

120,977 6,748 29

Having an horrible childhood until the age of twelve Elise finally found a family to love her. Although the love from her family is great she longed to have a man to love her and who better than Johnathan himself? She has been crushing on him since the age of twelve the day they met. Although she is a beautiful woman she is just not his type. But she refuses to give up on love. Is Johnathan the real man for her or has her true love been hiding in plan sight all along?…

Temporary Love (GirlxGirl)

Temporary Love (GirlxGirl)

109,081 3,276 18

I decided to make this story into a series. I enjoy these two characters and want to keep it going. With that being said. Part 2 will start being posted up soon after I'm done with part 1. Enjoy. Being that Brandy just came out about her sexuality to her bestfriend and the worry of being judged was gone she was now ready to find that woman who would love her. After seeing one of the most beautiful women she ever laid eyes on her heart rates rises and sexual need is obvious, but the beautiful woman is only in town for a few months and isn't looking for anything serious. Can Brandy convince her to stay and be with her or will the women's fear make her run?******************************************…

All In  (GirlxGirl)

All In (GirlxGirl)

64,463 3,450 36

This is part 2 to my story (Temporary love) please read Temporary love first in order to understand the whole story. But to my readers that waiting for me to write part 2 please enjoy. Brandy and Nancy has overcome their fear of love only to be hit with more complications. Needing to rush home Nancy leaves Texas and Brandy follows but is there new found love strong enough to overcome the obstacles placed in front of them? Will Nancy's fear of her parents disowning her make her push Brandy away or will Nancy's own fear push Brandy away itself? Will the lies catch up with them? When it all comes down to it who will Nancy chose Brandy or her family? Brandy thought that she could handle being someone shes not in order to be with Nancy, but will it all just be too much? Is her love for Nancy strong enough to keep her together or will she fall apart?…

Her Everything

Her Everything

21,725 1,211 52

(This is part 2 to my story Lynn. You will have to read part 1 to understand part 2. But please enjoy 😊)Being the loyal respectful friend that Lynn was had her fighting her want and needs towards an old friend. She knows that dating her friend ex is wrong but she can't help how her body feels and reacts towards her. Why won't this woman leave well enough along? It would be easier to walk away if Tammi wasn't so damn persistent. She literally felt stuck between a rock and a hard place. She felt that nothing but hurt and pain could come from this but her want and need was overpowering her logic. Will Tammi and Lynn make it through this ordeal or will fear keep them apart forever?…

Three Reasons

Three Reasons

136,474 6,178 20

Hunter is a very successful and wealthy man that is enjoying his life as a well known bachelor. He is known of having very beautiful elegant woman at his side whenever he felt the need for them. He didn't plan on changing his way of living until a very beautiful Ebony woman grabs his attention. She is definitely not like the other women he is use to, but something about her pulls him to her. His attraction to her is unexpected. Out of all women she was the one to tug at his heart. The woman that he wanted was only willing to spend a few lustful nights with him and then she will leave him forever that is until the unexpected has her coming back to him. Reagan had everything going for herself. A great job helping kids and a home to call her own until a trip to the hospital changes everything. Her dream of having a handsome man sweep her off her feet and marry her and becoming a mother is shot to pieces after the doctor gives her the worse news anyone wants to hear. she is dying and everything she worked for was going to be forgotten. Accepting her fate she gives into a handsome man giving herself to him for a few lustful nights. There short affair would just have to be enough. Or would it?…

My Protector

My Protector

4,356 287 23

(This is the next series after Love, Deception and Obsession.)Edward is a army vet that is trying to figure himself out. He has a lot going on mentally and emotionally. He is no where near close to being ready for a relationship but when the beautiful Bonnie appears in his world he can't seem to shake her. but not even her beauty is enough to make him ready for a relationship. but he was more then ready for a new friend who wants nothing but sex. Bonnie is a woman from a tough world. she's been through a lot growing up and she thought joining the army will help her cope only to find it brung nothing but more pain and mental health issues. when one of her nightmares appears in her hometown she splits town going to Florida with her best friend. life is good until her nightmare appears in Florida also. she had always been the protector and fighter out of her friends but who was going to protect her when she needed it?…

Love Deception and Obsession

Love Deception and Obsession

16,333 973 24

This is the 3rd series to (Temporary Love)Brandy and Nancy has been through a hell of a lot over the past year. Brandy has dedicated her life on making her now wife Nancy the happiest women alive. Being that Nancy is no longer working and has yet to find what she wanted to do with her life when it came to a career she is becoming overly bored with herself. The tables are turning when it comes to working. Nancy is no longer the workaholic but Brandy is. Her company is striving way faster then any of them expected witch has her working crazy hours. Will Nancys boredom come with lies and deceit when she runs into an high school crush? Is she as strong as Brandy when it come to turning down all the attention she is getting? Will she allow this crush to come between what she has with Brandy? Evelayn has been going threw her own problems. Now that the company is back on its feet she took the liberty to take a brake with working. The travling back and forth between work and her boyfriends house was a lot but she'd do anything for love. She is in love with him and he is in love with her but how will her family feel when they find out who her secret lover is? Will her fear of them being angry with her make her push him away or will his love for her be enough for her to tell her family that she is not only engaged but she is going to be a mom and the man she loves is the son of a rival enemy.…

Namal By Nemrah Ahmed ✔

Namal By Nemrah Ahmed ✔

71,136 278 20

Namal Novel Character IdeasOnly Pictures.…

LaaHasil by Umera Ahmed ✔

LaaHasil by Umera Ahmed ✔

3,885 19 5

LaaHasil Novel Character Ideas. (Pictures Only)…

Haalim By Nemrah Ahmed ✔

Haalim By Nemrah Ahmed ✔

22,948 159 17

Character Ideas for Haalim Novel by me 😁…

A love hate relationship

A love hate relationship

1,499 103 12

I just started writing and this is what I came up with. Yeah I know I said I wasn't posting anymore but let me know what y'all think.Melissa is quiet and observant. She sticks to herself and doesn't want to be bothered or be a bother to anyone. She just wants to work and be left alone. To her she lived a boring simple life and she was more than okay with that. It's not until a girl that calls herself being a bully tried to be alpha to Melissa. Although she thinks that she puts fear into Melissa's heart its not until she tried to fight her that she finds that she messed with the right one. Not only did Melissa rough her up she was so turned on by the act that she couldn't help but catch feelings for the woman she loved to hate.…

Mushaf By Nemrah Ahmed ✔

Mushaf By Nemrah Ahmed ✔

6,641 19 13

Mushaf novel character ideas…

How To Tame Me

How To Tame Me

2,648 122 17

(This is another part of the series Temporary Love) This is Rachael and Yolanda story. Enjoy. Yolanda is a tall beautiful black woman no thanks to her childhood. Growing up she was always teased about her skin complexion. She was always too dark or too tall. No boys wanted to date her. not that she wanted to date boys. she's known for a long time that she was a lesbian so when boys said they didn't want to date her she was more then okay with that. Needing a new scenery had her moving to Florida. while there she taught herself how to be confident and accept herself for how she was. and she grew to love herself inside and out. over the years she's dated women but it always ended up being a fling. she's never really had a real relationship and she was ready for that. she was ready to fall in love but who would want to be in a serious relationship with her was her mindset.Racheal was a uptight free spirited woman all at once. she knew when to have fun and when to be serious but her love life was something she's never took seriously at all. she didn't believe there was a person out there who could "tame" her and she was more than okay with that. it wasn't until she met the most beautiful woman she's ever laid eyes on that had her second guessing her ways. but could the gorgeous Yolanda grab her heart and hold it captive? Reachal goal was to just have fun but as much as she tried to push the tall beauty away she found it hard as hell. her fear of loving her more then she loved herself had her running in the other direction but she always found herself turning back around. it's not until Yolanda brakes it off completely with her when she finally see what she truly had but by then it will be too late.…

Her Beautiful Nightmare🖤

Her Beautiful Nightmare🖤

1,606 127 11

Meera Malhotra, a 24 yrs old Girl whose dream is to become a cardiologist. She may not be beautiful from outside like those models but from inside she is more beautiful than fairies. She is afraid of men because of her past that's why she always tries to stay away from them but destiny has different plans for her. Akshit Sinha Raghuvanshi, He is the king of UP but his power is not limited to UP only. He ain't an underworld don, but he ain't any less powerful than them either. His name is enough to scare people and his one glance is enough to make them tremble. His childhood made him cold hearted but he is soft with his family, the only difference is that he does not show his softness to them. He hates lies and betrayals but what will happen when he finds out that his closest person is the one who wants to kill him and is the reason for his miserable childhood?RAGHUWANSHI, The surname itself holds the power, royalty, richness, danger and....authority. RAGHUWANSHI is the one of the most powerful, menacing and influential families of India, They rule all over India with their limitless power and authority. They are the inspiration for the world in every field but the world doesn't know about the dark secrets that are buried in this palace. She is a flower petalWhereas he is the thornShe is a soft wind waveWhereas he is the stormShe is scared of dangerWhereas he is the definition of danger They are different from each other's world but still they are tied with the same knot of destiny. Will he melt for her? Will he be able to change her nightmare into a beautiful dream or will he become another nightmare of her?Will she be able to love him or will she try to run away from him too?Will she be able to know the Raghuvanshi family's buried dark secrets?Hey My lavender!!🪻Here, this is your surprise gift!! I am not a professional writer but I hope you will like it ❤️Note : there wouldn't be any heavy smuts or curse words in the novel…



191 18 4

(I'm not sure what the title will be just yet, so ima call it Quinn for now)Once Olivia's father passed away she made it a point to take care of her mother and help with the farm. Her only goal in life was to help her mother with the farm and one day take over that is until a strange girl entered her life and her plans begin to change. Quinn was a loner that lived out in the woods. Being forced out of the family by her aunt and uncle when her parents died, she made the woods her home. Little did she know that her cabin was built on the property of Olivia's farm. Once captured by Olivia and her mother her world begins to unravel and the hell that she was trying her headrest to avoid had caught up to her. Problem was she had no one to run to when she needed someone the most, or did she?…

Unbreakable Bond  (Third Series To Lynn)

Unbreakable Bond (Third Series To Lynn)

1,489 109 11

Lynn is finally ready to have a baby. She is now thirty years old and not getting any younger. She and Tammi were now both in a position where they had time for a baby and Tammi was all for it but the thought of her son still hunted her. Where was he? Was he happy? It's not until the boy that Lynn befriended stops there plans and the fight to save him becomes there top priority.…

My Students Mom

My Students Mom

1,906 82 7

Mrs. Long is a first grade teacher who is just making ends meet with the small salary she is receiving from her job but she wouldn't change it for the world. She loves her students and she wakes up everyday because of them. But now that covid hit she has to do virtual classes with her students. although it's a bit more frustrating she still enjoys her time with her kids. Nothing would be better then the job she has until she meets the quiet Danielle's mother. Crystal is a retired army vet. She is a natural beauty with a tomboy edge to her. Her looks draws a lot of men her way but other then the father to her child she had no interest in men. It was so easy to turn down the attempts by men but when the beautiful Mrs. Long trys her luck she is unable to resist her although she may play hard to get in the beginning. But although Crystal is willing to have fun she is unable to give Mrs Long her heart. Her illness is holding her hostage in her own body and she doesn't want to put that burden on anyone. Will Mrs. Long run because of the challenge or is love stronger? Will Crystal allow Mrs Long to love her even with the everyday pain she goes through?…

One True Love

One True Love

336 22 7

This is also a part off my story (Temporary Love) This is Allics story. Allic physically seemed to be enjoying life but his siblings noticed the change in him. He seemed down and out. no matter how financially stable he was he just couldn't shake the unhappiness he was feeling and it was all because of this one woman. He fell in love at a young age but knew that she was the woman for him but she just didn't feel the same. One minute they were madly in love and the next she was gone never to be seen again. The pain from her disappearing act never quit healed and he found himself thinking of the one that got away too oftenBayley is a smart beautiful woman who found herself in the worse situation that she could think of. And once she escaped her abusive boyfriend she now had to find a way to trust the one man who claimed to not love her. Fighting for her and her sons life she never knew how many people were willing to protect her until she bumped into her longest boyfriend. would he truly help fend off her crazy ex or will he allow him to take her and place her back into the nightmare that she's escaped.…

Twisted Love

Twisted Love

6,076 233 7

This is part 2 to (Three Reasons)This part is mainly about Raven one of Reagan's long lost sisters. And Allison, Hunters sister.Description: No one knows that Raven is a bisexual woman and she learned to keep that part of herself a secret until a woman from her past resurfaces again. The sexual desire and need quickly attacks Raven hormones once she set eyes on the beautiful Allison. Allison was once Ravens college professor and the one that awakened her attraction to women on a whole other level. She knew that sleeping with a student was against policy rules so she tried to refuse her desire for the young woman but failed miserably and soon her flirting became something more. Throughout Ravens college years they developed an on and off fling. That was fine with Raven because she wasn't ready to come out about her sexuality and Allison enjoyed there time together but she had a life outside of there little fairytale. Once Raven graduates they go there separate ways and all is forgotten, or is it?Raven is no longer the quiet shy college student and Allison realizes she is not as strongwilled as she use to be when it came to Raven.…