The Mystery of the Shadow

The Mystery of the Shadow

56 24 3

Once upon a time in a distant and picturesque city, fairway back as I can remember, the terror control everything in this Kingdom. Like songs, religions, differences, music, and arts of all kinds. And everyone could demonstrate as they could their infinite riches.And as with any kingdom, a family was sitting, recognized as the pillars of this foundation. And for so much, it was also a family that inspired the bloodiest reign ever known, without mercy for a simple mistake. And many said that nothing could save their "savage" souls there. And that their enemies spanked each other all over the world.But was it possible no soul could be saving? Don't we all have the right to redemption?As far as I remember, by putting this family, he had the King, the worst of them, the beast, the monster, where the only thing you could enter from him was the words "to be able" "to conquer." So much so that he said that he loved more than his own family.- And what do you think, Grandma? - I could tell you that at one time it put a certainty as much as the people who were close to it...- But then what made you change your mind?-Because I was a witness... Witness... -Witness to what? -Something that no one could think possible of a man like him, that he was sure he had had more for centuries... -Are you talking...?#lovestory #magic #sister #paidstories #paranormal #party #prince #princess #princeandprincess #romance #royalty #teen #thriller #vampires #witty #youngadult #youngadultreads#bite #blood #celebrity #danger #dark #dead #death #fame #family #fantasy #forbidden #gothic #kiss #love #newadult #siblings #supernatural #thriller #sibling…

Echoes of  Redemption

Echoes of Redemption

3 1 13

In the rich tapestry of "Echoes of Redemption," the lost souls of Livia and Augustus find themselves torn apart by the cruel hands of fate. Livia, a captive artist, endures the agony of slavery within the distant kingdom of Damascus, clinging to memories of her beloved Rome and a connection she can't forget. Augustus, a prince of Rome, had once fought valiantly to protect her from the same Damascus soldiers that separated them. His sacrifice resulted in the loss of his memory, but destiny brings him back to the city as a bridegroom for peace.As the two kingdoms prepare for a wedding meant to unite their lands, Augustus is inexplicably drawn to a palace maid who seems to stir something deep within him. Livia, recognizing her lost love, battles to bridge the gap between past and present, trying to rekindle his memories of their shared history.Amidst the opulent backdrop of the Damascus palace, Augustus's memory gradually resurfaces, and the echoes of their past love are rekindled. But as the wedding day approaches, Livia's suffering becomes unbearable for Augustus, who remembers her torment at the hands of the kingdom.Their love, tested by time, amnesia, and adversity, evolves into a poignant story of rediscovery and redemption. As the walls between their worlds crumble, Livia and Augustus embark on a journey to rewrite their destiny and heal the wounds of their past.In "Echoes of Redemption," the power of memory and the resilience of the human spirit paint a portrait of love that transcends boundaries. This tale of lost souls finding their way back to each other is a testament to the enduring strength of love and the hope that even the most fractured connections can be mended.…

last Flower.

last Flower.

18 4 1

In a world plagued by devastation and despair, where nature had been reduced to a distant memory, there existed a legend of a single flower that possessed the power to restore hope and revive life. This mythical bloom was known as the Last Flower. Its existence was whispered among the few remaining inhabitants of a barren land, their spirits yearning for the vibrant colors and delicate fragrances lost in time.The Last Flower was said to possess unimaginable beauty, radiating with petals that shimmered like the morning sun, and a fragrance that could heal wounded souls. Its legend spread like a whisper on the wind, giving rise to countless tales of brave adventurers setting out on perilous journeys to seek this miraculous symbol of rebirth.The world had suffered a cataclysmic event years ago, an environmental catastrophe that left cities in ruins, forests reduced to ashes, and rivers tainted with toxicity. Humanity had strayed from the harmonious balance of nature, and the consequences were dire. People lived in enclaves, struggling to survive in a desolate realm devoid of joy and serenity.Amidst this desolation, a young girl named Luna emerged. Her spirit burned with an unyielding hope, and she refused to accept the gloom that surrounded her. Luna possessed a deep love for the forgotten world, and she was determined to find the Last Flower and restore the earth's lost vitality.With a map etched from fragments of ancient writings, Luna embarked on an extraordinary quest. She traversed treacherous terrains, facing daunting challenges, and encountered both allies and adversaries along her path. Luna's journey took her through crumbling cities reclaimed by nature's grip, vast deserts where sandstorms howled mournfully, and dense forests haunted by shadows of the past.(Not completed) ⭐(Season 1) Made by: lightinYourlife.…



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Just a bunch of random crap that nobody asked for!Kinda like a diary, but knowing me, probrably unlike any diary you've ever seen, and will probrably give you nightmares!Unless you're Ginny Weasly, in which case, you've seen worse.Now come! Come into my wonderful world of grammar and spelling mistakes and just all around craziness!!!(Any art or videos I use are not mine unless I specificly say)…



5 0 1

Every once in a while, while speed reading through the local dailies to catch the latest headlines worthy of gossip amidst fellow colleagues, a news report concerning the arrest of a local resident or a group of tourists for failing to declare a certain amount of cash to US Customs officers at the airport. Usually the details of the story would proceed at the time the Defendant is before the Magistrate Court where a guilty plea would be entered, followed by the accused reasons for making the declaration. Whatever the Magistrate's says afterwards is stated in quote and a sentence is handed down, usually in the form of a stiff fine to be paid within a certain time or endure a short stay at the world famous Fox Hill Prison, nicknamed Fox 'Hell' Prison for obvious reasons. Certainly the final blow in sentencing would be the eventual confiscation of the cash taken away from the accused. A daunting portrait of the Accused in handcuffs led by a squad of officers accompanies the report and plastered on the newspaper's website as a 'parting gift', the unfortunate byproduct of the Bahamian criminal justice system where a sunkissed visitor enjoying the proceeds of a lucky streak at the blackjack table becomes the media's latest convict. It is a subject less discussed by residents, who would not hesitate to travel to Miami with their entire savings on school shopping trips, buying groceries for the tuck shop, or for the occasional family trip with the extended family.…



87 3 3

Gavin Elliott Wells is a senior high student who liked a girl named Lynn since his freshman year. He planned to ask her out on their last year when suddenly Lynn became a completely different image. From being the left out to a new leader image that doesn't fear anyone. In the midst of accepting the fact that Gavin doesn't stand a chance anymore. He and his two best friends had gotten themselves involved in Lynn's world in a very unexpected way. As Gavin started to learn more and more about the girl he liked as they get closer one step at a time. He started to meet new friends, see new places, and start to find out about Lynn's past will he continue to love her despite his discovery or will he bail out of it? Will he fully get to know Lynn or will she remain a mystery? ============================================================"You liked him a lot. You missed her a lot every day. You're tired of keeping up with this reputation. You're confused about what you want to be after this year. You're hiding but you can't be hidden forever. You're in pain but you're standing here strong. Thats what I know about you." I said proudly. A hundred percent positive I am right."I'm not what you expect I am but I'm surely not someone you think you'll fully understand ad because you're spending your whole senior year with me. I'm Lynn nothing more nothing less." She said to me with a blank expression on her face but her eyes tell a whole different story. Maybe I am wrong. After all, she's still a mystery to me and to everyone close to her but I just wanted to break down this wall so maybe if I did I can finally hold her.…



3 0 1

Title: "Diamond Dreams"Overview:"Diamond Dreams" follows the journey of Haruki Kuroshima, a high school freshman and the son of a legendary baseball player who won three Major League World Series. Despite his lineage, Haruki lacks the natural talent for pitching that made his father a star. However, his vivid imagination and determination set him apart.Upon his father's insistence, Haruki transfers from his hometown in Hokkaido to Uenomiya High School in Osaka, a school tarnished by scandals and with a baseball club on the brink of extinction. His only confidant is his childhood friend, Emily, an English exchange student.As Haruki joins the Uenomiya baseball team, he discovers a school filled with intriguing first-year players, each with unique skills and backgrounds. Under the guidance of their enigmatic senpai, Ryuga Takeshi, the team begins to rebuild and redefine their legacy.The season unfolds with the revelation of the school's turbulent past and the challenges faced by the baseball club. Coaches from rival schools plot against Uenomiya, and tensions rise as they aim to discredit the team. Amidst the chaos, the five talented freshmen forge a bond that transcends their individual skills.Haruki's father's backstory is revealed through flashbacks, highlighting his final match that defined his legacy. This emotional narrative inspires Haruki to honor his father's memory and prove that greatness can be achieved through determination and teamwork.…

He Was Always Mine

He Was Always Mine

22 0 4

In a small suburban town, two families were bound by the deep friendship of Mother's. Amidst this backdrop, a tender romance blossomed between Derek and Summer, two teenagers whose lives had been intertwined since birth.Derek, the epitome of high school royalty, was a football star whose features and magnetic charm drew admiring glances from every corner of the hallway. Yet, beneath his confident exterior lay a heart that yearned for something more profound than the shallow affections of cheerleaders. From the moment he first laid eyes on Summer, he was captivated by her radiant beauty and gentle spirit, a sunshine that illuminated even the darkest corners of his world.Summer, on the other hand, harbored a secret that threatened to eliminate the light within her. Trapped in a lonely household made by her father's alcoholism and her mother's crippling depression, she found solace in the fleeting moments she shared with Derek, her lifelong friend and the object of her hidden affections. As she watched him from afar, enveloped in the adoration of his peers, she resigned herself to the belief that her dreams of being with him would forever remain unfulfilled.In a twist of fate, their worlds collided at a pivotal moment, when Summer's life hung in the balance, teetering precariously on the edge of a precipice from which there seemed no return. It was in this darkest hour that Derek's love for her finally found its voice, a declaration that shattered the barriers between them and ignited a passion that had been simmering for years.But just as their love story was beginning, tragedy struck for both of them. ** I wrote this story a while back on my other account KaylaSpear but I had to start a different one because of some bullying and spamming. I hope you guys enjoy my book and please feel free to comment and tell me how I can make it better. Thank you for choosing to read my book!**…

Tour Of Lumbini|

Tour Of Lumbini|

13 1 1

Team Himalaya offers a cultural trip towards South Mid West Nepal at Lumbini, one of the siteunder world heritage site, famous as birth place of Lord Buddha, the "Light of Asia". This is ashort trip with a flight to Bhairawa close to India border and then a short trip leads to famousLumbini in the comfort of nice hotels. Here with guide visit amidst culturally importantsites,places and fly back to Kathmandu.The history as follows, according to Buddhist tradition, Maya Devi (or Mayadevi) gave birth tothe Buddha on her way to her parent's home in Devadaha in the month of May in the year 642BC. Feeling the onset of labor pains, she grabbed hold of the branches of a shade tree and gavebirth to Siddharta Gautama, the future Buddha. The Buddha is said to have announced, "This ismy final rebirth" as he entered the world. Buddhist tradition also has it that he walkedimmediately after his birth and took seven steps, under each of which a lotus flower bloomed.In 249 BC, the Buddhist convert Emperor Ashoka visited Lumbini and constructed four stupasand a stone pillar. Ashoka's Pillar bears an inscription that translates as: "King Piyadasi(Ashoka), beloved of devas, in the 20 year of the coronation, himself made a royal visit, BuddhaSakyamuni having been born here, a stone railing was built and a stone pillar erected to theThe site was rediscovered in 1895, when a German archaeologist came upon Ashoka's Pillar,identified by its inscription. Records made by the Chinese pilgrim Fa Xian were also used in theprocess of identifying this religiously acclaimed site. Lumbini was designated a UNESCO WorldHeritage Site in 1997.…

In The Darkest Hour

In The Darkest Hour

153 3 3

In the wake of a devastating virus turning infected individuals into zombies, the Johnson and Martinez families sought refuge in a fortified safe house owned by Dr. Alec Martinez, Michelle's uncle and a researcher at a pharmaceutical company. Alec had foreseen the chaos and prepared his secluded property to protect his family. Along with his security team, he provided a haven for Cassandra (Cassy), her parents Alfred and Lucy, Michelle, and her parents Mike and Lucy. Amidst the growing threat outside, Alec revealed that the cure for the virus lay in a previous, ethically contentious study, whose documentation had been split into three parts and hidden to prevent misuse.Driven by the urgency to save humanity, Cassy and Michelle embarked on a perilous quest to retrieve the missing pieces of the study. Their journey led them through the deserted streets of a near city, into the dense, treacherous forests, and eventually to a crumbling university. Along the way, they encountered various survivors-some helpful allies, others dangerous foes. Each step was fraught with danger, testing their courage and resourcefulness. Despite the constant threat and obstacles, Cassy and Michelle's determination never wavered, fueled by the hope that their mission would lead to a cure.While their parents remained in the safe house under the protection of Alec's security team, Cassy and Michelle's efforts culminated in the retrieval of the crucial documents. Returning to the safe house, they handed over the documents to Alec, who, with his team, worked tirelessly to develop the cure. Their relentless dedication paid off, and a viable cure was finally synthesized, offering a glimmer of hope for a world teetering on the brink of collapse. The bravery and sacrifice of Cassy, Michelle, and their families sparked a new dawn, turning the darkest hour into a beacon of hope and recovery for humanity.…

Journal of My Life with God 13

Journal of My Life with God 13

231 1 200

My life journey with Lord Jesus Volume 13…