Utter Chaos (IAN MALCOLM X OC)

Utter Chaos (IAN MALCOLM X OC)

3,180 81 9

Meeting a t-rex in the flesh was unexpected, but meeting a chaotician wasn't very uneventful either.Maya Hyde is the newest paleontologist on the market, her name being tied to finding a new dinosaur skeleton, but obviously not just any cluster of bones, as she managed to dig up an infamous tyrannosaurus-rex with her team. It made headlines the second she arranged the excavation.Although she caught the attention of people she didn't want any. For example, her uncle, John Hammond, invites her to this mysterious island to see some stuff she had never seen before. By nature, she rejects him, but upon hearing that he would be funding her t-rex project she quickly changes her mind.That's how she ends up getting too close to dinosaurs for her comfort. Not the dead ones... But that's also how she meets Ian Malcolm, who only manages to add to the chaos Maya experiences on that damn island.…

Resistiendo a Seiya

Resistiendo a Seiya

25,611 2,418 26

Serena es una chica mala que la obligan a vivir con su papá en Forks. Allí ella conoce a su versión masculina, son iguales, ella intentara no caer en las redes de Seiya Kou.…

So what are you? (Camilo Madrigal x Male Reader)

So what are you? (Camilo Madrigal x Male Reader)

95,196 2,097 27

Y/N comes from a long, magical lineage of Garcias. Their family came from Mexico to visit other families with gifts and have now visited a place called Encanto to visit the Madrigal family. Y/N will face some really random obstacles throughout this new relationship with his new lover, Camilo Madrigal.…

Colorful [KiriBaku]

Colorful [KiriBaku]

13,055 2,224 5

En un mundo donde los lazos con tu alma gemela son notorios a la vista y donde Katsuki nunca pensó que le pasaría a él, ya que no tenía marcas extrañas en el cuerpo, o moretones y palabras escritas aparecían por arte del destino en sus manos. Pero de todas las señales, nunca pensó que amanecería con el cabello de color rojo.|KiriBaku | Soulmate AU | Regalo para IllusionLiFanart de la portada hecho por @Rpenguin en twitter…

Confiar (To Trust) severitus (completo)

Confiar (To Trust) severitus (completo)

2,499 324 60

Justo antes de cumplir undécimo cumpleaños, Harry es encontrado en un oscuro callejón de Londres. Posteriormente lo llevan a quedarse en la casa de un tal Severus Snape hasta que comienza Hogwarts. Harry no está muy seguro de qué lo impulsó a aceptar este acuerdo, y Severus no tiene intención de permitir que la desafortunada progenie de Potter se meta en su piel, pero este es un fic de Severitus, todos sabemos cómo termina..................................................❀;; Traducción al ruso por Довериться (Confiar) de reldivsLa obra original se encuentra en AO3 en inglés por clairdeloon.https://archiveofourown.org/ Traducción al español hecha por mí. Cuento con el permiso para hacer esta traducción. Todos los derechos reservados…

Soufflés, Skype and Sherlock Holmes

Soufflés, Skype and Sherlock Holmes

140,962 5,151 51

Read about a new tenant in 221c, Sherlock getting his cheekbones scolded, John becoming increasingly confused and soufflé after soufflé as Moriarty and the Doctor are about to turn round the corner.Outrageous flirting, wild arguments, suggestive eyebrows, deducing and endless seducing! Oslock for the win! (Editing slowly)…

Los Caballeros del Zodiaco: La Saga del Ejército Platino

Los Caballeros del Zodiaco: La Saga del Ejército Platino

2,366 12 30

Diez años después de las guerras contra Poseidón, Hades y el Olimpo; una nueva guerra santa acaba de comenzar. Ahora, una nueva generación de Caballeros Dorados liderado por Seiya de Sagitario, buscará enfrentarse a los Doce Caballeros de Platino del Santuario Chino.…

Um Ômega Para o Duque (Duologia Meu Destino - Livro 01)

Um Ômega Para o Duque (Duologia Meu Destino - Livro 01)

2,248 402 19

Em uma sociedade onde os laços familiares e as tradições ditam as regras, o Duque Henry Evans retorna da guerra como um herói aclamado, pronto para enfrentar seu próximo desafio: cumprir o último desejo de sua mãe. Contudo, o que ele não esperava era que esse desejo envolvesse casar-se com um ômega, desafiando as convenções e suas próprias expectativas.Enquanto isso, Archi Taylor, o excêntrico irmão mais novo do respeitado Visconde Louis Taylor, luta contra a pressão de uma sociedade que não consegue entender suas peculiaridades. Com uma mente brilhante e uma alma sensível, Archi é constantemente alvo do desprezo de seus irmãos mais velhos e, principalmente, de sua mãe, cujo olhar de desdém parece pesar sobre ele como uma sombra constante.Enquanto Henry se prepara para enfrentar seu destino imposto, Archi enfrenta sua quarta temporada social sem sucesso, sua reputação manchada pelas fofocas cruéis da alta sociedade. Seu coração, no entanto, permanece aberto à possibilidade de encontrar o amor verdadeiro, mesmo que pareça cada vez mais distante.Um encontro fortuito durante o baile do Duque acaba em desastre, quando um mal-entendido cruelmente ampliado pelas línguas venenosas da elite social separa Henry e Archi de forma abrupta, sem nem lhes dar uma chance.No entanto, o destino é imprevisível, e um ano depois, seus caminhos se cruzam novamente de maneira inesperada.Conforme Henry e Archi enfrentam os obstáculos impostos pela sociedade e pelas próprias inseguranças, eles descobrem que sua conexão vai além das convenções superficiais. Unidos pelo destino e pela vontade de seguir seus corações, eles se lançam em uma jornada emocionante rumo a um futuro incerto, onde o amor verdadeiro pode finalmente encontrar um lar.…

¨Dos Caminos , Un Solo destino ¨

¨Dos Caminos , Un Solo destino ¨

134 17 6

Esta historia se trata de una chica que era tímida y a la vez alegre , y ella se enamoro de un chico y el chico de ella pero sus caminos cambiaron . acto : para todos…

Prehistoric Wild: Life in the Mesozoic

Prehistoric Wild: Life in the Mesozoic

1,022 112 19

Step into a world lost to time with "Prehistoric Wild: Life in the Mesozoic," a captivating collection of short stories that transport you to the ancient past. Each tale unfolds in a different fossil formation around the globe. Gain a glimpse into unseen times in natural history from the healing world of the Triassic, the ecological bloom of the Jurassic, and the waining days of the Cretaceous. Explore worlds much different from our own such as the sea of middle North America, the wetlands of southern Mongolia, and the forests of the Antarctic. Meticulously researched and vividly imagined, these stories strive to capture the authenticity and wonder of life during the Mesozoic era. Written in a style inspired by nature documentaries, each story offers a realistic and immersive glimpse into the behaviors, struggles, and triumphs of a diverse array of creatures that once roamed our planet. Whether it's the famous dinosaurs, the sky-faring pterosaurs, the long-forgotten marine reptiles, or the earliest ancestors of mammals, this collection brings the ancient world to life with compelling accuracy. Drawing inspiration from modern-day natural phenomena as well as the latest theories and discoveries in paleontology, these tales blur the line between fact and fiction, reviving the distant echoes of prehistoric life.Join us on this journey through time, where the wonders of long ago await your discovery. Experience life on Earth as it once was for over 180 million years. Welcome to the Prehistoric Wild.…

Ripper: An Indoraptor Story ✓

Ripper: An Indoraptor Story ✓

71,775 2,221 30

| 𝐖𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐘𝐒 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟏 + 𝟔𝐗 𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 | 'Every Villain Is The Hero Of Their Own Story.' ═══════════════In 2018, a mad scientist designed a hybrid to counter his failures: an Indoraptor nicknamed 'Ripper'. Born heartless, bloodthirsty, and mindless above all else, he served to be a weapon beneath man's rule. But after a series of events unveils a horrible truth within his world, Ripper met his fateful end; death by impalement.It was here where his story ends.But what would happen if he survived?Embark on a powerful journey of both vengeance and mercy, told through the eyes of a creature straining to understand the sole purpose of a life he never had. Through a series of choices, strange oddities, and surprising revelations, he'll discover the mysterious secret behind his existence and become the prey of a mass-hysteria showdown between man and beast, all while realizing how mortal he truly is.[Warning: Violence and Gore are present] ═══════════════[Added to Wattpad's @StoriesUndiscovered Mature Reading List - February 2018][Added to Wattpad's @PsychologicallyNovel Otherworldly Odd Reading List][Added to Wattpad's @Fanfic Binge-Watch-Respectfully Reading List - January 2019][Marked Official Fanfiction by @Fanfic - May 2019][Wattys Shortlisted 2021 - November 2021]Date of Completion: April 14th, 2019…

Steven universe adventures

Steven universe adventures

26,591 233 175

After "Steven universe future" Steven was mutated by unknown origins and was made to become a monster whenever he's angry. Now, with no memory of his past, he will have to find his own way. But in the meantime he will meet great new animal pals and go on great adventures all while trying to piece together Steven's forgotten past…

Likastía- planeta dos felinos

Likastía- planeta dos felinos

1,012 211 50

Felinos são seres tão majestosos, tão lindos e meigos... Alguns são mais selvagens e indomáveis, é bem verdade, mas é impossível ficar indiferente ao magnetismo dos felinos. Em Likastía é mais impossível ainda considerando que é um planeta completamente dominado por felinos. Não felinos como os da Terra, mas sim felinos que andam sobre duas patas, falam, pensam, brigam, amam... É um lugar belo com duas luas de cores hipnotizantes reverenciadas desde sempre, seguindo seus caminhos entre os anéis azulados do planeta. Um planeta que encantaria a visão de qualquer um que se aproximasse daquela jóia girando pacificamente no espaço. Mas essa paz exterior esconde um conflito interno nesse pequeno sistema planetário que dura gerações.Um planeta pode sustentar guerras, conflitos, discórdias, paixões, beleza, crueldade, nobreza e todas as peculiaridades de um povo? E de mais de um povo? De uma espécie? E de mais de uma espécie dominante? Talvez possa... Mas... E se houver mais espécies dispostas a dominar o mesmo planeta? Uma espécie que não deveria estar ali, que não tinha esse direito? Mas quem pode garantir o direito ou a ausência dele no domínio de um planeta? A beleza de Likastía não poderá acalmar os corações daqueles que a habitam. Muito sangue e lágrimas serão derramados antes que a paz possa reinar...SE a paz puder reinar algum dia...…

COTE- Classroom of the elite-Class S

COTE- Classroom of the elite-Class S

193,657 3,587 200

This is my first time wirte the story!This story begins in its second school year, director Sakayanagi was never removed as his father did not accuse him of false charges, therefore he did not appoint a new director.Have same from poll exam but no one is expelled because the school has mercy on them .In this story, as there was no intervention from the principal, the class C (D) led by Kiyotaka won the exam.Kiyotaka's popularity increased further as he led his class to victory and even beat Sakayanagi.This story is the second year have new class is Class S.This story is KIyokei.…

200 historias de terror parte (1)

200 historias de terror parte (1)

64,667 2,272 200

escribire historias de terror reales…

td gc no homo

td gc no homo

7,057 123 14

no homo (there is very much homo) + will add more sooninspoglowingtears a queer total drama gc (on wattpad & ao3)ashyjingles tasty dirt (on ao3)dinosorrr our principal needs mental help (on ao3)+ so much more…

My Light In The Dark ~ Book 1: Ripper's Fury

My Light In The Dark ~ Book 1: Ripper's Fury

12,871 190 27

Maisie Lockwood hears about a secret lab in the basement of her home, the Lockwood Estate. She goes downstairs to check it out without permission and stumbles upon a dinosaur egg. She stays to watch it hatch, and the tiny hatchling, an Indoraptor, quickly imprints on her. Join Maisie, Owen, and Claire from "Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom" and a few new characters (Lexi, Alli, and Rain) based on my real life friends, as they explore a dangerous and exciting kingdom where dinosaurs roam.…

MBTI Incorrect Scenarios.

MBTI Incorrect Scenarios.

22,698 372 43

welcome,this is my second book talking about MBTI, i will be posting some of MBTI Incorrect Scenarios, hope you enjoy them too.DISCLAIMER: the images and most of the scenarios i do not own!!!…

Back to the Age of Dinosaurs!

Back to the Age of Dinosaurs!

12,698 314 196

Gu Lu is a Ph.D. in paleontology. He is very fortunate that he has been reborn as a small dinosaur.But the worst thing is, he is a baby of Triceratops but was born in the lair ofTyrannosaurus Rex. Tyrannosaurus Rex is the strongest known in the history of the earth. The carnivore is also known as the "imperial species"and Triceratops is a herbivorous dinosaur, the staple food of Tyrannosaurus Rex!Fortunately, he has a Tyrannosaurus Rex "Baba" Mungo who loves him very much. Mungo named him Gulu.Gulu thought that he could only be a salted fish triceratops hugging the golden thighs of the Tyrannosaurus Rex.Unexpectedly, he Just by the way, he helped the Triceratops escape the big glacier, helped the pterosaurs fly over the volcanic sea, and helped the ocean overlord Lirodon to escape the super storm...Accidentally, he became the "King of Dinosaurs" and was honored by the dinosaurs as "" "King Gulu"Gulu: Baba, what kind of crappy name did you give me, it's not domineering at all, it's not cool at all! Mungo: Gollum, cute That kind of Baba Content tags: strong sweet text cool text cute pet search keywords: protagonist: gulu, mongo ┃ supporting role: tyrannosaurus rex, triceratops, pterosaur, pterosaur, many dragons ┃ others: strong, popular science, dinosaursNOT MINEThis is an MTL (No editing)Link: https://www.shubaow.net/71_71525/…

Will you be my Princess?

Will you be my Princess?

37,407 1,052 72

"There's no way I'm marrying him!""Do you think I want this either?"Lyrica is a regular 17-year old high school senior. Ten years ago she was involved in a car accident that killed her parents and she awoken with no memories of the past. She is the star of her badminton team and is adored by her peers. She catches the eyes of everyone she passes by because of her unique pink eyes. The trait of a member from the royal Castillo Household. Cassien is the first Prince of Valentino, the heir to the throne. Despite his good looks on the outside, he has always been cold-hearted in the inside. Ever since he was a child he was nurtured to prepare to lead the glorious Valentino Empire. As the future Emperor everyone's eyes are on everything he does.One day their worlds collide when it is announced that Cassien has been engaged to Lyrica. Join Lyrica's journey as she dives into the royal society, as luxurious as it is, she faces people who are out to steal the crown.???? for schoollove since 03/23 !!!…