And If I Fall, Let Me Part I: At Your Service - A. Hotchner x OC & Jemily
"Look who the cat dragged in," she directed at Hotch, smirking. To her surprise, Emily watched as her boss' lip twitched in what was suspiciously close to a smile. Now that was unusual. She had never seen that woman before."Surprised they let you work somewhere you can't shoot your way out or blow something up," Hotch gave back dryly. Emily's eyebrows disappeared further under her bangs, and she exchanged a surprised look with Morgan. It was rare to see Hotch smirk, was he actually bordering on flirting?What happens when an old friend of Hotch turns out to be the new head of a Secret Service Unit in need of help with an investigation? Sparks fly, whiskey gets opened, and killers (hopefully) get caught.(Originally posted on AO3 under my username "sometimesiscribble!)…