Black Secrets & White Lies [On Hold]

Black Secrets & White Lies [On Hold]

4,573 166 8

Head down, eyes open. That's how I play. It's how I've always played.Just one more golden rule in my life:Never get close. Rose: a sixteen year old girl who can't afford to love. Can't afford to be friends because, in her life, it only ends in tears. Besides, for most of her life Rose has been bullied, rejected and abused. How can you expect a girl like her to let people in? How? Well, you can't.A thorn lies buried deep in Rose's side. A secret she carries. A secret that must be hidden from view. Hidden from the normal people in the world. The ignorant ones who are happily oblivious of all those things. When Rose moves house, she thinks it will be like all the other times. Head down, eyes open. Skirting around people. But someone seems to have other ideas. Liam, an attractive boy at the local school, takes interest in the new girl even though she's doing her best to push him away. Rose has a secret she's keeping from Liam, but what if Liam has a secret of his own?…

A Forced Love

A Forced Love

107 9 33

Two families fight over land in a fertile valley, their actions soon start to destroy the very land they fought over. A contract is written, peace was achieved, the land will become farm land for both families. There was one condition though, an aranged marriage.…

The Way I Loved You

The Way I Loved You

7 0 6

Title: The Way I Loved YouPlot:The first time that Brent saw Diane, he fell in love a little. They became friends, and together with Louise, Jacob, Emil, Anne, and Niccolo, they formed a bond that will be a force to be reckoned. Brent's love for Diane grew stronger but that did not make him blind to the attention he gets from Louise.Louise has always been an over achiever. In everything she does, she has to be the best. When she met Brent, he was just like the big brother she never had, same as all their other friends. She was an only child and she never had true friends until she met Diane and the rest of the gang. However, as time goes by, little by little, she fell hard for Brent. She did everything she could to get his attention. She was blind to the fact that Brent only has eyes for Diane.AUTHOR'S NOTE:This story is inspired by the KDrama Law School:)Please understand that I write books because I have this overflowing scenes going on in my head and I want to share it with the rest of the world. This will be the one of the very first books I will publish here in Wattpad. I have put time and effort in writing every single thing on this book so PLEASE DO NOT COPY MY WORKS. Schedule of Updates:Unless otherwise prevented by unforeseenable circumstances, I plan on posting a chapter a week; Provided, that I get atleast 50 views and votes for the the latest chapter published (this is required for me to really know that I get viewers and witnesses that this book is originally made by me and was posted here first on Wattpad.)I feel apprehension everytime I post a story because, I don't feel protected enough. Me being without followers and all. I plan on finishing this with 25 chapters, at most.AGAIN, PLEASE DO NOT COPY MY WORKS.#respectandkarma…



746 268 103

Some poetry, some random stuff and some stuff that I just find really relatable. Half of these will be from me and the other half from the internet. I'll be specific if it's from me(at the end it will have a -Me)Warning it does talk about stuff like self-harm and other things. Just don't say I didn't warn you.★POSTS AT LEAST EVERY WEEK!★*Story Time* is when I tell short stories of things that have happened in my life and yes they are all true.…

Chronicles of Valarian

Chronicles of Valarian

5 0 3

Once, long ago, when humans were still aware of magic and the worlds were not as divided, Supernaturals of all races fought constantly amongst themselves and humans to gain more power and strength. This time of constant conflict came to be known by all, as the Age of Mortality.Among those magical beings was a fox. This fox was immortal, impossibly powerful, and created in the image of the first foxes-Four Ancient Foxes. This warrior was named Valarian.Despite the circumstances of his creation, Valarian lived his life as free as possible. Obeying his whims as a wild animal and amusing himself at the expense of the humans. Until an order from his creators shattered the free life he led.Something was changing in the worlds. A great and terrible calamity was set to befall the worlds as punishment for their incessant fighting. Val's mission was simple-track down and defeat the strongest of the magical creatures, the Great Beasts, to learn the truth of this disaster. Unbeknownst to his masters, Val has his own reasons for fighting and winning against the Great Beasts, for he seeks the power to overthrow the Four Ancient Foxes and set himself free. But a deal struck between him and one of the first Great Beast might have catastrophic consequences for all of the worlds if Val isn't careful. Bloodshed, glory, despair, and true power all await Val as he sets off on his quest for strength and freedom. When the dust settled and all the conflicts are fought, who will be the winners? Or will of the Great Worlds pay the price for their foolishness and greed?Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, order for chaos, and chaos for blood.…



216 15 3

I feel like a target at the tips of the paparazzi waiting to be pinned down, life is getting awfully bad well faster than I thought. I feel empty yet this emptiness is heavy. I feel like I have lost a part of me that will never be found. I feel that, that part of me has been shot; losing more blood than expected the doctors and I know clearly that I might not make it. In the dark alone thinking of ways to end this pain. I have nobody to love me or to even care and I quote words that strike me all the time: "If you'd only understand dear, nobody wants you anywhere". I sit here thinking of the next move, I think of death and I quickly erase that one out of my mind. What do I do when things turn this way, I feel so rejected, not like I am not used to rejection, but this one is a struck in the heart and tears to the eyes. It hurts. I feel rejected by self, by people and by life. But you wouldn't understand what I am talking about. Yaya, you will try to compare your problems to mine but we are all different. As much as I don't care whether people love me or not, when it comes to people I care about, trust me I do. How did this all come to this? Was this not predicted? Are we not meant to be? Should we fight for what is ours or have you given up, well you wouldn't know how it feels to be left by one that you truly love so that they settle for way less than you expected. But its life hey, I guess I just was supposed to go through it more than many people. I was born and made to be rejected just like a piece of shit. I wish I was perfect. That everything I did and said and wrote was perfect. How I wish I could be able to erase what I wrote, undo what I did and rewind what I said. How life has just too much flaws for me and it's hurting, hurting how I cannot see the direction that I am pointed to.…



1 0 1

Written by authoress arita owie ***synopis***In a world beyond our wildest dreams, where supernatural beings reign supreme, Lyra's life is a masterfully crafted illusion. Her family's suffocating overprotectiveness hides a sinister secret, one that threatens to destroy her very essence. But Lyra's about to discover that her mundane existence is merely a disguise for a destiny that's truly divine.As a nerdy girl with a passion for comics, Lyra's always felt like there's something missing in her life. She's constantly forced to conform to her family's expectations, dressing up in frumpy clothes and hiding her true beauty. But little does she know, her parents are hiding a dark truth - one that will change her life forever.It starts with a dream, a tantalizing glimpse into a world of magic and mystery. Lyra finds herself drawn to a mysterious coven, where an ancient coffin lies locked and chained. The air is thick with an otherworldly energy, and Lyra can feel an eerie presence calling out to her. As she reaches out to touch the coffin, a pair of piercing blue eyes lock onto hers, and she feels an intense connection that awakens something deep within her.When Lyra wakes up, she's shaken to discover that something is stirring inside her, like a presence waiting to be unleashed. She can feel its presence, a constant hum in the background of her mind, but she has no idea what it is or what it wants. She tries to ignore it, thinking it's just a residual effect of the dream, but the sensation only grows stronger, refusing to be silenced.But the real question which is suppose to be asked is Who is the mysterious figure in her dream? What connection do they share? And what is the presence that's been awakened within her? Stay tuned, for this novel is just beginning...…

Makeup Tips To Consider for the Wedding Day In 2022

Makeup Tips To Consider for the Wedding Day In 2022

1 0 1

Looking to do your own makeup on your wedding day? It can add stress to an already hectic schedule, especially if you don't know where to begin. There are many considerations: Your wedding will be either indoors or outside. What will the weather be like? Which colour scheme are you attempting to achieve?If you take the DIY method, you've arrived at the correct location. With the assistance of beauty specialists Beck Wainner and Lynnette Cole, we've compiled some easy-to-follow guidelines to help you slay your own wedding day makeup.Best wedding party makeup artist in delhiMakeup Tips To Consider For the Wedding DaySkin Care Is CrucialExcellent makeup begins with a flawless canvas. Makeup artists can certainly perform wonders, but we are not plastic surgeons. No matter how hard we "work our magic," cosmetics can only go so far. There is a moment of diminishing returns, after which less is frequently more. What then is the secret? Taking exceptional care of your skin is the best method to have amazing makeup. Any quality makeup (and I advocate only using quality products for your wedding) will appear better on a healthy, moisturised, and well-cared-for canvas (i.e. your face). The most attractive makeup is applied on healthy, well-cared-for skin.If you are looking to get light but highly attractive make up for your wedding day, then it is highly recommended to hire the best dulhan makeup services in Delhi NCR.…

The Best Friend Who Became My Valentine

The Best Friend Who Became My Valentine

4 0 1

The Best Friend Who Became My Valentine is an enchanting and heartfelt tale that takes readers on a captivating journey of love, friendship, and the enduring power of true connections. From the tender beginnings of Anirudh and Jonitha's friendship in their early school days to the poignant moments of separation and the eventual blossoming of a deep and passionate romance, this story weaves together the threads of their lives with intricate detail and genuine emotion.Within the pages of this captivating narrative, readers will be transported to a world where innocence and curiosity pave the way for an unbreakable bond. The story explores the magical moments, where Anirudh and Jonitha discover the joy of shared interests, secret adventures, and the comfort that can only be found in the presence of a true friend.In the chapters that follow, readers will be captivated by the passionate and tender moments shared between Anirudh and Jonitha. The story paints a vivid picture of their blossoming romance, inviting readers to witness the intricate dance of love as it unfolds in all its beauty and intensity. From stolen glances to heartfelt confessions, each moment is infused with an undeniable spark that ignites their souls and solidifies their bond.Ultimately, The Best Friend Who Became My Valentine is a captivating and poignant tale that speaks to the depths of our hearts. It is a story that celebrates the beauty of friendship, the serendipity of love, and the profound impact that one person can have on our lives. Through its pages, readers will be reminded of the importance of cherishing those we hold dear and the extraordinary possibilities that lie within the realm of the heart.…

Beauty On Rose

Beauty On Rose

257 0 109

At Beauty on Rose, we believe that everyone deserves to feel like a queen. Our spa rituals treatments are designed to make you feel like a queen and leave your skin feeling like a goddess. We use the finest ingredients, including botanicals, essential oils, and natural minerals to create the most luxurious spa treatments in Essendon.…



18,822 84 100

Mostly poems and musings of my overactive imagination. I hope you find something here that you can love and relate to.…

You Love Me

You Love Me

1 0 1

Miss your stop on the bus. Watch the buildings blur into an unfamiliar painting. Miss the next stop as well. Watch as the two high school students fumble around in their backpacks, trying to hide the travel sized bottle of vodka. Listen to the bus creak to a stop at someone's neighborhood. It sighs, exhausted. You step off. Step away from the puddle of vomit next to the bus stop . A car alarm goes off in the distance. You're alone. Someone's mother is cooking dinner. The smell steers your hunched back to an alleyway with only a sleeping homeless man for company. You start to wander. Afraid at first. But then you look up. The wind carries the sounds of jazz and the live football match and the new episode of Tom and Jerry. Children are laughing past their bedtime, wasting time with a football. A woman is hanging her laundry whilst arguing with her mother on the phone. You reach the end of the alleyway. And then you hear her footsteps. A light tap tap tap in rhythm with her music. You turn around but she doesn't even notice you - her eyes half closed, her lips mouthing the words of the song, her shoulders rising to every beat. This is when you know. You straighten your back, toss the backpack, take out the knife from your back pocket. She's the one. You step towards her, close enough to smell the hint of rose in her shampoo. She's startled, starts to ask you who you are, her feet now still. You smile as you push the knife through her chest, her face moves from confusion to fear to horror to pain. She falls on to the ground by your brown boots, her denim overalls soaking in crimson. You crouch down and pause the song on her iPod, and then slowly take off her neon pink headphones. A unique souvenir. You take one last look at her face before leaving the alleyway and getting on another bus. It was a beautiful night.…

Escape the Doubt

Escape the Doubt

202 9 3

Will the pain they feel ever lead to pleasure or will they always be searching for something? Shifting together. Shifting apart. Making lyrical love, dancing wildly in the dark. Is taking a chance with your heart worth the escape, or was it better to have never loved at all? Can forgiveness really set you free? After the unexpected death of her Dad, and the haunting manner in which he died, Riley Shaw built invisible walls around her heart. Barriers she created to protect her from splintering into broken pieces that couldn’t be repaired. She was unable to move forward from her past, letting the guilt of her parent’s mistakes dictate her own choices. Dean Warren was safe. Being with him was innocent and peaceful because she didn’t truly love him. His words held her captive in a false sense of security. His eyes were deceptive, and his promises of never pushing her beyond what she was willing to give were broken, leaving Riley in a state of regret and doubt. Joshua Parker had the power to take what was left of Riley’s splintered pieces and ruin her completely, or make her whole again. He was her best friend, her next-door neighbor—everything she wanted and settled on never having. Loving him was as easy as breathing air. The fear of losing him forever was more real to her than the feelings she couldn’t escape. When faced with the very thing she feared the most, and in the arms she thought were safe, Riley finds herself questioning every decision she has made over the past two years. When she finally escapes the doubt in her head, and accepts the truth in her heart, is it too late? “I'm so close to the edge of the cliff that I know one more breath, one more inch, I could fall.” -Riley Shaw**This is book one in a trilogy. Available for download on Amazon.**…

Crimson Desire

Crimson Desire

14 0 4

Chen Yichen is a young man who exudes a cold, distant demeanor, which often keeps others at arm's length. His eyes, though sharp and intense, carry a hint of sadness and caution, revealing the inner turmoil he hides. Yichen's posture is reserved, and he often avoids eye contact, as if he's shielding himself from the world around him. His fear of being judged and his deep mistrust of others have led him to build thick emotional walls, making him seem mysterious and unapproachable. Despite his aloof exterior, this demeanor is a defense mechanism, masking a vulnerable heart that fears betrayal and the harsh scrutiny of society. He prefers solitude, finding comfort in his own company, where he can control his environment and avoid the pain of broken trust. Until one day, he finds a group of people he loves and can be free around. Choi Aera is a sweet, introverted girl whose presence is as light and soft as the scent of bubblegum. Her smile is bright and infectious, and she often radiates warmth when she's around her friends, making her the heart of any small group. However, beneath this cheerful exterior lies a deep shyness and vulnerability. Aera is highly sensitive and emotional, often feeling things more intensely than others, which can sometimes overwhelm her. She struggles with trust issues, always second-guessing if she's truly accepted by those around her. Her fear of being judged or disliked makes her cautious in new situations, often holding back her true feelings. Despite this, her genuine kindness and care for others shine through, even if she's a bit hesitant to fully open up. this is a story with twisted affection and upside down love. Is it gonna end well or not?p.shalf of my inspiration came from kdramas and cdramas books and, of course, so it's my first time writing, so error will be shown. I hope you enjoy, tho love yall♡…



11 0 2

"Stop it." I hiss without taking my eyes off the motorcycle across the street.He flicks my arm once again, knowing he's pissing me off. "I swear to god if you don't stop you're gonna catch these hands you little-"A little flick is felt on my left arm. Again. My head turns ever so slightly, making eye contact with his innocent blue eyes as he stares at me intensely while giving me a sheepish grin. I feel my right eye twitch in those moments and I knew if he touched me again, it was over. As if he reads my mind, he makes the worst possible mistake ever. He flicks my forehead. As fast as I feel his finger tips between my eyebrows, my fist connects with his jaw and he flies out of his seat at the cafe, he yelps like a little girl as he lands on the floor. Clutching his jaw as he stares at me in utter shock, I smirk and look back outside to see the motorcycle is gone. Strangers scream, jumping from their seats, horrified, like I have a gun or something. I look up around the cafe, raising my eyebrow at the crowd that has formed around Xavier. "OH MY GOD! Are you okay sir?" a girl our age questions behind Xavier as she leans down to aid him. He turns his head slightly to me and sends me a wink before he puts up a show. "No, I just proposed to my girlfriend over here and she punched me. Now not only is my jaw in pain, but so is my heart." He says as fake tears run down his face and he throws his arms in the air for dramatic effect.Oh. My. God. This wimp is really making a scene. After trashing her step dad's house simply out of pettiness, Alex Santiago is sent to live with her aunt whom she despises, for the summer out in California. During this time, Alex finds herself repeatedly running into trouble, "accidentally" taking a road trip with a certain stranger named Xavier, getting kidnapped and landing a record deal. Let's just say this summer's going to get a little wild.…

Awesomecat37's Drawings

Awesomecat37's Drawings

15,194 1,033 139

Just a bunch of Drawlings I made. I'm saying now that most of these drawings I was looking off of something. But I will take credit for them justly not as much for the ones that I was looking off something. The ones I didn't look off of anything I will take more credit for...…

Random Thoughts

Random Thoughts

239 11 114

Thoughts that come from my brain every once in a while. Mostly during the night.…