The Chase space

The Chase space

1,483 11 12

This is my first story but meh why not? Also, my rules for comments are that if you are rude to me or anyone in the comments I will delete the comment.…

The Mighty Eagles: Carried Away

The Mighty Eagles: Carried Away

10,053 173 15

The Eagle Union boasts arguably some of the strongest firepower out of all four major nations, but even the most elite of the elites have their own problems to deal with. After overworking himself to a dangerous point the commander of the Eagle Union has been relegated to the sidelines, but even while he's recovering he can't seem to catch a break...…

Eagles Imagines

Eagles Imagines

7,390 218 19

Short stories about the Eagles.…



49,889 1,899 32

The buddy systems turns out to be a lot more than she expected…

Jewish Fairy Tales and Legends by Gertrude Landa

Jewish Fairy Tales and Legends by Gertrude Landa

5,029 294 30

Disclaimer: All rights belong to Gertrude Landa. I don't own anything.…

Greenhouse Academy Season 5

Greenhouse Academy Season 5

3,834 33 8

The Season 5 of Greenhouse Academy that we never got. The events in this book are based off Season 3 of the original Israeli version of the Greenhouse, החממה, with some adaptations to better suit the changes made to the original plot in seasons 1 to 4. I hope you enjoy this.This has been an AngelFanfics productions.…

Uncertain white

Uncertain white

177 25 11

A mentally overwhelmed teenage boy is seeking a profound connection and purpose in this world while grappling with the fear of an uncertain future. In between his existential crisis, nihilist thinking, self-imposed limitations, egoistic complex, philosophy, and social pressure to alleviate and elevate his goals Who was he?What has he become in this journey from absurd to white?(*the names used in the story are just alibis)…

Beauty and the High-Functioning Sociopath {#PFCC2k16}

Beauty and the High-Functioning Sociopath {#PFCC2k16}

521,137 14,294 67

Alexandra "Alex" Watson is the younger sister of John Watson. She comes to stay with him and Sherlock Holmes after escaping from her abusive boyfriend. Slowly, but surely, the two of them become closer. And maybe, just maybe, there's something there that wasn't there before. Disclaimer: I own nothing except for Alex, David, and maybe a few more things that will pop up later. Sherlock, John, and everything/one else belongs to Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss.A/N: This was written three years before season four premiered, so things are gonna differ A LOT.If you are reading this story on any other platform other than Wattpad (excluding websites like and AO3--in that case please contact me immediately so I can deal with the plagiarism.) you are very likely to be at risk of a malware attck. If you wish to read this story in it's original, safe form, please got to jackskellingtonrulz5's Wattpad page. Thank you.…

The Lion and the Eagle {Huna}

The Lion and the Eagle {Huna}

47,877 1,509 23

Years after the war, Harry Potter and Luna Lovegood reunite as friends. But what Harry doesn't expect is a strange mix of feelings for the far off blonde, who seems busy with nargles and so many other creatures. However, being Harry Potter doesn't come without risks. Together, Harry and Luna must face kidnappers, ancient magic, old rivals and much more.…

Duke/NBA Imagines (One Shots)

Duke/NBA Imagines (One Shots)

72,532 921 48

Imagines about Duke players and NBA players💙Love my boysRequests open!!!!!…

Adult Teenager's Matters (YOUNG ADULT SERIES #1)

Adult Teenager's Matters (YOUNG ADULT SERIES #1)

1,608 232 26

Maiana Gabrielle Hermé is a high achiever on their school. She's good at everything, no wonder she's called the ace of their school.But little did people know what's behind Maiana's life was darker than anyone could imagine. Some of students dream to live the life she had was something she wasn't wish to live anymore.Until one day this person came into her life and crashed everything Maiana's build for many years, including her best life and everything just went shitty.(COMPLETED)…

Drift: River of Falcons Book 1

Drift: River of Falcons Book 1

398 64 52

A verdant valley brimming with life, a tradition of natural magic, and a royal house lead by generations of powerful queens. Until a renegade sorcerer overthrows them and vows to eliminate all remaining female heirs. But one is still out there somewhere, hidden, perhaps even from herself. Will Drift fulfill the prophecy, or will the sorcerers hunt her down before she can come into her full power?…

Prepare for a comeback (A trust that can't be broken) part 2

Prepare for a comeback (A trust that can't be broken) part 2

8,359 197 200

Let's recap from part 1. Lukanette was broken up because of something Marinette couldn't tell Luka about. But after getting much thought, she decided to tell him the truth and he mows understand it all, which made him happy now that she told him what was going on and that mended their relationship and she fully trust him. And with current and new miraculouses from part 1, nothing will bring them down. Now for part 2, you'll may or may not see the rest of villains- just depends on how the story goes from here, be prepare for something that's worth the waiting for.…

Is this The World i know?

Is this The World i know?

704 39 72

After a series of waking up before falling unconscious again, Lex, your ordinary office worker, finaly became aware of his surroundings. At that moment, supported by his knowledge from his reading hobby, he soon realizes that he had been reincarnated as a baby into a new world.He wanted to laugh out loud, but only the sound of a crying baby came out of his mouth.(My fantasy world of swords and magic, my harem, here i come!!!!)…



19,860 1,583 39

Dyktafon to przenośny magnetofon lub urządzenie cyfrowe z wbudowanym mikrofonem, umożliwiające nagrywanie dźwięku. Dla Niny jest to jednak najlepszy przyjaciel w trudnych chwilach jej nowego życia. Chwila nieuwagi, ułamek sekundy, niefortunna kłótnia - tyle wystarczyło, aby już nigdy nie ujrzała świata własnymi oczami. Sądzi, że straciła wszystko, na czym jej najbardziej zależało. Koniec z marzeniami o pisarskiej karierze, planami na przyszłość i wyjeździe na upragnione studia. Od tamtego momentu dyktafon stał się dla niej niezbędnikiem w podróży przez ciemność. Wie o niej dosłownie wszystko. Zna jej potrzeby, pragnienia, uczucia, myśli i problemy. Jest tylko jeden problem - choć nie wiadomo jak Nina bardzo by tego pragnęła, on nigdy jej nie odpowie. Nina nie wierzy, że sobie poradzi. Ponadto wie, że prawda tamtego dnia, która ciąży na jej sercu jak głaz nie do przesunięcia, nigdy nie może wyjść na jaw. Gdy jednak Noah nagle przestaje jej nienawidzić, a co gorsza próbuje się do niej przedrzeć przez mur, którym się otoczyła, Ninie coraz trudniej jest kłamać. Szczególnie wtedy, gdy w grę wchodzą uczucia. Po raz kolejny okładkę wykonała dla mnie @PenGirl2111! Jesteś niezastąpiona, dziękuję! Pytania, sugestie, opinie możecie wysyłać na e-mail: [email protected] lub w wiadomości prywatnej na Wattpadzie :)…

Band imagines (request closed)

Band imagines (request closed)

83,625 1,738 84

All my stories are female reader pov. Unless specified.Request are open. You may request GxG, BxB. I don't write smut, I'm just not good at itTrigger Warnings: -violence/abuse -self-harm/ hatred - language - depression…

Silvia, Princess Silver

Silvia, Princess Silver

105 18 15

The pre-teen hero of this adventurous fantasy story is a girl who has no idea she is being raised in our world to keep her safe from The Count and his devious plots. She finds herself quite unexpectedly falling into another world, in which she is reunited with her Mother from her earliest memories, and a younger brother she had no idea existed. It would be a fabulous homecoming...except the Palace is under attack, and for some reason everyone thinks SHE has come to straighten everything out. But Silvia soon discovers that her way with words is a form of power and that, by composing the right verses, she can actually work magic.…

Universe Angel

Universe Angel

148 5 29

Abby Harper was a baby from Earth taken into Space by a glowing gold girl with eagle-like wings to become the next Universe Angel. Many years later of being trained, now Abby is at the edge of becoming a full-time Universe Angel, however, before she does, she is allowed to visit Earth to meet her parents.…

cobra kai ; imagines and preferences

cobra kai ; imagines and preferences

60,853 863 30

"strike first, strike hard, no mercy."cobra kai imagines and preferences.all imagines and preferences are my own.i do not own the characters.…