Divyang Vivah 2019 by Narayan Seva Sansthan -Making Dreams Come True

Divyang Vivah 2019 by Narayan Seva Sansthan -Making Dreams Come True

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The poor and disabled people face a lot of problems and one of them is not finding a life partner because of cruel norms of society. Humans are social animals and their social needs are as important as their physical and economic needs. Having a family that is loving and supportive is not easy for these people but they need support and love more than everyone else. Narayan Seva Sansthan is one of the best <a href="https://www.narayanseva.org/donation/causes">NGO for disabled</a> in India and we help them find the perfect life partner with our initiative of the free mass wedding "Divyang Vivah".Money, social status or physical abilities should not stand in one's way of finding love in life and with this idea the free mass marriage is hosted by Narayan Seva Sansthan twice a year. Living life becomes easier with a loving partner by their side. They find beauty in each other's imperfections and tie the knot in a dream event. So far, we have helped more than 1200 poor and disabled couples in finding love and we continue to host these mass weddings.In a Hindu wedding, "Kanyadaan" is a very important ceremony and it is a privilege to perform it. Performing the Kanyadaan of an underprivileged girl is a very big <a href="https://www.narayanseva.org/home/causes/view/contribution_for_differently_abled_and_poor_wedding_6549344862">charity organization</a> in every sense. The couples that tie the knot in Divyang Vivah ceremony are provided with all the necessary household items as gifts in the Kanyadaan ceremony. The support provided by those who donate money and NSS helps the couples in handicapped marriage helps the couples to start their new lives with all the necessities in place. The donors that contribute to the Kanyadaan of poor girls are given the privilege to perform the ritual during the ceremony.…

Kathleen Yonce - A Seasoned Real Estate Development Executive

Kathleen Yonce - A Seasoned Real Estate Development Executive

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Kathleen Yonce is an individual who is dedicated to the success of her professional career, and she has been working in the real estate industry for more than 20 years. She is a seasoned real estate development executive who has experience working on over one million square feet of commercial, multi family, and mixed use properties valued at more than 800 million dollars. She is known for her ability to manage both companies and individual employees successfully, and over the course of her career she has been given an increasing amount of responsibility.Kathleen Yonce was born and raised in Rock Hill, South Carolina. She has been working towards a successful professional career as early as high school, and she even received a scholarship her junior year to study abroad in Germany. After graduating from high school in 1987, she moved on to undergraduate school at the University of South Carolina where she earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in German, with a minor degree in Business Administration. As the Chief Business Development Officer for the Imperium Companies and Infinitus Energy, she is responsible for developing new business, identifying project development, finance and acquisition opportunities, managing product and business model development, working with the executive staff in strategic planning, and guiding all marketing and public relations activities. The company is involved in commercial real estate, as well as renewable energy and waste industries projects in Plantation, Florida. She began working for the company on a part-time basis in 2009, but joined full time in 2012 to serve as the senior leader.Kathleen Yonce is dedicated to her career in real estate, and her ability to lead companies and individuals alike. She has worked in nearly every field in the real estate industry, and she's been a Licensed Real Estate Broker in Florida since 2000. For more information visit here - https://www.quora.com/profile/Kathleen-Yonce…

Vitorul Anterior

Vitorul Anterior

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Buna!! Eu sunt Niki am doar 15 ani si tocmai am intrat la liceul cu cateva prietene ,dar in special cea mai buna prietena si singura care ma intelege Scaylar si cu Raluca ,Marisa ,Nikole dar bine inteles si Vony si doi colegi de clasa Ares si Flavius.Prima zi de liceu nu a inceput cum ma asteptam ,in primul rand, nu am varsta necesara sa am permis asa ca a sa iau autobuzul ,si mi sa rupt tocul( idee proasta pentru prima zi de scoala) .Ajunsa la scoala imi sun mama sa imi aduca o pereche de expadrile ,pentru a se potrivi cu geaca si fusta de piele neagra.In mai putin de un sfert de ora a venit si mam incaltat in baie ,unde au mai fost si doua fete din anul trei ,ne stiind ca sunt in baie au vorbit o discutie privata. -Abia astept sa ne batem joc de cei din anul întai .spuse Alexis - Nu stiu ,nu imi place sa imi bat joc... de niste expirate.spuse Keytlin Apoi au plecat. - Cred ca ele sunt divele scolii.spun eu in gandul meu .Orele au inceput iar eu mam pus in ultima Bianca cu Scaylar - Niky Benson . striga profa. - Prezent .spun eu cat sa ma aud. Si tot asa ii striga pe toti. Prima ora a fost plictisitoare dar pauza am vb.cu Vony despre un subiect delicat si deodata vine Alexis si tipa pe noi: -Ce faceti voi la dulapul meu!?? O.M.G de ce mi-se intampla toate numai mie?!? -Noi doar vb. nu am facut nimic rau nu e deparca e sfarsitul lumii! - Ai dreptate...asta e mai rau ,doua tocilare stau in fata dulapului meu ,asta imi strica reputatia !!Plecati acum spune ea plina de nervi ,dar totusi calma. -Ok! Crizato ! spun eu -Ce ai spus ?!?intreaba ea - Scuze pisi !spun eu indepartandu-ma de ea.Dupa ore imi fac lectile si ma duc cu scaylar la Caffe & Bar. Ajunse acolo imi comand o Fanta de portocale si scaylar o doza de Coca-Cola. Cat povertim eu si ea isi face aparitia, Ares si Nikole. Vazandui ca se aseaza langa noi ne s chimbam locatia in mall la o mini biblioteca numita Carturesti. Ne refugium intre doua rapture.…

Mi 1er Libro:Parte 50/My 1st Book:Part 50