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1973. The United States withdrew from the Vietnam War. The country celebrates the return of the troops.For Reg Slivko, a young and passionate soldier, the homecoming has a special meaning. He has proven his worth and has come out alive to tell it. Now, he thinks, can concentrate on a much more difficult matter: win back his ex, Megan Fox (nothing to do with the actress).But while the country and the soldiers celebrate, an expedition to an uncharted island takes place in the darkest corners of the Congress.Slivko and his mates, despite themselves, must postpone their plans to get involved in the mission. The world seems to conspire against Reg, the yearned reunion will have to wait, or that's what he believes.Megan has not heard from Reg since he left. She has done everything in her power to stay in touch, but after waiting uselessly for months, has decided to move on with her life and embark on the mapping expedition of LANDSAT. She does not imagine that her attempt to run away from the man she loves will carry her straight to his arms.The circumstances will test the lovers and, in their struggle for survival; they will have to face more than one monster.…