A New Chance To Restart
Naofumi was sent back in time to the moment he was summoned again only knowing that someting had happened and he was now again at the beginning of his story with only him having the memories of the past and the training he had.A new beginning and a love story to come what the shield hero will do with this new opportunity?This story is originally from m.fanfiction with the true owner being dippytrippy122 "The victory lap" he uploaded last time on May 8 so tired of waiting I went on and made my version, the first 4 chapters (prologue and 3 main chapters are fully from them not having a single word changed so he have the full credit on them) and the image are from printers if you are the legit owner of the picture you have the rights on them if not the picture isn't mine so you know the deal. Im not a good writer and even worse English writer so give me some space to error, more than that im not consistent with writing stories so don't expect a chapter every x time.…