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'HEY, REGULAR' , A JOHNNYBOY NOVELLA.Ponyboy is a twenty year old in Tulsa, Oklahoma who runs a shop named The Oak with his two older brothers: Darry and Soda. The three have run this book selling shop together as long as time, ever since their mom and dad had died. The shop takes all the pain away, a distraction of those the brothers have lost, but the distractions cannot fill an empty spot in Ponyboy's heart: numbness. Lack of love. Ponyboy tries not to think about it, brushing it away outside the door, to the street, where the other shops lie, but it is only a distraction, he can't hide from his troubles forever. This is only a temporary antidote. He needs to find who he really is. Who is Ponyboy Curtis, what is his purpose? He can't stay at The Oak forever.Johnny is a Twenty-Two year old regular at The Oak. Johnny doesn't care much for literature, but he cares for the mysterious young cashier at The Oak, Ponyboy. Like Ponyboy, he isn't quite sure who he is, either. He can't stay at The Oak forever - His attempts at flirting do just about nothing besides stiffen the air, and redden one anothers face to a daring red. This fanfiction is a fast paced, six chapter story of love and what it means to be your own person and what the process of finding yourself could look like.WHAT IS A NOVELLA?A Novella is a short book, novel, or story. WHAT IS JOHNNYBOY?If you're reading this story, I'd sure hope you knew what it was! Incase you don't - Johnnyboy is the ship name of Johnny cade and Ponyboy Curtis from The Outsiders, written by S.E Hinton.OTHER WORKS BY THE AUTHOR• Genesis (TWD) - Coming soon • The Difference Between You (Johnnyboy) - Complete• Dear Tulsa, Love Ponyboy (Johnnyboy) - Ongoing• Shadow (Rinney) - Complete• Starboy (Rinney) - Complete• Coffee Cupid 1 & 2 - Complete & Discontinued…