Magacian and The Dancer

Magacian and The Dancer

23 1 1

A song by Frenchy and The Punk (formally known as Gypsy Nomads). A love story about a magician and a dancer become to meet each other.…

Hogwarts legacies

Hogwarts legacies

65 4 22

Cztery młode czarownice, zaczynają piąty rok nauki w Szkole Magii i Czarodziejstwa w Hogwarcie. Z początku wydaje się, że to kolejny zwyczajny rok; ważenie eliksirów, hodowanie roślin czy nauka zaklęć, jednak odkrywają dawno zapomnianą magię. Czekają je ciekawe ale niebezpieczne przygody i nawet mimo bardzo odmiennych od siebie charakterów, łączą siły aby pokonać Ranroka i jego lojalistów.Siena Rosewood, zaczyna naukę od piątego roku. Jest spokojna, zrównoważona i uważna, cechują ją silna intuicja i inteligencja. Choć początkowo wydaje się nieco zamknięta, jej wewnętrzna odwaga ujawnia się w trudnych sytuacjach. Jest bystra i z natury dociekliwa, co często sprawia, że przyciąga ją tajemnica i zagadki. Ma głęboki szacunek do magii i przyrody, zwłaszcza Zakazanego Lasu. Alexia Bubblescratch jest pełna energii i optymizmu. Choć nie zawsze traktuje wszystko zbyt poważnie, ma wielkie serce i potrafi podnieść na duchu wszystkich wokół. Lexi jest czarownicą o niezwykłej empatii, szybko nawiązuje więzi z innymi, dzięki czemu łatwo zdobywa przyjaciół. Mimo że nie zawsze pokazuje swoje obawy, Lexi jest wrażliwa na otaczające ją emocje i sytuacje.Mazekeen Lovesteal to bezpośrednia dziewczyna, która mówi wszystko, co przyjdzie jej do głowy, nie zważając na uczucia innych. Jest znana z poniżania tych, których uważa za słabszych, i nigdy nie kryje swojego egoizmu. Najważniejsza jest dla niej własna wygoda i wygląd - często dba bardziej o swoje włosy niż o niebezpieczeństwa, które mogą czyhać na nią w Zakazanym Lesie. Mimo tej powierzchowności, jest jednak skuteczna w działaniu i potrafi radzić sobie w trudnych sytuacjach.Odessa Singer to odważna i niezależna dziewczyna, która nie jest uczennicą Hogwartu. Jej matka, Oficer Ruth Singer, jest znaną postacią, co dodaje Odessie pewnej presji. Emanuje pewnością siebie i przyciąga uwagę swoją silną osobowością.…

Zero Obstacles (Lesbian/WLW)

Zero Obstacles (Lesbian/WLW)

22,102 1,821 23

Experience the intense world of the Women's Professional Basketball Association with Naaliq Goldhawk, a standout player whose name gets mentioned among legends. Over six years, the Miami Kelpies' forward has built a reputation as a future Hall-of-Famer. However, a tough breakup sends her last season into a tailspin, leading to a decline in her performance and raising questions about her mentality. Determined to prove herself again, Naaliq enters the new season, primed to win her third championship and silence her critics.But fate has a twist in store. Aziya Jacsaint, the former point guard for the Houston Supernovas, has been driven away from her team by her toxic ex-lover and teammate, Dom-who also happens to be Naaliq's rival. Executing a baffling move, Aziya signs a four-year contract with the Miami Kelpies, returning to her hometown and teaming up with her ex's enemy. Like the rest of the basketball world, Aziya's choice leaves Naaliq stunned. Wary of Aziya's association with Dom, Naaliq's skeptical about the Kelpies' newcomer.At first, Naaliq and Aziya, both competitors and natural leaders, find themselves at odds. They must collaborate to have a successful season and consistently defeat Dom and the Houston Supernovas. This riveting story of rivalry, romance, and redemption sets the stage for a dramatic season in which Naaliq and Aziya will either forge one of the most formidable duos in WPBA history or tarnish their legacies.…

A Siren's Heart

A Siren's Heart

57,872 1,903 13

Dipper and Mable are captured by a ruthless magacian that will stop nothing to get what he wants. That is until his ship gets captured by the demon of the seven seas himself bill cipher. Who takes a liking to a certain midnight blue siren. The only question is will she love him back?…

Random Book

Random Book

43,927 122 185

Random stuff|All the characters are age up by 18 to 19.|…

The Mechanical Crown

The Mechanical Crown

99,728 11,118 151

An explorer, a princess, a slave and a sword. A belief that the world can be better. The Mechanical Crown is an epic adventure full of intrigue, mystery and romance.When Tranton Seldon becomes the first to cross the mountains in hundreds of years, he sets in motion a series of events that will transform the forgotten kingdom of Lagonia and test its society like never before. The Mechanical Crown is about the impacts of intolerance, isolationism, prejudice and the abuse of power. **Selected for the Wattpad Picks FEATURED LIST March 2018** Amazing cover by @weeknderContent warning: This story contains themes of prejudice and violence.…

F1 short story's

F1 short story's

2,686 18 59

short f1 stories.…

Dotyk trawy

Dotyk trawy

22 2 6

Alicja od zawsze czuła, że nie pasuje do zwykłego życia. Jej sny o bieganiu na czterech łapach przez gęsty las i nieodparte zafascynowanie naturą prowadzą ją do odkrycia tajemnicy, która zmieni jej życie na zawsze. Podczas jednego z samotnych spacerów w lesie, Alicja natrafia na grupę młodych ludzi, którzy, podobnie jak ona, czują głęboką więź z dzikimi zwierzętami. Przedstawiają się jako therianie - osoby, które utożsamiają się z konkretnymi zwierzętami na duchowym poziomie.Dołączając do grupy, Alicja odkrywa, że jej totemicznym zwierzęciem jest lis - sprytne, niezależne stworzenie, które od zawsze w niej tkwiło. Wspólnie z nowymi przyjaciółmi - wilkiem, orłem i niedźwiedziem - wyrusza w podróż pełną tajemnic, odkrywając starożytne rytuały, które mogą wzmocnić ich połączenie ze zwierzęcymi totemami.W miarę jak grupa staje się coraz silniejsza, therianie muszą stawić czoła wyzwaniom, które wymagają odwagi, mądrości i zrozumienia swojej prawdziwej natury. Przez rytuały, próby i wspólne przygody, Alicja i jej przyjaciele uczą się, jak żyć w harmonii z ich dzikimi duchami i jak wykorzystać swoje moce, by pomagać innym.Dotyk trawy to opowieść o poszukiwaniu własnej tożsamości, sile przyjaźni i odkrywaniu głębszych warstw natury, które tkwią w każdym z nas. To historia o ludziach, którzy odnajdują swoje miejsce w świecie, ucząc się, jak żyć w zgodzie z ich wewnętrznymi zwierzętami i naturą.…

Midnight Oath

Midnight Oath

45 0 11

In the shadows of history lies a deadly secret. A team of four elite women-an Indian hacker and ballistics expert, an American weapons master, a Japanese melee fighter, and a Russian psychological warfare specialist-are brought together to stop a catastrophe decades in the making. As they uncover the twisted legacy of Winston Churchill and the true horrors hidden beneath his wartime decisions, they find themselves racing against time to stop the release of a deadly virus designed to rewrite the fate of humanity.From the streets of London to the depths of Normandy, their mission takes them across Europe in a pulse-pounding chase, battling ruthless enemies, shadowy conspiracies, and the chilling realization that some of the greatest atrocities were not left in the past.As the clock ticks down, the team must confront a truth far darker than they imagined. Will their oath to protect the world be enough to stop the impending chaos, or will the shadows of history consume them all?A Short Story of only 10 Chapters, something this fast paced and thrilling won't let you move until you finish it and wait for the next part.Copyright‌‍© All Rights Reserved @perusetasticNo portion of this book must be reproduced without prior permission from the author.…

To Be Found ♧ Legacies

To Be Found ♧ Legacies

180,647 4,821 44

"It's okay to feel alone, lost, and empty. For everything that's lonely finds its company.Everything lost is meant to be foundAnd everything empty eventually gets filled.So see it like this,Think about all the terrible times you have lived through,And think about how they, too, have passed.You're a survivorAnd you have to go through hell to find heaven.The same way you must break in order to find yourself whole again."-R.M. Drake[LEGACIES S1-?][RAFAEL WAITHE x OC x JED - love triangle]…

cascade | kotlc

cascade | kotlc

27,668 505 196

Sophie is brought to the Lost Cities, this time with a sister.Events happen one after another. Time passes, flowing like a stream, toppling rock after rock, barrier after barrier.When the water cascades down in a waterfall, where does it go?*disclaimer: yes, the title image is ai generated. i saw yay cool sword and didn't look further. sorry.#1 in kotlc 12/10/23happy new year!…



2,269 760 149

𝙼𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚊 𝙲𝚘𝚖𝚖𝚞𝚗𝚒𝚝𝚢 𝚒𝚜 𝚝𝚢𝚙𝚒𝚗𝚐...In the Mellonia Community, we are like a big family. Our goal is to create a magical place for members to come together, showcase their talents, and let their imaginations run free.━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━🔮We have created 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑀𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑖𝑎 𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑠 together as a community to make you, our friends, a magazine. Yes, of course, this seems like it's just another magazine to the world, however, we have something special, we have 𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑐. Hopefully, if luck hasn't turned its back on us, we have someone even more impressive than magic, 𝑦𝑜𝑢 ♡ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━♡Please enter the magical world of the Mellonia Community's magazine: ˗ˏˋ 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐚 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬 'ˎ˗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━🔮 idea by Lady__whistleup ♡ inspired by Deviant_Kingdom_🔮cover designed by Lady__whistleup♡ blurb written by AuroraKivi 🔮 welcome page written by _abhipreeti_♡ other graphics and text by our talented members𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐫: The Mellonia Community is not affiliated with Wattpad in any way and is purely user-run…

My Gacha oc's and more part 19

My Gacha oc's and more part 19

2,726 284 164

This is the same as the other books! Warning there will be some dark topics in this!…

Opowieści z Narnii preferencje

Opowieści z Narnii preferencje

54,345 1,286 117

Preferencje z Kaspianem, Piotrem i Edmundem.…

Demigods save Hogwarts. (From Harry's massive ego)

Demigods save Hogwarts. (From Harry's massive ego)

1,781 16 6

(I KNOW THIS ISN'T THE RIGHT TIMELINE BUT FOR PLOT REASONS IT NEEDS TO BE AROUND 2011 AND ANYTHING THAT I SAY EXISTS, EXISTS)The war against Voldemort has just ended and the people who played a big role in the war (Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny) have got massive egos. The Ministry Of Magic has decided to do the Tri-wizard tournament with a twist, they've decided to bring in another school. Hecate's school for the magically gifted where, when they arrive, each student chooses a type of magic to specialise in and they stick with that throughout their time at the school. There's also no set age to start going or to stop going. The golden trio and Ginny are suspicious and think that they are death eaters sent to kill them because there's no record of this school anywhere... of course their DADA teacher, who is none other than miss Nymphadora Tonks, and Headmistress McGonagall have heard of it but that's only two people.It's been almost a year since the war with Gaea and everyone is steadily moving on. Until they get another prophecy telling them to save a magical world. The difference is this prophecy calls for 25 people. 22 demigods (two of whom are dead), two magicians and a mortal.All of this is increasingly suspicious to the wizards who, less than a week after meeting the demigods for the first time, have caused 24 panic attacks and are lucky that madam Pomfrey was able to fix their broken arms and nose.The Demi-wizards as I will be calling them are Luna Lovegood, daughter of Iris, Neville Longbottom, son of Ceres, Severus Snape, son of Nemesis, Oliver Wood, son of Nike, Angelina Johnson, daughter of Nike, Demelza Robin, daughter of Philotes, and Minerva McGonagall, daughter of Athena. The legacies are Katie Bell, legacy of Jupiter and Nymphadora Tonks, daughter of Arcus and legacy of Trivia.Yes Tonks, Lupin, and Snape are alive, it's necessary for plot reasons.…

Legacies Living on

Legacies Living on

91 5 10

The forbidden romances, the love that realises true love. friend ships rekindelling. All to no end the son of peter pan falls in love with his true love, the son of robin hood (actually adopted but that does not matter, his son regardless), Hermione of Neverland falls for Tedros, the soon-to-be king but that did not last as Tedros' true love is another princess but fear not. Hermione has a true love, stay tuned for who. enjoy the chaos of the school years…

Tales of a Ninja Magician: Of What Defines Us

Tales of a Ninja Magician: Of What Defines Us

2,259 152 176

Second book in the "Tales of the Ninja Magician" series. A story about Nakotsumi Mana, a stage magician who follows up her dream of changing the violent world around her and becomes a ninja. Based on the world and setting of Naruto created by Masashi Kishimoto, however, features an all OC cast and some changes to the world and setting.This book should cover the rest of Mana's quest to regain her ability to wield chakra as well as her training in a newly formed Team Hokage and the Chuunin Exams.Cover by: AlouetteCosplay…

History Has Its Eyes On You ~ A Hamilton Fanfiction (Book 1, Act 1)

History Has Its Eyes On You ~ A Hamilton Fanfiction (Book 1, Act 1)

181,963 7,743 151

[THIS IS THE FIRST DRAFT. DON'T EXPECT IT TO BE GOOD]•| Credit to Spotco for original cover! |•Highest Rank: #1 in Hamilton and historical (thank you so much!)Starting date: 05/01/19Finishing date: 12/03/20Starting date (full book): 05/01/19Finishing date (full book): DISCONTINUED~~~~~~~~~~"It's the only thing that can bring you true happiness. Use it wisely, Y/N." This is the story of how you die. Going from that weak kid back in high school, to that legendary hero. Truth is, being a 13-year-old musical freak in school wasn't your strongest point. You were bullied simply for being 'different' from everyone else, rejected from the crowd entirely. That is, until, you reflected on the stories your grandmother had taught you when you were only a toddler. A ring, sought to grant you anything to your heart's desire. Nevertheless, for you, it was the complete opposite of what you had ever expected.Drunken soldiers? Isane children? It's all coming up.But first you must find a way to save your family's legacy. Which family you choose is the real question.~~~~~~~~~~•| This story contains themes of discrimination, violence and death and is not recommended for anyone under the age of 14. Please be warned if you decide to read. |••| Art used throughout does not belong to me, so all credit goes to the original artists and their fantastic work! |••| If you would like to skip the backstory, although it may prove relevant later on, go to 'Safe With Us' |•…

My Original Characters

My Original Characters

1,819 63 30

Characters I've created and am low key obsessed with*Cover Credit goes to Actress415*…