and how much did the company achieve ever since it was established by our great grand pa unluckily, For an unknown reason or another, when our mother turned 25 and took over the company, she disappeared into thin air.yeah,the year we were born ,our mother disappeared ever since then we never saw her...just few know. After that, Dad took over the company and he closed it since then.On our 18th birthday, A few months ago ,father did leave us a note saying :that he finally fulfilled his promise to mom and brought us up, he asked us to attend the college and to wait him. He promised to bring us mom back and he stressed on warning us not to go near the company or touch anything thereand by this we the two fraternal twins lennox and Ariel started our journey feeling lost and despair but at the same time we never showed anyone the truth behind those rich and ultimate strong sisters.we attend arts college hoping to re-open our webtoon company one day, Our college that graduate all types of artists: writers, artists, webtoonists, designers , rappers, dancers, singers and worst of all idolsyup,I am talking about our colleagues from the music school ,the famous band who all girls in college chase and who are always picking a fight with us ,B...T..Sand they are actually the other main reason I am writing this story like if they did not keep on teasing us whenever we meet,we won't had broken our dad's warning and published those "pay back" webtoons about them and hence we wouldn't not touch the company's cursed magical screen,we would not have entered the webtoon world or whatever nor they would have came with us to annoy us in the other world and throw themselves in danger nor...we..w-we would have f-allen that hard for them...…

Women's Boots | London Rag USA

Women's Boots | London Rag USA

1 0 1

Step out in style and comfort with our exquisite collection of women's boots at London Rag USA. Our boots are meticulously crafted to cater to the modern woman's taste for fashion and functionality. Whether you're navigating city streets, enjoying a night out, or seeking adventure, our boots provide the perfect blend of elegance and practicality.Quality CraftsmanshipEach pair of London Rag boots is made with precision and care, using high-quality materials that ensure durability and long-lasting wear. Our collection features a variety of materials, including genuine leather, suede, and vegan alternatives, catering to diverse preferences and ethical choices. The superior construction of our boots guarantees a snug fit, excellent support, and unmatched comfort, making them ideal for all-day wear.Style and VersatilityOur range includes an array of styles to suit any occasion:Ankle Boots: Perfect for everyday wear, our ankle boots come in a variety of designs, from classic to contemporary, ensuring you find the perfect pair to complement your wardrobe.Knee-High Boots: Make a bold statement with our knee-high boots, ideal for pairing with skirts, dresses, or skinny jeans. These boots add a touch of sophistication to any outfit.Over-the-Knee Boots: Elevate your fashion game with our over-the-knee boots, designed for those who love to make a statement. Perfect for cooler seasons, they provide warmth and style in equal measure.Chelsea Boots: A timeless classic, our Chelsea boots are a versatile addition to any closet. Easy to slip on and off, they are perfect for both casual and formal occasions.Combat Boots: Add an edge to your look with our combat boots. Sturdy and stylish, they are perfect for those who love a bit of rugged charm in their footwear.…



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Mortal Game: The Killer ⚠️|PAUZĂ PENTRU EDITARE|⚠️

Mortal Game: The Killer ⚠️|PAUZĂ PENTRU EDITARE|⚠️

1,247 17 3

"Nu mă pot mișca. E în fața mea. Dar el nu își arată chipul. Mereu când am fost atât de aproape de un scop totul se ducea de râpă și nu puteam să încep de la început. Era ca și cum aș reciti o carte plictisitoare. Am presimțirea asta, dar mi-e și frică de omul ăsta. El mi-a omorât mama! Acum eu trebuie să-l omor pe el ca să-mi răzbun mama. Dar nu pot! Nu mă pot mișca. Dacă nu fug cât mai repede mă va omorî, dar lumea trebuie să-l vadă. Trebuie să știe toată lumea totul. Dar dacă fug, va fi de negăsit din nou. Am așteptat atâta timp să-l văd cu ochii mei și nu pot s-o dau în bară acum. Aș fugi dacă aș avea unde. El e în fața mea, amândoi fiind înconjurați de bărbații din sat într-o pădure în flăcări. Nu știu unde sunt prietenii mei, poate acum sunt prizonieri. Din cauza mea. De când am venit aici și am aflat că mama a fost ucisă, am devenit obsedată de a afla cine e tipul ăsta. Din cauza obsesiei mele, prietenii mei trăiesc chinul. Nu mai pot! Nu mai rezist! Dar nici moartea nu e o soluție. Nimic nu mai e o soluție! Doar eu și Kevin suntem cei care am scăpat. Și pe el l-am sâcâit cu toată chestia asta și nu mai e același Kevin cel amuzant și zâmbăreț. Nu știu dacă ăsta e un vis sau realitate, dar trebuie să-mi duc misiunea până la capăt. -Cine ești? mă trezesc întrebând. Bărbatul și-a dat jos masca. Eu și Kevin am încremenit pe loc. Nu se poate. Nu el. De ce el? Nu-l cunosc pe bărbatul ăsta. Sau îl cunosc? Nu știu! Dar mi-am dus misiunea până la capăt. -Coșmarul tău! zice și îndreaptă pistolul spre mine, împușcându-mă și căzând jos ascultând doar strigătele lui Kevin de disperare. Mi-o merit după tot ce am făcut! Am cauzat doar rele." Primul volum din trilogia ,,Mortal Game" #154 in Fictiune Generala- 30.08.2015 #144 in Fictiune Generala- 31.08.2015 #140 in Fictiune Generala- 1.09.2015 #113 in Fictiune Generala- 3.09.2015 C…

รีวิว Purefelle

รีวิว Purefelle

3 0 1

Buy Here :…

The Tattooed Nerd [Taekook/bxb/btsff]

The Tattooed Nerd [Taekook/bxb/btsff]

127 5 3

"You're mine, get this thing in your nerdy brain, Tattooed nerd""For you, its either me or noone" "For me, it's you and it's always been you"____________________________________Top-TaehyungBottom- Jungkook____________________________________…

Just Kpop Things

Just Kpop Things

930 60 103

More or less EXO, ASTRO, and BTS with Big Bang mixed in there... Somewhere... Along with some KDramas... Blooples :P1 or 2 chapters will be updated on a bad day. A good day, well, I haven't a clue... I probably won't update if I am without the lord and savior: the Internet (derp)Sorry but I probably don't own any of the pictures (except for the ones of what I drew or OF The Ear Master...)(J)Hope you enjoy!~INFIRES…

Romantic Husband || Jungkook X Reader

Romantic Husband || Jungkook X Reader

216 8 3

It is a story where I created a fan fiction on Jungkook aka Jeon Jungkook.Yn:- Jungkook I can explain Jungkook:- Explain me after your punishment Yn:- Jungk~ Ahhh! *A moan come out from her mouth when Jungkook bites her neck*Yn:- Be g-gentle, Ahhh *moaning so hard*Jungkook:- No, daddy gonna punish you hard…

Variety Stories AAnd There will be Randomness

Variety Stories AAnd There will be Randomness

780 31 9