Dates, Mates and love

Dates, Mates and love

61 9 5

Interesting story u just have to read…

He's The One ||Matthew Espinosa||

He's The One ||Matthew Espinosa||

142,222 3,029 32

*COMPLETED* No Description Needed…

'I do' it for the vine  (3/3)

'I do' it for the vine (3/3)

190 5 12

3/3 Five years after the tour, everything has changed for the YouTube couples.…

Dear Matthew // m.e.

Dear Matthew // m.e.

849 11 4

My stomach knots every time he passes me in the hallways, him being my ex-best friend; Matthew Espinosa. I missed my best friend more than anything, but I had to keep myself away from him. I had to stay strong, for myself, and for him too. All I had to do was keep my distance, no matter how much it killed me.---Discontinuing on this account. If you'd like to read the rest of this story, check it out on my new account: @Vitreously !…

Matt Espinosas Little Sister

Matt Espinosas Little Sister

213,670 4,240 36

{Sorry this book sucks, I wrote it a long time ago}Hi I'm Mallory Espinosa. Yes the vine famous Matthew Espinosa's little sister. I have long blonde hair and dark green eyes. Im athletic and crazy just like matt. I play soccer so im usually in shorts, tshirts, and hoodies. Matt's 17 and I'm 15 so we're pretty close. Since we're so close I usually tell him everything, well almost everything, sometimes he can get over protective if I tell him to much. But theres one problem, I kind of have a crush on one of his friends from magcon. Well this is the story of our last summer together.…

i'm only human//matthew espinosa

i'm only human//matthew espinosa

48,371 1,079 15

"The people who are the hardest to love, are the people who need it most"…

Magcon - (Matthew Espinosa)

Magcon - (Matthew Espinosa)

404,530 20,685 139

Me llamo Cher, tengo 15 años y mi mayor sueño, por muy ridículo que suene, ha sido abrir mi propia cafetería en California. Una cafetería decorada por mi misma, donde se vendiese café (obviamente), té, muffins, cupcackes, magdalenas y todas esas cosas hechas por mi. Lo sé, raro. Llevo trabajando dos años intentando recaudar el dinero suficiente para poder comprar un local y empezar de cero desde mi bolsillo. Cuando tuviese los 18 tenía intención de irme a vivir a California, pero por un buen golpe de suerte, mi padre, al ser el director ejecitivo de la gama de empresas "Cherfils Interperie S.A. " , ha decidido hacer un cambio de aires a su familia y llevarnos a las maravillosas tierras de California. #132 en Fanfic (28/11/16)…

An awesome Winter( Matthew Espinosa Fanfiction)
promise // matthew espinosa

promise // matthew espinosa

91,475 2,129 49

Brianna Foster has fangirled over the MagCon boys for as long as she can remember. She has always dreamed of meeting them in person. When MagCon comes to her hometown, and she has the chance to meet her idol, Matthew Espinosa, what will happen? Will she be "just another fan" or something more? (original story was deleted at 6k reads)…

Dance *Matthew Espinosa FanFic*

Dance *Matthew Espinosa FanFic*

43,186 893 32

15 year-old Nikki Ferrari is a famous YouTuber and Viner. But when she gets invited to join Magcon, will everything change? Especially after meeting THE Matthew Espinosa? Enemies will form, friendships will be broken, and relationships will constantly rise. And fall.…

Innocent m.e

Innocent m.e

12,926 108 5

"Fuck baby girl don't look at me like that, you're so innocent"…

He Cheated (Matthew Espinosa)

He Cheated (Matthew Espinosa)

47,856 490 19

Matthew Espinosa fanfiction…

Matthew's little sister

Matthew's little sister

29,775 806 62

14 year old Hailee and 16 year old Lindsi are the sisters of the well known internet famous Matthew Espinosa. Matt joined magcon that year and dragged both girls with him to see his idiot friends make foolsof themselves. Magcon DC is what changed it all for both Lindsi and Hailee when they first met the Grier boys. But what made it so special .....…



471 10 7

"You must get her to trust with all her being and then you will bring her back here were we will kill her.""Why?""Because, she's a threat to our society"…

Magcon Preferences

Magcon Preferences

656 11 10

These preferences will include Hayes Grier, Matthew Espinosa, Carter Reynolds, Cameron Dallas, Nash Grier, Taylor Caniff, Jack Gilinsky, Jack Johnson, Sammy Wilkinson, Aaron Carpenter, and Shawn Mendes..…

My Babysitter || Matthew Espinosa ||

My Babysitter || Matthew Espinosa ||

123,850 2,236 31

Kelsey has a babysitter, His name is Matthew.…

Matthew Espinosa Imagines

Matthew Espinosa Imagines

173,267 4,562 68

I'm just writing moments you wish you could live everyday with the one and only, Matthew Espinosa!I take requests too❤️…

Him (Matthew Espinosa & Taylor Caniff)

Him (Matthew Espinosa & Taylor Caniff)

53,878 1,049 58

used to be called but you said you love me but I realized this book is about my story about a group of guys from the internet. *mild language*…