Self Aware Genshin X Palutena Reader

Self Aware Genshin X Palutena Reader

636 20 4

Y/N and Her Captain Pit Decide To Visit Teyvat While Galleem And Medusa Take Care Of Skyworld. What Happens Next Is Pure Chaos…

The Light of Destruction (Palutena X Godzilla shifter Reader)

The Light of Destruction (Palutena X Godzilla shifter Reader)

102,634 1,149 24

So this is a Palutena X Godzilla reader, it's about a guy named Y/N who can turn into a Godzilla incarnation (have to do a poll), he is known as a God of Destruction to almost all the gods, He however interests Palutena, she knows the story of Y/N, will the two hook up, we shall se…

Smash Females x male reader

Smash Females x male reader

100,156 444 23

I'm too lazy to add descriptions, so here's a male and all the Smash females.…

Pit x Reader  A Angels destiny.

Pit x Reader A Angels destiny.

10,969 188 13

For all the Pit lovers! This story will be how to become a new angel and Pit being the sweet pure angel he is helps you adjust to your new life! As this happens some feeling develop between the two of you ;)…

Love Bash - Super Smash Bros Oneshots (CLOSED)

Love Bash - Super Smash Bros Oneshots (CLOSED)

32,782 266 24

3, 2, 1, Go! C'mon in super smash bros lovers! I have super smash bros oneshots just for you to enjoy! X readers included!Ranked #2 in ssbu since January…

Ssb Females X Male Neko reader

Ssb Females X Male Neko reader

93,433 570 4

You are going to be a cat/human in the fan fiction. Also this is only a select few. You're also a foot shorter than the girls…

Kid Icarus Uprising (your story)

Kid Icarus Uprising (your story)

16,631 278 52

Kid Icarus Uprising is my favorite game. What I really love most about it is the storyline. A lot of people make stories were you, the reader get to be a part of it so now I am doing it for this game. The story is supposed to be for girl because there will be some romance in this but if you're a boy, have at it. Enjoy…

✓| Falling Feathers (Pit x Reader)

✓| Falling Feathers (Pit x Reader)

3,074 246 36

Y/N is an angel troubled by the ghosts of her past. One day when her mentor, Artemis, disappears she is forced to stay with Lady Palutena and her servant, Pit. Y/N finds it difficult adjusting to a more relaxed life, unable to be at peace with the hurricane of feelings trapped within her heart. Meanwhile in the darkness, Hades is restless, plotting to have his revenge. Can Y/N's past and mysterious abilities help them end Hades's wrath once and for all? We'll only know when the skies clear and the feathers fall...Disclaimer: I do not own nintendo or you! I only own the new characters and events in this book! I made the cover but not the cover art!…

✓|The Ferry Deity (Pit x reader)

✓|The Ferry Deity (Pit x reader)

9,608 385 44

Y/N has lived in the underworld, working her whole life under Hades. Her years of work have hardened her heart and she has developed a sarcastic attitude. The underworld is her world, it is her life, her everything. But that all changes when she ferries a cheerful angel and makes a promise she's not sure she can keep. Y/N is thrown in a series of mishaps and problems in her quest to bring back the captain of Palutena's army back to the overworld and in her efforts to be free.The question is, can they make it in time?"Where am I?""The river styx, angel.""Wait.... AM I DEAD?!""It sure seems that way.""That means you're the ferryman!""Do I look like a man?""Sorry! It's just that in the stories you are.""...."Disclaimer: I do not own nintendo or you! I only own the new characters and events in this book! I made the cover but not the cover art!…

Fallen Angel | Kid Icarus Fanfiction ✅

Fallen Angel | Kid Icarus Fanfiction ✅

12,262 186 13

Pit is a heroic angel from Skyworld who has saved countless lives and serves the Goddess of Light, Palutena. Or that's what he was. One day, he found himself in a void and later woke up in the middle of a field. He soon found out that his angelic wings were gone-no trace of them left-and that he was missing for several months. Palutena was also gone- she went insane because of Pit's disappearance. Pit now has to try to survive as a human, try to get his wings back, and find the one who inflicted this curse on him. With the help of Dark Pit, Viridi, and others, he and his allies are in for an adventure to find his wings, his goddess, and the one who caused all of this. Thankfully, he doesn't have to look too far. ---KID ICARUS AND ITS CHARACTERS ARE OWNED BY NINTENDO. ONLY THE IDEAS IN THE FANFIC ARE MINE. ---• Began writing April 2019-Finished in September 2019 • Finished editing October 17th 2019• Published October 18th 2019 • Cover made by me-August 25, 2019…

 [COMPLETED] Skyfall | Kim Jisoo X Male Reader--Blackpink fanfic

[COMPLETED] Skyfall | Kim Jisoo X Male Reader--Blackpink fanfic

65,908 1,873 28

[COMPLETED] Let me just close my eyes with hope that.. it will be okay tomorrow..…

The New Servant - Pit x Reader (Completed!)

The New Servant - Pit x Reader (Completed!)

103,689 3,104 34

It was just an average day, Pit always had to protect Lady Palutena with all costs. If he failed at doing so, the Goddess would probably go missing. But do you know what's better than one servant? Two servants! Lady Palutena hires another servant to watch over and protect her. But one day, all three of them get a surprise invitation to join the new game, Super Smash Bros. 4! You all became great fighters and made friends with everybody. But as you start hanging out with Pit more and more, he starts getting this strange feeling inside him. He doesn't know what it is until he finally figured it out...Book: ©HaloSmashesUAll characters: ©NintendoPictures: Belong to their rightful owners.First Published: January 5, 2015Completed: January 24, 2016…

The Flight Of Icarus (Pit male Reader X HighSchool DxD story)

The Flight Of Icarus (Pit male Reader X HighSchool DxD story)

189,160 2,441 23

y/n is the leader of Palutena bodyguard the one who defeated Medusa and Hades however the lady Palutena has a new mission for the Angel to watch after a group of Devil's, fallen angels, and other angels as well. however, she did not expect the leader of her guard to gain a following…

I'm In Love With My Rival

I'm In Love With My Rival

3,273 21 27

DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the characters or the world that this story is set in, all rights to Nintendo.Lady Palutena, the Goddess of Light, sends out the Captain of her Guard, Pit, to the Underworld where she detects strange activity occurring there, and suspects one of the Underworld Commanders, or worse, Hades, is causing trouble. Reluctantly, Pit goes to the Underworld with Palutena's help, and investigates. Due to what seems to be bad luck on the angel's part, he runs into some trouble while in the realm of souls, and just when he thinks this may be the end for him, he is saved by someone he would never expect to heroically save him at the last moment. Dark Pit, his "evil" clone is there too. The two angels, while currently stranded in the Underworld, have an interesting conversation that eventually leads to... A love confession...?…

Super Smash Bros One Shots [SLOW UPDATES]

Super Smash Bros One Shots [SLOW UPDATES]

161,167 2,496 54

It says it all in the title! I hope you like it!!(Cover made by WeirdoNerdGirl. I really suggest giving her a follow!)…

Long Live, Smash Warriors (Super Smash Bros. Fanfic AU) (Completed)

Long Live, Smash Warriors (Super Smash Bros. Fanfic AU) (Completed)

52,356 839 34

"Long I had dreamed of a place where fighters come together to build up their skills, face many challenges along the way and grow within themselves. The Smash Academy was built for the purpose of potential warriors to develop their skills, hone their talents and develop relationships among people they can fight with and against. As the new year approaches, they will lead themselves on an unforgettable and worthwhile journey; they will experience many things along the way: many of which can be happy moments to heartbreak to loss. These all combined, will help them grow as a true Smash fighter." - Official statement from President Sakurai, the co-founder of Smash Academy.*Author's note - 11/01/2021: Hey reader! Really appreciate if you've started reading this. Please note I wrote this... Uh, about... 7 years ago and I was young and still navigating the world of literature and fanfiction so bare with me if the plotline is a bit strange (I'm currently having second-hand embarrassment thinking about this fic). Thanks!**also note that this fix takes place in an alternate universe and facts and official game releases do not necessarily correlate with what has been written in this story. I am aware of the history of Smash but decided to spin it for this fic.…

Female X Male Reader Stories 2.0

Female X Male Reader Stories 2.0

583,908 4,577 58

Just a one shot book 2.0…

A small collection of Male Reader One-Shots

A small collection of Male Reader One-Shots

2,360 13 7

Just a collection of reuploaded One-ShotsI do not own anything…

The Ultimate Emissary| Smash Brothers Females (Harem) X MALE Reader

The Ultimate Emissary| Smash Brothers Females (Harem) X MALE Reader

7,274 150 7

When you get sucked into your switch and are offered a chance into the world of Smash, how can you say no?. Only one can't get away from the females in this world...…