

8 2 1

THE DESTINATION OF MUSIC... Gujarati conventional contemporary musics have their own identities , Soor mandir plays an important role in providing soothing.…



93 1 6

Banyak sekali kebodohan-kebodohan sekarang ini yang menjadi pintar. Mereka berbicara layaknya pintar akan tetapi hal itu merupakan kebodohan bagi keberadaan mereka. Seperti pada kasus contoh KFC (Budaya berberes sendiri) yang banyak menuai konflik pro dan kontra. Sebenarnya apa sih yang mereka ributkan sampai-sampai membawa nama negara? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm????????…



3 0 1

Mandiri dan kerja keras

Mandiri dan kerja keras

49 2 1

Hidup itu keras, aku didik dari kecil sampai dewasa sangat disiplin,keras dalam menjalani hidup, saat aku duduk di bangku sekolah ,iri melihat teman temanku yang setiap harinya diberi uang oleh orang tuanya sedangkan aku harus lebih dulu mencari supaya bisa jajan enak, ya,,, berjualan seperti nasi uduk,gorengan, es kebo,dll. aku selalu berpikir why,,why dalam benakku ,padahal ortuku seorang pegawai negri sipil, tapi kenpa aku tak seperti mereka,yang setiap harinya diberi. sampai aku duduk dibangku SMA, masih mencari dan mencari money. pada akhirnya ketika SMA tak punya ongkos setiapmhari ojeg,tapi motor orang heheheh sungguh aneh hidup gw,,,,,tapi aku sadar ketika sekarng sudah dewasa, didik supaya mandiri dan tidak manja agar kedepannya supaya bisa mencari uang lebih mudah. lucu jg hidupku…



1,023 116 25

I put some twist on the story. I gave you a chance to be Tanya Wayner, well its up on you.There are questions that will make you think, that will make you real. After you read it, How is it? What are those things you've been realized? If you we're Tanya Wayner, you have two choices of being fear (Forget Everything And Run) or (Face Everything And Rise?) What will you choose? The choice is yours.…

Chris Wood -The Chosen One

Chris Wood -The Chosen One

12,181 209 9

"I tried really hard .I promise .But one day I just woke up and couldn't handle it anymore ".*Chris wood. *…

Piece Of The Puzzle

Piece Of The Puzzle

1,537 58 15

"You can't be seriously crushing on the boy he's too young! You're risking your life! And throwing all better judgements away!" Watari told L frustrated He had just found out that L liked near and he was afraid for both of them"He is the most precious thing to me, And I will do everything I can to protect him, I am not throwing better judgement to the wind for a crush,I am not risking my life for a fleeting emotion, I'm doing it for the one I love, Im doing it to live" L told watari looking at him with no emotion"What you're doing is dangerous L" watari warned the raven haired boy...L placed his thumb in between his lips "I know but.."He looked up "You know I love danger"Roger was worried and Watari was silent nobody said a word anymore…

Tlpn 0856 4877 7240 - Pemateri Sosial Media Marketing Bank Mandiri

Tlpn 0856 4877 7240 - Pemateri Sosial Media Marketing Bank Mandiri

1 0 1

Tlpn 0856 4877 7240 - Pemateri Sosial Media Marketing Bank Mandiri…

CALL 0856 4877 7240 - Pemateri Sosial Media Marketing PT Bank Mandiri

CALL 0856 4877 7240 - Pemateri Sosial Media Marketing PT Bank Mandiri

1 0 1

CALL 0856 4877 7240 - Pemateri Sosial Media Marketing PT Bank Mandiri…

The best friend of my father (harry styles fanfic)

The best friend of my father (harry styles fanfic)

23,115 476 13

''Kate dinner is ready'' calls my father from downstairs.''One second dad''I said goodbye to my best friend Scarlett and walked downstairs to the kitchen.On the table were set four plates with spaghetti bolognese. 'why four plates?' I thought. My brother David was still in Spain with his friend so that only left us three. My mom,dad and I. My mom saw my confused face and said ''Harry is going to join us today for dinner''. Harry. Harry Styles. The best friend of my father. But the probleme is..............................He is also my biggest crush!!!…

Shivi OS: Yun Hi

Shivi OS: Yun Hi

3,245 117 2

An unexpected meeting between Shiva and a certain someone brings back old pain.This contains Shivi separation! Don't read it if you don't like this type of stuff.…

BERPENGALAMAN, WA 0895-2299-0498, Jasa Kelola Mandiri Sumba Barat

BERPENGALAMAN, WA 0895-2299-0498, Jasa Kelola Mandiri Sumba Barat

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BERPENGALAMAN, WA 0895-2299-0498, Jasa Kelola Mandiri Sumba Barat…

BERPENGALAMAN, WA 0895-2299-0498, Jasa Kelola Mandiri Sumba Barat

BERPENGALAMAN, WA 0895-2299-0498, Jasa Kelola Mandiri Sumba Barat

1 0 1

BERPENGALAMAN, WA 0895-2299-0498, Jasa Kelola Mandiri Sumba Barat…

BERPENGALAMAN, WA 0895-2299-0498, Jasa Kelola Mandiri Sumba Barat

BERPENGALAMAN, WA 0895-2299-0498, Jasa Kelola Mandiri Sumba Barat

1 0 1

BERPENGALAMAN, WA 0895-2299-0498, Jasa Kelola Mandiri Sumba Barat…

BERPENGALAMAN, WA 0895-2299-0498, Jasa Kelola Mandiri Sumba Barat

BERPENGALAMAN, WA 0895-2299-0498, Jasa Kelola Mandiri Sumba Barat

1 0 1

BERPENGALAMAN, WA 0895-2299-0498, Jasa Kelola Mandiri Sumba Barat…