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Translate it into any language without asking me so we can spread TayNew's love to a bigger community of Polca, but promise that you do it seriously!I absolutely believe that they are lovers, at least in certain moment!Not for their pictures and stories, not for what they talk to the media, not for what I see on the Internet, but for what I knew them, what I can find in their act, what my heart feels and thousands of moments behind the camera that maybe I will never see!Yeah, I loved TayNew's love!At the end of this path if nothing is gonna happen, just accept that I fail in love.At the end of this path, they are really together, it will be one of the brightest day.Love is pain, happiness, hope, waiting, belief... whether success or fail, the final we can get are all of them, it's really worth for trying, isn't it?Life is short, our memories are so precious like that, why don't we hold them and write our own Path together?My story has 13 chapter. Just I want keep this special number including 91-93 that creates to fate meeting: The first is TayNew and the other is us! But TayNew Path is unlimited, I strongly believe in that.TayNew is writing their story, I believe it will be the greatest one that no fanfic can compete. I can't wait to read each chapter everyday!I love their love, but I love TayNew 1000 times more!I hope they will be together, like lovers. But if I cannot even force myself to stop hopping, why can I ask them to make my dream?But at least, what I should-can do is hope them to be happy! Cause Tay wants New to be happy and New wants Tay to be happy!No matter friendship, BF, BFF, Actually BoyFriend, FriendForLife, just choose the path that you want to go!Cause the secret is, when I love PeteKao, I ship TayNew, but when I love TayNew, I ship them-to-happiness! P/S: 8/5/2019…