All for One's daughter (MHA x Child!Reader)

All for One's daughter (MHA x Child!Reader)

320,006 9,781 60

All for One's daughter.Her quirk is All.She's also extremely young, Age 3 1/2Once the headquarters of L.O.V. was found, her dad was found and send to prison, he forgets to send her with Tomara Shigaraki and the others when wrapping them away and escaping. She was left on the streets until a complete and utterly dangerous stranger (Overhaul) met her and experimented on her with another child (Eri). Then she was saved by the Heroes... But what will they think once they find out who's her father? What will she think once she learns the true about what happened to her father? What about her Quirks...? ✿~~~✿"Otosa, what are villains and heroes?" The little girl asked looking up at her dad while he was busy with some papers.He looked at her,"Huh? Where did you hear that?"The girl fiddled with her fingers,"Um... Toga and twice said something about it." "Oh? Well you are still young so... Me and the people that you met are the good guys and the people that are trying to take away our or Tomura and the others freedom are the bad guys.""Huh? Why would they do that?""Because we live in a social where people don't see the bigger picture, my dear. But you do, don't you?""The bigger picture? Like the drawings I draw?" The girl smiled."Exactly!" He laughed and picked her up before setting her on his lap,"The bigger picture is that we are the good guys and those that are trying to destroy our better future are the bad guys.""Oh okay but... Um what if the bad guys are also the good guys?""Huh? Well... That's for you to decide how to see that person. What do you think of me? Am I a bad guy when I'm just trying to help everyone understands something?" "No! To me you're a good guy!" The little girl said then hugged her father. He laughed before hugging her back,"That's good. I don't want to see you ever upset or hurt because of me. You're my daughter after all. My blood. My power."…

Rise of a Phenex DxD

Rise of a Phenex DxD

17,024 199 9

Rizal phenex is the 3rd son of phenex family,Younger brother to Ruval and Riser phenex and older to ravel phenex.(OUT OF IDEAS)…



4,877 168 8

π–―π—‹π–Ύπ—Œπ–Ύπ—‡π—π—‚π—‡π—€ 𝖳𝗁𝖾 π–­π—ˆπ—π–Ύπ—… "𝖠𝗆a𝗋𝖻𝖺𝗂𝗅" 𝗐𝗋𝗂𝗍𝗍𝖾𝗇 𝖻𝗒 𝖴𝗆𝖾𝗋𝖺 𝖠𝗁𝗆𝖾𝖽 𝗂𝗇 π–€π—‡π—€π—…π—‚π—Œπ— π—…π–Ίπ—‡π—€π—Žπ–Ίπ—€π–Ύ. π–©π—ˆπ—‚π—‡ 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗁𝖾𝖺𝗋𝗍-𝗐𝗋𝖾𝗇𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗇𝗀 π—ƒπ—ˆπ—Žπ—‹π—‡π–Ύπ—’ π—ˆπ–Ώ 𝖠𝗅𝖾𝖾𝗓𝖺𝗒 𝖲𝗂𝗄𝖺𝗇𝖽𝖺𝗋 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖴𝗆a𝗋 𝖩𝖾𝗁𝖺𝗇𝗀𝗂𝗋. πŒπˆπ’π“π‹π„π“πŽπ„;𝖠 π—Œπ—π—ˆπ—‹π—’ 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗍 π–»π–Ύπ–Ίπ—Žπ—π—‚π–Ώπ—Žπ—…π—…π—’ π—‰π—ˆπ—‹π—π—‹π–Ίπ—’π—Œ 𝗍𝗁𝖾 π—‚π—‡π—π–Ύπ—‡π—Œπ—‚π—π—’ 𝖺𝗇𝖽 π—Œπ–Ίπ–Όπ—‹π—‚π–Ώπ—‚π–Όπ–Ύπ—Œ 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗍 π—…π—ˆπ—π–Ύ 𝖼𝖺𝗇 𝖾𝗇𝗍𝖺𝗂𝗅.…

shtrati i dashurise

shtrati i dashurise

436,529 9,852 100

Ishte e sigurt qe Ajla po fliste pa vetdije. Nuk kisha cfare beja tjeter. I hoqa bluzen. Mrekulli brenda mrekullise. Asnjehere se kisha par Ajlen pa rroba. Me vinte ta puthja e ta beja vula ne ate trup. U eksitova shume sa vetem siper sutinave e putha pak. Nuk doja te dukesha sikur perfitoja. I vesha bluzen e bardhe por ajo ishte pak e tejdukshme dhe i dukeshin sutinat e kuqe. Ajla ishte ende si e pavetdijshme. E shtriva per ti hequr tutat pasi ishte djersitur shume. Joshem dhe mu nxeh trupi. Eshte ndjesia e pare qe perjetoja edhe pse kisha shkuar me shume femra, perseri Ajla bente te ndjehesha ndryshe, te Γ§mendesha, te eksitohesha. Ia vesh tutat shpejt e shpejt dhe e mbuloj. E puth ne ball dhe ne buze.It's my first history. Hope you like, thank you all for read. πŸ’•β€¦

Prince of Destruction! DxD

Prince of Destruction! DxD

80,669 996 14

OC reborn as Rias's older twin brother in world of dxd.…

Reborn in DxD with Limitless

Reborn in DxD with Limitless

11,769 203 4

a guy died and got reborn in World of dxd with the powers of gojo satoru from JJK.…

King of Heros DxD!

King of Heros DxD!

29,858 525 9

A guy reborn in dxd with gilgamesh inheritence, Join brand new hero faction.…

βœͺMake It Rightβœͺ [Mafia Bakugou x reader]

βœͺMake It Rightβœͺ [Mafia Bakugou x reader]

184,723 3,839 40

you were fired from your work when you meet a high school friend who invites you to make part of his mafia.…

Adopted by Alex Gaskarth

Adopted by Alex Gaskarth

100,635 3,724 54

after being adopted by alex gaskarth, hazel find her self mesmerized by life and seeks help from her past. there is love and loss but always love.…

Thunder DeviL DxD

Thunder DeviL DxD

113,547 1,772 25

So a guy from our World gets reincarnated into the world of dxd as a pure devil in a family specialised in using lightning,The Zeper Family.…

Nuk mjafton vetem dashuria

Nuk mjafton vetem dashuria

13,451 1,002 44

Atehere kur mendon se cdo gje eshte ne rrugen e duhur, atehere merr goditjen me te madhe mbas shpine nga personi qe ti jep jeten..Nje histori dashurie ndrysheE cila filloi e paster si kristal dhe me kalimin e kohes u ndot nga te papriturat e jetes...Ajo Anhela Novikov vajza e bosit me te madh te mafias ruse,nje studente e shkelqyer ne Spanje teper lozonjare dhe i pelqente te shijonte jeten, por mbi te gjitha vlerat qe karakterizonin ishin te medha nje njeri me zemer te madhe dhe e ndjeshme sa po ta prekje dukej si kristal qe thyhej edhe pse ajo nuk e tregonte kete pjese por me teper ate te bishes..Jeta kishte rezervuar per te dashurine me te bukur ama do te jete po ajo dashuri e cila do ta shkateroje ne nje menyre qe ajo vet nuk do e kishte imagjinuar asnjehere...Ndersa ai Ace Fernandes nje nga biznesmenet me te suksesshem ne Spanje ama me nje te kaluar te dhimbshme,pabesisht jeta do e fuste ne nje rruge ku shihje vetem terrr dhe drita ne fund te erresires ishte e padukshme...Nje ngjarje Nje e kaluar do e beje ata pjese te dickaje qe nuk e kishte imagjinuar asnjehere...Dy njerez me drejtime te ndryshme,dy kokeforte te cilet nuk mendonin per azgje tjeter vec familjes pa e ditur do te behen pika e dobet e njeri tjetrit...Nje dashuri e cila do te zgjase vetem per pak pasi nje propozim do te permbyse gjithcka...A do te mjaftoje vetem dashuria per ta perballuar kete sfide kur mungon besimi???…

hidden | cedmione

hidden | cedmione

50,960 998 18

❚ i was hidden in the safety of your love. MOST IMPRESSIVE RANKINGS: #2 in #CedMione #3 in #RobertPattinson #5 in #Cedric #62 in #EmmaWatson [ βœ“ discontinued ] Β© VIRJENITAE 2017…

Shkodra pa shkodranen

Shkodra pa shkodranen

12,139 647 39

Si duhet tΓ« ndihet njΓ« djalΓ« 28 vjeΓ§ar, pΓ«r mΓ« tepΓ«r shqiptar dhe i edukuar me njΓ« ndjenjΓ« tΓ« thellΓ« patriotike, pΓ«r faktin se nuk e ka parΓ« asnjΓ«herΓ« atdheun e tij?HejdΓ«n lindur dhe rritur nΓ« AmerikΓ«, pas vdekjes sΓ« tΓ« atit vendos tΓ« vizitojΓ« vendin e tΓ« parΓ«ve tΓ« tij. E rrugΓ«s ai do haset me dikΓ« qΓ« do t'ia ndryshojΓ« jetΓ«n komplet.Nadja, vajza tipike shkodrane, do tΓ« hyjΓ« me furi nΓ« jetΓ«n e tij, dhe do tΓ« lΓ«rΓ« njΓ« shenjΓ« tΓ« pΓ«rjetshme aty. Por a do ia dalin nΓ« fund? A do ia dalΓ« HejdΓ«n tΓ« mΓ«sohet me traditΓ«n dhe mentalitetin shqiptar dhe pΓ«r mΓ« tepΓ«r shkodran? A do ia dalΓ« Nadja tΓ« hedhΓ« pas tΓ« shkuarΓ«n dhe tΓ« pΓ«rqΓ«ndrohet te e ardhmja?Le t'a shohim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…

What if we?βœ…

What if we?βœ…

10,204 1,159 33

Olli kokee traagisia asioita elΓ€mΓ€ssÀÀn ja vain toinen tarpeeksi samankaltaista kokemusta elΓ€mΓ€ssÀÀn kerΓ€nnyt, voi ymmΓ€rtÀÀ tΓ€mΓ€n tuskan. MitΓ€ siitΓ€ seuraakaan kun se tuska alkaa kÀÀntyΓ€ kohti rakkautta..?…

The Fallen Angel DxD

The Fallen Angel DxD

8,223 77 8

Aizel,Is a fallen angel but not any fallen angel but the son of governer General,Azazel,This is not the only thing special about him,He possess a sacred gear,And A strong one…

I'll make you proud no matter the ΒΏcΜΆoΜΆnΜΆsΜΆeΜΆqΜΆuΜΆeΜΆnΜΆcΜΆeΜΆsΜΆ?

I'll make you proud no matter the ΒΏcΜΆoΜΆnΜΆsΜΆeΜΆqΜΆuΜΆeΜΆnΜΆcΜΆeΜΆsΜΆ?

1 0 1

Just a journalist and her brother wanting to make hΜΆeΜΆrΜΆ their father proud. Writing newspaper articles about the ninja and their adventures while going on their own adventure what could go wrong?This is mainly told through a 1st person perspective by the main character Kirje. It is not mainly about the ninja but about two characters who don't really have an impact on the actual main plot but just have their story set in Ninjago as well as being the main focus of Kirje's articles. Kirje and her brother do not have any impact on the ninja but the ninja have an impact onto them the ninja will be frequently mentioned as well as occasionally appearing. The show would be exactly the same without them. None of the characters except for Kirje and Mark (Kirje's brother) are my OCs the ninja and all others belong to the amazing show of Ninjago.I apologize in advance for the bad writing I am horrible at writing, this is my first story and I'm making this up as I go along (I forgot both Kirje and Mark's names a couple of seconds ago) but I'll try my best for this to be a good story.…

The Family I treasure: JJK .series

The Family I treasure: JJK .series

10,646 260 21

my name is jeon y/n im a mother of my three kids and a wife of jeon jungkook,my husband who is an idol this story we will show you everything that happens in our daily livesthis is my very first story..i hope this story goes wellim not that fluent in english.πŸ˜‚ so yeah....i hope you'd like my ff πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ˜‰β€¦

Dear Zindagi Spin-off: The Beginning of Jug

Dear Zindagi Spin-off: The Beginning of Jug

1,198 32 13

This is the story of Jehangir and Riya. Kaira calls her conscience; her brain, her ration.What would happen if her conscience loses her control, what if, for once, she is able to live for herself and not for others?Everyone knew what was going to happen: Jug and Riya were supposed to get married, but sometimes fate tells you to wait and that made her realise something big was going to happen.Most impressive rating#1 shahrukhkhan#18 khan - 06/05/2023…

our paradise | blacktan

our paradise | blacktan

63,013 1,564 22

❚ in which, three bestfriends face the consequences of keeping secrets.a bangpink fic. MOST IMPRESSIVE RANKINGS: #26 in #liskook #15 in #liskook #3 in #taennie #11 in #lisa Β© VIRJENITAE 2018…

Chair cult

Chair cult

1,216 92 42

Join my cult for chairs the all powerful beings…