Web of Heroes (Spider-Man Reader x My Hero Academia)

Web of Heroes (Spider-Man Reader x My Hero Academia)

9,704 217 11

It all started in Qing Qing City, located in China. A newborn baby manifested the ability to radiate light from its body. After this was reported, many people around the world began to manifest different kinds of superpowers, eventually being dubbed "quirks."The world has become a world of superpowers, with 80% of the population having some kind of power. This was the world (Y/N) (L/N) found himself in when he was born into the world. He had wanted to be a hero his whole life, but it turns out he was quirkless... Until an itsy bitsy spider found its way onto his neck...…

My Story - A My Street Adventure

My Story - A My Street Adventure

322 11 8

Grab your tube and jump into this heart pounding story that tells the tale of these three lovable couples and there secret randevu's . This story is set at love love paradise and explains what really happened during their vacation, it captures the love and tension between my three ships Kawaii Chan and Zane, Aphmau and Aaron and Katelyn and Travis. Join in on the fun and watch your ships come to life. Also be sure to hit that follow button i love to make new friends.Nya (rubs up against you and starts purring)…

Eksperymentalny potwór

Eksperymentalny potwór

234 26 4

Dwudziestoczteroletnia detektyw - Hashi Morgan - wiedzie spokojne życie, ale jedno nie daje jej spokoju - przeszłość. Niegdyś porwana i potraktowana jako królik doświadczalny pragnie zemścić się na swoich oprawcach. To utwierdza ją jedynie w przekonaniu, że stała się potworem. Przez NICH.…

The Moonlight Element (Ninjago x Reader/OC)

The Moonlight Element (Ninjago x Reader/OC)

383 1 5

Lynx Nightingale was a homeless 17yr old, apart from that she was normal. Until she met an old man who showed her friends, a home and love.(You can create this an x reader if you don't like the name) This is a Lloyd Garmadon x Reader/OCI wish I owned Ninjago but I don't, I only own Lynx Nightingale…

Red VS Blue: Black and White

Red VS Blue: Black and White

1,781 43 5

This is a Male Reader insert of Red Vs Blue. Note: There will be a new member on BOTH teams.…

Project dark

Project dark

105 5 4

Jack has been testing on Mark for ages. Then one day Dark gets released and Mark gets his pay back time.…

Sounds and Syllables

Sounds and Syllables

53 0 1

A poem about words, and maybe something more.…

Madness- One-Shot (WARNING: contains blood and gore)

Madness- One-Shot (WARNING: contains blood and gore)

189 6 1

A One-shot I wrote at school. Reson why it is so angst-y inside.…



36 3 1

What it sounds like…



972 29 14

How to bake the end of the world -by A.Hussie:First add an Upd8Then, proceed to add Twelve FangirlsFinally, add a 'videogame' of your own creation.(Its a mix of my own NORMALStuck with other 'Stucks I do not own.)…

Team Crafted-Our game, Our reality (BEFORE Sky, Ty, and Quinton left.)

Team Crafted-Our game, Our reality (BEFORE Sky, Ty, and Quinton left.)

1,352 27 19

Wait. There's a new gamemode?! What is wrong with my computer?! The forum never said anything about this! Why am I so di...zzy...?(Now with slight OC x Jerome, OC x Sky, OC x Ty XD)…

Powiew mądrości

Powiew mądrości

1,920 433 134

Książka może dość banalna, ale czy same cytaty oraz wiersze są w sobie banalne? Po złotych myślach, jakimi się zachwycamy łatwo stwierdzić jakimi ludźmi jesteśmy. Pragnę otworzyć przed wami mój skromny świat.Tak, będę tu także zamieszczać cytaty, i nie tylko, których autora nie znam, ani nie znalazłam. Pojawiać się tu będą najzwyklej w świecie choćby pojedyncze słowa, które poruszają cokolwiek w moim sercu.…

Gate:Thus, the Eldian Army Fought there

Gate:Thus, the Eldian Army Fought there

4,947 45 27

An entire parallel universe where a nation called the Saderran Empire from the lands beyond the Gate fought a nation that is very advanced than them (This is my first fanfic. Please go easy on the comments)…

Ricks dont care about Their Mortys . //Rick y Morty - One Shot\\

Ricks dont care about Their Mortys . //Rick y Morty - One Shot\\

3,846 272 4

"Tu no te preocupas por mi ¿Cierto? con todos es igual, con cada Rick que me asignan, cada historia que escucho, cada cosa que veo, nada cambia, ustedes no cambian."Dijo un Morty con el corazón destrozado, un par de lagrimas desbordando y una pistola apuntando a la sien.¿Cuanto dolor y frustración puede caber en un cuerpo tan pequeño? ¿Que tan destrozada puede estar la estabilidad mental de alguien tan joven? ¿Cuan destrozado puede estar el corazón de tan inocente alma?Son 3 fases por las cuales pasar para descubrirlo…



35,438 351 58

the title says it but ima put a spin on it your have ✨disabilities✨ and ✨mental illnesses✨ no i am not making fun if them i want my fellow anime watchers with disabilities and mental illness to feel welcome into the fanfic world so enjoy and even if you dont have any of them just read maybe youll like it…

Kebab z żuli na Dworcu w Warszawie

Kebab z żuli na Dworcu w Warszawie

1,251 50 14

Warszawa, rok 2045. Stało się coś niezwykłego. Polska mentalność...uległa zmianie. Mieszkańcy stolicy przywykli do nowych zasad i "dziwności", które niegdyś były im obce i nieosiągalne, a dziś są ich wspólną codziennością. Wbrew pozorom, nie musiało minąć 200 lat, a tylko kilkadziesiąt. Co więcej, stale powtarzają, niejako żaden przełom nie nastąpił. No, z perspektywy Narratora Wszechmogącego, mającego niezwykła umiejętność wglądu w przeszłość i przyszłość, należy przyznać, że zmieniło się stosunkowo - tutaj "stosunkowo" używam raczej ironicznie - dużo. Nie należy kpić ze stwierdzenia, że najmniejsze łajno rozlewa się najrozleglej.…

You Are Another Half of Me (Carlando)

You Are Another Half of Me (Carlando)

2,279 52 6

ZAKOŃCZONE! W współpracy z @happy_domel powstaje ta książka :))(Ta książka w niektórych momentach jest dość brutalna, nie polecam dla osób z słabymi nerwami)…

GATE: Task Force Guillotine

GATE: Task Force Guillotine

1,700 46 13

based on the GATE light novel/Manga/Anime which is the property of Takumi YanaiFollowing the Ginza incident, the Japanese government opts to deploy the Japan Self-Defense Forces (JSDF) to the Special Region. In solidarity, the US government pledges assistance to their Japanese allies, citing the casualties of US citizens in the attack as a primary reason.In the quest for justice, the US has dispatched Bravo Squadron, a unit of Delta Force, tasked with neutralizing the perpetrators of the attack and liberating kidnapped American citizens.…

FLUFF (FavreMySabre Oneshots)

FLUFF (FavreMySabre Oneshots)

107,695 2,985 109

Yay fluff! For all those innocent beans who wanna see some oneshots from Steve Saga, Assassins Creed, or any other series that FavreMySabre did!BlueBow is one of my favorite ships, so you might want to expect a lot of BlueBow in here.. hehe...If anyone reads my other oneshot books (That are rated mature!) then you might recognize some of these, because I want to make it into a fluff because I like it! *Cough cough* 'Nightmares ~ BlueBow' *Cough cough* I mean-- what? xDI am mainly going to do Steve Saga and Steve Saga Origins, but feel free to ask me to do one from any other series of FavreMySabre's you want to see. Since these are fluff, I am willing to do boy x boy, girl x girl, and boy x girl, but the main one written is probably going to be boy x boy, because that is the way I am used to writing oneshots. FavreMySabre is the creator of all of these characters, I am simply a fan who felt like writing about them. I don't own any of these characters, (Unless I make an OC but that probably isn't happening) so make sure to check out FavreMySabre to understand who all these characters are.…