21,158 293 6

Goofy titles but hot smut 👌🏻👌🏻…

Smutshots: Dnf, Snf, Karlnap, Karlnotfound, Dreamnap, Dreamnotnap

Smutshots: Dnf, Snf, Karlnap, Karlnotfound, Dreamnap, Dreamnotnap

12,270 75 4

(Only if said Smp members are ok with it)…

AKGAE • chaennie

AKGAE • chaennie

25,905 876 23

Wherein Roseanne is a Jennie akgaechaennie twitter au ✓WARNINGS BEFORE READING THIS !• HEAVY DRAGS!• slvt sh@ming,other heavy drags• DON'T READ IF YOU'RE NOT COMFORTABLE!• all are fictional•G!P___________…

Are you sure?

Are you sure?

23,574 536 35

Freddie feels something for roger maybe too much...…

Papir Spiser

Papir Spiser

1 0 1

I denne bog er der en dreng der spiser papir…

El Mañana (Murdoc x Reader x 2D)

El Mañana (Murdoc x Reader x 2D)

80,471 1,906 27

So, I know there are probably a billion of these out there. I swear mine is different than someone kidnapping the other person, or the person being musically capable, and the main characters being all like, 'I love you, marry me!'No. This is a sorry about affection, and hate. This story is probably going any direction, so don't be surprised if it goes in any direction.Edit: When Y/N finds her babysitter is now a singer after disappearing on her many years back, what will she do? And what happens when she moves in with him, and the bassist starts acting a little funky as well.F for Fuck.V for Violently Kissing.M for Mature Matrimony Monkeys'My mom's name is Sherry.' ~ i_know_im_insane'Legs McGee.' - aluryoRanked 3rd in #gorillaz May 11, 2018.…

La flor del papiro

La flor del papiro

79 10 7

La flor del papiro, habla sobre la vida...…

Papírhajók napkeletről - BL regény

Papírhajók napkeletről - BL regény

947 113 5

A harmadik regényem, ami várhatóan 2023. novemberben fog megjelenni.…

We can have forever

We can have forever

5,596 212 12

Freddie moves schools it's all going downhill until he meets someone who catches his eye.…

Arti Sebuah Jejak

Arti Sebuah Jejak

98 0 4

Apalah arti sebuah jejak, jika setiap jejak yang kutapaki hanya akan membuatku semakin terpuruk dalam memoria kegelapan hidup. Apalah arti dari memilih takdir, jika sebenarnya takdirlah yang membuatmu memilih setiap jejak yang kau rangkai. ini adalah kisah tentang penyesalan, cinta, kepercayaan, dan impian seorang wanita yang telah lama terbelenggu di dasar kegelapan kehidupan. sebuah kisah dari seorang wanita yang mulai merangkai kepingan jejak dari pilihan-pilihaan takdir akan hidupnya.…

Nothing has changed...

Nothing has changed...

239 17 1

A poem inspired from a heartbreaking love story and a painting....( the paiting belongs to the artist, Victor Bauer )…

Ray World

Ray World

898 101 6

Krátké příběhy na dobrou noc

Krátké příběhy na dobrou noc

229 22 9

Autory jsou: @Alfirineth_Vasminton, @Trumpalala a @SleepingMarieJistě jste se všichni někdy nudili. A při ruce jste měli pár přátel, tužku a papír. V této situaci jsme se octly také my a efektivně jsme ji využily hrou "Kdo, s kým, co dělali..." Toto je výběr těch nejlepších minipříběhů, u kterých jsme se nasmály snad nejvíc. Snad pobaví i vás!…

Campos de Eucalipto

Campos de Eucalipto

12 1 1

O corpo de Dimas de Abreu some do cemitério de São Lopo, e tanto a polícia quanto o coveiro municipais têm opiniões divergentes sobre o ocorrido. Dona Martha revê conhecidos e se é revelado o porquê de desgostar tanto da cidadezinha. Enquanto isso, os caseiros da fazenda Campos de Eucalipto tentam descobrir o paradeiro de um caçador sumido, mas tudo que encontram são estranhos vestígios deixados, a priori, por um animal inidentificável.História disponível em outras plataformas:# Spirit# InkspiredAtribuição à ilustração do eucalipto:">Exército Vetores por Vecteezy…

moral of the story | svt .

moral of the story | svt .

127 13 6

some people fall in love with the wrong people sometimes. joshua hong knew this more than anybody else. not from personal experience, but from seeing his parents' ongoing arguments that his father loved to take out on him. he lived a life of luxury and loneliness. he was privileged, he knew that much, but that didn't mean he was happy. he used to be, but as he grew up, how could he be?…

love to die for

love to die for

134 11 5

Freddie is a 21 year old murderer, just trying not to get caught while doing his favorite thing. John is a 17 year old catholic boy helping his mom run a bed and breakfast. When their worlds collide is John enough to save Freddie.Or was he too far to begin with…

The Skeleton and the Werewolf

The Skeleton and the Werewolf

2,853 216 18

Remember Hybridtale? Yeah? Welcome to a different version of Hybridtale where you are the werewolf and Papyrus is a regular skeleton!…



3,778 93 14

" this is the day I die"…

Why him,not me?

Why him,not me?

9,798 343 5

offgun birthday inspiration. That's all I have. I suck at description. Enjoy…



1,739 162 18

Dla społeczeństwa, omegi były tylko żonami i matkami. Nie miały prawa by marzyć czy też mieć ambicje, ich zadaniem było ładnie wyglądać przy alfach, być cichym i posłusznym. Może i właśnie dlatego, wiele z nich uciekało w poszukiwaniu nowego życia. W tym kraju niezależność omeg była czymś nieosiągalnym, jednak wiele z nich było gotowych o nią zawalczyć. Gdyż koniec końców, każda z nich, bogata czy biedna, pragnęła tej samej rzeczy - wolności.*inspirowane serialem 'Telefonistki'*mpreg, omegaverse, papierosy, morderstwo07.11.19 - #1 dojae29.09.20 - #2 morderstwo09.11.20 - #1 morderstwo09.11.20 - #1 papierosy20.11.20 - #1 morderstwo20.11.20 - #1 papierosy…