End of the clown, Rise as the commissioner

End of the clown, Rise as the commissioner

3,678 118 7

Otto existence was disappeared driven in the darkness with no hope to survive but end up appear in a world that unknown to him with new body.This is just repost from ao3. It is also from the same author, me.…

Chrysalis To A Butterfly [Kiana Kaslana X Male OC]

Chrysalis To A Butterfly [Kiana Kaslana X Male OC]

8,696 419 19

On a cold December evening, Kiana Kaslana argues with her close friend, Sal Apocalypse. As things heats up, Sal loses himself and finally says the words he has been dying to. What will this lead to? Will the Chrysalis that their relationship is bloom into a butterfly, or will it wither away like all the other universe?…

Permafrost Slumber

Permafrost Slumber

833 29 12

Following a series of unclear dreams that plagued his sleep, the Captain arrives in a foreign world gripped by an ice age and on the brink of death with a single name to guide him and his companion through the frozen wastes. Yet the people of this world persevere in the face of adversity, adapting to the world's changing climate and building their cities around monumental machines able to ward off the cold.Despite the warnings of the denizens of this world to let whatever the snow buries remain as such, the Captain pushes on in order to find that which beckoned him to this world.…

Thus Spoke Apocalypse once more: Otto Apocalypse x Date a Live

Thus Spoke Apocalypse once more: Otto Apocalypse x Date a Live

1,078 24 2

Otto's sentients was about to dissipates after he save Kallen. Otto woke up in his new body, the body of Shido Itsuka…

Kiana And Sal's Bizzare RomCom Drabble Collection

Kiana And Sal's Bizzare RomCom Drabble Collection

871 55 10

Well I just wanted to make some cute and fluffy drabble between my male OC Sal Apocalypse and our beloved Tuna, and thus here we are. Also these drabbles are fine standalone however if you wish to know the context then definitely read the main story 'Chrysalis To A Butterfly'.…

Honkai Impact 3rd: Don't Die For Me/ Book 1: Promise

Honkai Impact 3rd: Don't Die For Me/ Book 1: Promise

34,872 1,923 68

=====The story is In the Process of Being Rewritten/ Polished. 7/6/2022 9/25/2022. Starting to apply rewrite chapters. The aim is a chapter per week. Thank you for your patience!=====Ever since they met at the age of seven Kallen and Otto shared a foolish dream that they could change the world for the better. That they could save the world from Honkai. But amidst their blossoming hope for a safe paradise, fragile lies sprouted, as new desires emerge and threatened to tear their world apart."Will you still be my Great Inventor?""Will you ever learn to live for yourself?"==============Author's Notes:This work will explore a possible timeline where a relationship between Kallen and Otto has a chance of succeeding, an AT so to speak. For the most part, I will remain as true to the characters as I can. Many events in the story will be changed and adapted to suit a more interesting story arc. The origins of certain characters will be changed to better suit the narrative I want to tell. The setting will be heavily changed, it's still Europe but I will use different cities. I know that Otto is heavily hated, but please give my rendition of him a chance. I aim to update 3 chapters every week. Thank you for reading my work and I hope you enjoy it============Disclaimer:I don't own all of the characters used in this work. All rights are reserved to Mihoyo, the creators of Honkai Impact. List of characters Mihoyo owns Otto Apocalypse, Kallen Kaslana, Void Archives, Yae Sakura, Vera, Eleanor Schariac, Risa Apocalypse, Sir Francis Kaslana, Nikolas Apocalypse, Bianka Apocalypse, Shakespeare, Fu Hua. Link to the cover: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/96613705P.S The cover will be replaced once I improve my drawing skills.…

Cured [ManxMan]

Cured [ManxMan]

235,276 12,325 35

Topher was a survivor, until he wasn't. After a noble sacrifice, he's become what the scattered remains of humanity fears most: a zombie. But he may not stay that way. Humans are developing a cure, and Topher finds himself one of their unwitting test subjects. Coming back to life is not easy, and he may find things are not how he left them. ***In case you missed it in the title, this is a manxman story, so yes, there will be male humans engaging in relationships, just so that's clear.…

Black Hole Sun [Harry Potter/Twilight]

Black Hole Sun [Harry Potter/Twilight]

226,396 8,262 58

The Second Great Wizarding War is declared over. In dealing with the aftermath of the death of her friends and her boyfriend, Cedric Diggory; Gwen Organa wallows in her survivors guilt. But when an opportunity arises to take an assignment in a new country, she takes it. And this new adventure has led her to Forks, Washington, in hopes of discovering a rumored new magical species. But as she and her new partner Cal get closer to the truth, sinister forces lie in shadows. With new magical species around every corner and having to face muggle high school, this is unlike any adventure Gwen has had to yet endure. Set during Eclipse and Post-Deathly Hallows…

Honkai Impact 3rd: Don't Die For Me Book 2 Purgatory

Honkai Impact 3rd: Don't Die For Me Book 2 Purgatory

26,929 1,323 79

============Author's Notes: Before reading Book 2 you should read Book 1.Book 1 Link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/299257966-honkai-impact-3rd-don%27t-die-for-me-book-1-promiseWhen you're finished here's book 3: <3Book 3 Link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/350482197-honkai-impact-3rd-don%27t-die-for-me-book-3-paradiseA chapter will come out every Wednesday and Saturday at 10:00 pm PST, 2:00 am EST, 7:00 am CET. It won't be on the dot and I may put in an extra chapter every week. If there comes an extra chapter it will most likely be published on Friday. Thanks for the support! Other than that there's nothing else to note other than to thank you for giving my piece a chance. I hope my second book greatly entertains you. ============Otto had finally done it. He had finally thrown away all he cared for. The world became an abyss of gray with no shades in between. All its colors preserved themselves in his memories. Memories of sin and greed, of cowardice and apathy, ate away at his soul. Every still moment in time haunted his existence. But none haunted him more than the moment where all was lost. "There were tears in her eyes, brought forth by my lies."============Disclaimer:I don't own all of the characters used in this work. All rights are reserved to Mihoyo/ Hoyoverse, the creators of Honkai Impact. List of characters Mihoyo owns Otto Apocalypse, Kallen Kaslana, Void Archives, Yae Sakura, Vera, Eleanor Schariac, Risa Apocalypse, Sir Francis Kaslana, Nikolas Apocalypse, Bianka Apocalypse, Shakespeare, Fu Hua. Link to the cover: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/70364453 P.S The cover will be replaced once I improve my drawing skills.…

A Hope In The Flame (Female OC x Honkai Impact)

A Hope In The Flame (Female OC x Honkai Impact)

60,599 1,087 41

First my honkai impact fanfiction. All in the stories are non-canon, that is mean nothing will affect to the canon story inside Honkai Impact 3rd game itself. Big credits to Mihoyo & Hoyoverse…

Nueva era (En proceso de edición)

Nueva era (En proceso de edición)

1,034 74 21

"Se ha dicho que el hombre destruiría al mundo, o tal vez el mundo destruya al hombre" Luego de años de contaminación, el planeta responde agresivamente, ¿Lo peor? La capa de ozono ha desaparecido casi por completo, haciendo imposible que las personas estén en contacto directo con el sol sin sufrir quemaduras inmediatas. Drake ha vivido rodeado de oscuridad y peligro, en su mente, la guerra es entre ellos y la tiranía de la cúpula, que los ha obligado a vivir en la miseria mientras ellos están cómodos y protegidos de la salvaje naturaleza. Paz vive y trabaja para la cúpula, y aunque ella tiene la solución a sus problemas en las manos, prefiere guardarla. Con sus proyectos clandestinos busca la forma del salvar al mundo por su cuenta. El día que ambos por fin se encuentran, trabajaran juntos para salvar al mundo y proteger a sus familias. Los desastres naturales aun no terminan y todos tendrán que ponerse a salvo. Tal vez la naturaleza haga a los humanos unirse y olvidar el pasado, o los divida aun mas.…

Honkai Impact 3rd: Don't Die For Me/ Book 3 Paradise

Honkai Impact 3rd: Don't Die For Me/ Book 3 Paradise

15,232 818 68

============Author's Notes: Before reading Book 3 you should read Books 1 and 2.Book 1 Link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/299257966-honkai-impact-3rd-don%27t-die-for-me-book-1-promiseBook 2 Link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/316878343-honkai-impact-3rd-don%27t-die-for-me-book-2A chapter will come out every Wednesday and Saturday at 10:00 pm PST, 2:00 am EST, and 7:00 am CET. As always I'll try to make the times the best I can and make announcements whenever I'm pressed for time due to school. Thanks for understanding and I hope you enjoy Book 3.============Is this right? The question echoed in the soft chambers of her mind. Kallen Kaslana, the Holy Maiden, the savior of Europe, and the Legendary Valkyrie above all, had everything come true. All she ever wanted. Her lover Sakura is by her side, happy and healthy. Her people bustled in the marbled streets, conversing happily, free from oppression and their previous dark rule. Justice had returned; the church was being reformed. The light of duty and strength, the everlasting vow to protect the weak stood stronger than it had in five hundred years. Yet with her dreams fulfilled and with the world on track to everlasting justice and peace, she couldn't help but run and tremble. Somewhere in it's fabric of resurrected foundation laid a worldshattering promise. "It can't be a lie. It has to be the truth. It has to be."============Disclaimer:I don't own all of the characters used in this work. All rights are reserved to Mihoyo/ Hoyoverse, the creators of Honkai Impact. List of characters Mihoyo owns Otto Apocalypse, Kallen Kaslana, Void Archives, Yae Sakura, Vera, Eleanor Schariac, Risa Apocalypse, Sir Francis Kaslana, Nikolas Apocalypse, Bianka Apocalypse, Shakespeare, Fu Hua. The art is from an official GGZ 2 wallpaper I downloaded from a Chinese site. Hard to find but Mihoyo was the one that made it.P.S. As with the other covers the art will be replaced once I'm satisfied with my drawing skills.…

Savior in HI3rd: Houraiji Kyuushou reader x Honkai Impact 3rd

Savior in HI3rd: Houraiji Kyuushou reader x Honkai Impact 3rd

41,695 2,242 43

Y/N is reincarnated in HI3rd as her/his favorite character, Houraiji Kyuushou.She finds herself in Nagazora, and starts to explore it, trying to find a way out, she finds some familiar faces, and with their help, they escape Nagazora, and enrols in ST Freya Academy.What adventures will Y/N, (Now using the name of Houraiji Kyuushou) find herself in, what dangers will she face? Will she turn into the Savior of this World and defeat the Honkai?This story is inspired in another one that i read called "I reincarnated as Houraiji Kyuushou in HI3???" from "Ipandechi", unfortunately, the story haven't been updated, but in either case, if possible, go and subscribe in his profile.…

Infected || PewdieCry

Infected || PewdieCry

87,195 4,397 47

Cry is on his own in the zombie apocalypse. He doesn't easily trust others and is used to killing people as well as infected. He has never liked traveling in groups, but all of that changes when he's saved by Pewds and his group. They help Cry, even though some are very suspicous of the quiet, masked man. Will Cry stay with the group? Or will he go back to surviving on his own?-Involves a lot of youtubers, some added later in the story.WARNING: PEOPLE WILL DIE.IF YOU CAN'T DEAL WITH HEARTBREAK AND DEATH, DON'T READ.…

I'd like to survive... (Honkai Impact ff)

I'd like to survive... (Honkai Impact ff)

193,819 6,791 49

A scientist, a fan of Honkai Impact, enters the world of this game, in the body of the first Kiana clone, but with some changes. { ⚠️ Warning ⚠️ }{I do not own Honkai Impact, all rights to the game belong to MiHoYo.The image also does not belong to me.}{English is not my first language.}{Spoilers to the game's storyline!}{This is the first time I've ever written anything...}…



164,122 3,636 57

❝ Never be a prisoner of your past, it was just a lesson not a life sentence.❞✽ Honkai Impact 3rd/F!Reader ✽…

The Virus Within: Third Wave (Book 2)

The Virus Within: Third Wave (Book 2)

512,536 45,523 86

The third wave is looming, mere weeks away, but in the aftermath of a zombie apocalypse, problems never come just one at a time.Season 2 of The Virus Within* * * * *Life isn't easy, and that's doubly true when you're a zombie surrounded by humans, a crazy redhead, and a far-too-curious scientist. Once you add in a long-lost sister and a Terror who doesn't know how to zombie, peace and quiet are the last things you'll find.Reports of a Nightstalker attack come mere weeks before the third wave is due, and Trinity is one of the few who have the necessary skills to take on such a zombie. Leaving her sister in the safety of the Stronghold, Trinity joins the rest of the group as they embark on a road trip to locate the feral creature before it can kill anyone else. Trouble looms on the horizon like a thunderstorm, and where there's thunder, there's lightning.You better pack your dish soap because the third wave isn't waiting for anyone.Cover designed by Marie Tilmant…

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse {Book Two: Famine} (Prompto x Reader)

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse {Book Two: Famine} (Prompto x Reader)

18,151 604 19

Final Fantasy XV x ReaderBook two in the short series "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse"Prompto x Reader**CROSSPOSTED TO MY TUMBLR**…

The Virus Within: Blood Moon (Book 3)

The Virus Within: Blood Moon (Book 3)

129,658 11,854 25

If you're a zombie, how far would you be willing to go to save the two people you care about the most?Season 3 of The Virus Within* * * * *Trinity isn't about to let anything stop her. Come hell or high water, she's determined to get Jess and Nicky back. And heaven help anyone who stands in her way. Whoever said 'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned' had clearly never met a Nightstalker on the warpath.The blood moon is shedding its red light upon the night, and the hunt is on. The question remains, whose blood will be spilled first? And who will survive?Forget the dish soap. Grab the rutabagas and the firecrackers for this rescue mission.…

Honkai Impact: Scion Of A Thorn

Honkai Impact: Scion Of A Thorn

1,202 40 8

Ever since their tender ages Otto and Kallen promised to change the world for the better and bring about justice, only they never thought that their paths to justice would differ so drastically and that Otto would choose his own path to justice over Kallen's.This work was written with the intention of exploring the possible relationships between Otto and his siblings, especially his sister and so I cannot promise that it will stay true to canon events. My goal is to update at least once every 9 days or so, maybe more if possible. Thanks for giving this book a chance and I hope you enjoy it…