Save My Love!

Save My Love!

210,798 7,941 66

"Seseorang memutuskan bersama karena menemukan keutuhannya tercermin, bukan karena ketakutannya akan sepi. Aku bersamamu karena enggan sendiri? aku tidak sejahat itu…

✔️Érzelmi Tanácsadás - Akutagawa x Reader✔️

✔️Érzelmi Tanácsadás - Akutagawa x Reader✔️

3,229 174 11

Név hazafelé tartott a munkahelyéről egy péntek délután mikor az egyik sikátorban egy évek óta nem látott arcot fedezet fel. Autagawa volt az aki megsérült. És most szüksége van a lányra hogy túlélje. Kettejük múltjáról és jövőjéről olvashattok miközben az együtt töltött hétvégén mindketten sokat változnak. És a régen különvált útjaikat szorosan egymás mellett folytatják tovább.…

Transformers (Reader Insert)

Transformers (Reader Insert)

26,145 685 14

When returning home from deployment and working alongside William Lennox's team, you go and visit your friend Sam Witwicky who is about to get his first car. You graduated early and joined the military. You're 24 years old, you've known Sam since you were kids. But something strikes suspicion when you sense a weird aura around the car. I don't own anything!…

Garwa Kinasih (Istri Kesayangan). End-

Garwa Kinasih (Istri Kesayangan). End-

102,730 8,124 20

#1 dalam sultan (29/04/2019)#2 dalam fiksi sejarah (26/02/2019)#2 dalam kerajaan (26/04/2019)Perjanjian Giyanti (13 Februari 1755) perjanjian fenomenal yang telah mengubah geopolitik tanah jawa. mengakhiri dekade masa kerajaan mataram dinusantara dan mengawali pemrintahan Negara Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat dibawah kepemimpinan Pangeran Mangkubumi yang kemudian bergelar Hamengku Buwana ingkang kaping Sepisan, gelar lengkapnya Ngarsa Dalem Sampeyan Dalem Ingkang Sinuwun Kanjeng Sultan Hamengku Buwana Senopati-ing-Ngalaga Abdurrahman Sayidin Panatagama Kalifatullah Ingkang Jumeneng Kaping Sapisan ing Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat.Tidak, kisah ini tidak akan menceritakan tentang bagaimana beliau dan bagaimana kepemimpinan beliau maupun sosial masyarakat disaat beliau menjabat. ini adalah kisah fiktif dari seorang raja imajiner dengan mengambil set waktu dan setting sesudah kepemimpinan beliau. Penasaran? Yuks ikuti kisah ini setelah Sun's Flower selesai ya..…

Otherworldly Warrior [Book 6]

Otherworldly Warrior [Book 6]

364,020 17,078 29

Andrej wants a mate to love him. That's all he's wanted for a very long time. Simple right? Well not for him it seems. Will he ever find his other half?…

Bright blue eyes (batjokes)

Bright blue eyes (batjokes)

13,916 357 21

Hello! This story is based on a two shot I did that I decided to make into a full story! This is my first full story for batjokes! About: joker and Harley go out to steal some jewelry when joker finds a beautiful blue diamond! It reminds him of his batsy so when Batman comes to fight like normal, joker just gives him the diamond. Batman is very confused by this and when he sees joker again, he starts to question his feelings for the clown. When he realizes these feelings, he is conflicted with his feelings towards joker and his job. Drama between the criminal and hero, as they both try to make a relationship work. (It's mostly just Lego batjokes, anyways I hope you enjoy!)Best rankings: 1# in Lego batjokes 1# in Lego Batman 1# in batjokes 2# in Lego batjokes 2# in batjokes (Yay! : D I've never had a story number one in something before this story so thank you>3)…

Lucell || GeminiFourth

Lucell || GeminiFourth

1,747 179 10

In a realm where Gemini embodies Satan and Fourth seeks work. "Lucell" stands as a hotel of sinister dealings with the devil. But beyond the famous "Club 27," there lies another route to meet the Lord of Hell.***START: 08.07.2024END: 26.07.2024***GeminiFourth fanfiction.Please keep in mind that this story is a work of fiction. That does not accurately depict people in their real lives. It is purely for entertainment purposes.…

Mortified (Juuzou x Reader)

Mortified (Juuzou x Reader)

156,672 6,604 16

Book 1 of the Mo-ified series!A snap-shot style story of how the reader and Juuzou met, procreated and split.…

Hujan Rinduku (Keluarga, Cinta, dan Impian) ☑️

Hujan Rinduku (Keluarga, Cinta, dan Impian) ☑️

6,866 835 32

Asyifa Safitri, gadis pecinta hujan dan senja yang memiliki banyak impian di hidupnya, ia suka menuliskan mimpi-mimpinya di buka diary kesayangannya. Dibalik sifat cerianya ternyata ada luka terpendam yang membuatnya berubah jadi gadis rapuh. Seperti pelangi yang tak indah bila hanya memiliki satu jenis warna, sama seperti dirinya yang tak ada artinya tanpa keluarga. Keluarga yang selalu di bangga-banggakannya ternyata telah menorehkan luka di hatinya. Namun, keluarga tetaplah tempat baginya untuk pulang, ia bertekad untuk mengembalikan keluarganya seperti semula, di bantu oleh sahabatnya yang bernama Fikri, mereka membuat misi-misi rahasia. Ada kisah jatuh bangun yang mereka hadapi, kisah persahabatan, cinta, dan impian membuat salah satu dari mereka pergi dan malah menghentikan misi-misi rahasia mereka.Akankah Shifa berhasil mengembalikan keadaan keluarganya kembali? Akankah mimpi-mimpi yang selalu ia tuliskan di buku diary itu akan menjadi kenyataan atau sebatas angan-angan saja? Dan bagaimana kelanjutan misi, cinta dan persahabatan Syifa dan Fikri setelah salah satu dari mereka memilih untuk pergi? Temukan jawabannya di bab-bab berikut ya! . . Pastikan sebelum baca kalian udah follow akun ini terlebih dulu ya! Terimakasih sebelumnya😊...Cerita ini murni hasil pikiran saya sendiri. Jadi mohon kerjasamanya untuk tidak MENJIPLAK atau PLAGIAT karya ini karna butuh perenungan yang lama bagi saya menciptakan satu karya ini. Mohon dibaca, ambil baiknya, buang bila ada yg buruknya. SAY NO JIPLAK. Terimakasih. Bila masih ngeyel buat JIPLAK/PLAGIAT karya ini! Hati-hati tanggung jawabnya nanti di akhirat! . . Ini cerita pertama author, jadi mohon dimaklumi bila banyak kesalahan tanda baca dan EYD. Athornya masih belajar🙏 Thankyou. Peringkat1. #secret 28/9/211. #infidelity 14/11/212. #deardiary 10/11/215. #familysecrets 12/11/213. #hijrah 18/06/231. #rindu 25/11/23…

A League of Her Own (Completed)

A League of Her Own (Completed)

31,057 486 38

Katja Laurence is a doctor at Central City General, but when the Particle Accelerator explodes, she becomes something more. She joins Team Flash after accidentally killing people that she was trying to save. She never felt like a part of the team, so when a mysterious time traveler tells her that she has a chance to become a hero, she jumps at the chance. Now Katja must join with a team of D-list heroes and criminals to fight their fate and become not just heroes, but Legends.…

Super criminal (Batjokes)

Super criminal (Batjokes)

1,383 41 9

My second Lego batjokes story! This storyline takes place in between Criminal and Joker smiles chapters in Bright blue eyes. About: Superman finds himself in gotham and tries to get with Joker, However Joker declines in his offer. Batman and Joker continue to date but when Superman continues to make advances, Batman and Superman's relationship becomes more hostile. What will happen next? Find out when you read Super criminal.…



2,716 408 35

"Jemput oyy!lu mau gua mati berdiri disini!?"Bobrok dan ceroboh itulah Nadha Jyena Agatha, gadis SMA pemecah rekor tidur terlama serumah ini sangat manja dan dekat dengan sahabat laki-laki kepercayaan keluarganya Mahendra Syafiq. Laki-laki yang kesabarannya seluas samudera namun galak melebihi ibu-ibu kang serobot di lampu merah. Nadha sangat suka menyulut api emosi Mahen karena ia sangat jarang nampak sahabatnya itu emosi, setiap hari bahkan setiap waktu Nadha selalu mencari topik pembahasan untuk sekedar memancing Mahen untuk marah. Namun Mahen sudah tahan dengan sikap usil Nadha sejak mereka kecil itu hanya bisa pasrah dengan perlakuan Nadha. Apalagi semenjak Mahen ditugaskan menjadi penjaga sekaligus supir pribadinya.Demi mendapat uang jajan dengan nominal yang besarnya bisa menembus gaji PNS apapun ia akan tembus. Apakah Nadha akan terus menganggu sahabat karibnya itu? atau Mahen akan mengambil langkah keras untuk menghentikan itu semua?...jawabannya ada di cerita di dalam ini!…

Slasher boyfriend/girlfriend scenarios

Slasher boyfriend/girlfriend scenarios

1,161,770 20,151 75

(SLOWLY EDITING THIS)This is low key bad so read at your own risk Current Slashers in this book:Michael Myers. (Halloween series) Jason Voorhees (Friday The 13th series) Bubba Sawyer (Leatherface) (Texas Chainsaw Massacre series) Billy Loomis and Stu Matcher (Ghostface- Scream 1 Norman Bates (Psycho series)Yuatja (The Predator Series)Jeepers Creepers (Creepers Series)Hannibal Lector (The TV show)…

Yandere MHA x reader one shots

Yandere MHA x reader one shots

419,901 4,656 114

different yandere ideas that I'm to busy to make whole books out of, join me on this wonderful ride of different story's all filled with the seat hanging romance between reader and the MHA boys and girls that we have come to love⚠️It says completed but I will be adding as requests and ideas come⚠️…

Surat Untuk Zira

Surat Untuk Zira

1,346 77 7

Semua ini hanya mampu aku tulis,zira. Kamu sudah jauh. Aku rindu zira gendut. Sudahkah kamu tertawa hari ini? Zira?mau gak travelling lagi sama aku? Hanya berdua, eh, bertiga.. sama chelsea, motor kesayanganku zira? Mau gak? Aku butuh jawaban. Tidak ada yang salah zira. Riana sudah tidak lagi ada, dia bukan yang ku cari. Jangan takut ban ku kempes, chelse bilang dia mau zira, chelsea bilang dia kuat kok , asalkan aku senang. Hehe.…

batjokes fic recsシ

batjokes fic recsシ

12,947 86 19

a collection of all the iconic batjokes (batmanxjoker) fanfics ;))disclaimer: the cover art isn't mine,,, all credits to the owner :))…

Lady Prince (Kurapika x Reader)

Lady Prince (Kurapika x Reader)

97,873 4,155 24

Emperor Nasubi Hui Guo Rou of the Kakin Empire in an interesting man who calls all of his "legal children" princes. On the outside, the emperor seems like a happy-go-lucky person. So who would have thought that all of his princes were about to engage in a battle to the death in order to decide the one true heir? You're not going to play the game, deciding that it isn't worth the trouble. But when an intelligent man named Kurapika shows up with the rest of the Dark Continent explorers, you begin to wonder if perhaps being the Empress wouldn't be so bad.…



3,163 533 41

Hantu? Batari sama sekali tak percaya dengan hal semacam itu. Hingga suatu waktu, ia berubah pikiran setelah mengalami banyak kejadian diluar nalar.Pindah kediaman akan menjadi awal kisah antara gadis manis bernama Batari Nalendra Putri dan pemuda tampan bernama Hansen Terheide De Vries.Mungkin jika Batari mengetahui siapa sosok tampan itu, sudah dipastikan gadis tersebut akan memilih untuk tidak mengenalnya sama sekali.Namun takdir berkata lain. Kantung hati Batari kini hanya diisi penuh oleh nama pemuda bermanik biru redup itu. Tak ada yang lain.Begitupun dengan Hansen. Dia teramat sangat mengagumi dan terpesona dengan sang gadis pribumi. Selain jatuh hati, ada hal lain yang membuat Hansen terus berada disisi Batari.Pertolongan. Iya, itulah yang dibutuhkannya. Dan menurut Hansen, Batari adalah orang yang tepat. Batari adalah orang yang diyakini dapat membantunya keluar dari kesengsaraan.Namun ketika pertolongan itu tiba, Hansen malah mengulur waktu. Alasannya hanya satu. Dia masih ingin bersama Batari sedikit lebih lama. Hanya itu.Menolong Hansen, artinya mereka akan terpisah. Tapi jika tidak ditolong, itu akan membuat Hansen tersiksa. Lalu, sikap apakah yang harus Batari ambil?…

Heir To The Iron Crown: Butterfly ✓

Heir To The Iron Crown: Butterfly ✓

716,692 35,925 46

[COMPLETED] (Book 2/3)I can't stand him. I don't understand him. Does he hate me? Does he not? He is undeniably confusing, obnoxious and can't take criticism. He is basically the stereotypical Alpha and I hate that about him. What would it take for him to be a little considerate?Maybe he's jealous I got my wolf before he did? That's probably it. The big bad wolf can't stand a little competition. So that's exactly what I'll give him. Some good, healthy competition....After being abandoned in a forest near Fathilagt, Rayne was found as an infant by Rosabelle soon after the first attack on the peaceful pack. Rosabelle raised Rayne as her own and shielded her from whatever hardships she could. But Rayne's experience in her pack wasn't always pleasant and some people did their best to make her feel like she didn't belong in Fathilagt. Especially a certain soon-to-be Alpha who takes more than necessary interest in her, in more ways than one. Staying out of the spotlight isn't easy when the universe has different plans for you, and Rayne struggles with finding a safe space to hide herself from those who blame her for things she is yet to understand. Too bad for her, because the boy she hates the most, seeks her out every single time. What will happen when he finally wants her to stay, she is forced to leave her home to never again return?...Book 2, HTTIC: ButterflyDisclaimer: This is the second installment of the 'Heir To The Iron Crown' story. Kindly check it out as this is not a stand-alone book.Highest Rank:#1 in butterfly#3 in iron…

Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen (Reader Insert)

Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen (Reader Insert)

4,949 120 13

Book #2 of the Reader Insert books! Woo!Two years after the battle between Megatron and Optimus Prime and losing the Cube. Sam is off to college and (Y/n) is working for NEST, a military group working alongside the Autobots to defend Earth. A stray shard sticks to Sam's old jacket he wore, and a whole new mess of trouble opens for both of them. I do not own anything!…