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Capitolul 1. Era o zi de Duminica 01.01.2001 (atunci m-am nascut eu ,Maia ma chema).Eu am o malformatie din partea tatălui,așa e par un copil normal, de doar 14 ani...Tata este jumate om și jumate am partea de demon afara iar partea de om inauntru(stiu foarte ciudat) dar nu ma deranjeaza cu nmc.La scoala toată lumea ma oprește și ma întreabă ce fac, eu le răspund cu vocea mea aspra și mare "FAC BN. MULTUMESC"Ajunsă acasă întreb de tata astfel "UNDE ESTE TATA?" Mama îmi Răspunde dulce așa:"Draga mea tatăl tau a murit (din păcate) spânzurat in casa de vizavi ,se spune ca sufletul lui de demon este rămas in supsolul casei bântuite.El a trollat regele TRIGHTONtHEkILLERdEMON....!!!!Mama mi-a zis ca dacă voi intra.....Indreb eu "MAMA ,DE CE TE-AI INTRERUPT?"Mama mea zise:"DRAGA(uimita😨), mi-am pierdut memoria!!!"Eu trista și sindindu-ma neinsigueanta...Capitolul 2.Deodată am auzit un zgomot din acea casa de vizavi.M-am gândit sa îmi iau o lanterna și sa ma duc sa explorez acea casa.Mama nu era acasă deci am avut o jansa sa explorez acea casa!!!!!!😈Ajunsă iar am auzit acel zgomot ,hmmmm...era unul de pași.Mi-am dat seama ca acea casa este TOTAL bântuită!Am încercat sa intru intr-o camere dar ghici era un cimitir cu păianjeni 🕷🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸🕷🕷🕷 și mult sange🍷,M-am apropriat de un mormant...Scria " *Aici odihnește ELEDEMON,a murit deoarece a fost omorâte de unul dintre sotii ei {#182} A MURIT IN ANUL 52.8.1* "Eu zic -WOW,DIAN ANUL 1!!!!!!!WOW CE VECHI!!!!!⚰️⚰️Eu ma duc sa explorez casa ,când ajung lângă supsol aud o voce strigând "Maia...Maia...MAIA...vino josnz."Eu zic :-CINE E ,ȘI CE VREI DE LA MN?..-Nu-ți face griji ,coboară la subsol....🗡-BINEE.....Ma duc la subsol și fad prin scândurile ușilor se vedeau niște ochi roși și mari(ca ai mei😱)Eu întreb: "CINE SUNTEȚI!????"-Sunt tatal tău-Nu se poate…

Chrome painting on 3D Printing Dubai

Chrome painting on 3D Printing Dubai

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Chrome painting on 3D Printing Dubai - Inoventive 3D Printing Dubai offers excellent 3D Printing services and post-processing services including chrome painting. Chrome painting allow your 3D Printed parts to look like metal, Gold or nickel. Chrome painting provide great aesthetic and elegant effect to the 3D Printed objects. Apart from its finishing, chrome painting will be having another benefits too;1. Aesthetics: Chrome painting gives a shiny, reflective finish to the object, which can enhance its overall appearance and make it look more professional and polished.2. Durability: The chrome paint can help to protect the surface of the object from scratches, scuffs, and other types of wear and tear. This can increase the overall durability of the object, making it more resistant to damage over time.3. Customization: Chrome paint can be applied in a variety of colors and finishes, allowing for a high degree of customization. This can be especially useful in fields like product design and prototyping, where the ability to create unique and visually appealing objects is highly valued.4. Resistance to corrosion: Chrome paint has a natural resistance to corrosion and rust, making it a good choice for objects that will be exposed to the elements or used in harsh environments.5. Cost-effectiveness: 3D printing allows for the creation of complex shapes and structures at a lower cost than traditional manufacturing methods. Adding a chrome finish to a 3D printed object can further enhance its value without significantly increasing the cost.Please feel free to contact us for any further assistance. Call/WhatsApp: +971 58 658 6675 | Email: [email protected] |…

The Song of an Army

The Song of an Army

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Welcome to my little collection of BTS short stories which I guess you would call "one shots"? I don't know what you kids use in terminology anymore ㅠㅠAnywho, TSA updates randomly throughout the day. Most cases, I'll update everyday throughout the day with different stories or do one long story each day. TSA is a book with one shots influenced by BTS songs. I do not take or claim any ownership to any songs that I use. Feel free to suggest any songs you'd like me to use!Thank you all for reading, and enjoy~…



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Park Jimin levava uma vida diferente de qualquer pessoa da sua idade. Rotina pesada de treinos, pressão e ainda o grande peso de morar longe da família. Tudo isso por um sonho que ele sequer sabia se ainda fazia sentido para si. Do outro lado, Jeon Jungkook, ainda que muito diferente de Jimin, possuía muito mais em comum com o loiro do que imaginava, a começar pelo fato de ter a mesma rotina exaustiva para um adolescente se dezesseis anos. Não era novidade para ninguém que as duas estrelas dos times rivais não se bicavam desde o primeiro jogo das estaduais. Mas isso se torna bem óbvio nas finais, depois de uma briga feia no meio do jogo.Jeon é chamado para fazer parte do melhor time da cidade. E tudo parece dar certo. Até ele descobrir de maneira constrangedora que seu novo colega de quarto na república era o líbero irritadinho das estaduais.…

About Me (What Do You Want to Know?)

About Me (What Do You Want to Know?)

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You can pretty much ask me anything and I'll answer, I can also put the gems in here if you wanna ask them questions.…

If Lost, Pray That The Missing Lotuses Shall Float Down The River For You

If Lost, Pray That The Missing Lotuses Shall Float Down The River For You

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Jiang Fengmian and Yu Ziyuan's marriage was not a loving one, no matter how much they tried to make it appear amicable. In fact, if you saw the two interact, you would swear they were mortal enemies. Despite their differences however, Yu Ziyuan had hoped that her husband would, at the very least, try to put some effort into loving their children as his own, even if he didn't love her. That hope was unfortunately squashed when her husband brought home a dirt covered brat, who he held with a care that he had never shown to his own son or daughter. Outraged at her husband's boldness to treat someone else's son better than his own children, within his own home to boot, Yu Ziyuan takes a page from her husband's book, and goes out on her own to bring home the son of someone else. As a result, their already deteriorating marriage becomes even worse. Their anger and hatred towards each other becomes so strong that it begins to affect not only the people within Lotus Pier, but also their relationship with their two biological children. Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanli end up being neglected and treated as mere objects for the two adults to project their anger onto. When the adults weren't getting physical with them, they acted as if they had completely forgotten that their son and daughter existed, focusing only on the children they had adopted into their makeshift family. In an attempt to relieve themselves of their abusive parents, the two children decide to run away to Lanling Jin, where Jiang Yanli hoped her fiance's parents would help them. However, neither of the children make it to Koi Tower. What will Yunmeng Jiang and the other great sects do when they discover that the Jiang siblings are missing? And how will they react when they find out what became of the missing children a few years later?*I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THESE CHARACTERS OTHER THAN THE OCs*…

Is it Love Blue Swan Hospital Triche Astuce Energie Illimite

Is it Love Blue Swan Hospital Triche Astuce Energie Illimite

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Is it Love Blue Swan Hospital Triche - Astuce Is it Love Blue Swan Hospital Energie IllimiteVous pouvez profiter de cette nouvelle Is it Love Blue Swan Hospital Triche Astuce et vous verrez que vous allez l'adorer. Cette Is it Love Blue Swan Hospital Astuce est là pour que vous puissiez l'utiliser et au fur et à mesure que vous le ferez, vous verrez que vous réussirez à avoir un jeu amélioré. Dans ce guide, nous allons vous offrir un aperçu du jeu et après cela, nous vous expliquerons pourquoi il est si important d'utiliser ce nouvel Is it Love Blue Swan Hospital Code de Triche afin d'avoir un meilleur temps de jeu. Si vous le souhaitez, vous pouvez ignorer les informations sur le jeu et passer directement au fonctionnement de l'outil. Sinon, vous pouvez simplement continuer à lire ce guide.Comme vous le savez, à partir d'aujourd'hui, ce nouveau Is it Love Blue Swan Hospital Triche Astuce est prêt pour vous et vous réussirez à ajouter facilement toute l'énergie que vous souhaitez, directement au jeu. Vous réussirez à vous amuser avec cette Is it Love Blue Swan Hospital Triche et vous atteindrez vos objectifs dans le jeu avec. Vous verrez que cet outil va être sécurisé grâce à la fonction Anti-Ban que notre équipe y a ajoutée. Cette fonctionnalité vous assurera que personne ne verra jamais que vous trichez et vous pouvez simplement avoir le jeu que vous souhaitez avec celui-ci.Caractéristiques de l'outil Is it Love Blue Swan Hospital Triche:- Obtenez gratuitement Energie illimité- Fonctionne sur Android et iOS, les appareils Windows- Pas de téléchargement ou Jailbreak nécessaire- Aucun risque d'interdiction dans le jeu- Utilisez-le à tout moment et n'importe où- Nous mettons à jour le Triche presque quotidiennement…