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With the fall of the Time Lords and the end of the Master comes the fall of the Tenth Doctor and the Second Bad Wolf. The Eleventh Doctor and the Third Bad Wolf are ready for new adventures, and ready to start their new new new lives.But they don't have the best track record to start off with. After all . . . picking up Amelia Pond fourteen years later than they meant to isn't the best way to begin, is it?But that might not be the least of their worries. Cracks in time show everywhere they go, and the mysterious River Song has appeared again. And what's the deal about the Pandorica?After a huge bang, the Doctor and Jessie are rising from the ashes. But how big of a bang can they handle starting their new lives?Fifth in The Bad Wolf Chronicles***Doctor Who belongs to BBC, and anything related to MARVEL belongs to Stan Lee. However, Jessie/the Bad Wolf is my own character and belongs to me.…