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not a crackfic despite the cover I just suck at artSword and Medkit, friends who had found themselves enlisted in a possibly unnecessary war, finds themselves stuck between a rock and a hard place. Their partner faction, Theives Den, had pulled out of the area, leaving them stuck, and alone without help.the edgiest fanfic I've ever written in my life end sentenceI try to follow canon personalities, but I may not do a good job at it. This was also written by a tired person who has no idea what he's doing. Feedback appreciated! (And encouraged <3)Faction relations are... nowhere near what they are in canon. Let's just, see their relations.Thieves Den: Friendly with Lost Temple, Neutral towards Playground, Kill on Sight when it comes to anyone from Blackrock.Lost Temple: literally the exact same thingPlayground: Neutral to everyone; will not attack unless provoked.Blackrock: Kill on Sight everyone.(jesus christ thank you so much for (hopefully) liking this fic!!! it's really appreciated, tysm again.)started... whenever LMAO I think it was... sometime in May, 2023?finished drafts: 29th June, 2023finished the actual fic: 11th July, 2023…