Cover Creator (Warriors and Otherwise) [Requests Closed]

Cover Creator (Warriors and Otherwise) [Requests Closed]

1,893 79 29

So I've decided to try one of these! This is obviosly a cover maker. The first part will have examples, and the next, the form! Hope you enjoy these covers! (Note: This is not an original idea, and these covers will not be as fast during the school year [Sept-Jun].)…

The Devil Wears White

The Devil Wears White

491 30 8

River Heart believes normal is a thing, but how does she know if shes never felt it? And can she be bothered to try? From pain to insane, River doesn't know how to control herself, and the little Devil of her thoughts doesn't make it any easier. This little Devil fulfills anything that River desires, but as desires become stronger and her sanity gets closer to the edge, she must learn to trust and believe that other people around her might be floating in a similar boat. A boat that is sinking in a wave of negative emotions."You're so lost inside yourself, you're so stuck inside your little hell, which you believe to have no exit. And I feel the same."…