Married To Mafia ( Series One)

Married To Mafia ( Series One)

1,015,821 38,009 67

Highest raking 1#spiritualHe pinned me to the wall his face were inch away from mine , I turn my face because of smell of alcohol suffocating my breath " you are disgusted with me aren't you ? " He asked in his deep husky voice . Tears filled my eyes , I press my lips together trying not to utter any word ." ANSWER ME !" His dark grey eyes filled with fury .'' y- yes " I cried , my body shaking violently in fear .He lean near my ear , I turn my face closing my eyes shut tightly " So am I " he spat before walking away leaving me shattered into pieces .What I have gotten myself into ???Khalid Mirza most feared Mafia in Pakistan . He is ruthless, cold hearted and dangerous . His one glance can make a full grown man pee to himself .He was tortured to be strong to rule the world without any fear there is no humanity in him.Amira Sultan is a beautiful soul filled with light , her smile is enough to make someone days , Her heart is soft like a petal and her mind is strong like a rebel . All she wanted to do is survived this life with her evil sister and a step mother breathing down her neck and a job which doesn't pay well .what happen when her step mother trick her to marry the most ruthless Mafia to save her daughter ?what happen when Khalid is hell bent on making her life hell ?will she able to survive?? join their roller coaster journey.... a journey worth remembering .…

MAFIA LOVE ( Series Two)

MAFIA LOVE ( Series Two)

84,968 3,493 30

" where do you think you are going " his dark brown eyes glare at my scared face.I tried to struggle in his death grip " please... please let me go...I don't want to stay here... You promised that you leave me once the year is over " whimpering I tried to remind him his promise .He smirk an evil smirk on his handsome face didn't lessen my disgust toward him " sweetheart that time I didn't knew you are going to be mine " he bring his face closer and my eyes widen horrified by his word .Aamal Fatima a 24 year old girl struggling from her past trauma and trying to be independent fell into more traumatic situation where she got to know that she has to work as a maid for a year in a Mafia house . Forced and emotionally blackmailed . She agreed not knowing her future .Haider..... That's the only name is enough to make an soul shiver in fear . He is cruel , emotionless , heartless and most selfish. There is no good in him . He is the villian everyone talk about in the story .Didn't we all heard ??? Bright soul always attracts the darkness soul??Join the journey of Aamal trying to survive a Mafia obsession . Who do you think going to win in the end ?? Aamal purity or Haider obsession??…

Mr. Billionaire Unwanted Bride

Mr. Billionaire Unwanted Bride

80,301 4,367 37

Zunaid Khan a well known billionaire , for his parents , he is a perfect son , for his employees , he is a perfect boss , for the girl he always wants to marry is a perfect life partner .But there is only one girl for whom he is anything but perfect MANNAT AHMED. A typical rich spoiled brat who only cares for herself .You know , you must have always heard the story of a selfless heroine , who sacrifices everything for her family , friends and the love of her life .Well Mannat is different , she gets what she wants .And definitely not someone one of those protagonists but destiny forced her to be someone , she never wanted to become like her sister Samiya .…

#1mar 030618 preid marriageofinconvenience

#1mar 030618 preid marriageofinconvenience

3 0 1

ajduusnsuwjns sjeiusjsjsbdjis sjsjjsjdusushhs JSU's Hanh Shane…

Sarah singhania

Sarah singhania

239 25 9

His pov I still remember the day i first saw her , I came to India for the first time because of the culture , tradition , architecture , art , and the historical temples ,I have heard of . but when i saw her , I don't remember seeing anything else. Her brown eyes which looked at the sunset. Her black hair which was kissing her cheeks and everytime she has to stuck them at the back of her ears with her hands. Her pink lips which was now more pink because of the cold. but the sadness in her eyes got me I started feeling sad seeing her sad I felt bad for her. reason , i don't know but all I want is now to make her happy all I want is to make her mine ,my world , my life , and I can do anything or everything to make her mine and to make her happy . She is now my obsession .I wonder how she will would look with a smile on her beautiful face. And then I heard someone calling my name and I turned towards the person and it was my friend who was coming towards me and I ignored him and turned back to look at her but she was no more there I tired to find her there but was unable to do that .she was really like the wind who came and go but changed the whole world around me for forever. And now No matter what I believe I will meet her one day . She has to meet me ........ It's not an ordinary story and she is not an ordinary Girl .…