Really, I Love You.

Really, I Love You.

117 6 5

"What do I have to do to prove that Hong Joong and I didn't fight? He's my best friend, Woo Young.""And Bum Joong is his brother, Seong Hwa hyung."…

E Imja Pergjithmone🔐🤞🏼

E Imja Pergjithmone🔐🤞🏼

258 21 6

"Ndonjehere,nga dashuria e madhe qe kemi per dike,nga frika se mund ta humbim ate person,e largojme...e lendojme, e shkaterrojme dhe kur e kuptojme se c'kantandisem...eshte shume vone.Eshte shume vone per te hipur ne ate tren.Per te hipur,per tu nisur e per te patur mundesine te jesh i ose e lumtur pergjithmone.Por...a ekziston dashuria dhe lumturia e perjetshme?"Jetuan te lumtur pergjithmone..." ose "Do te te dua deri ne perjetesi".Kaq pak fjale qe ne ditet e sotme thuhen aq lehte por nuk ndjehen aspak...perkundrazi mund te jene fjalet qe mund ta bejne "prene" te bjere ne duart e gjahtarit aq lehte dhe te besoje verberisht saqe te mos mundet te jetoje ne realitet por ne endrra.Ndoshta ne endrra aq te thella saqe do ta harroje pergjithmone realitetin.E kur zemra ti thyhet,te kthehet ne realitet,do te coptohet aq keq saqe do te ndaloje se rrahuri...Ndoshta do te vazhdoje te jetoje por kurre me pas sdo te kete ate gjallerine qe e karakterizon vete unin e njeriut.Do te kete frike te jetoje,do te kete frike te ndjeje e do ta mbylle,do ta burgose veten ne te ashtuquajturin "Burgu me gjemba".Ai burg,ai vend ku cdo gje eshte ndrydhyr e eshte fshehur aq thelle saqe do te jete shume e veshtire te ringjallet serish!Ne ditet e sotme,sipas mendimit tim cdo gje eshte reciproke.Duhet gjithmone te bejme dicka per te mare dicka tjeter ne kembim."…

stuff that bothers me/ rants/ ideas/ thoughts/ idfk

stuff that bothers me/ rants/ ideas/ thoughts/ idfk

225 3 35

title is VERY self explanitory.…

A Little Something Seaycee

A Little Something Seaycee

116,478 3,249 62

// Seaycee Oneshots //…

Serendipity || BTS 8th Member (HIATUS)

Serendipity || BTS 8th Member (HIATUS)

2,209 33 7

"Our happiness is meant to be" "2, 3 ʙᴀɴɢ ᴛᴀɴ! ᴀɴɴʏᴇᴏɴɢʜᴀsᴇʏᴏ, ʙᴀɴɢᴛᴀɴ sᴏɴʏᴇᴏɴᴅᴀɴ" ✨ a story where kim hye-rim is the only female member of popular kpop boy group, bts. (HIATUS)…

~5Swirl~ <Aether Harem>


8,603 290 7

So. New Story, New Plot. I decided to make this one a harem cause why not? 🤷‍♀️ Brief Introduction, There's this Prestigious High school which was called Golden Oak Crestview where only children with exceptional talent can enroll. it can be any talent, Singing, Dancing, and Playing instruments. This is about Aether who has enrolled in the same high school as his sister who tragically died due to Cancer and now, Aether has enrolled in the high school to fulfill his wish. Which was creating a band like what his sister did and become a massive band with loads of fans. Little did he know, he was about to meet his harem within the high school with romance slowly blossoming between them.…

😩Memes bc why not😩
The Blue Eyes

The Blue Eyes

4,931 467 9

The Blue Eyes is a story of a girl who was a pious Muslim. This is the story of a girl whose life,after a tragic,was completely changed. This is the story of a girl whose life was as tough as a rock. Sometimes,even the rock falls or breaks during a landslide. But this is the story of a girl,whose life was timid and rigid. This is the story of a girl who was finding a pair of Blue eyes, the same Blue eyes who had completely changed her life. This is the story of Maira Sulaiman.Will she be able to find THE BLUE EYES?___________________________________________…

The Rebel, A Clementine x Male Reader Story

The Rebel, A Clementine x Male Reader Story

34,024 1,259 29

Y/N L/N. A young man raised in the face of a cruel galactic empire. Y/N's father was a Jedi that was murdered by Clone Troopers in the Jedi massacre, known as Order 66. Y/N joins the rebellion at a young age with his three friends, and fights the empire that destroyed his life. One of the rebel leaders, Mon Mothma, sends Y/N and his companions out on a mission to save a group of slaves on the planet Tatooine. On Tatooine they find a girl named Clementine, who's mother claims to know someone who knows the secret of how to stop the galactic empire. Y/N, Clementine, and their friends must search to the ends of the galaxy to find whoever this person is. Perhaps, on their journey, they become close. Very...very close.A/N: Yep. Another one. Also, just to clarify; Star Wars is owned by Disney, and the characters from the Walking Dead are owned by Telltale.…

Mended Heartbeats (Ghost X fem!Reader)

Mended Heartbeats (Ghost X fem!Reader)

772 45 15

Two wounded souls find solace in each other's arms. "Mended Heartbeats" follows the journey of two military soldiers, each burdened by their own history of adversity and challenges. As they navigate the challenges of healing and restoration, their hearts find resonance in the rhythm of love. Together, they discover that even in the darkest of times, the power of connection and the promise of a mended heart can light the way toward a brighter future. A journey of resilience, hope and the transformative power of love in this fanfiction of redemption and healing.Id suggest 18+ but be fr who will listen. Just make sure to read the author's note and first chapters warning. Just basically read everything and don't skip past authors notes lol…

Dark Secret

Dark Secret

64 8 9

Sinister Academy... unusual name, unusual events that happened in this school. Crimes, manslaughter, different suspects, same faces. The enigma that necessitates resolution in order to preserve them. To preserved your loved ones, to preserved your friends, to preserved yourself.Used your brain. Be smart. Do not allow yourself to be ruled by your emotions.And most importantly, do NOT trust everyone…

March 14, 2022

March 14, 2022

22 1 1

This is not for everyone, but might help someone and might help you to find your own way as a start…

Why I Love Pretty Rhythm's Wataru

Why I Love Pretty Rhythm's Wataru

312 13 2

Learn why I love Pretty Rhythm's Wataru.…



63,768 1,923 28

"You're beautiful Susie Putnam, and anyone who says otherwise I'll turn into toads" ////////////my name is Ivory Spellman, twin of Sabrina Spellman and we are half-witch, half-mortal. What side will we choose, is it the witch side of our family? or the mortal side of our friends? it would be a lot easier if we weren't in love with mortals.(WARNING: YES Theo is referred to as Susie (she/her) in some of this story because it was before HE transitioned, pls bare with it until you get to the transition point)…

Idk wat im doing- random book

Idk wat im doing- random book

469 29 17

this is because i keep putting memes in my art book and stuff so imma yeet them here instead. this probably actually wont be used much but hey it exists now! bLeP.…

Pretty Rhythm:

Pretty Rhythm: "Guardians of The Prism Rainbow" [EDITING]

4,804 97 16

The Darkness has risen, The Prism Rainbow is in danger. Kids are turning hopeless and Prism stars are working hard to cheer them up. The Rarest Prism Guardians can save the rainbow from disappearing or living in a B&W color. Miyuki Taname is one of them. From ordinary Prism star to a Prism Hero.Will Miyuki be able to defeat Dark Rinne for good? Or the Prism Rainbow will be gone forever?…

Faery Ring

Faery Ring

16 5 5

Xade, Cosette, and Allura go to the carnival for a fun day only to find the ringmaster is using real fae magic to run his show. He captures the three Faeries and forces them to perform in his show but they're not about to bat their wings and toss faery dust at his command. Xade is not only Fae but has the blood of a goddess and Allura honed her skills in centuries of war and Cosette will not stand idly by while her friends are in danger.The ringmaster picked the wrong ring of FaeriesWord Count: 6786Written for the Spring Fiesta Short Story Competition hosted by a @YAFantasy profilePrompts 5Prompt 11 (Prompt 11 not listed on submission form but is listed on prompt list)…

Deri Ne Vdekje

Deri Ne Vdekje

15 1 3

Ndonjehere jeta na perball me sfida te medha . Thone qe dashuria fiton mbi te gjitha , nese ke mbeshtetjen e njeriut te zemres i ben balle cdo fortune. Ja qe ne nuk ja dolem dot , na ndane ,na percane ,na shkaterruan . Ndoshta takohemi serisht sepse thone qe dy njerez qe duhen pavarsisht te gjithave e gjejne rrugen per tu bashkuar serisht .Pyes veten valle a do ndodhe kjo me ne , a do fitoj dashuria jone . ****Po kthehesha per ne shtepi kur papritur shikoj njeriun per te cilin isha e gatshme te jepja jeten . Ngriva ne vend , lotet filluan si gjithmone .- Ckemi Meri O Zot sapo degjova zerin e tij , i gjithe trupi mu dritherua, e vetmja gje qe doja ishte vetem qe ta perqafoja ,por duhet te mblidhja veten -Ckemi Lukas -Mund te flasim pak Meri , kam dicka shume te rendesishme per te biseduar , e di qe nuk do tme flasesh por te lutem vetem 5 minuta .Sigurisht qe doja ti flisja , doja ta perqafoja , ti ndjeja aromen e ti qe me cmendte , isha gati t'i hidhesha ne qafe por se beja dot , ai tani ishte i martuar dhe priste nje femije nga nje femer tjeter .-Nuk kemi cfare te flasim , te lutem ik me ler te qete.******…

random theories ppl made abt me!

random theories ppl made abt me!

45 1 8