Phantoms in the Mist [NaNoWriMo 2019]
Update: I finished NaNoWriMo! Yess! I'm missing a scene in chapter 22 so I'm unable to update the story but I've gotten the word count I need. When I finish that scene, I'll update ^-^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Part of the NaNoWriMo challenge~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Keisha Kurann is the youngest princess of Krolan, the land of spirits. She attends the most prestigious academy of her Nation, known for their famous and successful alumni. Yukishen Academy, where the Kroan come to study magical and martial arts. She and her five other teammates come together to strive for success despite their difficulties and prejudiced first opinions that threatened to divide them. Keisha catches glimpses of the feared and deadly phantoms that threaten your souls. Despite everyone's disbelief, she strives to prove herself right and to save everyone before the phantoms destroy it all. When the famous princess of Lestrumina arrives at Yukishen, Keisha's eyes are opened to see a whole new world. She discovers the wonders that other Nations bring, knowledge and power that she's never seen before. Added onto that, the cute boy she's been hanging around with may have something in his mind, something that will completely change their relationship.With enemies that no one else can see, complex relationships, and heavy loads of school work, how will she learn to survive?----------------------------------------------This is a side story to The Dawn of the Sun and Moon, but can be read completely as a standalone novel. It's set in the same world, and some characters meet, but you do not need background knowledge going into this.…