Hardcore Survival: Tales of a Certain Avali

Hardcore Survival: Tales of a Certain Avali

13 5 4

Mobius is a normal young adult, part of a group of friends who name themselves the Ender Techs. Before meeting any of it's members, long before, he was always a fan of Minecraft. He played it back when it was young and not as well known. In fact, it's through the game that he met his friends, the Ender Techs. Through that game, he will face a challenge that he, and the rest, will remember for the rest of their lives...This is my rendition of AviatorWriter's Hardcore Survival (yes I have her permission, in fact, she encouraged it). I thought it would be fun to give you my character's (Mobius) perspective of the entire story as well! Definitely should read the original first though! Definitely a comedy...Link to original: https://www.wattpad.com/story/220206215-hardcore-survival-a-minecraft-story…

Breaking Waves: Rescued (Book 3)

Breaking Waves: Rescued (Book 3)

3 0 3

Life isn't always a beach in Waves, North Carolina...In the third installment in the Breaking Waves series, change is in the air and it's touching everyone in Waves. Sixteen year-old Jeromie Greene's family life is about to change. Life as he knows it with his brother and widowed father is ending as he becomes part of a blended family. Doug is determined to get his way and move to Waves, but his determination threatens his relationship with Cara. Gayle is tired of keeping secrets but risks losing friends with her confession. Once her secret comes out she realizes who her true friends are and is empowered to make a difference in her school.Beth finally makes Waves her home but realizes that she is torn between her new home and the one she left behind. She tries to live a double-life but she runs the risk of it finding her. Beth confides in Gayle and it isn't too long before Gayle is living a double-life of her own. The two girls weave webs of deception that threaten to strangle everyone that encounters them. Can they untangle their webs before they trap everyone they love?Available for sale at: https://www.createspace.com/4262484Also in this series:The Calm Before the Storm: https://www.createspace.com/4262460The Winds of Change: https://www.createspace.com/4262480Storm Fronts: https://www.createspace.com/4262499Breaking Waves: Drifting Away (June 2017)…

The Secret Life

The Secret Life

50 6 5

"See you next time New York!" The crowd roars as I leave the stage. "Gosh I love my fans so much, but its time for a change" I walk towards my management trying to hide the disappointment in my face while I walk away from my last time performing. Ever. ~ Madison Rose (Madelyn Rosen), 16, Pop star, getting tired of all the fame, wants a normal life. Steph Robinson, 16, Average person, Madison's best friend, the go to friend. Derek Hills, 17, High schooler, Average popular guy, dreams of becoming a singer, boyfriend to Madison. Matt River, 17, Hich schooler, Madison's best guy friend, singer too, famous in his towns and neighboring towns for singing. ~ Madison Rose, international pop star, was the luckiest girl you can ever imagine, she had it all, cars, clothes, boys, talent, you name it, and to sum it all up, she was the sweetest girl! No one could ever envy her but yet some had managed to find a way. During some time during the end of her world tour, she decides she's getting sick of all this fame and pressure, she loves her fans but wants to do what's best for her. At her last show she decides to quit for good, she changes up her look and moves to another country, America, New York. She goes back to her old high school but no one recognizes her, thank god. She eventually makes a few friends, has a little fun, and even falls a little in love! But will she really be able to keep her secret? Read The Secret Life to find out :) ~ This may seem like the average "I just want to be normal" book, but it is not, you definitely wont regret reading this.…

Unbelievable Kind Of Story That You'll Never Find

Unbelievable Kind Of Story That You'll Never Find

66 0 7

I want to make A slow storyline story that's unique different and outstanding from all others that has the same pattern and genre that every reader can enjoy . Story about one that has trancended all kind of being in that been created but for some reasons his powers being locked, sealed,chained, restricted, cursed , and many others weakening effect. Living in ordinary world finding his own way to gain his powers back , but before all of his powers back there many dynamic incidents happening that makes his life more harder to pave.He gonna go around all of dimensions of things that existed .…

Rambling with love

Rambling with love

8 0 4

In the wake of high school graduation, Aria and her closest friend, Sophie, eagerly anticipate their European adventure to check off their summer bucket list. However, their plans take a heartbreaking turn on graduation night when Sophie lands in the hospital, slipping into a coma. Determined to fulfill the summer bucket list in honor of her ailing friend, Aria courageously embarks on the journey alone. Amidst the enchanting backdrop of Lisbon, Portugal, Aria undergoes a metamorphic experience, seeking solace and inspiration in a foreign land. Yearning for an escape from the mundane, she stumbles upon a world of self-discovery and purpose. The picturesque landscapes of Lisbon become the canvas for her transformative journey. Along the way, Aria encounters a charismatic Portuguese companion who opens her eyes to the extraordinary qualities lying dormant within her.As the summer unfolds, Aria's adventure transcends mere escapades, blossoming into a rich tapestry of love, personal growth, and unexpected connections. In the heart of Lisbon's charm, she discovers the magic of embracing her individuality as a precious gift to the world. "This Summer of a Lifetime" unfolds as a heartwarming narrative, celebrating the courage to be oneself, forging meaningful connections, and relishing the enchantment of a season that transforms lives.…



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securing an immense change elitemax keto general body and structure of elitemax keto body. Like, it can help you: To shed pounds To move enormity To help stamina To spoil fat To improvise ingestion To refresh support structure With recovering elitemax keto steady working Thusly, begin taking after this program to get elitemax keto more unfalteringly A solid and thin fit body Consistency in elitemax keto craps Modify in elitemax keto hormonal level No more changes in elitemax keto way of life Better noteworthiness and stamina Speedy and sensible results A simple to take after elitemax keto program Decreases elitemax keto fat cells Enables elitemax keto body No negative responses Is elitemax keto Safe to Use? Yes, this elitemax keto program is elitemax keto best to take after, in light of elitemax keto way that it has starting late clear benchmarks for weight control blueprints, activities and way of life to be taken after. https://trynutra9.com/elitemax-keto/…

Diabetic Retinopathy Market Analysis by Size, Share, Growth, Trends

Diabetic Retinopathy Market Analysis by Size, Share, Growth, Trends

1 0 1

The diabetic retinopathy market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.1% to reach $24,614.83 million in 2030, according to a new report by UnivDatos Market Insights. Diabetic retinopathy is a complication of diabetes that affects the eyes. This occurs when high blood sugar levels damage blood vessels in the retina, the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye. There are two main types of diabetic retinopathy.1. Nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR): In this early stage, small blood vessels in the retina leak fluid or blood, forming deposits called edema or exudate. Vision may become slightly blurred, but serious vision problems are less common at this stage.2. Proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR): In advanced stages, new abnormal blood vessels grow on the surface of the retina. These fragile blood vessels can leak blood into the eye, causing severe vision loss or even blindness. PDR can also form scar tissue, causing the retina to separate from the back of the eye.Request to download a sample of this Strategy Report - https://univdatos.com/get-a-free-sample-form-php/?product_id=56397…

al confine dell'amore e dell'universo

al confine dell'amore e dell'universo

8 1 1

Charlotte, ormai hai perso il treno, è inutile partire! mi disse mia madre, guardandomi uscire di casa con una grossa borsa. Non era permesso portare molta roba, solo il necessario a sopravvivere: un paio vestiti di ricambio e qualcosa da mangiare. In quella borsa c'era ben poco ma la mia testa era piena zeppa di pensieri. Non le risposi, avevamo discusso così tante volte di quell'argomento negli ultimi mesi che mi sembrava superfluo ribattere ancora. Proprio oggi, proprio nel giorno in cui andandomene non sapevo se l'avrei più rivista. Mi limitai a darle un bacio sulla guancia. "tornerò" le dissi, e mi allontanai. Erano le tre del mattino e l'aria gelida mi sfiorava le guance, facendole arrossare leggermente. Non ero mai stata una persona particolarmente coraggiosa, la mia era una vita normale, se esiste un canone di normalità, insomma normale per una ragazza di vent'anni. Nella mia cittadina, a Capecastle tutte le ragazze della mia età erano state reclutate e ormai combattevano sul fronte da diversi mesi. Io ero tra le ultime, non si erano dimenticati di me nonostante le preghiere di mia madre. Non sapevo bene cosa aspettarmi. Le uniche informazioni che avevo su quello che stavo per andare a fare erano vaghe. Sapevo che sarei andata sul confine orientale dello stato, dove la battaglia fra le forze aliene di kres e noi semplici umani si stava consumando da un anno ormai. Avevo ben impresso il momento in cui un anno prima avevamo appreso la notizia: prima un tonfo assordante, come se qualcuno avesse gettato un'enorme incudine sul mondo e poi lampi di luce viola, bellissima e letale. I primi ad aver visto quella luce sono stati anche gli ultimi. I pensieri mi inondavano la mente e l'idea di non sapere che cosa mi sarei trovata davanti una volta arrivata lì mi terrorizzò non appena misi piede nella stazione, e vidi il mio treno in lontananza, ancora fermo, ma pronto per partire pochi minuti dopo...…

~His Fake Smile~ (A ShinKami Fanfic) (COVER IS TEMPORARY)

~His Fake Smile~ (A ShinKami Fanfic) (COVER IS TEMPORARY)

25 1 1

The entire class knew that Denki Kaminari was one of the worst students when it came to knowledge in class, so they assumed he was just stupid, only Aizawa knew about his medical problems and why he was so bad in school. Denki smiled and laughed at the Bakusquad's jokes but he was hiding all his sadness inside him, letting it out at night in his bedroom when he was alone. Nobody ever found out about it until one day....Hitoshi Shinsou had only been in 1A for a month but it felt like so much longer. He always wondered how the electric blonde, Denki, was so good in training but had horrible grades and how he kept on smiling. One evening, Aizawa asks Hitoshi to bring Kaminari his homework since he had forgotten to grab it. The lavendar haired boy went to the blonde's dorm to give him his work but once he walked in, he realized that the blonde wasn't as happy as he appeared to be...Hope You Guys Like It! Tw!CussingLGBTQ+AngstSelf HarmShips:ShinKamiKiriBaku (?)TodoDeku (?)EraserMic (May be mentioned)~TodoDeku and KiriBaku might have chapters for themselves in the story, I'm not sure though~…


John "Destroyer" X

388 2 9

In Apocalypse City where evil lurks in every corner, there is a mysterious superhuman bounty hunter named John "Destroyer" X. He has faced all manners of supernatural creatures and has always lived to tell the tale. The world as he knows it is slowly being consumed by a darkness that can not be seen and as far as he's concerned, it was not his problem. Let the Caped heroes deal with all that of that mess. Unfortunately for John, a storm is heading his way that will force him to react. In the past, John has faced and defeated so many vampires and demons that he lost count but if he thought that those monsters were bad, he will soon learn that they're nothing compared to the 7 Gods Of Chaos. A group of gods who revel in chaos and destruction and have now targeted him for termination. To take them down, John will have to go through hell and back. The 7 Gods Of Chaos will learn that they're not the only ones whose skilled at killing.…

Zodiaco- Sakurakoblond ❤❤❤

Zodiaco- Sakurakoblond ❤❤❤

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¿Crees en el zodiaco? Ven a averiguar más sobre tu signo, podrás descubrir muchas cosas que jamás supiste. Te animas a leerlo. - Sakurakoblond…

Never Moon

Never Moon

58 3 3

What is a monster?This world has too many views on what it may be:"A threatening force""an animal of strange or terrifying shape" Or it could be " a person of unnatural or extreme ugliness, deformity, wickedness, or extreme cruelty"So tell me what does it mean to be a monster? Please. I can feel it right beneath the surface of my skin. This is what I am. What I was made to be.I know no words, just emotions. Burning in my heart, echoing in my mind. I look into my soul and see only pain.I look at myself and see a monster. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~They denied their own lives. Resented the only purpose they existed in this world.And they have escaped. But these four girls are not what they seem.On the run from all they knew, the leader, the girl with the Alpha's mark, runs into an unnatural man who calls her 'mate'. By his side she feels calm, almost normal. But she's an abomination with a past catching up to her. Besides, she's just adding on to his list of problems.Her and her friends? They'll destroy the pack.Or save it.…

Project Hephaestus

Project Hephaestus

9 3 1

Welcome to Hephaestus.Originally known as Project Prometheus before its development was revealed to the wider world, the Hephaestus was designed to "spit in the eye of the gods". A massive, heavily armoured, industrial spaceship, the Hephaestus was designed to travel the long distance to the planet Helios 29-c, and then be the central hub for the largest industrial effort in human history.But as it's name would suggest, Project Prometheus was never fated to be an easy journey. Five years after landing the enormous ship on the surface of Helios, and transforming itself into a massive factory city, the crew of the Hephaestus have spent less time mining for the valuable helium-3 and other elements under the surface, and more time focused on fighting back the hordes of horrors that inhabit the planet.…

Splintered Souls

Splintered Souls

13 2 1

The world now, as we know, is always chasing after something or someone. Everyone, every single one of us are after something to accomplish our goals, reach our targets by deadlines and many more. That one thing that everyone is after in common is an eternal life. Odd but true, almost everyone who's in the face of this earth is after an eternal life, a peaceful and eternal happiness in heaven. This is where something paranormal, yet overrated at the same time, comes in. Religion. These are the everyday things and discriminations that Ashkenaz Kalbfleisch, a kind-hearted Jew, Zhang Chao Xiang, a brilliant violinist, Aafreen Dallal, a bright and quirky Hijabi and Payal Iyengar, a smart and sarcastic Indian, go through as a price for having a strong hold in their beliefs. Watch how their worlds clash, and how they are tuned into one another despite their religious differences, forming a beautiful and a meaningful bond.....…

Velofel South Africa:Read Reviews,Pills,Price & Where To Buy?

Velofel South Africa:Read Reviews,Pills,Price & Where To Buy?

19 0 1

Velofel Male Enhancement Pills: 100% Natural Pills No Side Effects. Check Velofel Price, Ingredients, Where to Buy in South Africa. The decrease quality and sexuality is absolutely common and normal in the majority of men. Resultantly, it becomes the cause of embarrassment that needs to be sorted as soon as possible. The Velofel male enhancement is the most effective product that can sort out sexual issues and eliminate difficulties in performing well in bed. Manufactured to give you the best of medication and health boost, Velofel male enhancement is the natural product that has been circulated globally after a lot many Researches and successful outcomes. The astonishing outcomes of the products have been because of natural ingredients working well and steadily.…

Meant To Be

Meant To Be

143 0 7

Jamie Dawson, an aspiring singer/songwriter, and Noah Daniels, a muscly football player, have been best friends since they were seven and through the years, as any normal teenage girl would, Jamie developed strong feelings for the boy who she called her best friend. Noah and his family are away for an entire summer and Jamie suffers through alone until she gets a phone call inviting her to join Noah at his family's beach house for two whole months. Meanwhile, her mother is just starting to fall in love again after Jamie's father's death and she refuses to let Jamie leave during such an important time, but Jamie is willing to do anything to see Noah again..but when Jamie suddenly reconnects with an old crush from her past that shares the same love for music and performing as her, will she finally realize that being with Noah is hopeless ?…

The Shadow on Merchant Street

The Shadow on Merchant Street

3 0 1

"Immerse yourself in an enthralling, suspense-filled journey with 'The Shadow on Merchant Street.' The tale unwinds in the subtle eeriness of Somerset, focusing on a young detective, Lara Brooks and a legendary, haunted house - the Hawthorne residence. Battle the nauseating tension as Lara navigates through spectral whispers and catching shadows, armed solely with her intellect and an aged journal filled with cryptic clues. As the moon casts long, terrifying shadows, and strange figures reveal themselves, will Lara's courage hold? Unearth a family's curse, a hidden chamber, and the liberation of a tormented soul. A tantalizing spectacle of bravery, determination and profound revelation. A must-read for those who seek mysteries culled from the veiled corners of the unknown!"…

Chronicles of Echo

Chronicles of Echo

30 0 3

"Chronicles of Echo" begins with Maya experiencing prophetic dreams in a seemingly ordinary town. She uncovers a secret society manipulating these dreams to divert attention from a shocking truth: the town is a simulated experiment. The impending disaster is a distraction. In the twist, Maya wakes up in a futuristic lab, realizing her entire life was part of an experiment to study human behavior."Echoes of Reality" follows Maya's escape from the simulation, discovering other simulated worlds and forming an alliance. They breach simulation barriers, merging realities, and learn they are experiments conducted by a higher intelligence. The twist reveals this intelligence is also within a simulated reality, and Maya's actions set off a chain challenging the nature of reality."Beyond Echo" sees Maya exploring merged realities with her allies. They confront architects of their simulated existence, who shockingly turn out to be future versions of themselves. The architects explain the experiments aimed at evolving consciousness. The choice to transcend the simulation or remain within it becomes a pivotal moment, transforming the characters' destinies and leaving a legacy that reshapes the fabric of reality.…