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Işıl, sınav senesinde bir genç kızdır. Etrafındaki herkesin beklentisi onu çok boğarken, o kendini büyük bir çıkmazda hisseder.…
Işıl, sınav senesinde bir genç kızdır. Etrafındaki herkesin beklentisi onu çok boğarken, o kendini büyük bir çıkmazda hisseder.…
[Trzecia część]Minęło dwadzieścia lat od śmierci królowej Adrianny. Wszystko wydaje się już normalnie funkcjonować, a za niecały miesiąc ma się odbyć koronacji księżniczki Avyanny. Jednak przez niefortunne zdarzenie oraz nieprzemyślaną decyzję, księżniczka ucieka z zamku, a to może skończyć się źle, biorąc pod uwagę, że ktoś właśnie na to czekał. Wojna wisi w powietrzu. Osobą, która przesądzi o wygranej, jest sama królowa Adrianna, która oszukała Śmierć i została zesłana do więzienia w lustrze. Sieć kłamstw i tajemnic rozrasta się z każdym dniem. W tej historii nawet lustro ma swoje tajemnice. Początek: 6 grudnia 2019Koniec: 14 stycznia 2021…
While Bose and Natalie Mazda are hanging out (as friends) and they share a puree.The paparazzi takes a video of them. When a interview turns into a relationship can Bose get out of a relationship with Natalie Mazda?Can Anonymous girl get revenge? Who even is she? Read to find out…
Zespół Raimona zakłada instagrama i wstawia każdą możliwą sytuację(+ do tego Shinsuke zagorzały shiper KyouTen, RanMasy i MuneTaku 😉)…
Tytuł mówi wszystko ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)Okładka by: Flowerleaf_…
In this week's news: Natalie Mazda has found a new interest in Danger Force's Brainstorm! Wanting to know more about Brainstorm, Mazda does extensive research on all things Brainstorm. She soon uncovers a previous interview during quarantine where Brainstorms admits Chapa had once kissed him. As News spreads that Brainstorm might have a girlfriend, Danger Force is worried that the public may start connecting dots and figure out Brainstorm's true identity. In an effort to conceal their identities and the safety of Swellview, Danger Force hatch a plan where Chapa and Brainstorm must date publicly and have a horrible breakup in front of the public eye. Will Brainstorm and Chapa be able to convince the city of Swellview? Chapa X Bose | Brainstorm X Volt | Brainstorm X ChapaFake dating / Friends to lovers / Slow burn / Multi chapterTakes place whenever in the Danger Force universe after the quarantine episode.…
Yuuki Kagurazaka gets reborn into the world of Highschool Dxd. How will he accomplish his goal of world domination in this new world? (Will Contain Tensura concepts like skills)…
wis·dom/ˈwizdəm/nounthe quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment; the quality of being wise.Narnia had always been a free country, until she came along. Jadis was the devil in disguise, and she brought to the kingdom an eternal winter and a dictatorship. England was suffering with the Second World War. Nazi Germany wouldn't stop the air raiding, forcing the people to flee. And it was no different for the Pevensies. When the Pevensies meet a adventurous girl named Olivia in a grand mansion in the countryside, their worlds collide and they find themselves caught up in another war and prophecies. Together, they have to figure out a way to save everyone- especially themselves.…
Clownpierce and branzycraft love story…
"Kaan""Kaan sana kurban olsun" dediyinde kendinde olmadığını anladım. İçmişti!"İçki mi içtin?" sordum yinede.."Seni istiyorum" duyduğum kelimeyle dünyam yıkıldı. "Benim olmanı istiyorum"Hayır yapamazdı dimi?Bana zorla dokunamazdı?Hemen panikle kollarından çıkmaya başladım ama o beni kendine daha da bastırdı. "Kaan""Şşh" elini dudağıma koyarak susturdu beni "söz acımıycak" diyerek üstüme çıktı.…
(IT'S GONNA HAVE A LOT OF COUPLES) In a village, where justice is scarce, a girl of 11 is married off due to a tragic misunderstanding.Her 17-year-old husband, torn apart by his brother's murder, burdened by duty, becomes her unexpected protector. Their bond offers a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos. But what awaits them beyond the horizon is shrouded in uncertainty, where the whispers of fate hint at a tragedy, leaving their future hanging in the balance.. ( THE AMOUNT OF CRINGE MAY KILL YOU. STUFF IN THIS MIGHT TRIGGER THE FEMINIST IN YOU, ALSO SOME SCENES MIGHT NOT MAKE SENSE TO Y'ALL BUT THEY'RE ALREADY POTRAYED IN MY MIND. BESIDES, I DON'T THINK ANYONE IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WILL READ THIS, BUT YOU CAN PROCEED🤭.I'M WARNING YOU. DON'T COME AT ME LATER⚠)…
This will be a Highschool DXD x reader with elements from the Shinza Bansho(and maybe other animes but mostly Shinza Bansho…
oneshots of the Eclipse and Puppet show because I do not see any of these!![requests are open, so request anything!]…
Hi Guys! This is just another fanfiction for our most loved rumoured couple out there. I am totally in love with them and here I am just pouring the love for everyone else, let's fall in love with them alll over againnnnnn ❤️…
Miss Peregrine's home for Peculiar Children fic Enoch x HoraceNew part every day! (Or more!)I do not own these characters. They belong to Ransom Riggs. I also have taken many of my ideas from various memes and etc. I do not own any of these. I also do not own the cover.Please tell me what you think!…
Nieśmiała dziewczyna i sławny chłopak. Czy przyjaźń pozostanie wieczna? Czy mimo przeszkód jakie stawia nam na drodze życie jesteśmy w stanie pozostać razem? Czy dziewczyna dozna miłości?Możesz się tego dowiedzieć czytając tę romantyczną historię dwojga a raczej trojga ludzi.…
Another Lone Star fanfiction. This story is a request from another Wattpad user. Her/he idea is that Grace and Judd Ryder adopted a son. This is his story. Also this WILL NOT FOLLOW the tv show. There is only one character that is mine(other Wattpad user) and the rest of the characters belongs to fox and 911.…
Někdy z vás velké množství práce udělá vyhořelou mašinu. Přesně takhle se cítil Jisung, co ocitl zavalen prací mezi bílými zdmi a o nějakých snech si mohl nechat jen zdát. Jakoby toho nebylo málo, jeho osobní život se zasekl na střední. Ve vztahu, který dávno skončil, ale on se k němu stále podvědomě vracel.Když však dostane úkol, který mu mohl vrátit ztracenou lásku k hudbě, nemůže ve svém prázdném srdci najít žádnou inspiraci, ani emoci. Nic.,,Mám to vzdát? Opravdu na to už nemám?"…
Nancy jest sceptycznie nastawiona do nowego wychowawcy. Przy bliższym poznaniu mężczyzna zyskuje w jej oczach. Relacja tej dwójki nabiera nowych emocji oraz uczuć. Największą przeszkodą w tej relacji jest fakt że to nauczyciel. Ukrywanie się, udawanie na szkolnych korytarzach. W każdej relacji są problemy mniejsze lub większe. Najważniejsze jest to czy oboje poradzą sobie z każdą przeszkodą. "Miłość czasem boli" ~Przepraszam za błędy w składni oraz interpunkcję. To tylko tak jakby 4fun. ~Miłego czytania c:…