Empress and his Servent✔
ဧကရီရဲ့ဧကရီ...ဧကရီရဲ႕ဧကရီ...coverphoto credit#nighttoy95#historical…
ဧကရီရဲ့ဧကရီ...ဧကရီရဲ႕ဧကရီ...coverphoto credit#nighttoy95#historical…
There is no reason to touch my heart. coverphoto credit#nighttoy95#ministory…
"Qe kur buzet e mia butesisht takuan te tuat...cdo moment gri u ndricua me gezim, fale rrezeve te dashurise nga zemra jote per mua." Kokfortesia e tyre krijoi Dashurine nje volum ne fjale, nje oqean ne nje pike loti, nje turbullire ne nje qeshje, nje mijevjecar ne nje sekonde.Nje romance /komedi / drame…
- Dramione -- Earlier known as 'Reunion of Grangers' -Hermione is luckily married to the love of her life, Draco Lucius Malfoy. The worst day of her life comes: the day she got a letter from her aunt, saying she had to attend the family reunion of that year. Hermione could escape those reunions for years, but now: she has no excuses left.…
မျက်လှည့်ကမှော်ပညာလား..မ်က္လွည့္ကေမွာ္ပညာလား..coverphoto credit#nighttoy95#Hongkong style…
When Jungkook is diagnosed with terminal cancer Taehyung has to figure out how to live without him…
Lyra's supposed to be lavish life turned into a painful and traumatic one. As she tries to regain her life from the darkness of her past, the love she found in Cian gave her hope. But would the comfort she lives now, enough to fill the desolated part of her heart?Ray of light in Paradise - Tonjuarez Series IIIHe fell first, he fell harder troperaindropsandstar - 2023…
By: @Moross_ / @rosseeell_"Sonríe si te gusta el pito".Inicio: 26/DIC/2022Final: 30/JUL/2023…
Hermoine has it all, an amazing husband, great kids, and a flourishing business. But what happens when she has no more excuses to not attend her family reunion? But she has one thing her sluttyy cousins don't, she has Draco Malfoy.A nice quick read and It's just like any other Granger reunion. DISCLAIMER I DO NOT OWN ANY THE CHARACTERS THE BOOKS OR MOVIES IT BELONGS TO J.K. ROWLING.…
It's been almost 3 months since Shaka had seen or heard from Y/n. He never bothered to go over to her house. I mean she did tell him not to. What happens when she starts coming over out of the blue? Will he be able to win her heart back?…
Izuku Midoriya always thought he was quirkless until aman named Overhaul kidnapped him. He turns out to have a quirk, rewind and Overhaul wants to use it. Can the heroes save him before it's to late?*I do not own My Hero Academia or any of the characters used! The series belongs to Kohei Horikoshi and if you haven't seen it you should check it out!*(Cover picture also belongs to whoever made it. Sorry I couldn't find a name!)…
after the destruction of the one ring, Sauron's spirit almost reduced to nothing. Regret and despair filled his heart. but the creator, Eru IIúvatar offered him the chance to redemption to clean his sins. but to Sauron suprise, his journey will no longer in Arda disclaimer!! I don't own LOTR or Genshin Impact…
Stalker girl…
How is Hermione Malfoy née Granger going to survive this week? With slutty cousins who have a goal to drag her down, similar aunts and uncles, and four kids, she wonders why she even came to the annual Granger Family ReunionCRINGE WARNING…
I've been finding peace when I was still young, and I never thought that I can only find them in metaphors. -Lyre Vega2020…
purge/pərj/verbremove (a group of people considered undesirable) from an organization or place in an abrupt or violent way.…
Gjithcka fillon nga fëmijëria e veshtire qe ka kaluar kur ai ishte vetem pese vjec vellai i tij tre vjecar zhduket nje dite papritur por dramat ne familjen e tij nuk mbarojnë me aq shume vite me vone ndodhe serish nje tjeter tragjediGjithcka fillon nga dita kur ai hyri ne shtepi dhe pa te shtrire ne toke dy prindërit e tij Te shikosh te mbuluar me gjak njerezit qe te dhan jeten , dhe te mos jesh i zoti per ti ndihmuar dhe pse bertet me te madhe dhe askush nuk vjen te te ndihmoj ti lusesh qe ata te zgjohen por asnjeri te mos leviz por vuajtja behet edhe me e madhe kur zbulon se motra e tij e vetme nuk ndodhej ne shtepi vogelushja vetem nje vjece nuk ishte ne dhomen e saj edhe perse ai e kerkoi pa fund por nuk arriti ta gjente kurr Kjo eshte historia e nje djali qe kaloi sfida te vështira qe kur ishte vetem dymbëdhjetë vjec dhe nuk zgjodhi kurr rrugen e gabuar per te ecur përpara Historia e nje djali qe u kthye ne nje burr te fort dhe i vendosur per te gjetur vrasësit e prinderve te tij Historia e nje tridhjetë vjecari , nje nga policet me te mire te infiltruar qe kishte ekzistuar ndonjeher nje nga policet qe njerezit vetem emrin i kishin degjuar dhe fytyren nuk ja kishin pare kurr Por duke jetuar vetem me ate synin ai nuk kishte pranuar kurr te krijonte nje famije sepse per te asgje tjeter nuk ishte me e rendesishme se gjetja e tyre por jeta ka te papritura dhe atehere kur nuk e pret mund te takosh edhe ate qe do te te bej te provosh ndjenja qe kurr nuk i ke perjetuar por a do te jet fati me te dhe te ket dashuruar te duhuren? apo mos ndoshta ajo vajze do te jet pike nisja e zbulime te vërtetave te dhimbshme? A do te arrij ai te zbuloj ata qe i shkatërruan jeten? A do te arrij ai te zbuloj se cfare ka ndodhur me vellain dhe motren e tij?A do arrij ai te zbuloj Misteret e së shkuarës ? A do jen ato mistere qe do e bejn te zbuloj gjera te tmerrshme dhe te dhimbshme per te dhe per jeten e tij ?…
Azriel, the great shadow singer, has an Illyrian female in his apartment... what will happen when Loraina meets the rest of the Inner Circle? This is based after acowar and acofas, its just a little side story of the Inner Circles adventure making a new friend. Swearing is included so sorry bout that.…
Darryl was raised to be the perfect son, but the tables turn as he runs from his home into the large forest that borders the city. Whilst running, he meets a boy his age. Zak. The two begin to bond and share their struggles with each other. Friendship turns to love, but love turns to disaster once they are both captured by the city. Can they escape and live the life they want?⚠️trigger warning⚠️ -Violence-Homophobia-Abuse-Lime -Angst[inspiration from the song ride with you- smashing into pieces][cover art by nasenic]…