22 0 4

Camellia met Namjoon by accident and since that, they become good friends. Camellia is a shy girl who doesn't really communicate with guys, she only has a few close friends and also an introvert. On the other side, Namjoon is totally the opposite of Camellia. He has many friends, extrovert and cheerful too. They have some similarities such as they are polite and love reading books too.Namjoon grows a feeling towards Camellia but she didn't know it. Namjoon is the only male friend Camellia ever had. And she also learns to consider all Namjoon's close friends as hers too, since he asked to. He also asked her to trust him, because he trusted her. Camellia didn't want to fall in love because she thought she wasn't good enough for her future spouse. In the end, they faced many challenges to build a happy life. Together.A new story By MiniNovemberStarted = Dec 19th 2019…

Diary of A Broken Hearted

Diary of A Broken Hearted

178 3 4

"To have a good friendship with a guy, theres only one rule to follow.DON'T ever fall in love with him."Alexis Katrina De Carrie is just one of those girls who fell madly in love with her best friend. It was like her heart only beats for him and only for him. Everything was running smoothly until the day Cole (her bestfriend) fell in love with her worst nightmare - Miranda White - and forgot about her. Cole doesn't talk to her anymore. He never visits her in her house. It was like their friendship didn't exist.Her heart shattered into a million pieces.Now, she seeks for revenge. She changed herself - a total transformation. But it wasnt enough.Drew Hammington is just an ordinary bad boy who is so bored with his life. To him, girls are all the same -clingy and too eager to have a relationship. He's so tired of them all.He just wanted something new.What happens when their lives crashed together?Will they be able to overcome all the struggles and challenges they will face?…

Mancs Őrjárat - Öt éjjel Mr.Porter kávézójában

Mancs Őrjárat - Öt éjjel Mr.Porter kávézójában

28 3 1

Tudom tudom a FNAF rajongóknak köztük nekem is felcsillana a szemem egy ilyen címre viszont ennek a könyvnek semmi köze nem lesz a FNAF os karakterekhez vagy annak univerzumához.Zuma és Rocky mindig is jóban voltak együtt ez semmi komolynak nem igérkezett, egészen addig amíg be nem ragadtak Mr. Porter kávézójába. Mivel 3 ünnepnap és 2 hétvégi nap szakítja el őket a túlvilágtól így egymást nagyon mélyen kiismerik. A történet rövidstory.Figyelem! A könyvben lehetnek erőszakos, vagy ezt kiváltó jelenetek. A könyv meleg kapcsolatról szól (Homoszexualitást tartalmaz.) Annak aki erre alergiás az kerülje a könyvet! Ezek mellett,után a könyv elolvasása saját felelősségre!Mindenkinek érzelmes perceket és jó szórakozást!…

Poets Pub 2019 Biggest Competition Ever

Poets Pub 2019 Biggest Competition Ever

7,301 1,823 116

WELCOME!! Please join us in our 4th Annual Biggest Competition Ever!! An 8 week poetry competition, for poets young and old as well as new comers or poetry veterans!…

Cute smoothie boy

Cute smoothie boy

4 0 3

A beautiful girl enters the smoothie shop she always comes around afternoon time with two of her Friends. I know her name is Luna and her friends are Jessie and Bella. She orders the same drink blueberry smoothie. I want to know more about her I see where things will go between us. Oh btw my name jeon jungkook aka cute smoothie boy…

mon petit cœur

mon petit cœur

161 6 1

a photographer takes a picture of a breathtaking, bashful, and sheepishly insecure man, and the picture goes viral.bottom hoseok;top jeongguk;smut will be added later on, most likely;lots of fluff and angst;© dumbtj 2019…

Iman Bukan Milikku

Iman Bukan Milikku

113 13 6

Air mata aku menitik . sedih dan gembira . bila aku fikir , hidayah ini datang menyapa mungkin berkali kali . bukannya aku tidak nampak orang lain yang menutup aurat dengan sempurna di sekelilingku , tapi aku tidak pernah mengambil endah , tidak pernah kira itu sebagai teguran Allah kepadaku . Terlalu sombong dan angkuh . Aku bersyukur Allah menegur aku melalui paderi tempoh hari . Kalau tidak , mungkin aku tidak sedar lagi bahawa aku tersimpang jauh . setiap orang pasti ada masa untuk bertaubat sehingga sebelum nyawa dicabut malaikat maut . Bila perkara itu berlaku , semuanya telah terlambat . Aku sendiri menyaksikan seseorang yang begitu rapat denganku . arwah mommy pergi tanpa diduga .■■■■■■■■■■■■■}>>>" ermm , kak Aini , boleh tak akak panggil saya Saidatul Khadijah sebab.. " terpamit-pamit ugutan aku kepadanya semata-mata mula mahu berubah ke landasan hakiki . " sebab.. ?? bukan nama awak , Saedah Khadrij ? " soal cuak seorang wanita 30-an itu . " sbbenarnya akak , saya minta maaf , Nama asal saya Saidatul Khadijah " pamitku perlahan sejuris air mataku mengalir di setiap liang-liang pora pipi gebuku . Rambutku yang terdedah dan berwarna keperangan ini tidak layak untuk dipanggil Saidatul Khadijah . Aku benci diri aku . Kerana nama yang mulia itu , aku jijik mahu dilekatkan bersama dengan perangaiku . " aikk , dah dekat tag tu ? " cuak seorang wanita itu lalu memerhati tali tag nama aku yang bertulisan Saedah Khadrij bte kho Khuzayry _____________________________________Enjoy your reading . Jika terdapat kesalah ejaan , mohon abaikan . Nanti author semak balik ye . Thankyou guyss . Jazakumullah hu khairan khatiran . ( semoga allah membalas jasa kebaikan kamu semua ) . Start = 28 February 2022 End =…

Billionaires Secret Marriage

Billionaires Secret Marriage

4,096 81 6

What would you do when you're enjoying your university life but your parents suddenly throw a "Arranged Marriage" BOMB 💣 at you? Of course you will say "NO" and fight for your life But what would you do when they threatened to take 1 thing which is very precious to you for which you're working very hard?Then having no choice other than Marriage to fulfill your dreams you will say yes to Arranged Marriage but with condition which is "Secret Marriage" where no one other than family should know they are married! ☆••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••☆"let's keep our marriage secret from the world" I said looking at him and then my parents "undoubtedly I agree with you " he said in his husky voice within a second "Marriage is lifetime promise you both cannot keep a screct from world" our mom's yelled at us"You both even realize what you both said" our dad's says our like seriously Anu not ours, his dad their are his parents not mine my parents are only mine I don't like sharing call me selfish I don't care! _____________________Anaya sheikh 20years old beautiful girl the only child of her parents and is studying business so that she could handle her father's business in near future. Her father is business tycoon the CEO of AS Entrepreneur. She never believe in love it's not like she never seen real love in her life acctualy she always put her studies first rather than love Sam khan 24years old handsome Business tycoon only child of parents. he has everything one could ever wish for but love. He is know for his ruthlessness behavior. He wants his work to be perfect. And he doesn't believe in Love ___________________…



4,111 126 120

Roleplay tags :3…

Curiosity | Muichiro x Reader (School AU)

Curiosity | Muichiro x Reader (School AU)

773 37 2

This story is about a girl named Y/N, she was always fantasizing about a fictional character called Muichiro Tokito. Everything she had planned in mind was happening in reality. Her friends had doubted her and made fun of her for idolizing someone who wasn't real. Until he came to life..▷ Pictures used aren't mine. ▷If you enjoyed, please vote!▷ Feel free to tell me some tips :)…

Es gibt Hogwarts?

Es gibt Hogwarts?

10 5 1

Jeder Potterhead war traurig als er die letzte Zeile im siebten Buch gelesen hat, jeder von uns war traurig als die letzte Scene des letzten Filmes beendet wurde. Aber was wenn es dafür eigentlich keinen Grund gibt?Was wenn Hogwarts wirklich existiert?Wie wurden die Bücher geschrieben wenn Harry Potter die hälfte noch gar nicht erlebt hat?Wie wurden die Filme produziert?Natürlich ist dieses Buch entfernt von jener Wirklichkeit-sorry, aber ich hoffe das es euch trotzdem gefällt.Dont like it=Dont read it…



8 1 2

An organised crime thriller. When the younger brother of a crime boss makes a power play to seize control of their whole operation it splits loyalties causing a war of subterfuge and wit, betrayal and brutality. **Currently a work in progress** Chapters are being written in the order they come to me, not in the order they take place chronologically.Feedback, constructive criticism and edit suggestions welcomed.…

15 Easy Rules Of Hate

15 Easy Rules Of Hate

14 0 2

Keres Williams is a 24 year old male, He lives his life defiant in the fact "Immoratal beings" have never and will never existed. why should he believe? Just to blame them when something goes wrong? Hes never doubted this fact untill a god, 26 year old Sanja Coin, crash lands after being cast from his home. Will keres change his mind about Immoratals not existing? or will their love not make it past hate.. ♡Find out in 15 easy rules of hate♡…

Eine zweite Chance #Stony

Eine zweite Chance #Stony

53 7 1

Die letzte Chance wurde ergriffen, die Vergangenheit muss noch einmal aufgerollt werden und Steve sieht sich seiner größten Liebe und größten Schwäche gegenüber.Doch ist seine erste Liebe noch das was er suchte? Oder war er selbst nicht mehr der der er glaubte zu sein? Denn sein Herz zeugte ihn unnachgiebig, das es für einen anderen Menschen schlug.~Enthält "Avengers: Endgame" Spoiler~Written by -Notizbuch-…

Teaching Her How To Live

Teaching Her How To Live

5 0 2

Some people spend there whole life looking for a something. Sometimes it comes quick. Other times it comes slow. But all in all it will come eventually.Esme Laurier, knew not of a meaningful life, numb to the feelings surrounding her. She had not yet found her something and doubted she ever would. However, what if her something...was someone, and what if her someone just so happened to be the mischievous boy with the warm honey eyes and devilish smirk.…

Confessions of Ms. Popular

Confessions of Ms. Popular

32 6 3

Whats happens when a sassy, arrogant and undoubtedly beautiful girl pretends to be a typical nerd?Charlotte Pearson has messed up big this time.Nothing good comes up when you get in the bad books of the infamous bad boy Aaron and especially when his nerd girlfriend's involved.But what if she changes her school for a fresh start trying to be a nerd? Things are going to get super interesting.…



36 2 6

I was born into a world that I sometimes hated, the rituals, the meetings, the war-most of all- who I was and what I was.It was never like this, as a child I was happy. I would run freely, I would laugh and I would play; until the day I saw my mother murdered. I saw her throat ripped from her very being, I saw her hand reach out to me as if to tell me- everything will be okay.It wasn't- I wasn't.I changed from that day on and today was my 18th birthday, my father wanted me so desperately to find my other half - my mate. But I doubted it would ever happen, how ever when it did happen it felt like a slap in the face.…



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