Bullies Unravel (boyxboy) (drarry)

Bullies Unravel (boyxboy) (drarry)

206,274 8,774 20

NON MAGIC AU"Mama says life's like a box of chocolates, you'll never know what you're gonna get." Forrest Gump What will this be about? Hmm read and you'll find out Character rights to the lovely J.K Rowling, thank you for being wonderfulโ€ฆ

Harry Potter x Male Reader

Harry Potter x Male Reader

1,196 15 9

What if Sirius Black had a son? What if that same son went to Hogwarts with Harry, and took care of him like and elder brother when Sirius couldn't? What if Sirius didn't know that Ronan was still alive?? What if that same child, Ronan Back-Clearwater, was of extremely poor health, but deeply cared for him, and was abandoned by the Black family, and the Clearwater family, because 9f his apparent 'death'? Well, if you were wondering all of that, and you found this story, then you're in luck! Welcome to my fabulous world of Harry Potter, with a bit of a twist, some added characters, and a lot of humor and animagus shifts! So, I hope you enjoy this story, ladies, gentlemen, and glentlepeople!โ€ฆ

๐„๐๐ˆ๐†๐Œ๐€  [๐ฉ๐ฃ๐จ ๐ฑ ๐ก๐ฉ]

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132,212 5,309 62

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betrayal(Harry potter fanfic)

betrayal(Harry potter fanfic)

15,851 332 35

After the 3rd year Harry realized what Tom meant by "Not who he seems"โ€ฆ

The Marauders - Order of the Phoenix - Part Two

The Marauders - Order of the Phoenix - Part Two

301,609 14,889 156

The times they are a-changin'... as James and Lily Potter move into their new home in Godric's Hollow, the Marauders are living apart for the first time since they were ickle firsties! And there's certainly an adjustment period to that... Not to mention this pesky Voldemort business - Regulus on the run from the Dark Lord, even as he searches for the answer to his burning question of what the bloody hell a horcrux is? Then there's the small matter of James Potter's resignation from the Ministry...Meanwhile, in 1993 - or 1994 the New Year turns over, Remus begins his work with James (no, not James - Harry!)in producing a patronus to protect against the dementors on the grounds at Hogwarts... And Sirius Black says that he isn't there to kill Harry and that things aren't what Remus has come to believe... But can Remus trust the old dog - even with his own broken heart?โ€ฆ

Azzam (On Going)

Azzam (On Going)

6,834 150 26

***"Jadi, gue bukan tipe lo?"Zaira menggeleng."Terus, menurut lo, gue orangnya gimana?" Tanya Azzam, dia mengerutkan keningnya."Kamu? Ehmm, gimana yah? Kamu itu narsis, ngerasa diri yang paling sempurna padahal ga ada makhluk ciptaan Allah yang paling sempurna."Mendengar itu Azzam tertegun. Dia terlihat kecewa. Wajahnya menunduk menatap keramik yang ia injak.Zaira menghela nafas pelan. "Tapi, dibalik itu, kamu orangnya baik. Walaupun kamu kayak preman pasar tapi punya hati malaikat. Aku jadi inget kata-kata dari bahasa inggris.""Don't cover.. don't cover..." Zaira memejamkan mata mengingat pepatah dari bahasa inggris.Azzam tersenyum. "Don't judge a book by its cover." Sambung Azzam. Zaira tertawa kecil mengingat lemahnya dirinya terhadap bahasa inggris, walau ia unggul dalam bidang lainnya tapi tidak dengan bahasa inggris.Azzam juga ikut tertawa. Lelaki itu menunjuk pada pot bunga mawar dekat dengan Zaira."Lo liat mawar itu?" Tanya Azzam."Kenapa?" Mata Zaira menatap pot bunga mawar merah yang ditanam oleh Bundanya."Mawar itu indah, sama kayak lo. Dan gue, mau jadi duri yang ada di batang mawar itu, ngelindungin mawar itu dari para serangga." Azzam memasang wajah serius menatap Zaira dengan lekat."Walau gue bukan suami idaman lo, tapi gue tetep bakal jadi duri yang bakal selalu ngelindungin lo dari apapun." Lanjut Azzam.***Dia Azzam Athar Husein ketua dari geng yang bernama 'BlackFive' geng tersebut bukanlah geng motor hanya sebuah geng dengan sahabat-sahabatnya.***Note: Murni imajinasi author sendiri. (Jangan jiplak karya seseorang) โ€ข mengandung kata-kata toxicโ€ฆ

Harry Potter Travels To The Past

Harry Potter Travels To The Past

349,761 9,514 34

"You called for me professor? Is everything alright?" Harry asked."Yes, Potter. I have a job for you. And please call me Minerva.""Of course. What kind of job is it?" he asked, a little worried. Was everything alright?"No need to worry Potter. You see, 23 years ago in 1977, a mysterious teacher named Harry Parker taught Defense Against the Dark Arts for the school year."Harry blinked in confusion for a second before he realised where McGonagall was heading. "Professor? - I mean Minerva? are you saying --""Indeed Potter, that mysterious teacher was indeed you, who time travelled to the past."The boy who lived, the chosen one, the man who conquered. Ever since Harry defeated the infamous dark wizard, Lord Voldemort, he had become world-famous. Two years and four months after Voldemort's downfall, he was now a young man of 20 years who was working as an Auror. To everyone, Harry was a powerful wizard who easily overcame any hurdle. However, he was growing tired of his name and fame, which he felt he did not deserve. Deep down, he was simply an overloaded ministry worker who needed a break.This wish was surprisingly granted by Minerva McGonagall, his former Transfiguration professor, who was now Headmistress. On August 31st, he received an owl from her, urging him to meet her at Hogwarts immediately. It turned out that she had a peculiar, perilous but prodigious opportunity for him. His task was to travel through time, back to 1977 and apply for the Defence Against the Dark Arts teaching post at Hogwarts.Harry's job would not be nearly as easy as an average teacher's, since 1977 was the final year for the Marauders, Lily Evans, Snape and Regulus Black.How will Harry cope with seeing Dumbledore, Sirius, Remus and his parents alive? Will he be able to keep his identity secret? If Voldemort finds out, will Harry live?This is my first fanfic so please be kind to me and each other in the comments. Started: 12/02/2018Finished:~ RABravโ€ฆ

Black Rose [Regulus Black]

Black Rose [Regulus Black]

107,216 3,517 66

It was 28 June, 1979.The sky was bleak, just like the mood of Wizarding Britain. People were dying every second, innocent children were being dragged from their homes solely for their heritage, and so much blood was spilt that there was more blood than water in the soil.An 18 year old boy stood at the entrance of a cave, his hair swept back and drenched by the gusts of rain and wind. He was shivering because of the cold as the torrents threatened to knock him over, yet his feet remained planted on the ground.He was determined. He could do it.If his single act of bravery could help defeat He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, then he would die trying to do what was needed.STARTED: 13 March, 2022FINISHED: - My work is under copyright. I don't own the Harry Potter Universe, only the plot and original characters for this story. Please do not plagiarize. -โ€ฆ

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24,574 822 197

** ๊œฑสœแดแด˜ แด˜แด‡ส€แดแด€ษดแด‡ษดแด›สŸส แด„สŸแด๊œฑแด‡แด… ส™แดœแด› แดแด˜แด‡ษด ๊œฐแดส€ ษชษด๊œฑแด˜ษชส€แด€แด›ษชแดษด **โI've got you covered โžQuick and Simple covers for anyone wanting to add a special touch to their story. #18 in covers#2 in simpleโ€ฆ



9 0 2

Sveiki, tai aลก, Jessica. Man 15 metลณ. ล iuo metu gyvenu vienoje iลก Californijos traukiniลณ stoฤiลณ. Praeitฤ… savaitฤ™ pastovios gyvenamosios vietos neturฤ—jau - prisiglausdavau kur pakliลซna: tai tarpuvartฤ—se, tai kur pakelฤ—se. Ar aลก benamฤ—? Galima ir taip pasakyt. Bet aลก nesijauฤiu vargลกe. Man taip gerai. Tokฤฏ gyvenimฤ… aลก pasirinkau pati. Dabar sฤ—dลพiu atsirฤ—musi nugara ฤฏ kaลพkokiฤ… betoninฤ™ sienฤ…. Vaizdas aplink mane neฤฏkvepiantis: koks tuzinas cigareฤiลณ nuorลซkลณ, ลกalimais voliojasi tuลกฤias alaus butelis. Taip, taip, aลก rลซkau ir geriu... ล iandien, kaip ir visomis kitomis dienomis, alkoholio butelyje norฤ—jau paskandinti skausmฤ…, o cigaretฤ—mis iลกrลซkyti visus savo jausmus (ir veikiausiai plauฤius), kad nieko nebejausฤiau... Tiesa, tai nepadeda... Pasibjaurฤ—jote mano gyvenimu??? Aลก ir pati kartais bjauriuosi... Taฤiau, kai papasakosiu savo gyvenimo istorijฤ…, jลซs suprasite, kodฤ—l aลก bลซtent ฤia ir kฤ… aลก ฤia veikiu. Suskamba telefonas. Tai JIS. Neatsiliepsiu. Ne! Ne! Ne! Taip, nors gyvenu varganai, taฤiau telefonฤ… truiu - juk maลพa kas, gal netyฤia prireiks. Vฤ—l telefonas. ล ฤฏ kartฤ… gavau sms: -Atleisk... Jessica? Ignoruoju. -Jess??? Grฤฏลพk namo, labai pasiilgau, kiekvienฤ… vakarฤ… dฤ—l tavฤ™s verkiu.... -Praลกau! Ir taip dar deลกimt ลพinuฤiลณ. -Nekenฤiu jo!!! Debilas, durnius, iลกdavikas!-garsiai surinku. Tikriausiai kiek per garsiai, nes ลกalimais sedฤ—jusi moฤiutฤ— greitai pabฤ—ga, o kiti pora ลพmoniลณ atsisuka ir tik pasukioja man pirลกtu ties smilkiniu. O kad jie ลพinotลณ, koks sunkus mano gyvenimas... Na, bet kฤ… ฤia dลซsauti... Jei pasiseks ir aลก galutinai nenusigersiu, tai pabandysiu papasakoti savo visฤ… istorijฤ…. -Jess-โ€ฆ