Candles in the Sun | d.m

Candles in the Sun | d.m

21,676 702 39

❝ Why can't we be more than friends, Draco? -Why can't we be more than friends? Merlin Astoria, figure it out. I am fucking social pariah. Your friends, your family, your fucking parents who adore you, would never approve. ❞…

I will never let you go.

I will never let you go.

114 7 10

What are the odds a Slytherin trying to conquer the world and a Hufflepuff trying to save the world.Tom and Umji were very close together when I say close I really meant by close until Tom reveal his secret plan to Umji and she disagree and break up with Tom but he being Tom doesn't want to let her go.So Tom has to try to conquer the world while trying to get his badger back.…

Ariana Grindelwald (Tom Riddle Love-Story).

Ariana Grindelwald (Tom Riddle Love-Story).

233,087 6,451 20

Ariana Grindelwald is what some would call her an outstanding student, charming and polite and others would call her manipulative, cruel and perfectly capable of feeling absolutely nothing.What happens when she meets the male version that simple seems perfect for her? She calls him a filthy mudblood. What happens when he makes Slytherin? She decides he's a git. What happens when they're about to get caught wandering the halls at night? At least he's pretty.*this book is older than the Fantastic Beasts films, therefore has nothing to do with them*Also, I'm not writing a second book :)…

Till The Very End

Till The Very End

78 7 5

In a realm where Harry Potter is dead and Lord Voldemort rules. Where Draco Malfoy is Minister for Magic, and Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley are wanted fugitives. Where Scorpius Malfoy rules the Hogwarts with the name Scorpion King. In the distance a soft cry escapes from a baby. A baby that isn't safe. No one is safe.…

Love At First Fight {Regulus Black}

Love At First Fight {Regulus Black}

546,308 19,526 44

"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams." ― Dr. Seuss| MARAUDERS ERA |Cover by @Charcoalate*DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE HARRY POTTER UNIVERSE OR ITS CHARACTERS APART FROM MY OWN*…

The Flames of Hatred and Love

The Flames of Hatred and Love

44,462 1,696 22

Dumbledore and Voldemort meet in the afterlife. Voldemort wants a second chance at life. Dumbledore has his reservations. Death grants Voldemort his wish.A young Tom Riddle is placed in the care of the Dursleys alongside Harry Potter. Will Harry be able to influence Tom to be good? Or will Tom corrupt Harry? Or are they destined to be enemies?Comments are always appreciated! I'd love to know what you think of this story!Cover art is not mine. I found it on the web. All pictures are not mine and found on the internet!! All rights belong to the original artists.---------Started: June 1, 2021…

Harry Potter One Shots: Book 1

Harry Potter One Shots: Book 1

617,814 10,568 106

All of the memorable characters of the wonderful world of Harry Potter in a Character X Reader One Shots Book!Started: November 5, 2018Finished: May 12, 2020…

They Don't Know About Us | ✓

They Don't Know About Us | ✓

37,380 770 33

★SCORPIUS AND ROSE FANFIC★~I was too tied up in the thought of Scorpius's Christmas present when I tripped over my feet, or air, or something invisible. But instead of me thinking he would catch me even if it was so cliché, he hadn't noticed I fell. So there I was, hands and knees on the ground with no prince in shining white armour to save me.Well the prince with blonde hair and blue eyes was standing right next to me, but still didn't see the sudden fall of a girl in green and red Pjs. Wow, real smooth."Ouch." And still Prince Charming had his head in the clouds. "Oh, are you okay Rose?" He says grabbing my hand. OH NOW HE HELPS! Wow no one should cast him in a fairy tale character as Prince Charming, the princess may as well save her own bloody ass.~☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆Written in 2016🌹Book shoutouts on insta: wattpad_shoutitout…

Scorpius's Guide to Getting the Girl

Scorpius's Guide to Getting the Girl

3,107 101 6

Scorpius Malfoy has been through a lot. But his hardest task yet is one he's been working at forever, and one he won't give up on, no matter what. He just can't seem to get Rose Granger-Weasley to like him. In fact, up until their fourth year, she hated him. But Scorpius still has faith; someday, Rose will realize they're meant for each other... Right? {WARNING: CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR THE CURSED CHILD AND THE REST OF THE HARRY POTTER SERIES}…

Calling me mudblood is a pleasure

Calling me mudblood is a pleasure

114 18 3

Dramione, here I come...It's just Granger's power of voice.…

A Change Of Heart : Dramione

A Change Of Heart : Dramione

6,845 1,242 20

The war is over and the remaining students go back to carry on. Some of the 7th years have gone back to be 8th years. The war changed people, some for the better others for worse. Hermione Granger has it all going for her. She's got her parents back , she's Head Girl, she's got the perfect boyfriend, she's the war heroine and she's the brightest witch of her age. What could go wrong, eh?Draco Malfoy, however, is losing everything . His father has been sentenced to Azkaban, he's lost some of his friends in the war, everyone hates the ex- death eater so now he's all alone. The only thing he can't understand is the fact he's head boy. Who will be there for him in the time of most need?Disclaimer: As much as I would love to, I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters. I only own the plot.Cover by @crystique…

Harry Potter and the Story Without Delphi

Harry Potter and the Story Without Delphi

33,527 3,533 25

Loved the Cursed Child but hated the Marie-Sue antagonist? Missed Teddy Lupin and James? Read this story with a decent, realistic OC: Albus and Scorpius had just bonded over Peppermint Imps on the Hogwarts Express when a girl ran into the compartment and asked to sit down. Her name was Nova, and she was the world's first muggle-born Slytherin hopeful. Itching for Hogwarts high-jinxes instead of a crack fic time travel plot? Well, get reading, this time for free. *Cover by @dark-desire, please go give her a follow.*…

Nothing Lasts Forever

Nothing Lasts Forever

189 25 10

Draco X Reader:You are the great great great great... (you get it) Grandchild of Nicolas and Perenelle Flamel, the 600 year old couple who has lived off of the sorcerers stone for centuries. You move to Britain, and attend Hogwarts for your 4th year to be closer to them. Here you become a Hufflepuff who's path gets tangled up with the Slytherin prince Draco Malfoy. How could that happen? Well they both share a mutual grudge against Harry PotterI am trying my best to keep the character gender neutral, to include female, male, non-binary, ect. readers, but please bare with me/help me make changes to be more inclusive <3…

A New Beginning [SK]

A New Beginning [SK]

36 4 1

Blíži sa záverečný maturitný ples a s ním i odchod na Univerzitu. Emily sa už nevie dočkať ako s jej priateľom Oliverom a celou partiou budú pokračovať i na Univerzite. V jeden večer však pán a pani Klifredovci ohlásia Emily, že sa musia presťahovať a Emily tak musí ísť na inú univerzitu ako ostatní z partie. S novými spolužiakmi nevychádza, a s hlavnou členkou školskej kapely Karen sa vyložene neznesie. Jedného dňa Emily absolvuje konkurz a získa tak v týme miesto. V kapele hrá avšak i Kyle, ktorý jej strpčuje život už od začiatku...Iba, že by sa niečo zmenilo. Dodrží Emily sľub, ktorý dala Oliverovi?…

Amira Dumbledore

Amira Dumbledore

1 0 3

Amira Dumbledore is professor Dumbledores gran daughter attending her 6th year at Hogwarts after being kept hidden away from her parents. After they died Amira was moved into her grandfathers homeAlbums sends her to Hogwarts with her but who will she meet along the way?Maybe her true love?Her friends for life?Or even some of her worst enemy's?Will she betrayer grandfather?I guess we will just have to wait and see shall we..Now let's get started…

If I Die Young

If I Die Young

64 5 5

Jewels is nearly as innocent as you can get. Yes it gets her into trouble. But you can't blame her for practically growing up in a hospital can you? So when Jewels earns a very rare second chance at life she leaps on it. Remian has lived his whole life without love, from birth he was treated coldly, which makes him the way he is. When Remian meets Jewels he knows at first sight they are soul mates. So what happens next? Read!…

MHA Fluff Oneshots **REQUESTS OPEN**

MHA Fluff Oneshots **REQUESTS OPEN**

4 0 1

This will be a requests open fluff book! (MINETA IS NOT ALLOWED PLS ): ) *COVER ART IS NOT MINE…

Snílkův úkryt

Snílkův úkryt

40 5 1

~ Inspirováno událostmi v mém životě ~Fyzická těla někdy zůstávají naživu déle, než naše duše. Duše umírají. Alespoň jsem o tom přesvědčený. Mnohé duše nedokážou ustát krutost a tíhu tohoto světa. Odcházejí daleko do hlubin neznáma, temné melancholie, a berou si s sebou vše, pro co jste kdy chtěli žít. Zanechají vás tu coby prázdnou schránku, nucenou pokračovat v existenci beze smyslu.Bouře ve mně bývala silná. Proto zbyla poslední jiskřička naděje. Poslední maličkatá víra v to, že se má duše jednoho dne vrátí. A spolu s ní i osud - ten úkryt pro snílka.…