The witches 2nd Puppet(OUATFanfic)
Name: Amana (Bertha) Emerald Story names: Shadow Firebird, Fallen angel, Grimreper, Shadow Kid Curse names: Cupcake, Sweetheart,Baby girl (Hook, and Red), Amy(Henry and Red)Parents: Maleficent and DOCTOR FACILIER Abilities: Voodoo Magic, Fortune Telling, Spell Casting Umbrakinesis, Dark magic, turn into a dragon (doesn't know yet),and the Fire bird in her soul. Home: A house by herself in story book.Then in a cell with Rumpel. Likes:Dancing, drawing, ravens, sleep, fight training, Henry in a frend way, and spell training. Dislikes: Owing promises to his "friends", disrespect, the Three Fairies, failure, sorrow and despairAmana and Henry was always close and insepretbal but after he got kidnapped by Peter Pan. Amana didn't really know much about herself.All she remember is that she had 2 powerful parents.She doesn't know their names.But she is leaning how to use her powers and the only one that knows her powers are Henry, Red, and Regina.No one really know about her not even snow white they don't know anything about Amana.But what she knows is that she knows dark and light magic.As luck would have it, Zelena disappears in time just before Emma and David discover, from Mr. Gold, her identity as the Wicked Witch. They burst in to apprehend Zelena, but she is gone and before they couldn't stop gold from taking Amana when she got to Snows house. Zelena found away to control by a staff of someone she didn't know was her mothers. After that Zelena used maleficent staff and the darkones danger to control Amana and Rumple to get to Emma and Regina.What will happen when Amana find out what happened at the Enchanted forest.What did happen in the Enchated forest.Why does Zelena want to make a kid that looks 15 to help defeat the savior with the dark one.It is basiced off of noones POV…