Tags: romance


35,998 631 33

Göğsümde hissettiğim namlu bana tesir etmezken gözlerimi, elindeki silahtan usulca gözlerine çıkardım. Mavilerim onun yeşilleriyle buluşunca sert bakışlarının esiriydim. Çenemi hafifçe kaldırırken aynı zamanda benimde elimde olan ve göğsüne doğrulttuğum silahı biraz daha göğsüne bastırdım. "Sen bana silah doğrultamazsın Keskin," Aramızdaki mesafeyi yarıya indirirken, "Doğrultuyorsan da tetiği çekmesini bileceksin." Gözlerindeki alaylı ifadeyi yakaladığımda silah doğrulttuğu bileğini sertçe kavrayıp arkasındaki duvara yasladım. Elindeki silah yerle buluşunca ne olduğunu anlayamadan kendimi tam tersi pozisyonda bulmuştum. Dudaklarım şaşkınlıkla aralanırken sıcak nefesi de belli bir hızda tenime çarpıyordu."Sen yapabilir misin peki?" Kendinden emin ve bir zamanlar oldukça tanıdık olduğum sesi kulaklarımdayken gözlerimin dolmaması için büyük bir çaba sarf etmem gerekmişti. "Gözlerime böyle bakarken hem de." Resmen beni kışkırtıyordu. Zayıf noktam olduğunu biliyor ve buna oynuyordu. "Seni," dedim, dişlerimin arasından. Ellerimi göğsüne yaslayıp onu kendimden uzaklaştırdığımda bu zayıf dokunuşumla geriledi. "Yavaş yavaş, doğduğuna pişman ederek öldüreceğim. Biraz bekleyeceksin ama kendini hazırla." "İnan bana, sevgilim." Kullandığı kelime, kalp atışlarımın bu küçük odada yankılanmasına neden olurken ondan bir kez daha nefret ettim. Gözlerindeki alaycı ifade büyürken aramızda açılan mesafeyi birkaç adımda kapattı ve bana doğru eğilerek o temiz kokusunu solumamı sağladı. "Orada olacağım, senin için."…

trapped  ⌈ malachite ⌉

trapped ⌈ malachite ⌉

1,065 72 10

Lapis Lazuli and Jasper were not each other's favorites. But what could they do? Being trapped together underwater in a fusion for months with no hopes of getting rescued isn't exactly fun. Well, not atleast when you're there with a person you've hated for thousands of years...A story of what went on inside Malachite's mind. Endless suffering underwater. Situated in between the events of Jailbreak and Alone at Sea.Word count: 11281…

A Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Is Your Boyfriend

A Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Is Your Boyfriend

5,204 150 32

TMNT Boyfriends PG-13 ish Sweet And short/ Long chaptersHave you ever wondered what it would be like to have a turtle as your boyfriend? I do not own TMNTBut I own theses characters. So yeah...…

Boboiboy On Crack

Boboiboy On Crack

127,447 5,049 200

➖☆➖Basically an excuse where I don't answer my modules. I do random updates and in random quantities. You'll usually see random crack shots, skits and when I'm not lazy or insecure, I post one shots. This is just full randomness.D I S C L A M E RBoboiboy and all the characters in this book all belong to MONSTA.…

Angel Face - Oliver Queen 🌷

Angel Face - Oliver Queen 🌷

173,175 5,326 40

Harleen Merlyn is the youngest daughter of Malcolm Merlyn and grew up in Starling City her whole life. Despite being Tommy's younger sister she spent most of her days with the trio; Oliver, Tommy, and Laurel. Although, she was closer with the two boys than she was the Lance - she spent her nights getting into trouble with Oliver Queen and Tommy Merlyn only to turn around and get them right out of trouble.Of course, what couldn't the Merlyn Princess get away with?Everything changes after Oliver Queen was presumed dead only to mysteriously return to Starling City five years later with the story of spending five years ship wrecked on the island of Lian Yu. When he returns home, he is reunited with his mother, Moira Queen, his sister, Thea Queen, his best friend, Tommy Merlyn, and the girl he could never quite catch - Harleen Merlyn. Harleen had spent the last five years cleaning up her act - she took up fencing lessons with her father as well as joining the SCPD as a Lieutenant. But, with Oliver coming home and a sudden mask vigilante running around the streets in a Green Hood her life is going to be far from normal.…

Karena-Nya, Dengan Perantara Dirimu

Karena-Nya, Dengan Perantara Dirimu

3,146 100 8

Cahaya terang itu yang menuntunku keluar dari kegelapan. Kegelapan yang sudah lama melingkupi hatiku. Walau tak mudah untuk benar-benar keluar dan melepaskan semua bayang-bayang menakutkan itu, Allah telah mengirim sosok yang memang aku butuhkan saat ini. Sosok yang membantuku untuk terlepas dari kebiasaan buruk serta masa laluku yang menyakitkan.Tapi kebahagiaan di dunia tidak ada yang bertahan selamanya, akan selalu ada masalah selama kita masih hidup di dunia. Meski begitu, akan ada kebahagiaan yang abadi setelah kematian bagi siapa saja yang beriman dan bertakwa serta menjalankan segala perintah-Nya dan menjauhi larangan-Nya.Dan aku akan melewati semuanya denganmu, seseorang yang mencintai Allah dan Rasulullah.Laiba Amanda Dirgantara.Very slow update…

Why Don't We Preferences & Imagines

Why Don't We Preferences & Imagines

59,850 729 200

Just some imagines and Prefs about Zach, Corbyn, Jonah, Jack, Daniel.…

The Loyal Dog Servant of the Pampered Brother

The Loyal Dog Servant of the Pampered Brother

38,322 1,525 97

Su Ling is a spoiled brother. His life plummeted after his parents died unexpectedly. My aunt felt sorry for him being lonely, helpless, weak and sick, so she found a marriage for him. That night, he dreamed about the continuation of the marriage; the man was nice to him at first, but after he got rich and developed, he had three wives and four concubines, and he disliked him for not being able to have a son. Su Ling was so angry that he woke up from the dream, only to see his aunt asking him if he was feeling better with a worried expression on his face. But he accidentally heard his aunt's heartfelt voice: This little girl is so pretty, she should be able to raise the price and sell it for more money. Regardless of the obstruction of relatives, Su Ling went to the dental shop to buy a servant that day. He heard the voices of those servants, either they had obscene thoughts, or they thought he was weak and easy to bully the master. There was only one man squatting in the corner with a blank expression on his face and no fluctuations in his heart. It's him, and you have to buy a good-looking one when you buy it. When relatives and neighbors saw that Su Yi had bought a tall man, they all said that he had no shame in buying a man himself, and was careful to lure wolves into the house. As a result, the man was too capable to make people envious. He is good at everything from hunting in the mountains to farming. In the end, he served him until he couldn't get out of bed. After marriage, the man is still taciturn, but every time something happens, his ears are red and he looks at him with his mouth pursed. - I still want it, will Ah Ling give it to me? Delicate, violent and subject to all kinds of capable and stern people-Wives attack and give birth to children! ! NOT MINEMTL (no editing)NO VOTINGhttps://m.shubaow.net/268/268855/…

【2】Rebirth and Clairvoyance Miracle Doctor

【2】Rebirth and Clairvoyance Miracle Doctor

6,933 109 132

Author: Qingsha Mowu/輕紗墨舞Category: Danmei novelStatus: 532 ChapterHe is probably the only one who gains five pounds during the festive season and time travel for a New Year's Eve dinner.From a prosperous working-class man in his thirties to a young man of seventeen, Luo Xiaobai was instantly full of hope for life!What, what the hell is this, an advanced system bound to clairvoyance abilities?Luo Xiaobai, who had a golden finger, was swollen, but at some point a bad lust suddenly broke into his heart.Carry positive energy with you and watch me change him, hahaha!Someone suddenly hugged his small waist, and Luo Xiaobai subconsciously clamped his legs, looking wary."I am only bad to you, only to you..." I will omit a million words of detailed explanation below.Machine translation. The front cover image is not mine. They from mtlnation.…

A Leap of Faith (Part 1)

A Leap of Faith (Part 1)

407,960 16,748 200

Kara has a four year old daughter, and only recently has met Lena Luthor. Lena and Kara are not quite friends yet, more so acquittances. Kara's daughter, Alura Danvers, becomes ill, and no one can figure out what is wrong with her. This is when Kara takes a risk and asks Lena to help save her daughter. Lena accepts and soon grows attached to Alura, as well as her mother.…

nct incorrect quotes

nct incorrect quotes

2,195 272 159

ceviri meviri bi seyler. uyarlama, uydurma isler. (ot23 - sonradan wishi de elimden geldigince dahil etmeye calistim ve sungtaro ile lucasi cikardim ama yine de cogu bolumde varlar eski bi sey oldufu icin) @yang // kasım 2021de baslamistim b isi yapmaya ilk kitabini temmuz gibi bitirip ikci kitaba baslamistim ama onu bıtıremedım cunku hesabim kapandi o bolumlere ulasabılmemın de ımkani yok gibi duruyor o yuzden sifirdan buradayiz -…

Sonsuz Aşkın Masalı

Sonsuz Aşkın Masalı

27 0 1

İki balık aynı fanusta zaten aşık olurdu, önemli olan 'okyanusta' karşılaşabilmekti. Biz birbirimizle okyanusta karşılaşmıştık. Bütün güçlüklere birlikte göğüs gerdik. Bazen düştük, bazen yıkıldık, bazen yanıldık ama her seferinde ayağa kalktık. Bize hiçbir şeyi yaşamaya hak görmeyen herkese inat bir çiçeğin bataklıktan da doğabileceğini gösterdik.Sonsuz Aşkın Masalı, iki kalbin kesiştiği ve unutulmaz bir aşkın doğduğu büyülü bir hikayeye kapı açıyor. Bu benzersiz roman, tutkulu bir aşkın peşinden koşarken iç dünyamıza bir yolculuk yapıyor. Ana karakterlerimiz, birbirine yabancı iki ruhtur; hayatın acımasızlığından yorgun düşmüş ama kalpleri hâlâ umut dolu. Bir yanda, yaşamın zorluklarından kaçarak kendi dünyasında sığınak arayan güçlü ve bağımsız bir kadın, diğer yanda ise geçmişin hayaletleriyle mücadele eden, kendini keşfetme yolunda ilerleyen, gizemli bir erkek. Bir tesadüf veya kader mi, ikisinin yolları beklenmedik bir şekilde kesişir ve aralarındaki çekim ve bağlantı, onları birbirlerine doğru iter. Bu karşı konulmaz çekim, onları muhteşem bir aşkın içine çeker ve hayatlarının geri kalanını sonsuza dek değiştirir. Ancak bu aşkın gücü, hayatın zorlukları ve sırlarla dolu geçmişleriyle başa çıkmalarını gerektirecektir. "Sonsuz Aşkın Masalı", aşkın, tutkunun, fedakarlığın ve bağlılığın etkileyici bir portresini çiziyor. Zaman ve mekan ötesinde geçen bu masalsı hikaye, okuyucuyu duygusal bir yolculuğa çıkarıyor ve aşkın gerçek anlamını keşfetmeye yönlendiriyor. Yürekleri ısıtan bu roman, okuyucuyu büyülü dünyasına çekiyor ve aşkın gücü ve sonsuzluğu hakkında düşündürüyor. "Sonsuz Aşkın Masalı", hayatın iniş çıkışlarında aşkın gücünü hatırlatıyor, kalpleri kucaklamaya ve okuyucuları duygusal bir yolculuğa çıkarmaya hazırlanıyor. Sırların ve engellerin…

2D x Reader Gorillaz OneShots

2D x Reader Gorillaz OneShots

42,852 584 70

I got kinda bored so I wanted to make 2D OneShots, you may request if you like but NO LEMON OR SMUT. Also if they suck I'm sorry-No art show throughout these oneshots are mine, they're either Jamie Hewlett's or a cool artist who created it themselves, if you'd like to know who made some pieces of art shown just ask in the comments!Inspiration: @MillionThingstoWrite…

The Arcana x Reader Scenarios {Book Two}

The Arcana x Reader Scenarios {Book Two}

730,815 19,606 200

This is book two, I suggest you first read the first one. MC is written gender neutral.I used white flowers as the cover because this is where the MC and their lover gets married and white flowers are usually used at a wedding.Characters included are; Asra, Nadia, Muriel, Portia, Lucio, Valerius and the Devil.I do not own The Arcana.…

Cannon Fodder 3

Cannon Fodder 3

28,937 797 200

CFSRSAuthor: 血儿Title: 炮灰自救系统 (Cannon Fodder Self-Rescue System)Chapters: 939 ( I may be wrong)---- Xiao Wangjun, the second young master of the Xiao family, is rumored to be suffering from a mental illness and is known to be a lunatic.It is said that when Second Master Xiao went crazy, he chopped off his elder brother's hand, hit his father's face, and broke his stepmother's arm. As for outsiders? As long as you don't beat him to death, there is no one that Erye Xiao dare not beat.Such a lunatic is afraid of everyone, and no one dares to provoke him. Finally, I heard that this Second Master Xiao has done too many bad things, and the sky will accept it. A car accident took away the other party's life. Many people wake up laughing from their dreams. However, I don't know that Second Master Xiao got a fast travel system, and the car accident was not an accident. One day, this lunatic Second Master will definitely come back to have revenge... ----I love my motherland- Arc 9- Daughter-in-law Has Been Blackened- Arc 10-Nursing Home Live- Arc 11-Skin Hunger- Arc 12- Major General Omega- Arc 13DISCLAIMER!*MC has a hard time understanding emotions or even feeling empathy but after a couple arcs he grows to understand and become a normal person.*There is Mpreg for 2 or 3 arcs (but the mpreg is something...)*MC already went through a couple of worlds so the chapter does not actually start with the first world*ML and MC have no blood relationship ever!*The plot is sometimes unrealistic so do not expect too much!*Seme protagonist !*Pls do not report! Support the author!!…

Aaron and Mominah: A Tale Untold

Aaron and Mominah: A Tale Untold

464 50 37

Poles apart yet each other's anchors. Mominah and Aaron's love story is inevitable and unprecedented. She's the new intern and he's the boss. She's warm and he's cold. If she's the rain then he's the thunder. He's enamoured by her chaotic energy and she's oblivious. He's British and she's Pakistani. ***Aaron fell for her first. ***Read to find out how broken samosas change everything...…



224,929 7,187 91

sevenTEENTEENTEEN, enjoy !! 💙❤…

my New Gacha Characters :D

my New Gacha Characters :D

3,767 177 76

Characters from different Fandoms, including some Oc'sAlso , some Characters i will make in gacha life or gacha club , Because i am feeling Creative;v;What you can do with each Character :• Roleplay with them• Generally chat with em• Simp for them• Ask them Questions• ask me questions about them• Ship them with me(Cuz why not , My brain is dying rn)• BECOME PART OF THE FANDOM!• give them a hug or a kiss , Idc…

Reborn in the 1980s: I became a stepmother in the 1980s

Reborn in the 1980s: I became a stepmother in the 1980s

128,656 2,265 200

Once she opened her eyes, Si Nian became the fake wealthy daughter straight out of a period drama, only to be sent back to the countryside to marry a divorced man in place of the real wealthy daughter, and on top of that, she had to raise a bunch of brats.Not only that, she also ran into the reincarnated real wealthy daughter.In her previous life, Lin Si Si was pressured by her family to marry an older divorced man who treated her coldly and indifferently. Meanwhile, Si Nian, who stole her wealthy daughter status, married a military officer and lived a sweet and happy life.In her second chance at life, she was determined to steal Si Nian's military officer husband and make her taste the bitterness she had endured. But the real wealthy daughter's plans didn't go as expected.Instead, Si Nian stayed by the side of the older man, amassed a fortune of billions, and her children flourished.When she was brought before the older man, Si Nian was not at all flustered:"This is the man who would rather help others raise children and adamantly refuses to have his own."While others avoided him, Si Nian's eyes lit up:"Firstly, being a mother is a noble act, and secondly, I will be a great stepmother."Years later, after the real wealthy daughter dealt with the military officer's illegitimate child and was robbed of her inheritance, she found herself in unbearable misery. She thought to herself, even if it's not ideal, it's still better than how Si Nian is living. Having children or not, raising others' children - what's the difference from being a nanny?But one day, that terrifyingly cold and fierce wealthy man, who was now tenderly supporting the pregnant Si Nian out of the car, cradled her in his hands with such affection that it was beyond measure.Si Nian angrily pulled the man's hair, "Didn't you say you didn't want children!"The older man gently kissed her hand, "Wife, I was wrong. I'll consider having one next time."…