6,854 206 26

BLURB BAYANGAN - MURNI AQILASudah sembilan tahun Nizam disahkan menghidap bipolar disorder. Dalam keriuhan dia dibadai tangisan. Ketika tenang dia diamuk amarah. Tatkala sepi dia digeletek ketawa. Hidup ibarat di pinggir neraka. Tapi semua tanpa sedarnya.Tuhan menyuluh selorong jalan untuk dia kembali mengharap. Secebis kesempatan itu adalah peluang untuk dia menjejak keberadaan Hajar yang 17 tahun lenyap tanpa khabar. Hajar perlu ditemui sebelum keadaannya bergolak dengan emosi yang huru-hara. Tapi sejak itu dia kerap mengalami sesuatu yang menakutkan. Tak kira sama ada di rumah atau di tempat kerja. Dia diganggu sesuatu yang membuatkan dia menggigil dan terlalu gementar.Apa yang dia alami ini mengelirukan fikirannya. Tak pasti apakah semua itu sekadar mimpi atau delusi. Dia hanya mahu bertemu dengan Hajar. Tapi kenapa seperti ada misteri yang mengekori? Sedangkan semua insan di sisinya baik-baik sahaja. Barangkali ada rahsia yang tersembunyi. Dan apabila ia terbongkar, barulah kita sedar... realiti sebenarnya lebih menggerunkan daripada mimpi ngeri."Nizam tak tahu apa yang jadi, apa yang Nizam dah buat. Kadang-kadang Nizam rasa macam dalam mimpi, tapi macam betul-betul jadi. Entahlah... Nizam macam tak berapa sedar, mak." - Nizam"Yang merisaukan mak uda sekarang ni, kenapa ada lebam-lebam kat lengan Nizam? Kat dada pun ada bekas-bekas luka warna hitam. Seumur hidup, tak pernah lagi Nizam kena macam ni." - Fauziah"Benda yang paling penting dan jadi bahan bukti cuma CCTV. Dan rakaman CCTV yang aku tengok tu membuatkan aku meremang." - Irwan"Saya rasa awak ni macam ada sesuatu yang misteri pasal awak, Nizam." - Hajar**********Berminat nak beli novel ini? Copy link di bawah ini dan google:…

Homemade Poems

Homemade Poems

52 4 14

I hope you enjoy the poems. This is my first time, so if you have any comments for improvement, just let me know. They will be about random things, just a heads up. Thank you for reading. You all have a wonderful day!!!…

All of this

All of this

6,606 166 21

Tom DeLonge fan fiction…

Can't Help Falling In Love With You

Can't Help Falling In Love With You

52 9 5

Meet Autumn Lien Claude and Third Zender Alvarez.P.S. sorry sa grammatical errors at typos. Thanks…



5,525 191 9

About Sana,Rose,Jennie and Tzuyu who are cousins.Sana study in Australian,Rose study in London,Jennie study in Chinese and Tzuyu study in France.They lived alone.They were granddaughter to 1st richest in Korea Kang Rai.Because of their grandpa's they need to go back to their village Keiju to get their property of their relic.They need to live there at least seven months.Will they customize theirself at there?…



1,631 47 9


happy forever

happy forever

3,089 150 8

TayNew family…

Kolek-Si Aku

Kolek-Si Aku

656 34 18

Aku; Kolek kecil yang menelusuri tenang airTerkadang bebas terayun, terkadang juga menanti terbalikImpian aku;Ingin meredah lautan yang berombakSebelum akhirnya aku terdampar di pelabuhan Menghitung pergi mentari yang kesepianKoleksi sukasuki.…

The afterlife

The afterlife

111 0 6

Maya being the curios person that she is want to find out the past of their family but she doesn't know what truth lay in front of her now lets see the adventure she is going trough…

Black, Blue, and Gold (Book 2)

Black, Blue, and Gold (Book 2)

219,801 7,798 71

More crimes and mysteries to be solved, and pasts to be dealt with. Will Inspector Lalisa Manoban and her team finally reach the justice that they seek for her past lover? Is the threat to her present lover's life, Jennie Kim, really over? Despite these uncertainties and possibilities that the past will repeat itself, Lisa have this new goal in her mind- and that is to protect Jennie at all cost, no matter what the consequences that she will face as a police officer. -----If you haven't read the Book 1, PLEASE STOP NOW! You'll be spoiled if you continue to read this book. Anyways, thank you for reading this amazing story by thedonkatsu. I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING. This is merely an adaptation of his/her masterpiece. This Book 2 will definitely make you fall in love with Jennie's smart brain. 😉…



10,958 1,312 16

Camila, 23 letnia córka królowej Los Angeles. Pracuje w firmie matki, studiuje zarządzanie, nie imprezuje, nie ćpa, ma charakter i przede wszystkim jest pracoholiczką. Jej mama nazywa ją słońcem rodziny, bo wie, że to ona odziedziczy jej sieć banków "Estrabao Bank". Lauren, 24 letnia córka króla Los Angeles. Nie pracuje w kancelarii ojca, bo woli imprezować, ćpać, pić i uprawiać seks z przypadkowymi kobietami. Naturalnie Lauren to typowa badass, ale i tak studiuje prawo, bo jej ojciec zaplanował jej przyszłość w "Jauregui & Hansen". Czy impreza, na której się spotkają wszystko zmieni?…

lock pocket

lock pocket

0 0 2

a long blood romance story which features about a reality of a true yandere. ¡! WARNING ¡! This story is not for children below 13,it contains sexual, abuse, swearing. …

TFIL Overnight Adventures Book 1 ✔️

TFIL Overnight Adventures Book 1 ✔️

72,914 1,570 84

Elton's little sister, Theodora Elodie Castee also known as Thea, join the boys on their 25 weeks of haunted and abandoned buildings series.This is meant to be Corey Scherer story, but it's really just about the videos with a little fluff here and there.…

The Serial Killer

The Serial Killer

11,622 650 11

Four weeks, four murders. A serial killer on loose.Will ACP Abhijeet and his team be able to stop these murders? Or will the panic persist?Cover credit @Sahi7777…

Pretty girl

Pretty girl

82,278 1,586 50

"But again, I like brown eyes the best" Gilbert murmurs. He tucks a strand of golden hair behind Winifred's ear and his finger trail down her cheek to under her chin, gently turning her head up to him.…

Black, Blue & Gold (Season 2) TaeNy

Black, Blue & Gold (Season 2) TaeNy

9,965 276 70

Black, Blue & Gold (Season 2)Inspector Kim Taeyeon is a Police Officer who only have one goal in her mind, to avenge the death of the love of her life, Im Jaehwan. But along the process of investigation in tracking the criminal who was responsible of Jaehwan's death, her path crossed unexpectedly with Tiffany Hwang, a math genius who was forcefully involved in the illegal gambling of the said suspect. Taeyeon's life changed unexpectedly with the arrival of this challenging woman in her life, what's more if she become part of her investigation team because of her naturally born talent when it comes to numbers and patterns?~This story is not mine. I just want to share the great stories I have read from great writers.TaeNy Fanfiction ^^Original Story by: - TheDonkatsu -…

Murder Drones: Back in Action (A Looney Tunes Fanfic)

Murder Drones: Back in Action (A Looney Tunes Fanfic)

5,277 13 7

I don't really know why I made this(Warning: this fanfiction contains mild language, censored strong language, mention of polarizing historical figures, & ANGST)Murder Drones ©️ GLITCHLooney Tunes: Back in Action ©️ Warner Bros.…